why is this allowed
Why is this allowed
Discord niggers.
anime website
I never join guilds in online games an play solo whenever possible. If someone wants to chat I ignore them like the plague.
Probably trannies.
Let them be
>implying you wouldn't an quivering boipucci
If you don't like it go back to habbo hotel
i would but Yea Forums isn't for that senpai
Is this the thread where we complain about Yea Forums? I don't come here often but it's funny to see how worse it is than /vr/ when you find a good thread without bitter boomers I guess you took the "don't play vidya" meme seriously
Yes but not from Yea Forums
I dunno, but I caught a three day for making a joke about raping user's dead sister. I have no idea what's going on around here anymore.
It's an anime image board.
Plus they're cute
Maybe it just wasn't funny enough.
I wouldn't. Manly men are the only attractive men, full stop. Go hopscotch of a roof you pooftah.
I got a warning for replying to one of the roll posts.
Same here, but for saying nigger. Probably new jannies from resetera.
Bans are useless anyway.
Fucking based homosexual
nazi mods also banned me for saying "FUCK NIGGERS AND FUCK JANNIES"
Guess what jannies, you are still the biggest niggers around
It's an anime board when you start out, for sure. But you've gotta understand. The old ones who started this culture have morphed into trannies now. I think a revolution is in order.
Because 2D is always welcome, I can't stand 3D faggots and want them dead.
but i always comes to 3d in these threads
You're literally admitting to being new
>anime board
this is the video game board
What? Since when using anime girl pictures is akin to be a tranny? Fucking ironic weebs ruining everything. I wasn't aware of how bad things has become.
The trannies came from elsewhere, they only latched onto anime because it's the ultimate female form.
Sometimes I wish I was a Mod.
It's either bait or an invitation to RP.
Either way it should be avoided.
the chemicals in your water has unironically turned a large portion of young men in the US into homosexuals
Jannies are mentally deficient
That dark souls one is pretty funny
Unironically dilate
>invade some tryhard retard with a faggot pony name
>make him my fucking bitch
>tries to run away to heal and accidentally kills himself
fucking pathetic
I wouldn't even to an actual woman.
You either ignore them and they overrun the board like on r9k or you resist and they overrun you anyways because any attention is positive for them
Is there are Yea Forums alternative, but without anime niggers? I never watched anime in my life. The v is worst here. Boards like fit or fa naturally filter those fucking losers.
they deleted other trap thread
makes me think
If you don't like it I'm sure reddit will love you.
because the mods love trannies and are friends with a lot of them in irc personally so they keep their threads up
if you think it's breaking the rules you can report it
based fag
jannies so desperate for female attention they'll literally suck tranny cock over discord and white knight them on an indonesian basket weaving forum
it doesn't do anything
I'm pretty sure this is true among the gay community. They always prefer the "manly man" over the twink no matter what.
thanks, dog
hey now, I was talking about traps
note the: "quivering boipucci"
It does, if enough people report it, the mods will notice and delete the thread.
>why is anime allowed on an anime website
I almost lost faith in this board
Shut your fucking trap, nigger.
not him but 40%
most people hate you but will never admit it, have fun only chasers that hide their fetishization of your entire life
Wait, you seem to be mistaken. I'm not a tranny, if that's what made you and that other user reply to me with
I was just wondering what the fuck went wrong if posting anime girl pictures was a telltale sign of being a tranny. Since when did this happen? I mostly browse Yea Forums