Laura Kate Dale is leaving Kotaku

Laura Kate Dale is leaving Kotaku.

She is the person who recently accused Nintendo of including an ableist slur in Smash Brothers.

Good luck in your future endeavors, Laura.

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Not like her absence is gonna make the place less of a shithole.

hopefully she doesn't find a job anywhere except a wagecuck hellhole

>another e-celeb quality thread

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guys please buy her books. she could really use the income

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>Laura Kate Dale

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no one here actually reads that drivel, r-right?


May I have some, ice man?


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>That combover
>That hairspray
>That dry lifeless and textureless hair
>That receded hairline

Fuck sake

Who? Cares?

Firing him won't change anything. Kotaku is rotten to the core.


oh god damn it, it's got one of those fucking boy pussies, doesn't it?

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Does he know how to code?

I just went to his youtube channel for shits and giggles because I'm bored and half-drunk and I'm still trying to decide who sounds more feminine between him and CWC.

Why would anyone just go and post something like this on the internet.

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I found it disgusting that SBFP/CSB gave a soap-box to and defended such a fetid shit-hole of a person.

And? What did they think the slur was you stupid idiot? I'm not going to shitaku to find out.

why would anyone actualy look at it?


because he is a mentally ill subhuman


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Those are the eyes of a haggard person.

He misheard a song's lyrics, thought the singer said "retarded" and he took it personnally because he is retarded.


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My sides

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>4 (out May 10)
>4 out of 10

I think you mean it

She doesn't look too bad actually.

>muh ">she"

A new snowflake would take his/her/it place

Wow, unbelievable. Where does Kotaku get off doing this? Is this even LEGAL? This is BLATANT transphobia. No, I won't stand for this. I'm going to start a thread at ResetEra and we are going to stand together against bigotry.

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he is literally a mentally ill attention whore

Listening to Pat and Woolie defend him on the podcast a month or so ago was sickening. That on top of their P4 and Catherine discussions are just making me want to stop listening entirely.

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I don't know it's just looking at gore, it always unsettles me but I just can't help but observe it.

Why would you place your couch in front of your radiator

I really do fucking hate these replies sometimes.
How the fuck are you supposed to know that it's an ugly hormone abusing faggot just from a name on an article?

I hate this. I hate this shitty fucking planet where we literally need to assume every feminine name we see on the internet is some disgusting man beast in a wig and panties.
And I hate even more that this is the fucking case now half the fucking time.

>self-proclaimed asexual
>still won't shut the fuck up about his sexuality
yeah ok

>Laura Kate Dale is leaving Kotaku
I know about the fuck-up. Is there a new statement where she or whoever at Kotaku said so? "Is leaving" is something that implies you know the internal choices made by Kotaku execs or whatever.


They are absolute Canadian cucks.
Mat and Pat had me tricked at the beginning, but when they introduced that faggot Liam and when the podcast went on, they showed their true colors.

[ ] Laura
[ ] Kate
[X] Dale

considering her huge fuck-up not two months ago that shamed the whole website and exposed her as a lying hack fraud, I wouldn't be surprised if they axed her but let it happen later so as not to draw attention


why would you ever unironically want a vagina

am I supposed to know every tranny by name or something? I only recognise him now because you tranny obsessed fags post the I HAVE A VAGINA image all the time.

Imagine fucking up so badly you somehow further sully the reputation of a website that is already considered poorly.

Why did Kotaku even give him a job to begin with? He'd already outed himself as a hack fraud after his Switch "leaks" were 80% fake. On top of that, when people started calling him out over it, he went on a big Twitter hissy fit defending himself and committed maybe the biggest journalistic no-no and NAMED HIS FUCKING SOURCE.

How am I supposed to read this blurry shit?

Don't these people have any self-awareness? They just decide to wear a slacktivist shirt that shows off their big mistake of a tattoo, and a skirt, instead of something professional. I miss the times when being non-straight also meant that you had some sense of style. Where's Queer Eye for the LGBT Ally Guy?

They're Canadians.

Trannies are suicidal

no matter what you faggots will say, that piece of abomination will remain a HE for HIS entire life

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Jesus fucking Christ

wait what? Which podcast ep was that?

Kotaku was always shit site with bait articles. I wouldn't be surprised if someone else wrote that article and gave it to Laura. That way, since Laura is trans, any negative comment about article and its writter would be translated as transphobia, "proving" that majority of gamers are transphobic, female hating, Trump supporting incels. Sadly for Kotaku, it didn't turn out that way.

And no, I'm not defending Laura. I'n just saying it is possible.

No, they don't have awareness, because they're mentally ill and attention whores. They're also opportunists and professional victims. I know quite a few gays because my girlfriend is a self proclaimed "fag hag." She loves them and they seem to flock to her, so I've met a lot in the last few years dating her. It's cool because I talk to them and I'm pretty straight forward, and they don't really mind if I ask controversial or possibly rude questions, like how often they get shit on dick. I've learned one thing: They all hate people like this. Absolutely fucking loathe them, even more than Yea Forums. They hate being affiliated with them and they hate how they're representing them. I've heard the phrase "I can't stand those faggots" more than once. Women especially hate these degenerates because of shit like transfaggots getting involved in female sports. The vast majority of gay people are not SJW, dick swinging gay pride festival mega faggots, and it's a shame these are the people we have to see every day.

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He did that? That's a great way to kill your "journalist" career. No wonder he cut his dick of, by being progressive he could stay there a little longer. Now next big news about him will be in obituary.


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>Don't these people have any self-awareness?

A lot of them do and are taking advantage of your incredulity at how stupid they're supposedly acting to lie to you.

its all for the memes.
its a cesspool of degenerate california scum bnut that Jason Schreier guy actually did legit journalism recently so people are curious.

>get job at kotaku
>the fuckwits over there get you to cut all ties with Total "Gamergate Shitlord" Biscuit
>don't even say any final words to him as he dies of cancer
>lose the job a year later
And for WHAT?

right click and open image in new tab you fucking newfag

jesus wept

Unfortunate for TB, his terminall illness made his sense of judgement lapse and he became "friends" with a habitually lying parasite of a gay trap.


Yep, he literally came out with "Don't blame me, blame X for feeding me inaccurate information!".

Regardless of the stupid tranny drama or whatever, the guy's a fucking moron.


Why do these men who wanna be women even try to appear feminine? It's only the most completely strong jawed, masculine men that wanna appear as a women, why would you even try? Theres pretty boys out their that look more female than male, how can these men in drag even compete with those boys who don't even fucking try? Why can't they just be gay or whatever? Why try to appear feminine and act feminine and possibly mutilate yourself to appear feminine? Why???

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They are fucking posers.

im burnt out on hating these people, aren't you guys too?

Laura Kate Dale does not deserve to be in this industry and should not ever be hired by any other establishment from within it.

The same reason they get Gender Dysphoria symptoms for "not passing", despite there being plenty of ugly as fuck women in the world who look like men: Vanity.

They are depressed because science can't magically turn them into sexy pornstar women. They would basically need an hired army of professional makeup/practical special effect artists and fitness coaches to make themselves look even remotely good but they decided to be lazy instead.

hello tranny

What's her actual first name ?


I don't hate them, I just laugh at them while waiting for them to join the 40%

but they dont just sit in a corner until that happens.

This person actually had a job fishing for problematic quotes in a haystack of audio/text. She/he is going to get another job just like this. That's hardly funny. If you think about it even a bit you will start to believe drastic action is needed.

by not using your phone

If you want to ruin your life by taking "drastic action" then go ahead. I don't see any point of doing that when the problem itself is self-correcting.

Glad she's gone. Now we just need the aims block g writer to fuck off and kotaku UK might be alright to go to again. They do post some good articles here n there like the bio ware one

Jesus, did you ever really hate them? Why hate something that provides you with this much entertainment.

Its more like schadenfreude.

>She/he is going to get another job just like this.
Going to be lot tougher this time around, since he was actually stupid enough to publicly accuse his own editor for his own mistakes. At the end of the day all the "woke" journalists are still employed by a bunch of rich white people and he decided to publicly humiliate one of them.

I'm gonna say the R-word

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