>join us on discord user
>why is your voice so weird
>speak louder please
>muffled giggling
>join us on discord user
>why is your voice so weird
>speak louder please
>muffled giggling
discord is for faggots
enunciate your words so people hear what you say
allow yourself to put your emotion to the words so you dont sound like a robot
I'm so nervous when speaking it's hard so not sound robotic.
>native english speakers can't understand my english speech
Why did i have to be born in a literal nowhere
just keep doing it and the nervousness will decrease over time
maybe try drinking some alcohol to relax so you get a few good experiences under the belt. but dont become dependent on it
What this user said, if speaking is making you nervous, just do more of it. I had this issue with people IRL too, then somehow got a job that basically amounted to customer support and quickly stopped giving a shit.
Also for the love of God please don't drink if you're not used to it, you will end up embarassing yourself more than if you don't.
>have very nice, soothing voice according to other people
>mfw i get offered to enter a VC
Literally never happens.
You sound like a huge pussy
>why is your voice so weird
literally no one says this. stop this meme
fuck you, it's not fair
fear of embarassment is the opposite of what this user needs, he should stop being fearful of what other think of him
It's literally what was said though.
Lol what a baby
>Being a polite Englishman on a Discord of crass, wacky Americans.
Why are you guys so weird.
>tfw I don't use a mic because I'm afraid of being exposed as a nigger through my voice
It's one thing to do something about being afraid of being embarassed, and another to embarass oneself to such a degree that you'd end up never talking to a person ever again.
The second thing can easily happen if you're not used to alcohol, depending on the person.
people tell me I have a sexy voice, but im a fucking lard irl.
don't worry, based black man
retarded mindset, stop being fearful
>tfw I evaded VCs for 10 years with reasons like "mic broke" "new mic ordered, still not here" "I'm sick and can't speak" and everybody believed me
real reason is that I can't speak english
>tfw very nasal and lispy voice and stuttering
>nobody thinks twice about my voice or compliments it when I speak to them in person
>people constantly say I have a really nice voice over Skype/discord/etc
I don’t get it
I did that for years on WoW because I was 13 or 14 and you had to be 18+ for my guild. Surely they must've known.
>that white kid pretending to be black man
fuck off you stupid racist faggot. black people aren't ashamed to be black no matter how hard you try to act like that's the case
so this is the superior eastern entertainment weebs talk about
>you sound like a young attenborough
>user, are you a britbong in disguise?
>are you really swedish?
Meanwhile, my 'fellow countrymen';
>disgusting fake accent you're putting on
>stop faking it
>you don't sound english at all
I don't even know what they want from me, I'm just speaking normally..
>[Pained Gorilla Noises]
>tfw have french accent
No one can understand me
ignorera jantelagen
>why is your voice weird
"haha sorry im not used to speaking trough my mic, feeling kind of nervous"
Was it that hard, user?
Could of have been worse, at least you don't have an indian accent
>tfw I sound like a beta whitekid over voice and if they ever see a picture of me everybody is always shocked when they find out I'm black
I feel like the Indian accent is understood better although you'd probably get a worst rep for it
Here, learn how to speak.
Fuck off
Stop being ashamed of Indian accents. They're cute.
where were you born?
>wow user why is your voice so deep
Feels good man. Just smoke a lot and often mostly every day for 12 or so years and ooze confidence/no fucks given.
I got a super deep voice, it's sexy as fuck, I feel sorry for losers with autismo voices
>just ruin your health to sound cool bro
>exchanging lung cancer to impress people over discord
based Chad daddy with the fpbp
post voice
>tfw girly-looking sissy whiteboy with deep alpha voice
>Join discord
>Have fun for ages
>Finally get on voice chat
>wtf user, this is a women only discord
>wtf user, how could you lie to us
>kicked from server
women with deep raspy voices are my thing ngl
kill yourself loser trying to make a stupid ass anime slut thread
Anons, I wanna know if my voice is dumb or not, gimme something (non offensive) to read and rate me voice
SEETHING black hands made this post
say groyper loves videogames
im not gay sorry
Was getting caught part of your plan?
In the middle of the journey of our life I found myself astray in a dark wood where the straight road had been lost
Cutting off your wee wee does not make you a girl.
that makes it even hotter
It's 3 in the morning, so I gotta be a little quiet
its GROY per you fucking idiot but you sound fine
Thanks, user. Your voice sounds absolutely fine. You should probably go to sleep though if it's that late.
gropers love video games too
>mfw hispanic and stutter when I'm nervous
a-at least I have a neutral accent
>Cute feet user, Want to play Rabi-Ribi after this game?
>be aus with a strong aussie accent.
>play with ff14 on an american server since my mates don't like mmos.
>the girls in my company love my voice and are always inviting me to join them in hunts/dungeons/ect
>sometimes the girls just invite me to talk or rp (don't do erp, that shit creepy)
it's nice 99% of the time, but some of them need to learn about timezones...
too many times i've been woken up because my phone buzzing like high voltage virbratar.
Joke's on you my mental health was already fucked and nobody knows I smoke weed but my boss.