nu-Yea Forums will defend this
Nu-Yea Forums will defend this
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I will. Fuck politics and fuck big greedy corporations the less money they make the better. If we have to pull teeth to make games enjoyable we will
Shill thread? Shill thread.
Daymn, that was pretty slick, you alright
Ayy look at this screen shot i took on my phone, doesn't this make you angry? Please think of the children, no I mean it think of how much money we can literally make off of selling gambling to children. Isn't it great?
what's the problem? banning loot boxes is good
>Lootboxes are gambling by definition and developers are the Casino in this case
>The content of said lootboxes are digitally reproduced at no cost to the "casino"
>The "casino" can set the odds of sought after content to whatever they want
>The "casino" has nothing to lose but can encourage gambling of something they hold no value over
Lootboxes are a blight on gaming and pushing them on kids is indeed immoral. How can anyone truly defend this?
>Casuals mad they would be able to pay to win.
Based, sooner the better
gambling proprietors, drug dealers, pornographers and usurers should and will be executed when the time comes
>The Government getting more control about what video games are allowed is good
Fuck off commie!
Based and retard pilled
Banning lootboxes is absolutely a good thing for the consumer, if only because it hurts EA and the like
>help us gooberment, we're too weak to grow a backbone and stop gambling
truly end times
no fuck off you corporate nigger im not a commie kys
Why should i care if im an adult?
You are an adult too, right op?
>corporate bootlicker
capitalism works fine when regulated you big poopoo head
Anything to fuck over the CEOs and upper ranks of companies like EA.
>t. Corporate bootlickers
I honestly find the lootbox regulation fucking retarded, but this guy's been good at calling out kikes and sticking up for America otherwise so I like him.
Damn, I wonder how this will affect the EA sports games.
but you are attacking it.
you are nu-Yea Forums.
you are the obvious shill that tries to blatantly stir up animosity against things that would put publishers in a vice, nothing is more nu-Yea Forums.
ANYTHING that fucks with EA, I'm down for.
suck that corporate cock, op.
Other way round mate, old Yea Forums hated microtransactions of all kinds. Remember horse armour? No you don't, newfag.
Corperations are unironically governments now
>B...but the games will get more expensive
They won't and even if they do, its not like u spend endless amount of money on a game.
>Dlc going to be main focus
At least you get what you pay for. Instead of paying for a chance to earn something.
This bill is dumb.
The IDEA behind the bill is good. Lootboxes are cancer, and shouldn't be.
But the bill's language is too vague and open to interpretation.
Just as an example, the bill specifically targets games marketed toward minors. How does the bill define how a game is targeted toward minors? It doesn't. You know how the ESRB is a thing that exists? This bill doesn't.
It means nothing. It will do nothing. In fact, it will have the *opposite* effect; it'll do to game lootboxes what the Amway ruling did for pyramid schemes and MLMs, it'll let any game have lootboxes, and allow them to be as bad as possible, but it'll allow the makers of said games to go
>Oh no! Those aren't lootboxes! Those are Value Packages! They're totally not lootboxes because lootboxes are illegal, and these are legal.
That's it.
banning predatory gambling in children's games is a good thing, kike
random chance to unlock game content I bought the game for is a scam
dlc packages with guaranteed content are the lesser evil of retarded random chance boxes that leaves you with a chance of getting dupes or garbage you don't really want
>dupes or garbage you don't really want
still count as "content", though.
OP is a faggot
check my 6
Lmao imagine believing this
the key argument against lootboxes is random chance gambling
addictions like this are no no territory when targeted towards children
the limitatoin in real life from kids going apeshit with a credit card is the parent accompanying them but online they can get a card and spend thousands in seconds with no refunds
Games who are targeted against minors = Games who are not targeted towards adults = Games with any ESRB rating except AO
>t. mutt
I do defend it.
Loot boxes are cancer killing video games and the market will self correct to make more money without preying on children with mommy’s credit card.
If Jews can't control their greed, the government should take steps against them.
Barring gambling against minors is a reasonable line in the sand.
I remember the Industry before loot boxes.
When people actually tried to make good games because good games made the most money.
>the market will self correct to make more money without preying on children
You wanna know how I can tell you weren't alive during the 1980 or early 90s?
lmao ancaps getting mad
Imagine unironically being an ancap
More likely you might need to declare/prove you're over 18 to buy them. Loot-boxes a shit anyway.
Before the 1980s, there were heavy regulations on what and how you could advertise to children. Ronald Regan got rid of all of that, which is why, from about 1984 onward, there's a HUGE boom in cartoons specifically designed to sell toys.
The problem is, children are one of, if not *the* most profitable demographic to market to, because they're easily impressed, their accounting for taste hasn't developed, and they have no sense of fiscal responsibility.
Lootbox shit started around 2010ish, same time when F2P boom started, think first big one I remember was TF2 with the crates
so, 6-7 years ago. Initially most F2P just had shops where to bought what you wanted, but lootboxes really ramped up after 2014, I think.
And all the underage newfags here would have been exposed to them to most of their life without knowing what was it like before
>nu-Yea Forums will defend this
Fuck off back to r eddit, zoomer
Dating is just lootboxes by definition. There is a random or semi-random result you throw money in for a chance to get laid
Prostitution is a guaranteed chance to get laid, I posit that we ban dating and make all future transactions a guarantee of sex for cash.
>Game injects heroin directly into your arm through microtransactios and stabs your dog if you dont pay
>Politicans ban this
"m-muh vidya games , t-they cant control m-my video game!"
We are talking about children numbnuts , your shitty strawman doesnt work here
Why are you talking about fucking children? That's fucking weird.
children aren't necessarily weird