A new cRPG Fallout?

The cRPG has clearly made a successful comeback. Pillars of Eternity, Divinity OS, Pathfinder, these are some of my favourite games and I was born in 94 so I never played the early cRPGs as a kid.

If Bethesda was willing to contract Obsidian for Fallout New Vegas, they could easily spare them a budget for a new isometric entry into the series.

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Not this game, but it would be nice for a New Vegas 2 in the format.

> I was born in 94 so I never played the early cRPGs as a kid.
where is the argument in you being 5-7 years old when they came out? I played complex games when I was that old, and I am playing old games now that I am complex.

Bethesda would never let it happen

If you don't capture the style of graphics that were present in 1 and 2 that Boyarsky created; you don't have a Fallout cRPG. You NEED Boyarsky or someone who can capture his style for those games. If you don't, you don't have cRPG Fallout. Period.

>yes I never had any Friends when I was a child, how did you know?

Some had these things called "parents"

I dont know lol I just didn't get into games until I got a bit older when my Dad bought us a playstation.

Black Isle was about to recover the franchise with some legal recourse. I think they still had the right to make a different Fallout game with their old engine as long as it wasn't a sequel and it was something like an online game or whatever.
They were given a deadline before the rights were assigned to Bethesda as well. They failed.
You still have Wasteland 2, ATOM RPG, Underail, etc. Not the same but close.

Just play Atom. It’s bootleg fallout anyway

Those dumb fucks could have made a HELLO WORLD program and called it fallout and then updated it to be an actual game

I mean, if you want more cRPG fallout, Fallout Online Reloaded is a thing. MMORPG, but it seems pretty dead. Maybe people can bring it back to life, or something.

Is there a leak of van buren project somewhere? I heard it was something like 70% done when black isle was axed.

there's a download link in that article

Just give Fallout to Larian like you did with Baldur's Gate, they'll get 'er done.

It'll still be fucking dreadful.
As long as Bethesda have it, it'll be terrible. There is a fundamental misunderstanding of the entire point of Fallout which they need to get over or the games will ALL be shit.

They make Fallout games "post-apocalyptic" as if the apocalypse is still in recent memory, and everyone is clinging to-or trying to rebuild-the old world. In reality, the entire point of Fallout is the new world which is formed from the ashes of the old one. Remnants of old world culture fused with the new aspects of life in the wake of the apocalypse to create a new and unique but vaguely familiar world.
Settlements aren't supposed to still be shitty fucking shanty towns. There shouldn't still be huge supermarkets lined with food for you to scavenge. The world is supposed to be reborn, with centres of population and cultures and actual civilisation and not cobbled together shitheaps that seem like they were made within decades of the apocalypse rather than fucking centuries.
Until this can be rectified it will always be shit.

>New Vegas 2
the Yea Forumsedditors on this board that praise new vegas can't into the old crpg fallouts

>not crowding around the pc and hooting and hollering at the strippers in duke and gibbing bandits with the chaingun in fallout

It literally happened, and the next game is coming this year

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Official Fallout Rankings:
1. Fallout 2
2. Fallout 1
3. Fallout Tactics
-power gap-
4. Fallout New Reddit
5. Fallout 3
6. Fallout Shelter
7. Fallout BoS
8. Fallout 4