Maddox Sharts All Over Steamcels

He is 100% right, you know.

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Other urls found in this thread:>&sort=0&show=25


>A legally defined cuck blows the fuck out of Steam drones

I love it

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Dick was right.


This Jewish guy was so cool in 2005


>Used to read his webzone on the world wide web in 2004
>Rediscover his shit last year
>my drink of choice when watching Maddox.

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How many times are you going to make this thread you brainless bug chaser cuck?
Kill yourself pls tnx

This is the guy who made a video all about how cuckolding is a valid fetish and we should stop making fun of cuckolds

He is bald.

>This Jewish guy was so cool in 2005
what else did he do? the only thing I can remember from his site around then was him shitting on childrens art.

funny how you are somehow completely and utterly and mysteriously absent whenever giantbomb threads are posted though, what a gigantic coincidence

he is a paid shill what do you expect


the era of being a contrarian for its own sake is gone maddox

people want their biases to be confirmed and for you to nitpick for 7 hours

you're only allowed to be a contrarian when you call something "underrated"

>Those dislikes

Not the first time gamer spergs attacked one of his videos

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Crybaby morons would be the kind of people who sued someone for dating their ex.

That story about this guys ex-girlfriend and Dick was probably the most pathetic thing I ever heard.

It was all over for Maddox as soon as the internet heard his voice and saw what he really looks like.

maddox hasn't been relevant in like 20 fucking years fuck off shills

No Epic will never catch up. The Epic Games store has been out for 6 (six) months and what have they implemented?
>a search bar
Meanwhile on Steam in the past 6 (six) months
>Remote Play
>Valve Index
>Review bomb protection
and what does Epic say is coming in the next 6 months?
>a shopping cart
epic is never catching up

Remember when Fatass Sterling made a video shitting on Steam and the shills spammed it for days? Then a few weeks later he starts shitting on Epic (again) and now they pretend it never happened.

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what is it?

Maddox is a retard but this video was redpilled. He broke down why those games blow with resounding simplicity. He went too far on a few points but as a whole this video tells me Maddox can't be completely insane.

It is truly unfortunate the Dick was not able to get his fees back due to the new judge being lazy Bikecuck's bike needs to be in a better place.

Maddox is a cuck and is not vidya

>Dick and Maddox have a podcast together
>Wedding party happens
>Dick hooks up with Maddox's ex girlfriend of several years
>Maddox shuts down everything and vilifies Dick
That's it

There quite a few long summaries out there if you google it, but basically Maddox had a girlfriend, they break up, 3 YEARS pass, all three meet at a weeding, ex-girlfriend leaves with Dick, Maddox blows up her fun flipping his shit. Ex-girlfriend becomes Dicks new girlfriend, Maddox loses his sanity over it.
if you want the full story

Maddox you fucking cuck stop trying to shill your shitty video on here. Face the facts that you've been washed up for a decade and the only good thing you did was the biggest problem. Go the fuck back to Utah and you might be able to find a shred of happiness in your life.

This is the cuck who ended his successful podcast because he told his co-host he was fine with him fucking his ex-girlfriend and regretted it. His co host went on to make his own show which reels in about 22k a month from shitting on Maddox while Maddox only has a measly 25 patrons that pool together no more than 100 dollars a month.

Btw, his cohost was Dick Masterson, best known to those uninitiated with the drama for trolling the fuck out of Dr Phil by pretending to be an MRA spokesperson.

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Hey Madoff! You'se a bitch!

He advocated raising the legal age of abortion to 70, which I still think is funny.

he is right about many things but also talks utter shit about some.

>mass effect andromeda killed the series
no, mass effect 3 did that by being shitty and making people wary of the next game

>reviewbombing is retarded
>so the only way people should ever be allowed to express that they dislike a game is by not buying it

>literally the only negative thing about having to use the epic store is installing another client so stop whining
this from the guy who says setting up a video game stream takes 1 hour every time

and other stuff. watched the video a few days ago, not gonna watch it again

Oh shit that was him?

stop shilling his cancerous vid you chinkcel

oh yeah and he claimed steams response was just an asterisk, which is bullshit. it automatically omits reviews that fall into a pattern and you have to manually set it to show you the omitted ones

Maddox is such a BADASS!

I'm literally bald and as ugly as maddox I really look like him.
Am I fucked for life?
What do?

start working out, at least you will be buff


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I still remember that, for its time this was incisive humour.

At least you're not a cuck.

He should package himself as a cantankerous old man. Grow out his thinning hair, wear a flat cap, use a cane as a prop.

At least you're not Maddox.

Why does Maddox look like a cancer patient now

Dude looks like he has HPV.

He's 100% cuck, you know.

He uses the same arguments as v shills against torrents, you just know that the communist party of China has given him money.

Because he lost his soul years ago, now he's a shuffling cuck husk of a human being

>Pepperoni is a pizza topping for idiots and assholes.

This is an actual opinion from Maddox.

How can one cuck be so wrong?

Why does epic have so many shills here, they really must just throw money around.

To be fair, I tool the Salamipill and i've never gone back to Pepperoni.

Unless a place only has Pepperoni and not Salami.


>paid shill
>what they say mattering

Pick one.

In the context of domino's especially, I actually agree with you.

haha he say bad words make me laff :) :)

he gets those anyway for being a loser

Salami unironically puts Dominos at the top of big chain pizza places for me.

People are bored of status quo and are trying desperately to get away from steam being solo platform, but instead of wanting same quality they cling to any old shit.

Youtube should take the video down since while it is sponsored, he doesn't mention it.

I doubt Epic even paid him, he did that video for free.

they pay us in free games

>epic will catch up
FACT: epic could catch up if they stopped throwing money at making titles exclusive to their platform. how much do you think it cost to buy the rocket league studio? this shit is not cheap, they're more interested in buying love instead of building a desirable launcher.

imagine giving money to these people.

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>Paying in free products
So bribery then?

>from steam being solo platform
why do you people keep saying this

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The thing that's infuriating isn't that people want stories in games, it's that the stories in games suck ass and they don't want to admit it. None of them read books. Of course if you ever point this out they get angry.

Because steam is only platform that has functioning store with loads of third party support.


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Kill yourself Maddox you retarded faggot

no, community compensation

atleast you're not Anthony Burch

the man is literally a cuckold. anything he has ever said was invalidated on the day he admitted it.

>pass user
>calling anyone a cuck

He made this video to get attention and make ad-revenue, why are you giving him it?

He is basically pulling a buzzfeed where they say dark souls sucks, because they know you'll go look at it to be mad...

You fuckers are like baboons in the zoo.

Epic lost their chance when fucking microsoft teamed up with steam.

Then we have shit like Bungie and Larian throwing shade at them. These are big name studios that are now publicly denouncing the EGS. Earlier this year it was just indie devs like re-logic or the factorio dudes butthis shit is getting out of hand. Unless Epic gets Sony (bloodborne lmao) on their side, this E3 might be the last chance they have to actually challenge Steam. And the odds aren't in their favor.

Gaben once again wins by doing nothing.

Has anyone ever been cucked as hard as this guy, gets cucked by his wife gets cucked out of his audience. What a fall from grace


Fuck epic.
Fuck Tim
Fuck chinks.

Now give us UT instead of another zoomer update for fortnite.

because shills want to look innocent and were just like you user :^)

Didn't sony partner with microsift too?

>Maddox keeps starting up this same thread every time to get people to boost the views on his videos


So you're telling me Sweeney got cucked? No wonder Maddox is batting for Epic.

I love these guys. This and the Sonichu lecture were great.

wtf I love digibro now

why does Yea Forums hat this based nigga?

So anyone gonna address what he's saying or just call him a cuck a lot? Because I think people who bitch about the Jax stuff have gotta be way further down the pole than any cuckold.


just be yourself bro

what's worse is that he's an armenkike

ecelebs are always cancer

He is literally a cuck. The courts deemed it so and so by law, we call him a cuck as the judge mandated was appropriate.

paid jew by the size of that schnozzle

Guess he needs some attention now he's learned he can't sue people because his feelings are hurt.

And incels say that men age like wine.

Now, back to how much I rule.

Because if there's one good thing about that stuck up board is that they absolutely undoubtedly unequivocally loathe e-celebs. The one thing I wish Yea Forums did as well.

So thats a no then...

Are you saying he's not a cuck?

Internet insult comedian from web 1.0 days

>Wear decent clothes
>Take at least 30 mins a day to work out to have a presentable figure

Here you go

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ecelebs are not related to Yea Forums. fuck off.

Yea Forums used to have this stance like 6/7 summers ago unfortunately that changed

fuck off maddox you're a cuck a loser no one likes you. how have you not hang yourself yet lile really just do it

This board will do absolutely anything to not play vidya so it fits.


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since when do the turks ever do something out of self defense and not just pure islamic venom? i don't believe this story based purely on that.

The lectures are the best content PCP has done. The races are also great, if only they did more of them.

I don't think you understand the pic at all.

new times, new demographics. zoomers literally grew up with e-celebs as focal figures in their lives. of course they don't dislike them on principle.


it's not the 2003 anymore

and you do? go ahead and explain it then.


he mostly just ran out of funny material and the humor hasn't aged that well, what was "edgy" 20 years ago is stale today

He ran out of sanity too

armenian cuck jew that will fo everything for relevancy

His points of argumentation have been contested countless times elsewhere.
These threads only crop up because he's a LOLcow and we need an excuse to laugh at him and shill TDS.

Unfortunately ecelebs are more tied to video games and thusly Yea Forums because of the existence of twitch culture and lets plays. They'll never go away at this point.
For anime/manga on the other hand, who did Yea Forums only really care about aside from grumpy jii-san? And even then they only paid attention to him because of the novelty of his character. Anime ecelebs are mostly just "lol watch me react" and garbage review or analysis videos that no Yea Forumsnon really wants to watch considering they already spit on the face of shit like ANN.

Eceleb culture is entrenched in vidya games. That's the sad reality of it all.

I blame gamergate.

Pretty sure Yea Forums likes Demo D
But yeah the others can fuck ofc

Is this faggot seriously denying the concerns of china being untrustworthy when just a few weeks ago there was a huge shitstorm because of huawei phones being banned?

Who is this Maddox everyone is talking about? OP posted a video and picture of Heather S.

>Pretty sure Yea Forums likes Demo D
lmao no fuck off ecelebshitter. Try making a thread about him there right now and see how they react.

They hate everybody though maybe you'll be lucky to find the loliposter spam your eceleb thread with c*nny.

cuck cuck cuck, cuck cuck cuck, maddox is a cuck

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There is no punchline here
Cuck cuck cuck cuck KEK

Got a summary? Because I agreed with every point he made.

cuck cuck cuck
cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
sorry it's impossible to have any discussion about this guy.

Some literal who not related to vidya on a video game board. Imagine that.

yeah pic related

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maddox pls

that did alot of damage but twitch is way worse offender

Quite nice to see how the Satisfactory devs got ass blasted over their terrible decision.

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Unfortunately I think they're being sarcastic.

Unironically based, steamkeks are fucking pathetic

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True but there's also a layer of COPE in all those passive aggressive tweets.

You know how anons sometimes call each other cuck? This is who they're comparing each other to when they say that.

Go back to writing articles for your shitty website maddox, eat my balls.

They *could* like him if he never made that lolicon video and actually bothered to make content instead of drunk game streams. The last thing I remember him doing on Yea Forums was when he posted his balls, which is a good way to end a shitty relationship.

You should read past the first paragraph.

this that cuck is fucking based my fellow 4channeler

>Y-yes China DOES take your information and no one is sure what they were trying to do copying the folder structure of your computer

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>Dick then
>Dick now
He just continually becomes fatter and more Mexican as time goes on.

i did. anyone making excuses for the ottoman turkroach likely is a roach himself.

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hes right about this. games with "stories" are always written by people who failed to make it in the movie industry, theyre almost always dogshit

but also nobody ever even talks about dick or acknowledges his existence unless someone brings up maddox first

wrong thread but based uk taking care of their anglo problem

How many times is this fucking autist going to spam this on Yea Forums?

So did nintendo.

We live in the best timeline. Don't let Steve live with Peggy.

The points have, in this thread, and countless others where Epic shills get raped, not our fault you don't listen.

But it isn't doing that. Christ you're a fucking brainlet.

I can't believe that Maddox is still trying to release videos and stay relevant. He isn't exactly wrong, but he has this weird early 2000s era mindset before social media became a huge thing. One facet of the Internet that hasn't changed since then is that it has a really long memory--and if you make a fool of yourself without redemption (from the cuck video to the Dick lawsuit onward), you'll forever be remembered as a lolcow. This is especially true when you attach your real name, face, voice, etc to your posts/videos without using a pseudonym. Social media amplifies those effects because now everyone and their grandmother knows that you prepped a bull one time.

Maddox is based, fuck Christopher reeves!

It's not about quality of the story. It's about the presentation and how it involves the consumer.

Problem is this entire argument depends entirely on which corner you're coming from. Maddox is clearly seeing it from "fuck consumer, you don't matter, give me money" angle same as Epic. This colors his entire video.

What's this from

They do but he's also too busy being a drunken fuck

Damn, Turks look like this?!

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>monopoly good, competition bad

I never understood Epic's statement about developers deciding which store wins. Because, you know, they'll sell their games to THIN AIR when there are no customers to actually buy them.

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you can't even explain your interpretation, brainlet turkroach.

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glad we agree on something chink so you can stop bribing publishers now so everyone can compete?

It just denotes anti-Armenian sentiments in Western countries.
I have no idea how you took that to mean pro-Turkish sentiment.

You know Steam could bribe publishers with better deals, right?

to understand what epic has been saying you need to see it for what it is - bamboozling the public with what amounts to trowing dosh and lofty promises in the attempt to sign on enough people to make the business model viable. as it is I don't think epic has really seen the returns they wanted.

there's no physical limitation for you to buy games from one store or another. you're not locked behind expensive hardware.

that is unless your brain didn't come pre-wired to suck Gabe's fat, slimy cock

Go back to Fortnite OP.

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If Steam went with a 12% cut it would kill all the competition. Turning them into a real monopoly.

The deal is that the game is advertised on the Steam store. Being advertised as a featured game is better publicity than paying for ad space on 100 shitty clickbait cuck websites.

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They don't and never needed to.

Every day with this shit.
Aren't you tired of it, madcucks?

>The deal is that the game is advertised on the Steam store. Being advertised as a featured game is better publicity than paying for ad space on 100 shitty clickbait cuck websites.

Maybe around 2009-2010

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>implying there's actually people who exist who post Maddox's content, as opposed to just Maddox himself who spams Yea Forums trying to drum up patreonbux

>look chang I posted it again!
Oh boy.

I'm surprised this dude is still around. I stopped reading his page before graduating HS.

bribing sucks exlusivity sucks pcgamers don't want this
I use the store of my choosing thank you very much and I certainly don't want chinkmalware on my computer

Dios mio....

there's only one madcuck and he's op

>epic store doesn't disrupt your privacy
>automatically imports friends list from steam

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Yet, they don't, and they are still winning. Hmm, its almost like having a store that is anti consumer doesn't work well, but keep them fortnight bux rolling son.

There are dozen of them.

but do they?

>post same thread every day
>every reply is either just "who?" or people outright calling his "character" out
come on op, you're pathetic. everyone sees through your little e-heros ruse. get this cartoon shit out of here. a real discussion about video games probably died for this.

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>unironically linking to a video made by a guy who claimed there was nothing inherently wrong with being a cuckold
>a guy who, after saying this, sued because he was being called a cuck
>a guy who lost said case and was legally branded a cuck
Reminder: Maddox lost.

If the actual cut of what devs received from Sales actually mattered, the journos would have praised the shit out of the Discord store
The only reason people are giving the Epic's shit store the time of day is their bullshit exclusivity deals, otherwise it's one of the worst launchers/stores you could download

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>chinkmalware straw man argument

A cuckold.

Don't forget the court also said is preferred pronouns is she.

So why didn't Epic swallow up Bungie?

>Epic made a big deal about getting Metro Exodus
>Steam subsequently got Halo MCC and now Destiny 2

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This cuck still makes content?


Rumor is we will get the other halos too.

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>comparing the launch of epic store in december 2018 to steam's launch in 2004
Yeah, real smart.
And he has the audacity to call others dipshits...

And Gears too which was originally Epic's shtick.

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>Ctrl+F 'cuck'
>58 matches
Sasuga Yea Forums

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Fuck dude I forgot about that, how bad are you that a series once known as a key franchise now stands with steam.

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there's ton of cases already known as public knowledge

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Tim's only move is to have HL3 release on the EGS.

China has been generous.

And yet he still got absolutely BTFO by destiny

Even funnier, Baulder's Gate 3 was fucking announced to not only not be a Epic Store exclusive, it was announced to come to Steam and GOG first before coming to EGS

He's a cuckold but he's not wrong on this.

Hey isn't he the guy who literally tried to sue someone for making fun of him online?

>Liberal Manlet Tears
>BTFO of anything besides penises

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>Gabe takes more money then steam is worth to drop hl3 on epic
>The anticipation is crazy
>highest selling game of all time
>Its just a sfm video of Gordon fucking a epics game logo
>ends with credits saying you could get a free copy with steam.

Lol no, destiny is a clown who is mocked by everyone

Not just anyone, his former podcast cohosts.

>monopolies working together to bring down good guy epic
Why is this allowed?

Imagine being male and being a leftist cuck. Very pathetic.



this stupid meme lost all its fun thanks to shills like you


>Epiccucks still havnt recovered from the garbage sale and are now rallying behind some literal who cuck because they have no arguments left
this is getting pathetic

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>that huge post about how much he loves onions
How does he have supporters still?

This cunt couldn't even follow Guardians of the Galaxy, he had a autistic melt down because of the inability to understand why anyone would be sad their mother died.

Sorry let me fix it for you
>Chink spyware
>Chink spyware
>Chink spyware

What sort of retard shills Maddox unless it's Geroge himself

Imagine being George. What a sad and pathetic life he's had


Did a judge legally declare you a cuckold? If not, you're still better than george madcux

>shits on steamdrones BUT defends sjws
I'm conflicted

Why is Epic even getting into this game? There's already a Steam competitor, it's called GoG. There's no space for another one.

>no one cares about your personal information
He really is retarded.

Maddox won his sanctions hearing because the new judge thought he might be a tranny.

Wtf do you mean ? The guy got a job at Capcom and is making fat bucks.

>There's no space for another one.
There is, but they're going the wrong way about it.

tip top keke

holy shit he looks like a corpse or fucking jafar or something
imagine following this grimy cunt

Are steam and gog even competing at this point? Seems like they're more willing to go on a cooperative deal with each other desu.

>legally certified cuck thinks it's not a laughing stock

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Something along the lines of "How do you know he doesn't identify as Heather S?" Sucks that he came out on top, but you can't pay for shit like this.


what do you think about illegal immigration and it's negative effect on black people

Isn't he a well known shill though?

I don't see that exclusivity has a place in competition. Game stores are like the grocery store. You can only really compete on price and overall experience and convenience.

and yet he still triggered the fuck out of always ironic dick, and made him cry on video to the point he went full mekour

>you shouldn’t mention details about the topic being discussed :^)

>Isn't he a well known shill though?
I don't think so.
Just a well known cuck.
Well known asshole who's wrong & loud.

His podcast sucks. It's basically just him keeping Rucka around and talking about how smart he is.

>steam bug results in ~500k being hacked, but ultimately reimbursed
>epic's trash security gets 10+million players hacked and their customer service is so bad that they've literally given personal data to random players and tried to make up for it with a "sorry".

Digibrony has been a fucking faggot since he did MLP shit. I love how people just conveniently forget that he did that. He made shitty analysis videos that defended stupid fucking decisions then spammed his video on /mlp/ for views. No doubt he does it on Yea Forums, so yeah, not a surprise that people hat digibrony.

answer this desTINY

>we need an explanation as to why *PLAYER AGENCY* is suddenly in a new place
>uhhh, *WIZARDS*
real fuckin' neat-o story you have there

>every game deserves to automatically succeed
That's just ridiculous.

I didn't care for the MK11 part. As for the whole Epic Games shitfit, he's unironically right and said what needed to be said. Get the fuck over yourselves you Steamfags

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Oh Hello maddox

Steam discounts have been complete garbage for at least 5 years buddy.

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tell me how he's right

Ha at least I'm not a bald fuck like him.

Steam doesnt ban me for buying games

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watch the video

Sure that is going to spread awareness to millions of Steam users.

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He looks like a fucking AIDS victim.

Correct, because you hire them instead of buying.

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The fuck are you talking about mate.

I got some great games just a few weeks ago when golden week and the post-apocalyptic sale happened.

They saw a chance to jump in and get money. They announced their store after all the news about Steam's 30% cut and confusing guidelines. So they might as well have someway to make money once the Fortnite bucks dry up.

He probably is.

going by the screencap, this jewish looking literal who tries to get clicks by contesting shitposting that nobody takes seriously
pretty desperate

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>this dude literally spent 18 minute of his life arguing with literal retards on fucking STEAM REVIEWS
Let that sink in, who's the bigger retard?

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Imagine being a Maddox fan.
Imagine obsessing over Maddox.
Imagine religiously reading his website.
Imagine thinking for years that Maddox is the epitome of manliness.
Now imagine learning that Maddox is legally a cuck by law.

>giving views to madcuck

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>Tim "chink loving hypocrite" Sweeney
>Randy "B A D A S S" Pitchford
>Maddox the Legally Acknowledged Cuck
>Gabe "jerking off to VR" Newell

Who would win Yea Forums?

Gabe's sheer lard alone is too tough for these three to harm.

So the solution to that is EGS which is way more limiting?
Sounds stupid desu

A cuck who sued people over being called a cuck and effectively got a legal declaration that he is indeed a cuck.

Gaben has put on the pounds.
The other three are lanky fucks.

Imagine agreeing with Maddox in something.

maddox himself is the one posting these threads, how pathetic, advertising for hate views on Yea Forums

I thought he was supposed to regrow his hair with the medicine he was trying and then shaping it like Zangief's?

gaben doesn't even need to move
>randy badass
okay Randy calm down now

I do believe that was uttered in jest

if i can shit on randy i will

i doubt it's maid, maddox being retarded is nothing new

Might be a genius idea, buying support and giving the devs more money in general for each one purchased gets it installed on a lot of people's computer, particularly everyone I know anyway, once you have it installed and forgotten they can improve the basic nature of the program while still getting devs on it because of its attractive small cut.
EPIC might be bad news, it might be a sleeping dragon However I already bought a steam index and valve gets so so much money from me, so I'm not too worried about it.

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That reminds me. Fucking Minecraft on steam with mods and maps on workshop when

Then why don't they just become a publisher at that point? Scrap the store and come back to it after a few years once you have enough exclusive games like EA.

Because I don't have EA's launcher or play their shitty games. Much better idea to get a diverse cast of games that anyone might play on it, so anyone might need to have it. No one is making a civil war out of EA's launcher and steam, but people are afraid of epic because it has a good chunk of change from Fortnite and a more attractive share model for developers. I bet it doesn't take a lot of money to convince exclusivity.

I just don't think gamers are having as much of an impact as they think they are, and EPIC might really be thriving just because no one has really challenged Steams expensive share.>&sort=0&show=25

>Internet personality known for being offensive turns into a giant wussy faggot.

Why does this keep happening?

>I just don't think gamers are having as much of an impact as they think they are, and EPIC might really be thriving just because no one has really challenged Steams expensive share.

They don't need to considering people in the industry and even Microsoft of all things are speaking out against Epic already.

>even Microsoft of all things are speaking out against Epic already.
I was unaware of this. Well I hope if Epic crashes and fails, I still get to play Journey. Annapurna only put it on PC through Epic and I really love this stupid game.

quit the concern trolling epic store is running on a loss at the moment and their public image isn't exactly improving

He doesn't really make good points, he's forcing it

I like concern trolling, it's the only way to get rational responses out of you.

Microsoft and Steam are literally teaming up. Epic has no fucking chance against that.

If you had any sense of how computers work, you may have been able to learn how to reverse engineer or get some experience in networking at some point in your life. Instead you greentext and post retarded images and act like you're correct when in reality you have no idea what you're talking about. You can tell what the epic games client is doing just by looking into it on your own PC.

This cuck still makes videos?

They have 99.5 of the gaming resources on Fortnite. Being a publisher takes too much time.


Must feel bad being an Epic dev. One day you all just so happen to luck on the next BIG thing on now all of you are on perpetual crunch mode to keep that thing BIG. No more UT. None of that good shit. Just pandering to the zoomers day in and day out.

Fuck turks disgusting half breeds, jews 2.0

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Maddox needs to do something crazy again so TDS will stop going to shit. Ever since the lolsuit ended Dick's run out of material and trying to turn his retarded fans into a Wack Pack is ruining the show

This. Even watching more films will give you better stories than the 'best' modern stories like TLoU, God of War, Bioshock Infinite, etc. Let alone reading books.
Games are often better when they let the gameplay and atmosphere tell the story, such as in System Shock 2 or Silent Hill 2.

>who's even buildin glass 'ouses?

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>insult comedian
Didn't he file a frivolous lawsuit over some other guy insulting him? Don't dish what you can't take.

>Games are often better when they let the gameplay and atmosphere tell the story, such as in System Shock 2 or Silent Hill 2
My man

this is sponsored by EPIC GAMES

this post is sponsored by asshurt Steamcels

Isn't Dick the cuck in this situation?


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no maddox just no stop trying

Say all you want about current day Maddox and I'll agree with you, but you can't deny his old comedy gold


> Then as if the crew felt that they weren't being condescending enough, they keep saying "I can't believe how far away we are, we're in the middle of nowhere." Yeah, I'm sure citizens of Bhutan and Honduras appreciate being told that they live "nowhere."


he just aged horribly and went full cuck

Guy that sued his business partner for fuck his ex girlfriend

He's got more than 6 views, so it's working.

From his Matrix Reloaded review:

> Even if you disagree with everything bad I've said about this movie, there's one point I think everyone can agree on: Keanu Reeves' ass does not need to be seen, ever. Not only do they show you his pasty white ass, they do it in the most contemptible way possible: right after a titty scene. They try to trick you into popping a boner, then WHAM. Keanu's corn hole. There's an acceptable degree to how many times his ass can be shown in a movie, and that degree is either 0, or negative (negative means that Keanu Reeves' ass gets cut off, which would rule). On a side note, in case you get in an argument with a Matrix nerd cult member, the "Keanu's ass" argument always wins. It's like playing rock, paper, scissors and sucker punch to the throat. The sucker punch always wins. Don't believe me? Try it: next time a Matrix nerd starts rambling on about "Christological symbolism" and other geeky shit that nobody cares about, just say the magic words. I guarantee you'll either win the argument, or give the impression that you're an acute homophobe. Either way you win.. sort of.


Why do mods instantly delete other YouTuber posts but every time someone posts this literal who's video they leave it up?

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because based mods like to shit on madcuck aswell but who am i kidding it's because it shills epic

Well he's not wrong but it's embarrassing to be a gamer activist even so.

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My only exposure to Maddox before his breakdown was beating up an interactive buddy with his logo or something on it. Who cares?


Maddox is a gay retard with a slack arsehole and a dry grey dick.

Why did you post, bitch

Oh man I forgot about that Tales of Zesteria fiasco. Holy fuck that was ugly and the review bomb was completely justified.
>promote one girl as basically the MC (partner to MC)
>all of your advertising includes it, basically waifubaiting
>your entire fanbase is crazy for her
>cuck her and your entire fanbase by having her arbitrarily leave your party because she suddenly doesn't have the same powers as the MC
>bring in some other chick, who happens to have these powers
>she becomes the MC's partner instead of the advertised character
>not to mention the game itself wasn't exactly great
Man I started to seethe a little just remembering all that. I didn't leave a review or even know about the situation until after the fact, but even I felt a little bit of a "wtf why would they introduce this character for her to leave and basically never come back and still be useless when she finally does?"

It looks like he's asking who cares.

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They made a DLC specifically to try to appease their fans. It starred the cucked girl but she still couldn't do The Cool Thing That Only Heroes Can do.

I automatically read that in his angry nasally wuss voice, it's all tainted.

at least Berseria was made which I thought was amazing. First Tales game since Symphonia where I cared about the story and characters.

Go get em champ.

>First Tales game where I cared about the story and characters.
I wish I could say the same. I loved all of the characters but like right at the final stretch, I completely uninstalled and never played it again. I think it was a combination of liking the characters too much (thus not wanting to end the journey) and the grind for items. Fuck me, I should try it again.

So many Steamcels ITT

Seems like only incels hate Maddox

Do you think that """breadtubers""" and other left-leaning e-celebs will ever come to realisation of the fact that they've became an Anti-SJW Crowd 2.0?

Reminder that Dick is a literally unironically a Jew

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Fuck off maddox
You can’t trick Me into watching your shitty videos

>make a shit contrarian video defending everyone's enemy
>advertise it on Yea Forums with provocating OP
>free views
>free youtube money
fuck off

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Awfully self-aggrandising to capitalise a first-person pronoun isn't it?


Isn't it obvious? This too is a conspiracy and you're the innocent victim of it.

No, I don't think so.

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Maddox is hilarious, remember that time he went on a shitpost against his own mother because she voted for orange man (BAD)

send jews to the spaghetto

>used to think this guy was manly when I was young

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>Pretending to like Digibrony

>1 social credit point will be added to your account per view of this video

we all did, user

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Found the seething steam lard

We've all been there, I used to look up to spoony
Now i've basically become spoony

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You forgot the lawsuit

Thanks for making me feel better

>Gish galloping your argumenta
>Not a recipe for sperging out

If you ever do a debate with Destiny, make sure you Pledge for the Nazi party because that faggot Is gonna twist everyting to make you go that way

You can see the exact moment Maddox's heart collapses like a dying star.

They were, but sales are apparently not too good and they went on to cry about piracy later. Not really a good idea to put a bipolar, rainbow-haired spastic in charge of your social media.

This guy fucking perjured himself just to stay in with his progressive lefty crowd, really induces one to ponder...

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meme creator before the web2.0, helped shape up some aspects of the internet culture but went to shit as soon as he met new people
it was kinda pathetic before all of this shit, but never the less, funny, now he's just pathetic

i dont like him because he's a dramafag

and he has nobody to blame but himself

To be honest, if my best friend/close colleague did some shit like that to me I would also feel betrayed.
We may not be together but i simply wouldn't be able to be in their company anymore.

>giving this fucking attention whore professional troll views
Attention whore trolling has no political slant, dumbfuck. Go back to /pol/ with your amateur high school political delusions.

>those views
did he find a new audience? or is it just clicks from this video being posted on gaming forums?

I'm glad China is taking over the world, I hate America.


im not one of those people, it's just what it is


Hi Maddox

>Hates trump
>B-b-but hahaha he not liberal!!!1

Its almost an honor. Your such an example of something that others use you as a basis of measurement.

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Is that from Cenk Ugyr?

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I've never clicked on a Maddox video, but the dude clearly lost it after some incidents, web2.0 was too much for him.
He's still an attention whore, but riding the status quo is unavoidably political.

Nah I wouldn't be that dramatic. I would just be like "Alright peace out". I have done it to girls who try to friendzone me as well. I Just stop being their friend and go out and fuck some bitch.
It is quite easy if you just make it clear to them that you are only there for a relationship and you can't be with them without being able to act on your emotions etc.

maddox stop shilling your videos here no one cares about you

>Literally the same fucking retarded thread being posted over and over for the last two days

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That's only because Domino's has the worst pepperoni in the world.

A man legally defined as a cuckold

Imagine being a mod and seeing some balding manchild trying to get his youtuber career started way past his prime shilling on this board all day and not instantly banning them.

Now imagine removing threads about video games. Mods are fags.

based lolichad

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Aren't both him and Maddox Armenians?

No, Dick is a Jew

Dick is Mexican


>TFW we don't get to see Maddox suddenly homeless.

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Wait maddox hasn't offed himself yet?

I always thought Maddox was satire until I found out he really is that dumb

Damn that fucking sucks but I also can't stop laughing. Imagine being a somebody on the internet and not being able to put your past shit behind you.

>appeal to authority
just kys.

This rebranding is so dumb it actually worked.

The problem with Epic's current sale isn't it not being as good as steam sales for buyers, but how much of a shit show it was for games getting pulled, prices being changed, and revealing just how poorly the store has been made. No proper way to avoid being hit with anti-account theft features when buying a handful of games at the same time because each has to be a separate purchase. No way to not have a sale apply to your game and still be sold in general. So on and so forth. And in that the sale itself is Epic almost literally burning money to try increase sales, revealing the founding principle of their store just doesn't work.

Epic has yet to have any success with their store and the sale itself just confirms how poorly they planned it all and just how wrong their entire approach to it was.

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he might have shaped your asshole once but he was hardly original or unique. just the same affirmation seeking retards couldn't help linking him everywhere just like this thread.

>Epic's only way of marketing itself is "STEAM SUCKS AND YOU SUCK IF YOU USE IT"
Ah, yes, this tactic worked perfectly for the Ghostbusters reboot too. I am now absolutely going to convert.

>but he was hardly original or unique
nothing that was ever claimed user, but those same affirmation seeking retards pretty much accounted for every single english speaking forum before the web2.0

Holy fucking closet.

>entire argument is "LOL ENTITLED MANCHILDREN"
He doesn't have any real argument. He's defending cuck practices like the good cuck he is.

>When he admitted that being on Dr. Phil was the most terrifying experience in his life


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Nobody is clicking that shit m8. And I hope we keep it that way.
If we wanted to talk about EGS vs Steam (or any vidya topic he decides to make a video about), we would've entered a thread about it. This is just another opportunity to remind him how pathetic he is.

fuck off. this nigger was dating some nigress who was ALSO AT THE WEDDING
men do not own their ex's, especially after moving on

>get's all the games he wants on previous sales
>wtf y deez sales suck nao

>games that have come out in the last 5 years get shitty discounts that don't necessarily beat key resellers
>old games like FONV get lower discounts than before
Fuck Steam sales.

every time this cuck releases a new video it reminds people to unsub

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Which one?



Dick is a Jew

>estimated pay
So $17?

And they don't own my friendship either. I think it is a dickmove by the colleague.

It's not like it's expensive. Chinks are to the internet what Mexicans are to standing around outside Home Depot.

Prove it.

Bros, I miss the biggest problem. Both the new podcasts suck for different but fundamental reasons.

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His mother is a Jew

Underrated post.

prove it

Go listen to the Biggest Problem, it really wasn't that good. Dick Show is pretty good.

Her mother is a Jew

It really was that good, and while Dick is a funny guy his little show is just a bunch of incels calling in crying about being exiled to Gab or Hatereon. Like, who the fuck cares.

Hatreon hasn't been around for like 3 years or something what are you smoking my man

Do you forget when Biggest Problem was insanely cringe with the women's issues crap like female circumcision?

So you can't verify this information with any actual evidence and I'm supposed to take your word for it?

You know what I mean, tard. Every fucking episode there was some faggot calling in crying about how he was demonetised on Youtube for being too aware of the jewish problem.

You see, I'm not unironically redpilled so I don't have a big problem if a few of tens if not hundreds of "problems" were about women.


fpbp fuck you jannies

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TDS peaked during the lolsuit and it's going to shit now that Dick has run out of things to mock Maddox for and is just trying to mine his own fans for content.

>So anyone gonna address what he's saying or just call him a cuck a lot?
He's saying cuckshit which is why we're calling him a cuck.

>I don't care if certain episodes of the biggest problem were unlistenable and no fun allowed trash

I'm glad Dick's success triggers you, Maddox.

I won't.


How do you think Podcasts work? Or even radio shows? Though I do wish there was a format like The Biggest Problem

I'm happy for Dick but I'm sad for me. Also kinda embarrassed on the behalf of all the unironic fangays but I guess that's your problem not mine.

oy vey

>George Ouzounian thread
Fuck off

Good thing he's a spiteful little shit who has bled followers after growing into a podcaster and handling a split with all the grace of a woman scorned.

This guy is still around? Didn't he lose all relevancy like 15 years ago?

whit sut is a fucking faggot and a cuck he was houted as being a whiny aggot

>bunch of incels
that was the biggest problem in a nutshell

>How do you think Podcasts work?
the hosts bringing in a topic or point of view and discussing it, not getting bumbling mentally ill faggots to call in and act like retards

Pretty much. The podcast was alright earfiller for a while as sort of the aftermath of TBP but what it grew into in its own right (namely tour promotion, butthurt youtubers and unironic dick worship) then there wasn't any reason for me to keep listening.

>when the court of law establishes precedent, legally ruling you as a cuckold and allowing your case to be studied by many generations of future law students
I wonder how Anthony Burch feels about not being the most pathetic asshole on the internet anymore.

wasn't maddox from that bubble boy beat up game from 13 years ago

Seems to be working out pretty good for him

>Mad cucks
>In 2019

>Less than 25k views
>3 days after uploading


Just so you know, no one outside of tranny hellhole Resetera praises Destiny as a debater.

Which girls?

Resetera hates destiny and banned him from the site, hes got sizable cult following of fart sniffers left though

As much as I dislike Epic and have stuck with Steam, he does make some good points. Steam does need to fix its shitty user review system. Too much shitposting much like Yea Forums. It isn't freedom of reviews and opinions. It is just waves of spam after a certain point. I know these things take time, GabeN, but c'mon.

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Of course, I don't trust TenCent's stake in Epic at all as flawed as I think Steam is. To me, that makes Epic a total wash for me.

He's Armenian

guess that makes dicky boy even more pathetic


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>makes the duck bald to make fun of people
>is bald himself

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onions addiction burned his brain worse than meth

its a "joke"

Dick Masterson is living the dream. He makes a quarter million dollars a year making fun of Maddox. You'd think Maddox would get the message by now.

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fucking mods

Dumb newfags.

I did put zero first but it's also blacklisted. and I don't have letter o with dots on my keyboard.

Dumb newfag.

Maddox is based.

Podcast threads happen on Yea Forums not Yea Forums. You'll only see dick brought up here in relation to maddox.

GabeN is winning and he's not even doing anything.

unironically this

how'd maddox go from


sausage means "well done"

Didnt he make the cuck video after some random called him a cuck on twitter?

Jesus fuck this website still exist.

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After he was legally branded in a court of law as a cuckold.

His biggest mistake was to turn on the camera. Beside the lawsuit.

Well, I am an asshole.

COULD, but they don't need to do that and are not doing that

Anthony Burch is still the most pathetic because Maddox is simply forgotten.

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