The BIG E3 Release Nintendo Switch Lineup LEAK


"You won't believe it but this E3 will be TOTALLY CRAZY this year on the side of Nintendo and Microsoft."

E3 2019 is less than 5 days away and with triple AAA games incoming fast it's going to be EPIC!

> Halo (Teaser)

> Animal Crossing City (Trailer/Release Date)

> Mario and Luigi (Trailer)

> Luigi's Mansion 3 (Trailer/Release Date)

> Bayonetta 3 (2020 Trailer since it got postponed)

> Pikmin 4 (Announcement)

> Metroid Prime Trilogy


> Avengers Project Game

> Turok Dinosaur Hunter

> Banjo!

SEE ‘EM LIVE! 6/11


Attached: Nintendo-E3-Xbox.jpg (1200x505, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>he forgot about the recently announced sony/microsoft partnership and thinks the survive together shit still matters


Attached: simp.png (382x376, 209K)

>Super Smash Bros crosses over with non-vidya

When you fags fucking learn already

Attached: 5FAC3B76-8E3F-45F4-96FE-40DC17FAE805.png (407x286, 96K)


>Animal Crossing City
You didn't even fucking try

Stop pushing Sora he's not happening

>Animal Crossing City
I, for one, am glad City Folk is getting the remaster it deserves.

Yep, this one's definitely real. Include me in the screencap when it's confirmed.

a fucking accessory, not a game character

ROB literally saved the video game industry and Joker is from the video game Persona 5

He's still video game related, and he has appeared in games, like Mario Kart DS.
Are you kidding? Joker first appeared in a video game. It's like how Mario and Kirby, who have cartoons, are video game characters.

>Cuphead ported on fucking CARS but not on PS4
Seethe more, snoymongrel.

>no Halo Infinite gameplay or Metroid 5 announcement and gameplay
You fucked up.

I honestly don't give a shit. Give some crossplay to games that need it like AoCF, that game is absolutely dead thanks to the terrible Netcode. It's coming to Switch so just fix it already for everyone

Where the fuck is Big Maring

that was a deal with big boy microsoft for cloud computing, not the xbox division

>Metroid 5 announcement and gameplay
>Metroid 5
ya, that's totally happening.

Can't wait to play Bayonetta 3 on my Xbox One X

Been in development since Metroid Samus Returns was in development, it's happening.

Attached: Metroid5_in_Development_longer_than_thought.png (1602x1203, 175K)

>ROB an accessory
Made for video games
>Joker from an anime