>put off playing it because Yea Forums says it's shit
>the combat is actually good
>the valkyrie fights are some of the best boss duels outside of soulsborne
Seriously the last time I am listening to you guys.
>put off playing it because Yea Forums says it's shit
>the combat is actually good
>the valkyrie fights are some of the best boss duels outside of soulsborne
Seriously the last time I am listening to you guys.
It was a PS4 exclusive. Of course Yea Forums would shit blood over it
Glad u enjoyed this pile of crap, but why would you listen to Yea Forums?
>it because Yea Forums says it's shit
Are you fucking new? Yea Forums was fucking full of golden wojak celebrating their GOTY.
Yeah. Like all these cocksucking to Kojima. Stop play the fucking victim, tranny.
boss design and variety was one of the things that this game has been rightfully shitted on though. Even by critics
If you think the valkyrie fights are good then you really haven't played enough boss fights from other games
>PS4 exclusive
>Anything that isn't a Nintendo exclusive for that matter
>Being praised on Yea Forums
At least now you understand.
Snoyfags are retarded and need an anonimous forum to think for them.
>pokémon crap
>Kojima's movie
>"not praised"
Cope harder, tranny. You're not even on the same board.
Yea ForumstendoGAF has been seething over DS aswell.
Third-world Nintenfatlard detected
Next time don't listen to Yea Forums - Nintendo babies
Whatever shill go play your virtue signal trash and never come back here.
You really should not listen to the opinions here, Yea Forums is always wrong, too many fanboys to look at anything objectively
>Seriously the last time I am listening to you guys.
Imagine taking "opinions" here seriously
Yea Forums is just a shitpost fest related to games, you come here for the memes
This, OP just said the combat was good so it has to be bad
Fuck off nintenshill, I remember you seething because ResidentEvilfags were stealing your unfunny Smash threads
You just have low standards faggot
Glad you’re having fun you dumb fuck.
As a Sony/Naughty Dog fan this was crap. The quicktime events don't even work properly and just keep going if you don't press anything.
>the valkyrie fights are some of the best boss duels outside of soulsborne
Imagine being this delusional just so you can pretend PS4 exclusives are always hated on Yea Forums
By the way, Bloodborne and Persona 5 exist
Don't really care about QTEs. The only thing that bothered me was the nonexistent platforming.
>Thinks Dark souls has amazing boss fights
This is how I know you are a fucking casual shit.
>Persona 5
Genuinely overrated dumpsterfire. Lmao at people who shit on cinematic games when P5 is 40 hours of repetitive poorly directed young adult anime.
Found it dissapointing compared to old GoW.
It does and the fact that it does has nothing to do with the difficulty. I'd love to hear what a hardcore gamer such as yourself considers good boss design.
>It does
You are underage.
>Good boss design
That is if we are just considering games made after Dark souls that are also hack and slash.
>>the combat is actually good
you have shit taste
over the shoulder third person melee combat is flawed by design, not to mention the stupid sliding and overall cinematic cancer even in combat
stop trying to justify wasting your money on that polished turd
>I like faggots and want to suck your dick
Stop it OP, we are in public
I was expecting you to name something more similar to GoW or Souls. Obviously bosses in combo-driven, double jumpy anime brawlers are more frantic than those in games with a more deliberate pace. All I can conclude from your examples is that you prefer a different kind of game.
No, those games have better boss designs that actually react to the player and have different layers. The souls bosses have poor ai, are easily cheesed and have low variability.