Why didn't you play it? You could have prevented this

Why didn't you play it? You could have prevented this.

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W10 exclusive killed my interest and by the time they reneged I lost interest.

I did play it before it was W10 exclusive.
Then they backpedaled on that WAY too late. p. sure it also fucked with the optimization, which sucked from beginning to end.
I also played it after it got freed up.

Worse than being a W10 exclusive it was a WINDOWS STORE exclusive

I didn't know about it sadly

>the one game that was better than overwatch, paladins, and battleborn
>it fucking dies
fuck normies and incompetent devs

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I played it for a few hours but I guess I didn't really get it since I'd often die in a few hits but could NEVER kill anyone else

> Is available on steam on release

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No offline mode and reliance on a central server meant any money spent could vanish at any time, oh look the game shut down and anyone who spent money is shit out of luck because the devs couldn't think 2 steps ahead.

What's even more infuriating is there's a team of dedicated fans trying to make the game playable again and the publisher stone walls them at every turn.

But I did for a while
Mozu was pretty fun

>offline mode in a MOBA
you can't be fucking serious right now mate

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there's my boy Charnok, Tyto cool dude too

If there was one you retards could be playing it right now rather than crying about how the game died a death that could have 100% been avoided.

Multiplayer games got along fine for years without a central server.

moba games do not work with p2p connections.

So you're talking about a lan or p2p mode, not offline mode where you dick around against worthless NPC

Yeah Charnok ended up being my second most played iirc, just big nukes
But the gotta go fast burst nature of mozu was just too appealing for pubstomps and outplays

>You could have prevented this.
why would I have wanted to? if I didnt play it before, I obviously did not thing it was worth playing, much less worth saving.

it was unironically good despite it seeming shit at first glance

By the time I'd heard of it, it was already dead.

I did, for a while. Wanted to come back a while back but it was dead already. Nice art style. Wish someone did a singleplayer platformer with it or something.

Anyways, don't we all just fucking love current year of matchmaking-only and no possibility of hosting private servers?

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sorry user but we live in a bitch of a world where good and pure things die so garbage like Overwatch can continue to exist

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It wasn't actually that good but I did play it a lot

They didnt get me invite and i was waiting for it 6 months. Fuck these niggers lmao

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I miss playing Oru. I've never enjoyed a character so much, his kit was perfect for me. If only there was a chance that it could get saved from the Chinese.

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Really wanted to pay, but I'm really bad at this kind of games and thought it would sour other player's experiences.

I did play it, it was a lot of fun. Ramsay and Tito were the toppest tier niggas and were super fun to play to boot.

Wait, what? I'm sure I played this and I've never used W10.

It used to be but they removed the requirement for release or so

You killed her. Why did you let her die?

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Played it today in the fan server, lmao.


They dug their own grave when they opened with W10 exclusivity.