Name a better waifu.
Name a better waifu
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I love my wife.
For me, it's my Queen
I can't, user.
You nailed it in one.
Out of the P5 girls anyway.
Am I missing any? Its just that Haru feels very unrelevant to the story. She gets added late and dosnt have a nice SL.
Kasumi doesn't even exist yet, are you retarded
It's got to be Makoto
I can't she's the best girl.
Anyone who isn't Makoto or Chihaya.
>haru thread gets 10 replies minumun
>Yukari thread just hit 500 replies
Gee I wonder how that happened!
>just finished chapter 3
>that "it's a lie" moment
Fucking Kokichi man.
Mitsuru. Wasnt even hard
excellent taste
her personality is pretty boring, but she has the hottest outfit in the game by a huge margin
Haru would be = Mitsuru if Mitsuru didn't have better looks so she is the superior wifu
i like how most niggers here judge her based on misinformation and the forehead meme
persona 5 is shit anyway
I love how newfags compare Mitsuru to Makoto to justify who they romance from p3 to p5
best character in DR:V3 easily
I can't. Haru is perfect.
I wish she could suffocate me with her tits.
just let her rest her head on you and you'll surely suffocate
God I wish that were true
I want to worship her forehead.
Since this appears to be the official Persona 5 thread on Yea Forums, have a look at and discuss this.
It's pretty much fucking nothing.
Haru thread don't devolve into shitposting because Harufags aren't under the delusion of Haru, her character and her place within the story.
What makoto has to do with this nigga are you on crack
My girlfriend is literally a Mexican version of her. I can't wait to fuck her desu senpai
Also sage
Dateable Mona when?
Never. Fujos and Furries need to leave.
Exquisite taste user
so she has a rich dad?