EA have been gathering personal data and using it to modify difficulty sliders in their games in real time to...

EA have been gathering personal data and using it to modify difficulty sliders in their games in real time to incentivize people to buy microtransactions

Example: if they have data about you and they know you usually spend a lot of money in lootboxes in their other games, then they’re gonna make the game harder ONLY FOR YOU so that you spend more money to overcome the artificial difficulty

Their scripting patent has leaked online and it’s fucking insane, if you still buy one of their games after this you deserve being ripped off LOL

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Other urls found in this thread:


i don't care

>being so bad at games that you think companies are out to get you by making you buy loot boxes so you can beat their game

Yet you still responded to this thread, proving that you infact do care.

Well that's just terrible.

This doesn't affect any human, as people who pay for EA games can't be considered human.

Nah man, I'm that chill. I'm high as a kite replying to every single thread right now.

>assuming ea is capable enough to actually make this work

Ever thought about suicide? Maybe you should do it right now.

Lmao no

Post your other replies or you're full of shit.

>being so bad at games that you think pay to win is bad

This is good though. Tryhards will have to pay their fair share to beat the game. Normal people will have an easier time and get to beat the game easier without paying.

>assuming they're incompetent at jewing


i mean if someone has to pay to win a single player game then alls i gotta say is hard lol

Literally any mobile game does this. E.g. Candy Crash and its knock-offs. If you spend any amount of real life money at all, the game will secretly go into "paying customer" mode and will become much harder, as in there will be a lot more occasional super bullshit difficulty spikes. People data mined those games and it's no secret by now.

>p2w apologist

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So? It's the same thing as telemarketers sharing their lists of people who are dumb enough to buy their shit. If you bought X over the phone, you're probably going to buy Y.

That's not the same thing at all you retard.

I thought America was planning to crackdown on this sort of practice

>playing f2p
>playing ANY games with gacha
Deserve it.

People play single player games from EA still?

Yes, it is. If you're a braindead moron who pays for in-game benefit, obviously you're going to get games that are too hard for you to incentivise further purchase.

This is what happens when games are targetted at whales.

>It's the same thing as...
So? Does that make it okay you godamn npc?

theres much worse things on ea's patent page. im looking through it right now and feel genuine dread. go take a look for yourselves, anons.

And you're the problem

Link to source?

>Does that make it okay you godamn npc?
In a world where this garbage is legal? Sure.

The problem is making games for whales in the first place, the methods they use to squeeze more money out of these pathetic sacks of shit don't bother me at all.


what if I'm not trying hard but am just naturally better than you at everything? i should be punished just for being better than you? maybe you shouldn't be such a disappointment to your parents instead of expecting the world around you to cater to your inability to function like a normal person

Battlefield 1 and V have morphing hitboxes in real time. Basically they took the concept from overwatch and turned in a more massime mountain of shit

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this will always be a thing

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such as? I'm gay and can't read

when the whales become the primary customers, they will become the only ones catered to. games will be made with no purpose other than extracting money out of whales. you ever read that citibank plutonomy memo? it echoed the exact sentiment years ago. like who gives a shit about the base consumer when richfags will always contribute more than them? at some point the most economically efficient path will be to disregard non-whales altogether.

Yes you should. To make things more equal you should have to play a harder game. If you're so good you wouldn't complain about it.

nice try 0.45 k/d pleb

They are incompetent at making games
They are VERY competent at jewry

So? Anyone with half a braincell wouldn't be playing this garbage in the first place?

Those games already exist. The basic reality is that non-whales will never be disregarded, the entire whale strategy relies on non-whales baiting the hook.

The game has to have users who don't pay to make the game seem populated enough for the whale to consider wasting his money to show everyone online how cool he is.

>caring about the k/d in a objective-based game
he may be wrong but you're clearly a cod refugee

off the top of my head
>Systems for purchasable premium currency that comes in two tiers, the second of which decays over time. Certain items can only be purchased with this decaying currency
>Dynamically adjusting virtual rewards presented in offers, basically targeting in game microtransactions based on what the game determines you to be most likely to purchase
>Dynamic difficulty adjustment in that the game may automatically be adjusted without your knowledge in difficulty, either up or down, and that this can be used to incentivize purchase of items and then lowering difficulty to give positive feedback association
>a neural network that analyzes activity of a live service to determine preemtively when it will have a failure and determine how to fix said failure the fastest
>paylines in slot machines that's odds may differ based on a characters class, level, race, number of experience points, known skills, owned virtual items, or other aspects.
>a system for chance based payment akin to a pot of virtual items where multiple individuals enter into a drawing and one person is randomly selected to pay for everything, akin to russian roulette.
It just keeps getting worse.

how come there is no (((media))) coverage over shit like this?
this is dreadful

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id be mad at this, but i haven't played an ea game in almost 10 years.

How about don't play games with mtx?
>wtf I entered this sewer and it smells like shit!

You know why

pretty soon there wont be any new games to play that dont have them if it keeps going at this rate.

It's really not that hard to implement.
It's probably harder to implement it in a way to not be immediately noticeable, though.

They filed the patent 3 years ago racist.

Make it a fuss and there will be media coverage
Tbh everyone buying EA games deserves it

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Game journos know certain topics are off limits if they want to keep recieving invitations to closed door showings and other press events, like E3
It would be a shame if you reported on this and suddenly found yourself disinvited from that super exclusive closed door premiere of EA's newest games, now wouldn't it?

bump up health here, make a randomized % of shots miss there, make input timings tighter somewhere else, plenty of ways they can sneakily fuck over players to create artificial frustration to which they sell the solution to

I haven't noticed much of it though? Maybe if you play sterile big publisher trite there's more of it.

I would say
big yik.

But A Way Out was the best splitscreen experience I've ever had with a game and me and my best friend are even closer now no homo.

Because it's old as fuck and never implemented. There WAS coverage when this came to light but OP is just a semen slurping faggot trying to get yous from retarded wannabe casuals like you, who don't actually follow gaming but are the first to cry about rising up.

>>But A Way Out was the best splitscreen experience I've ever had with a game
I feel bad for you. I get that you're probably a little zoom-zoom so you've never even had a splitscreen experience before, but Jesus Christ, A Way Out was one of the most painfully derivative and bland experiences of my life.

There was
Mostly by people that play FIFA

Someone gift me Persona 3 Dancing for PS4

have all known EA domains and subdomains blocked through pi hole, good luck with that EA

Imagine buying a game and paying to not play it.

>Buying lootboxes
>Not actually gitting gudder at the game because based EA increased the difficulty level to make the game more fun and challenging

What EA games have pay2win features

Look at the positive side, if ea patents all the ways to screw you over, other companies will have a harder time doing it.

>basic fucking hitbox/latency/br huehueheue issues that have been in every shooter ever
>it's the jews manipulating the hitboxes to do ???

Kill yourself.

EA customers deserve the cross


>Their scripting patent has leaked online and it’s fucking insane, if you still buy one of their games after this you deserve being ripped off LOL
Anyone that has bought an EA game in the last 15 years is a retard.

No exceptions.

I thought this was a hoax.

Attached: Anthem AI.jpg (1020x595, 98K)

Especially this one.

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even if the document itself is fake (and it most likely isn't, I've sat through these kind of presentations before), all of this tech exists and is already in use


What does it do if I don't buy micros and never do/will just drop the game if it tries to make it boring to make me buy them?

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I get the AI but what does the mapping do? Stepping stone for further clearer pictures?

Happily drops you, since then you won't take up bandwidth of someone who'll gladly pay.

this is why retro games are better
modern gaming is tainted by companies psychologically cucking their customers for more money

>a company out to make money

Holy lord, the nerve! How dare they!

i guess you’re in favor of tobacco companies marketing to kids. what ever gets you the almighty dollar

uh, no. the problem is people having anything to do with EA. the last EA game i played were alice 2 and dead space 1. you should be moving AWAY from shit, you know

Why do you people care so much about video games? Isn't more money for a company good for development?

No, no it is not.

Seems fine then, what's the issue here?

Only drooling retards play EA games anyway. As an ML guy this seems like a fine use of the tech.

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When the money goes anywhere except the developers, no.

No, it lets them guesstimate income level by the contents of the home and other things
not even the shadiest shit in that document though

The issue is that if this behavior is deemed acceptable, it will seep into other companies as well, as has already happened with microtransactions. Sure, you can just choose not to support them either, limiting your pool of publishers further, but I'd rather live in a world where we have more non-exploitative publishers, rather than less.

If anyone still buys EA games after 2008, it's their fault. I don't care.

>multi-millionaire by inheritance but live in a tiny room surrounded by filth and garbage because it takes too much effort to clean or move or call someone to clean or move or do anything but sit at the computer every day and post on this horrible place
Ch-checkmate EA, can't profile me!

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Anthem was literally built to exploit this stuff.

Get these fucking zoomers seriously.



More like 2002

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look at this delusional faggot.
this aint 2005 anymore

Where does the money go to then? I thought gaming as an industry has generally been improving.

The fuck you mean "becomes" acceptable. Where have you been? It's already ingrained and there's nothing you can do about it, unless they pass that Lootbox Bill.

>Where does the money go to then?
To the big wigs bank accounts.

>I thought gaming as an industry has generally been improving.

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Defeatist scum.

Why can't EA realize that all you have to do to make money is make a good fucking game?

Wow! You're such a cool guy!

it’s not true. shitty mobile games make more money because of addicted whales

Because they can't do that.

Why isn't it illegal for them to map out your home with wifi signals and what other corporations are doing it?

Retards deserve to get scammed out of their money.

Because they don't want to just "make money," they want to make money consistently with minimal risk.

They will forego smaller less reliable spikes in revenue in exchange for a more reliable RoI. A huge amount of games fail, and for the budgets they put in they can't afford to have many fail.

I dont even have Origin installed

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How do you play apex legends then

This is about exploiting other things not related to persons intelligence

Except EA doesn't even have any single-player loot box games aside from maybe Need for Speed.

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>deliberately cause frustration in vidya to profit off negative emotion induced by intended design
>mapping home with Wi-Fi to determine disposable income
Cartoon villain tier evil shit.

It's been getting BIGGER, user, not better. In the same vein that cinema has gone to shit in the last decade, video game as an industry has become hopelessly fucked as it's plagued with AAA trashes with dumbed down gameplay and derivative concepts.

>Legendary rifle literally did less damage than the default rifle, but showed bigger numbers

Link: patents.google.com/patent/US20170259177A1/en

Can you provide one instance of this happening?
Well the gaming industry is pretty fragmented. You've got Japanese games, American games, indie games, mobile games, VR headsets, PC parts, consoles, AAA's, retro games. You can't just look at EAs business practices and say that gaming in general is dying.

We've made an astronomical leap in graphical technology in the past six years . Gaming has become as virulent as the internet, as sensational as gossip magazines.
Most people can't even play Civ or Monster Hunter yet those still sell record numbers. Some people don't derive pleasure from just game play mechanics. This is why speed running, esports, and achievement hunting exist.

>Can you provide one instance of this happening?
Patrick Soderlund?

I feel like this shit already happens in some multiplayer games. Sometimes I'll be playing and the game will just change the rules on me. Two exact matches will go by with the same exact players, yet on one my weapons suddenly just do no damage until I switch to something else. As if the game wants to force you to have a large amount of weapons and constantly switch between them.

Ive worked in a Russian MMO company (mail.ru subsidiary) and we did similar things as far as ~7 years ago - analyzing and manipulating players into playing more and spending more.
I bet all the western and asians companies been using similar tactics as well.

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It's because it was filed 3 years ago. If you know anything about patents, you'd understand that it only started being relevant today.

randy bobandy writing himself a check
just google it

massmedia is dead and its corpse stinks
youtubbers are better journalists at this point - and there have been many videos on the topic ie


not every patent results in that tech actually being used

fuck off glownigger

It's only not okay if Epic does it.

There's some people playing gacha games that said it would matchmake them with opponents much stronger until they bought funbux from the store and then they would get an easy ride for a week or 2 before being destroyed again.
Doesn't sound so crazy when you see something like this.

Dont ever play fighting games then. I swear to Christ on the cross DBFZ (guilty gear is not innocent either). 99% of the time its netcode. Then we play locals and reinvent the wheel every week.


fucking lol

remember, these are the cunts that sell FIFA games with insane lootbox pricing and rng

Youtubers are subject to the same racket as regular game """""""""""""""""""""journalists""""""""""""""""""""""""
shittalk your master, no more review copies, no more invitations to events, etc.
exact same crooked shit going on there as the rest of the industry

i dont even play any EA games but they deserve to be bombed nothingless

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for however jewish this is i can at least appreciate its craftiness

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it's fake retard

Gaacha is shit. Shadowverse, the 40k card game (kinda wondering wtf the plan to do with psyk) are good card games and require 0 monetary investment. You gon get whooped, but try and learn.


>Can you provide one instance of this happening?
Not him, just extrapolating.

Between tax dodging, monopolizing not one but two big-money franchises (sports and star wars), said sports games happening to be the biggest selling games out there, and that they keep burning through teams in rushed development, it really only leaves a couple of options as to where the money goes:
Either they are the most incompetent game company (let alone company in general) and are pissing money into some mystery hole, or they're taking a large percentage for themselves and not trying to reinvest said money into the company.

Sports/Starwars don't need microtransactions/lootbox gambling, it is absurd to suggest that is the thing keeping your company afloat. They are a legitimately badly run company that doesn't deserve to be in business anymore.

>EA have been gathering personal data and using it to modify difficulty sliders in their games in real time to incentivize people to buy microtransactions
Well d'uh. Gotta get them Benjamins.
What's next, you're going to be surprised that Nintendo's bringing out Rare Amiibos with extra content in them, indistinguishable from regular Amiibos until you buy them?

>demonetizes u for harmful opinions and has ur account locked for hate speech
Heh... your move, independent content provider...

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I mean you're right, anyone who buys EA deserves what they get, but the player's critical lack of skill was in their purchasing decisions, not their controller inputs.

>Buying EA games

Nice source


I haven't bought an EA game in so long, but doubt you can get those idiots who buy every FIFA game to stop buying.


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Prove it.

>(((media))) coverage
You already answered it yourself.

>It's probably harder to implement it in a way to not be immediately noticeable, though.
Don't hide your stuff in clever or subtle ways.
Lower your players' intelligence and ability to spot things.

Prove it

>prove a negative
disprove this fagets

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>Hurr durr reddit

Good thing I haven't bought an EA game in over half a decade then.


>playing ea games
you deserve much worse