Josh Sawyer Can't Admit He Fucked Up Pillars of Eternity 2

>Things get more interesting in the second half, where Josh examines several of Deadfire's more controversial features, throwing his bosses under the bus a couple of times in the process. These include the five character party (no regrets), the companion relationship system (an overambitious failure), the ship-to-ship combat system (a disaster that was actually cut from the game and then forced back into it as a stretch goal by Obsidian management) and full voice acting (also imposed by management, resulting in what Josh describes as the most stressful period of his entire career).

>That's not to say that the entire talk is about blaming other people. Josh admits that he failed as lead narrative designer, creating a story that couldn't decide whether it was about factions or gods. He admits that he failed to realize that turn-based RPGs were now more popular than real-time-with-pause, and that he didn't take complaints about the game's low difficulty seriously enough during the backer beta. Ultimately, Josh concludes that in the future he should work on a different kind of RPG.

>DIVOS2 set a new standard

OH NO NO NO NO - Obsidiots BTFO

Attached: divos2 sawyer poe2.jpg (1680x1050, 292K)

Other urls found in this thread:

When did he get this fat?

They’re so BTFO it isn’t even funny


it's not that he doesn't know he failed, it's that plent of the bad decisions/features are things you can't change anymore when you're that far into the development cycle without fucking up the game more

estrogen does the opposite, it leans you out if you're a guy

Throwing his superiors under the bus is a bad idea.

The ship combat thing especially. They mdae it a kickstarter stretch goal?

He should've seen it as an opportunity to right a wrong. Completely overhaul the system and get rid of the horrid interface. Make it more like traditional combat in the game so its not so jarring.


The voice over rant is stupid as fuck. Thinking you can get away with half measures is retarded. With VO you go full, or you go none. Doing VO for narration only, or main characters only just feels like exactly what it is, half assed. If its that big of a deal, you start cutting out minor characters, or dialogue from the game BEFORE you start recording the VO.

>failed to realize that turn-based RPGs were now more popular than real-time-with-pause
Aren't turn-based fags just shitposters? Who actually wants to play a game where everyone takes a turn to backstab each other? Or give orders for each of their party members for several turns, just to hit a rat once.

>DIV OS 2 set a new standard
>and I hate them for that

(you) posted it again

>Sawyer still won't admit it was the gay fish's fault that the game flopped

Then he's still mentally ill

Attached: gay fish lmao.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)

or just auto board and skip the unnecessary gimmick

>Throwing his superiors under the bus is a bad idea.
I mean it's not like it isn't plausible. Didn't Chris Avellone have some issue with the Obsidian bigwigs too?

actually seethe harder turn based has always been far more popular in the genre

>Aren't turn-based fags just shitposters?
No. Also turn-based is the closest to the pen&paper rpg experience, which is what cRPG originally wanted to emulate.
>Who actually wants to play a game where everyone takes a turn to backstab each other?
Anyone who isn't a brainlet, and considering the sale number of div:os2, that's quite a lot of people already.

>Aren't turn-based fags just shitposters?
They are. It's an epic new meme.

>Who actually wants to play a game where everyone takes a turn to backstab each other
According to div:os 2 sales? millions of people

>hips are wider than shoulders

Is Sawyer dare I say it, our /gal/?

keep telling yourself that
the most popular crpg in the last 2 decades is also the only turn based one

>The voice over rant is stupid as fuck. Thinking you can get away with half measures is retarded. With VO you go full, or you go none. Doing VO for narration only, or main characters only just feels like exactly what it is, half assed. If its that big of a deal, you start cutting out minor characters, or dialogue from the game BEFORE you start recording the VO.

This isn't true ime. There are tons of JRPGs that just have some characters unvoiced. It's not really a big deal.


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>With VO you go full, or you go none.
you don't fucking know what you're talking about retard

I'll take turn based over real time with pause any day

>Chris Avellone
Isn't he in a bitter feud with Obsidian and Sawyer for that matter.

>Fallout 1 and 2 only have a quarter of their characters voice acted

What did the retard mean by this? Not that I'm defending Josh or Obsidian - fuck POE1 and 2

Attached: fallout 2-min.jpg (500x500, 68K)

To be fair, if I was an RTwPfag, I'd also be pissed.

At this point I think literally everyone at that company is an incompetent asshole who wants to blame anyone else for their failures.

>the most popular crpg in the last 2 decades
Baldur's Gate 2 and Dragon Age Origins?

The game flopped because the "fish" was just a human with slightly blue-tinted skin.

Also because real time is fucking garbage mechanic in party-based games and the writing in general was fucking bland.

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>ship-to-ship combat
My guess is that it turned out to harder/more expensive do develop than he expected, which as a designer/writer, he wasn't able to see that coming
I do sympathize with having to write around full voice acting, shit should suck

bg2 is 2 decades+ and dragon age isn't a crpg

I think Feargus rather than Sawyer?
Archive of the RPGcodex tirade is here:

>2 decades+

>dragon age isn't a crpg

>Saturday, May 5, 7:26 PM: “I don’t have any issues with Josh [Sawyer], he’s not part of the upper management I mention here (he wasn’t even Design Director until a while after I left, I believe), and I think he’s a good Project Director. I also don’t have any issue with Tim [Cain], Leonard [Boyarsky], Charlie [Staples], Tyson [Christensen], Rich Taylor etc. and they are not part of this either – I like them all and respect their work very much. […] Josh did turn in his resignation more than once, and apparently (!) Feargus did threaten to fire him and Adam if PoE1 didn’t come out in March, which I never knew. (Yes, owners didn’t talk amongst themselves when they threatened to fire senior employees, apparently, because why would they – it was symptomatic of the poor communication at the studio. I also was never told when Feargus decided to move PoE1’s ship date from Sept to March, he didn’t mention that fact, either) I only heard about the firing threat when I read about it in Blood, Sweat, and Pixels (at least in the draft I read). I think threatening to fire Josh and Adam under any circumstances isn’t a smart move, especially since Obsidian always struggled with trying to find good leads and good programmers. I don’t ever think you should threaten employees like that, either. I also support the idea of making financial and resource sacrifices if it will make the end result better (I supported PoE2’s delayed launch), which was also apparently the crux of the threat.”

Sawyer is saying the game was bad because the bosses pushed them too far. That's different from what's going on with Avellone, where he's throwing the bigwigs under the bus because he's alleging that they basically stole from him, them being shitty at development management being incidental to that.

>Skyrim is a crpg when you really think about it

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>Sawyer is saying the game was bad because the bosses pushed them too far.

aka him passing the buck even though he's the director

Oh I guess this BG3 announcement got the autistic obsidian hater out of his hot pocket induced coma.

to be fair poe2 is a big game and needed more time
but at the same time they could of dropped a shit ton of the content like shorting the factions/ship combat and literally nobody would of noticed

Not necessarily related to this specific thread, but I alwas found it amusing that when you're reading through a thread on codex you can often tell who is among the video game grognards that shit up cRPG threads on Yea Forums

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>never admits his politics made an impact on game reception
reminder he supports anita

Chris' tirade provides background though. He talks about Feargus and Parker:What I'm saying is even if you replace Josh with someone competent, nothing's gonna get fixed if the management is fucked up. Being a company man myself, I'm familiar with such a situation.

he's THICC

As far as I'm concerned everyone at obsidian and maybe all mankind is guilty for this atrocity of a franchise

53 minutes is a bit long, does he admit they fucked up with the gay shit?

Being 100% fair to him, financial deadlines are a bitch and a half to actually getting a game like this out, especially for Kickstarter games without outsider funding (I'm assuming Obsidian didn't have any money except for the cash they had on hand from POE1 profits and the 2 Kickstarter),

But also, it's still his fault for overreaching. He didn't scale back the project to be in line with the reality of their finances, and that's his fault.

He also won't admit the gay fish was a problem

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You know what will be funny? If Larian makes a better TBWP game than Ovsidian with BG3 and that makes billions

rtwpfags btfo
thank you based larian

No, but he does go into depth about other problems that did help kill the franchise
like trash fights/Performance/Etc.

"extremist elements"
yeah HIS extremist elements. guy is a full blown antifa cuck

>turn based with pause

Contain your autism to a single fucking thread OP
Christ how fucking shit can you be

He's right, but for the wrong reasons

>Contain your autism to a single fucking thread OP
>Christ how fucking shit can you be

Well I did help kill a game studio by just showing cringe parts from the game in question, so I feel pretty good

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Everyone I used to admire has been lost in just a few years

You guys acting like the gay fish or Chris' politics had any impact on the game failing? That would imply anyone even heard about the game to know that these things existed in the first place. I think the biggest problem POE2 had was that it released into the fucking wind. For real, I didn't even know it existed until it was already dead. Even fucking Tyranny had more people seeing it than POE2.

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>yeah HIS extremist elements. guy is a full blown antifa cuck

Sawyer (Ropekid) also doesn't understand why his game got worse reviews than the first one

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Memes aside. I liked it. It was more fun to play and build characters in than the first game, and Baldur's Gate.

Lmao obsidian cucks seething

You have to answer this: How does a game get lost in the shuffle in the first place? POE1 and DIVOS1 both had successful Kickstarter campaigns

Then both sequels had successful Kickstarter campaigns again

Except... DIVOS2 was able to surpass the sales of the first game, while POE2 utterly flopped.

So as to reasons why POE2 could have flopped as badly as it did: I personally wouldn't buy a game from a man with politics like this

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I think it just wasn't exciting as just another tbwp wannabe bg indie whatever and lack of marketing( i think their was one trailer a week before the game came out, and like 1 youtuber event and that was it) is the two main things that made it really bomb
but the gay fish(which isn't even the worse pandering compared to half of the gay shit deadfire) did hurt it in the eyes of people who go onto threads about games like this one
it would of still bombed even without the gay shit but not nearly as bad as it had

Lel I actually started watching the video and the OP is and Sawyer says that STREAMERS hated it. I guess when they got to unvoiced text in the stream they would trash the game.

>turn-based RPGs were now more popular than real-time-with-pause

Attached: 13b.gif (931x682, 426K)

>Divinity games are turn based
>POE is real time with pause l-like the original infinity engine games
>Divinity Original Sin reviewed well and sold well, the second game reviewed incredibly very well and sold phenomenally well
>We were like "Well, we reviewed and sold well. So if we have a similar approach to refining the game we will review even better and sell incredibly well"
>(laughs) wrong
BASED, grandpa's time is over

Attached: ss (2019-06-07 at 10.05.20).jpg (1306x738, 255K)

Reminder /poeg/ had two games and several DLCs and couldn't keep those threads alive because of embarrassing shit like gay fish

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no one knew what is larian and no one cared about divinity original sin back in 2013-2014. everyone knows guys who made new vegas or kotor 2 especially rpg fans

Because Chris Avellon wasn't working on POE2 anymore.

again i agree the gay shit hurt it here but pretending that's the main reason it bombed is retarded
nobody outside of Yea Forums gave a shit or even seen it to begin with

This, I legit had no idea who Larian was. I knew Fallout, I knew Baldur's Gate. I didn't know who they were, yet they had a huge following in Europe that Obsidian has never been able to capture

>these zoomers never played waifu dragon commender or divine divinty

>Chris' politics
Josh's politics.

>OwO user kun... we just met 10 minutes ago but do you love yet? ;3
Who the fuck wrote these terrible characters. The only redeeming one was the midget furry.

Attached: Portrait_maia_lg.png (210x330, 106K)

>Because Chris Avellon wasn't working on POE2 anymore.

Literally only contributed a few characters to POE1, so how the hell would his leaving even effect POE2 in the big picture?

Why would I?

Discord boss said to make 3 more threads so get to it you fucks
Also someone needs to make an anti Banjo/pro Steve thread

my favorite e-celebs never mentioned them
god i wish larian would revisit dragon commander

*and eder

I mean, I can think of another game that had a gay fish in it that did pretty well

Attached: Undyne Armorless.gif (220x176, 28K)

You made me cringe more than even the gayest, cringiest, Obsidiot.

I fucking love serafan but he does offer to suck your dick roughly 20 mins after meeting him and goes on and on about getting molested by an older man but its alright he liked it

cant refute the fact that she is popular

Just telling the truth, user.

>>these zoomers never played waifu dragon commender or divine divinty
because they werent shilled by trannies or chinese bots lmao.

>tfw a quirky tumblrite writes better characters than all of the wrpg vets trying to cash in with the second wave
How did it come to this?

Attached: undyne ainsley.jpg (2048x1420, 958K)

Reminder Josh Sawyer/Ropekid literally yells at employees for not including enough gay characters in Obsidian games

Attached: ropecuck.png (1117x1213, 172K)

Jesus Christ why is Yea Forums now quoting random nobodies on forums? Fuck off. PoE 1 was already garbage, it's literally impossible for the second game to be worse.

>the companion relationship system (an overambitious failure)
It's failed in every Obsidian game that's had it. PoE1 was perfectly fine without a convoluted approval system.

Which YouTuber shills Fallout 2 or Baldur's Gate 2? Nice try, guys.

Sorry guys, these games are classics and Larian never made a classic until Original Sin 1 and 2.

*Aloth rolls his eyes*

I won't deny that the political pandering and shit would turn off people that were already invested, but I feel like the reason why DVOS2 blew Deadfire out of the fucking water is less because of Deadfire's failures, but DVOS2's successes. It isn't an exaggeration to say that DVOS2 is an absolute masterclass execution of it's genre, it delivered on almost all of the promises you get from CRPGs in regards to shit like "your choices matter" and branching consequences. It innovated on the genre, or at least took concepts and used them with as little half measures as possible. Whereas Obsidian seemed to see the Pillars games as continuations of the Infinity Engine games like BG2, and didn't think they needed to actually push that game style forward, just slap some polish on it and send that 90s gameplay into the late 2010s. POE1, all things considered, mostly sold on the nostalgia factor people had for games like Arcanum and Planescape, whereas DVOS2 actually felt like the next step in that style.

casual sex is not love

ignores advice from the hardcore fans*

*makes a game that bombs*

"Guys, you shouldn't pay much attention your your hardcore fans. The difficulty and writing of Deadfire are fine."

they should listen to codex

He's being open and honest, mate. What's so funny about that?

i hated the moments he did gay shit but beyond that him and eder were the only worthwhile companions
expect i thought it was cute when xoti flirted with eder
to bad they can't be together and she has mad amount of GAY SLOPPY LESBIAN SEX

DIVOS2 adding 4 player co-op over the first games 2 player co-op is also an easier thing to explain and sell than POE2's "we added this new class to the game - he has different stats!!!1" (Or in POE2's case "xe/xim has different stats")

how many proxies do you even have to be doing this for a solid 5 years without getting rangebanned

Listening to Codex is probably one of the worst things you could do if you want your game to sell more than 50 copies
Codex is exactly like Yea Forums in the sense that people will spend days shitposting about a game and how they want or don't want a certain thing to be present but in the end they won't buy the game anyway

How the fuck? Every single thing you have just said is wrong. How? Players and fans ask for honesty, when that's delivered, what do little dipshits like you say? "Throwing his superiors under the bus is a bad idea". Overhauling the ship system? Do you understand what that would take? It's be literally a game inside the game, it'd almost double the worktime for the game. And lastly "With VO you go full, or you go none"? Are you doubly retarded? Ever since DA2 people have said that anything is better than full VO because it bloats the dev costs if you want to deliver more stories, while no VA doesn't allow you to know the character's voice.

I don't usually say this, but your opinions are wrong, and the more you speak the more I see the people that hate the game as retarded. It's almost like the opposite of a fanboy base.

what a fag

>Aren't turn-based fags just shitposters?
They are genuine in their retardation.

hes a salty clueless fag cuck lmao

i think it was supposed to show she's a strong independent woman who's unafraid of her own sexuality

>Listening to Codex is probably one of the worst things you could do if you want your game to sell more than 50 copies

t. discord or something awful tranny that didn't even buy the game

Compared to other, non turn based rpgs? That's nothing.




>Sunday, May 6, 3:05 AM: “Jones has kept himself off the radar – and off of actual work – for many, many years. As much as it was frustrating, I have to respect that kind of dodgy talent – and plus, he’s got the privilege of remaining an owner despite threats from the CEO, so he knows how to go with the flow. “No worries, Gus, I’ll keep my mouth shut – I need my payout. Whatever you say – forget what I was saying 5 minutes ago about all the facts about how things are off the rails – if you are threatening to un-owner me, I’ll stay the course because I need that money.” What equally amazed me, however, was how quickly he would turn on programmers doing actual work and condemn them (one of our best project directors – who was a programmer, and an excellent one – was frequently hammered by him to the point where I wondered if it was because the PD was a programmer who was proving he could do far more than the baseline Jones had set, which is immediately threatening to a superior). Jones also used the word “impossible” more liberally than he should in terms of what programming could do – and would never contradict it even when he realized it wasn’t true, which was equally amazing. If you ever wonder why KOTOR2 couldn’t auto-read save files (like every other RPG on console and PC could once BioWare decided to make it so), you can thank Jones for evaluating it as “impossible.” Again, please note that he realized he was wrong, but he chose never to say anything about that. I have no idea why. The only joy I had was when Jones and Parker would go at each other’s throats (they hated each other for the simple reason that even if Parker was flawed, at least he did something – and Jones was all about not doing anything). Overall, as little as I respect Parker, at least he saw Jones for the production “oh, there’s no way to do this” blocker that he was.”

>Also because real time is fucking garbage mechanic in party-based games
Warhammer Dawn of War 2. Case closed, shut your whore mouth.

>remove characters and dialogue for the sake of voice acting
Fuck off Todd Howard

So either go full action or turn based or don't make the game at all (RTWP)

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Turnbased is for faggots. RTwP is superior.

one of these cunts.

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How's that boot tasting like

>Background on CEO Feargus Urquhart.
>Saturday, May 5, 7:44 PM: “Feargus went through what I feel may have been poor training as a studio lead at Black Isle. In that position, he had more control over the projects, the funding, and more importantly, outside developers – in his role at Interplay, he was very much the publisher, and he was the one who made calls on BG1, BG2, etc. He controlled the funding, could make demands, could withhold payments, and also force capitulations in features and schedules. Unfortunately, I believe this set a bad precedent for Feargus dealing with publishers in the future because we became one of the same outside developers he had formerly overseen when he was a publisher – the roles were reversed, and so was the power. Suddenly he had to experience it from the other side, and he didn’t take to it well – the control was gone, and suddenly his demands could be ignored and fought, rather than accepted. The leverage was gone.

lol what? almost all people on that forum are the backers of these games with very large amout of money they send

>Even more importantly, Feargus’s behavior no longer had to be ignored by the person on the other end of the phone or in discussions in the conference room: Where once if Feargus asked a developer or contractor to do something, they would largely have to swallow it or fight to be polite in order to get paid or keep their project going, the reverse was very hard for Feargus to deal with, and led to a lot of shouting matches (which you could hear down the hall), and even hanging up on publishers. We knew about this because he’d come brag to us about when he hung up on a studio head or producer, which made me even more depressed, since it meant we’d likely lose another contract with no back-up plans (he actually did the bragging rounds from owner office to owner office when he shouted at someone in the studio as well, as if he was showcasing the strength of his management style). Worse, Feargus didn’t learn from this – instead, he passed the behavior along. When Feargus was in charge of outsourcing and other remote contracts, he behaved much like the publishers he railed against, which was depressing as well. Overall, the position of having to answer to someone else didn’t often go well, and it’s much the reason I think Obsidian would be better off finding a way to completely self-publish their games because I don’t think any other option is going to work in the long-term.

This your first time seeing the Obsidian spammer?

You are actually autistic.

>It went beyond the transparency in finances – the biggest shock came when the matter arose about paying back employees (not the owners, but our employees) who had given up their paychecks to keep Obsidian from going bankrupt. When we did start getting money in the bank again after this bleak period, however, the company’s spending began accelerating again. This made me uncomfortable, so at that time where our finances became healthy again, I brought up that since we had the means to do so, we should pay back the employees who gave up their paychecks to keep us going. My comment was met with silence by all the owners. I repeated the concern, but when I brought it up again, Feargus simply said, “we never promised we’d pay the employees back,” as if that excused things – but paying the employees back didn’t seem like a technicality to me, this was the right thing to do. He then said he wanted the matter dropped. Fortunately, another owner did finally admit he agreed with me some time later (mostly because one of the unpaid employees confronted the owner on what was going on with it), he was someone Feargus would listen to, and when he brought it up (this time he asked for my support, even though he had been silent before), we were able to push Feargus into establishing a payback plan and get restitution for the employees who sacrificed for us – and this was well before any owner paychecks resumed (by this point, the owners were resolved to not getting paid back, so it wasn’t a huge shift). Overall, it seemed a shameful way to treat our employees who had sacrificed for us, and I wasn’t happy we even had to discuss compensating them – it didn’t seem to be something we should discuss, we should simply do it because it was the right thing to do.”
Here's your management bro.

>She's working on the Outer Worlds


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now THIS is a crew capable of writing a deep and intricate story... should have been Obsidian instead... it was their turn

Did the janitor delete the other thread or did you? I ask because I know there's at least one awake right now pruning threads.

I liked Alpha Protocol and New Vegas

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Why do people even act like RTwP is a good format for adapting DnD into a video game? The fucking tabletop game is turn based, for fuck's sake. RTwP is nothing but an experimental stepping stone in taking turn based combat games into real time combat games.

>the amount of no life mentally ill autism in this thread
Holy shit

>because of embarrassing shit like gay fish
Nigga, can you stop spamming this shit? You kill every possible level of communication in every thread you are, it's impossible to do a postmorten of it due to your bullshit, every thread, with the same fucking replies, the same fucking images. You're just like barry.

Attached: avellone1.png (865x248, 56K)

I liked Alpha Protocol and Tyranny. NV is ass.

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b-but the original game from 2000 was rtwp

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everyone likes newvegas retard

its always a minority of complainers that somehow mix in politics and women as part of the problem for why their precious video game sucks

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well it's your opinion and I respect it even though I disagree

>N-n-nooooo don't make fun of my shit game

*braps in your face*


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They were good games, made by a good team. It's a shame that that team dynamic isn't there anymore, but at least we got some good shit out of it.

The point of TBS is that you don't hit rats and all battles you fight are meaningful.

Contain yourself

>clearly just a joke
poe had problems but this is far from one, and your mentally ill for trying this hard

Wonder how it would have turned out if feargus didn't have them waste so much time on the ship to ship combat system.

it is fun and it is relative fast so you are abble enjoy even random fights

But all of those were why POE2 sucked, like this scene that forces you into gay sex with no way to say no

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Divinity is also an old series by now, with SEVERAL successful games. PoE has 2 games under it's belt, one being basically carried by the hype of being one of the first kickstarter games that actually released, but wasn't overall a good game. So yeah, it makes sense the second game wasn't going to sell as well as Divinity.

I would never would have guessed.

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Nice tranny myth.
Estrogen bloats you out with water retention and throws your insulin balances out of whack if you're male, resulting in alternating spikes of both sudden hunger and nausea.

Unless you're desperately dieting while getting estrogen'd you don't get leaner, you just turn into a formless, doughy thing.

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Explain yourself you fucking weirdo, what's the point of this agenda? You're on a campaign to shit on obsidian, but why?

Why are feminists so bad at writting meaningful characters?

u salty lmao

>westacuck dev fails to humble himself
As always

It's retarded because you have all this material about how shitty it is in Obsidian but you're focusing on one small thing. You could at least point to Chris' tirade and see that all the heads are retards.
For instance:
>Saturday, May 5, 9:50 AM: “Feargus did try and have both his young children added as employees at the studio during my last year there, but the other owners fought back and made it clear that (1) not only was it illegal b/c of the age requirements, (2) there was no way to defend against someone being able to prove his two children didn’t work there (obviously, Feargus’s children are far below age of employment so if it was somehow proven, there would be additional problems), but most importantly, on a higher level, it was seen an unethical and wrong thing to try and do. The conversations about this were difficult because it was an issue related to employment + family, which made an otherwise easy decision of “no” increasingly angry and complicated, which was frustrating. It was something that shouldn’t have been suggested, discussed, or brought up at all.”

Yeah no, even dragon age 2, a massive failure sold more. NOW STOP FUCKING SPAMMING YOU SPERG. Holy shit I hate you so fucking much.

>no way to say no
half of the options are no

it is just showing how bad the writing is and it is bad

I'm not the creator of the threads but I find it just as annoying to see anti spam complaints posted continuously when can report or hide the other threads with less activity and move on

You got that covered and I also did cover it when the posts were new my dude

If a game costs $50 million and sells 2 million vs a game that cost $10 million and sells 2 million, guess which game is the success

There is no reason to dislike Tyranny other than the poor optimization(still better than NV) and a couple of meme writing segments. The world is brand new with interesting characters. The combat is fun since you can create your own spells and most of the stories written are excellent. Not that PoE2 shit. Tyranny feels way more engaging compared to PoE or NV.

guess you got me user, your just too witty
I can't wait for your obesidian shit thread tommorow when you post the exact same thing again, and ignore everyone telling you off
for the like 8th time

You ARE barry aren't you? I couldn't fucking believe the rumors were true. Fuck off already.
It's literally barry, or xv-kun you know the autist shitposter that killed the discussion of several games. He's SO RETARDED he can't understand the damage he causes to the board. Literally go to the archive and search for how many times he has posted those images.

damn look at all this salt lmao

>implying this thread is so active at 5am east coast time
I can't wrap my brain around this. Like, its not the first time I've seen you do this but I'm struggling to understand the mindset of doing this. Im assuming you're doing this now because there's no mods awake?

>Apologizing but going wink wink nudge nudge is saying "no"

What a cuck

you faggots keep saying that but funny enough you only ever post like 3 instances that are not even that bad?

>stretch goals
Why are companies so retarded with these?
They're either every backer gets a Yacht or they somehow double the scope of the game.

You're going to get a shit load of money just from the base hype for the game, the vast majority of the time they're totally unnecessary.
Stretch goals should be cheap, easy little extras they know the can pull off.

He has the highly prestigious honor of being the only Yea Forumstard who is fucking crazily autistic enough to have gotten an official statement from a mod about him.
You'll never get a straight answer why.

Wow, your bigotry is showing

Attached: 1527002745554.jpg (1920x1080, 300K)

So you are the creator then. You are actually mentally ill.

>get your ugly ass out of my cabin
>im sorry but im not interested
>I can't
equals wink wink
user your actually sick in the head for being this obsessed with something that doesn't exist

RTWP is shit

>If a game costs $50 million and sells 2 million vs a game that cost $10 million and sells 2 million, guess which game is the success
You know nothing of either game you massive retard. DA2 was made with much less and it was produced in 9 months, with pre production it totalled 13 months of development and I'm thankful TO ANY GOD that you weren't here when we used to discuss it's development because otherwise we would have never managed to actually discuss it. And the entire point wasn't money, it was popularity. Any Dragon Age game, real time with pause, sold more than the games you cited. Now fuck off.

Attached: moving-the-goalposts-300x2402.jpg (300x240, 29K)

>poor optimization(still better than NV)
NV was QA'd by Bethesda and used their engine. NV was more engaging and had better characters than Tyranny.

The whole politics thing is read though. I get making fun of people who will blame SJWs for anything from actual political screeds in-game to texture bugs, but there are absolutely people pushing to throw unrelated political shit into games to try and agenda push, like how Beamdog took a devkit to BG1 and added in pre-op transgender character struggles to a setting that has fucking belts of gender swapping that make that problem easily fixable.

most of us do

>>get your ugly ass out of my cabin

That implies you'd let them stay if they were attractive

turn based is even bigger shit

>Ultimately, Josh concludes that in the future he should work on a different kind of RPG.
Ultimately he should piss off and not work on any rpgs, go work for one of the dumb corps that share all your sjw values and seek the normie audience you constantly try to net but never do because CRPGS AREN'T GAMES THEY LIKE OR EVER WILL LIKE.
Fucking idiot.

Funny enough that's 1 of the 3 images I was talking about
Don't make me go find the image of bg where a powerful woman puts a misogynistic dwarf in his place

That's only post 2000s WotC D&D. Old school Basic D&D combat was fast enough that it might as well have been "real time"

No I know about him, i'm just trying to figure out his angle this late at night.

fuck off barry, let us actually discuss the game without your spam

i get there are valid complains as this, but im baiting right now

That only happened in the shitty Beamdog DLC you dumb fuck which everyone agrees Beamdog is shit

Attached: baldurs sjw.jpg (1568x984, 415K)

yikes user your not helping your case of being mentally ill
its fine to not like poe2 but to make shit up this hard in your head to dislike is really bizzare

Just so you're aware this spam does not feel very lifelike. Posts are happening way too fast to be believable.

Oh, gotcha, keep on keeping on

Aloth is like the only one who stays with you, and even he can ditch your ass if you make a certain choice. Gayfish and the two whores leave you no matter what.

What's wrong with wanting a simple "Fuck off, faggot." option?

Obsidiots always play up the roleplaying choices in Obsidian games, even if it's all redundant like pic related

>1. Pillars
>2. Pillars
>3. Pillars

What's the point again? And a black character for the quackshot of shit

Here's what I would have liked the character to have said in this situation

Simple. Not ambiguous or tryhard. Just no.
>Fuck off, fag
Since the game is full of edgy swearing, why not say something a real straight man might say?
>You're spending a day in the brig for this insubordination
Finally, a real choice that could influence the game. Possibly crew morale?

Attached: pillars pillars and more pillars.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

you got me there if i spend enough time im sure i could find at least 3 instance of less than stellar writing in classic bg to then spam to no end in hopes people also dislike a game I spend half of my time seething about
but i have better shit to do

>NV was more engaging and had better characters than Tyranny.
Let's agree to disagree. Tyranny has far better villains and the ''good'' guys are way more nuanced.

>Who actually wants to play a game where everyone takes a turn to backstab each other? Or give orders for each of their party members for several turns, just to hit a rat once.
user, I hate to break this to you, but that's literally rtwp games too you retard. It still has turns, it just refuses to communicate the information to you and leaves it up to guesswork. Who knows how long that spell will take to cast, who knows what the recovery time before they're able to perform another action is, hope you didn't click to move before your turn timer came up to swing your weapon because you just fucked that by doing so.
You are literally taking turns to backstab each other just the same, it's just 10x more janky, you cannot react on the fly like you seem to think you can.

Why would I not want my pen and paper inspired videogame to not play like a pen and paper game? Rtwp is fucking garbage.

It’s a bot.

It's barry, do you think he cares? Hell at this point I wonder if he gets a kick when he replies to himself to pretend there's an actual discussion when no one takes his bait, all anyone can do is report, ignore and actually talk with people who aren't him. Also spread the word.
Fuck off barry.

That's not what a mod post looks like you absolute newfaggot

This except replace Tyranny with NV

>but i have better shit to do

You're arguing with me at 4am lmao

gg no re

>why would a product not want to let players use the word faggot like thats for some reason normal in gaming

>hire niggers, trannies and roasties
>they cant make games
>games are shit and nobody buys them
>company loses millions
>have to make new game
>it will be made by the same people from before

Feels good to know Obshitian will die in the next few years

Attached: 1537232521962.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

you know other time zones exist retard its 1am and im filling out a job application with nothing better to do
also lol spamming 3 images to justify my seething over literal months isn't equivalent to using Yea Forums in biggest loser, big guy

>Who knows how long that spell will take to cast
You normally have the time it takes to, plus whatever reduction you get, in good rpgs at least.
>who knows what the recovery time before they're able to perform another action is
Same as above
>hope you didn't click to move before your turn timer came up to swing your weapon because you just fucked that by doing so
It allows some nifty tricks to be played, like last hits, sometimes even animation cancelling.

Attached: the voices of nerat want to have a word with you in the command tent.jpg (210x240, 19K)

I remember having to stop Tyranny (althought i was ahving fun with it) cause the loading times kept increasing.

Im assuming that got fixed cause it made it unplayable and never went back to it.

Also i remember disliking every single party companion i had gotten by that point

Try years, before that he was hating on DMC5/RE2make, before that he was hating on KH3, before that...

*looks at the clock*
What the fuck? It feels like I just got off work an hour ago and now it's 2 AM.

this thread is a bit of a yikes tbqh with you family

tyranny would get more respect if people even knew if it was a thing user

the difference is that in BG every turn take like 6 seconds and all characters do they turn so it is a lot faster in turn based combat where every turn is on pause it is take much more time and its also looks weird when only one character is active during the combat

>forces you in to gay sex
Are you a complete and utter fucking retard? No seriously, do you have no reading comprehnsion?

1, 2 and 6 are all no options.

The fact that someone actually cared enough about this game to make thread after thread about it is honestly impressive. Do you think Sawyer is ever sad that the only person left who even thinks about his game regularly is someone who absolutely hates it and him? Because aside from these threads, there isn't really anyone left.

Attached: 1528574521086.gif (200x200, 1.89M)

*2, 3 and 6*

You people fail to understand these developers are pandering because it makes them feel good.

Like all forms of slacktivism.

Why is Deadfire's story so much worse than the first game's?

Attached: 15079356936893593.jpg (900x806, 94K)

you should be able to kill him or call him faggot

he's an autist but i agree with every point he brings up
this shit where the MC is treated as a default bisexual was really grating and it was there throughout the game

Real talk. What the fuck even is Deadfire's story.

>Do you think Sawyer is ever sad
hes salty 24/7 about how no one likes his gay fish

do you think hes the one that brings up poe2 nonstop in other crpg thread?
bg3 has literally been more about poe and divinty

>That implies you'd let them stay if they were attractive

Actual autism.

Also because Sawyer is a raging faggot which is why he hates heterosexual relationships as much as he does

It's not because of Avellone - just pure Sawyer incompetence


Attached: sarkpwns (2).jpg (627x379, 54K)

he needs to cut down on the onions, what the hell. he used to look great

oh nonononono

it's uninteresting
it's fatalist to the point where it feels there's no point to doing anything - and you're correct in assuming so
the presentation is a lot worse

he got the tatoots, the flippy hair, skinny, pale, and glasses
he really did became a stereotypical sjw faggot

>Also i remember disliking every single party companion i had gotten by that point
Your companions are not good people. You are not supposed to like them even if by the end i started feeling sorry for some of them and even genuinely liked some none of them are the straightforward likable characters like you get in other RPGs. There are no Minsc and Boo in this game.

>dude they're all unlikable lmao!

This concept only ever works in comedies

I bet you also hate feelbad movies

Absolutely. You see the images being posted here? If you see those being posted, you know it's him.
Not sure, I hate PoE1 it's a boring as fuck game with no redeeming qualities aside from a relatively original main plot but with bad pacing problems and good art. However I haven't played the second game, but while looking for info on Kingmaker, time and again I see people speaking fondly of Deadfire.
And your alternative would be?

the gods tell you to follow that other god but don't do anything
and that's what you do

deadfire isnt that bad, no matter how hard they spammed the 3 images
it just isn't that interesting, buts its kind of fun and offer a lot of different choices
the most 7-8/10 game i ever played

no it doesn't lmao

>And your alternative would be?

Make being gay or bi a perk you select at the start of the game, otherwise bury gay or bi inklings DEEP into dialogue trees and always assume the MC is straight (and an ideal WRPG would not have gay relationships)

Attached: jc222.jpg (597x316, 72K)

Because their lives have no real meaning or value. How can they be expected to impart something they do not posess or even comprehend into their work?

I disagree about PoE 1 not having redeeming qualities.

I hated the game (i had really high expectations) but i think it deserves some points for some of the classes in the game (instead of going for more usual fantasy archetypes) and also for the dungeon under the keep , i remember that place fondly even when the whole rest of the game felt like a huge turd on my chest.

If Obsidian did not fuck up so badly with PoE2 more people would've probably gone back and played Tyranny. It is worth it just for the lore of the world and the characters that populate it.

Which as I've said if that's your problem, you can do simultaneous turn based combat where 1 ally and 1 enemy move at once. Or where you issue all orders for the round and everyone moves at once. Vandal hearts 2 did it just fine.
If your problem is purely speed, an option to turn off animations or speed them up would also solve your issue.
Rtwp is a bad solution, it doesn't fix anything properly and just makes the game much clunkier and hide a tonne of relevant information from the player.

>You normally have the time it takes to
You literally don't know what this is though. Different spells in bg have different cast time, and at nowhere in the game is this ever communicated to you what they are or shown to you via some ui element so you can plan around it. You literally have to time it with a stopwatch yourself if you want to know, it's retarded.
It definitely didn't allow animation cancelling, nor would animation cancelling even particularly helpful because you cannot take another action immediately anyway, and moving away will not prevent damage the vast majority of the time because it's fucking calculated at dumb times in the turn.
The only thing rtwp allows you to do that turn based does not is to infinitely kite enemies with one unit and attack them with other ranged units, and this is not an improvement to the game, cheesing like that should be prevented to begin with.

I watched the entire thing. As much as I like to hear the backstories behind games' development processes the speech isn't as informative as I'd hoped. A lot of the points are just Sawyer talking about how his visions were conflicting with the players' or the executives at Obsidian.
Towards the end of the video he began talking about how he thought the ship combat was a great addition but ultimately decided to remove it after it had gone through several iterations of player feedback where the crowd hated it every time. He then starts to blame the higher-ups for the negative reception because they insisted the ship combat should be included in the game. It's as if he completely forgot he just had admitted that the feature was ill received despite HIS many attempts to salvage it and then tries to pin the blame on everyone else but himself.

A different thing I found interesting was listening to how much D:OS2's features had influenced or affected the development process and the game's content even though one of the very first topics he covers is how both he and Sven from Larian were surprised that the overlap in players that play both games was no way near as big as either of them had thought.

Attached: 1533073290627.jpg (618x618, 56K)

>A different thing I found interesting was listening to how much D:OS2's features had influenced or affected the development process and the game's content even though one of the very first topics he covers is how both he and Sven from Larian were surprised that the overlap in players that play both games was no way near as big as either of them had thought.

Larian is popular in Europe

Obsidian is popular in America (or was popular lol)

This really shouldn't be surprising.


I can't help but be fascinated by this. Is this shit you copied from other people or did you write all of this? Because some of it really doesn't flow very well.

They were made by essentially a different studio, not a modern Obsidian filled with no-name femtards

>Is this shit you copied from other people or did you write all of this?
you should tweet this at him and then post results lmao

It has been a couple years at least since i played but i remember thinking to myself "i dont want to spend 40 hours playing with these people" and even if what you say was the game's objective i dont think thats the kind of emotion you want to get from your player.

I stopped playing just after getting the singing/charming girl so there were some companions i never got and didnt actually get to play with the singer.

Also really hated that the first 2 companions were from diff factions and everything you did was +one - theother. I get the idea as a game mechanic but felt so fucking obvious, i that would have worked better if made a bit more subtle.

Have the performance issues been fixed? I dont mind giving it another try soon

the whole press conference was dindu nuffin

It gets worse

Attached: 1460096680290.jpg (1080x1820, 216K)

>ere surprised that the overlap in players that play both games was no way near as big as either of them had thought.
I mean, there's an easy answer for this. Os2 was a standalone game not a direct sequel, and neither it or it's precedessor had dlc. Poe2 was a direct sequel, and there's multiple dlcs out the asshole for all their shit.
To play poe2, people will feel like they need to play poe1, and then the pricing is prohibitive compared to the alternative option which is just to play os2.
Tldr: don't be fucking jews

You're dedicated, i'll give you that.

The game is too dark for some people, i can see that.

He certainly seems to be minimizing the damage his writing did to the game. Deadfire's story killed any interest I had in the series.

>the whole press conference was dindu nuffin

Obsidian and Obsidiot fans have always been this way - no wonder they're they're named "black rock", because they accept failure like the average basketball American

If I give the first PoE a hard 5 how much do you think I would like Deadfire?
Unless you're also saying that every romance option should be bi, that would be just extra work that would make it impossible to please the larger crowd.
Well I didn't say it didn't had good things, I said that it was boring overall because honestly, the time between the good sections takes too much. The grieving mother, Durance and the main plot are pretty amazing, but there's so much boring shit in between those segments. And the combat is so dull. Most enemies don't pose a threat, have way too much health. Imo any realtime/pause game should emulate aarklash legacy, THAT had a good combat.

Whoever thought full voice work should be a thing in a CRPG should be fucking shot.

What the fuck is wrong with westacuck devs?

Attached: 1531000727281.webm (588x720, 300K)

>Unless you're also saying that every romance option should be bi

Honestly WRPGs should not even bother with bi or gay options, just straight tbqh - based purely on population alone.

simplest and most elegant solution: no gay shit
less elegant but still simple: assume by default that the MC is straight

if you want some elaborate mechanic that still panders to minorities: establish the main character's sexual preferences based on responses to 2-3 early conversations. from then on, NPCs will assume your orientation based on that, but you can still surprise them by initiating gay shit with them yourself if you want to.
kind of like how IRL gays can tell if you're clearly not gay so they don't hit on you.

mostly keeping the gay shit intact but throwing a bone to all the people who don't appreciate it: allow the MC to say he's not gay. allow the MC to attack an NPC as an immediate response to being hit on

Reminder that Sawyer's writing has never and never will hold a candle to Avellone, and Sawyer will never stop pouring out salt because of that

>an ideal WRPG would not have gay relationships
Literally "stop liking what I don't like". I am not a fan of the forced gay shit but you sound like an absolute faggot.

are you saying that tumblr hambeasts who want slashfic in WRPGs the larger crowd? user pls

So should I play this real time or turn based? Keep in mind I'm one of the only people that loved Pillars 1 combat

Why here, though? Why not do this somewhere else where obsidian will see it?

>Literally "stop liking what I don't like".

Yes, and faggots don't like attractive women. Mass Effect 1 didn't have gay romances with the lone lesbian exception because it was made for straight heterosexual males who want to see girls kiss. Are you mad? Does that trigger you?

Eat a dick like you usually do, Obsidiot.

One of the reasons for me is that Eothas is such a boring antagonist compare to Thaos because he barely does anything so it makes the whole conflict, story and conclusion with him feel uninterested.

>less options is a good thing
Have sex.

>You literally don't know what this is though
Of course you do, good games present you the cast time, the recovery time, the cooldown time and all the modifiers to it, some games like to bury it behind a ton of math, which is not completely fine. Yeah sure, a game not presenting that is retarded, it's being obscure for the sake of it, but the problem isn't on the real time mechanic, it's on the developers not understanding the needs of the system.
>It definitely didn't allow animation cancelling, nor would animation cancelling even particularly helpful because you cannot take another action immediately anyway
It depends on how the game is programmed, several top down, real time RPGs, and the similars, like Dota2, involve animation canceling, which in other genres it's called tech, an unintended use of a game system that the developers hadn't noticed. My point is that in some cases it can literally save some builds/classes.
>The only thing rtwp allows you to do that turn based does not is to infinitely kite enemies with one unit and attack them with other ranged units, and this is not an improvement to the game, cheesing like that should be prevented to begin with.
It allows the developers to add a new level of difficulty to the game through making the player having to react fast to something. I'm not against turn based games, but saying real time is always bad is retarded.

why does he look like a dumpy lesbian now

Probably because more people will see it on Yea Forums at fucking 5 AM than any Obsidian forum at peak hours

because Obsidian have locked themselves into an ivory tower and they don't listen
people pointed out these things on their forums, but instead they opted to listen to an invite-only group mostly comprised of ex-Biodrones and hardcore SJW activists

avellone's one character in div os 2 was better written than the entirety of poe2
and now larian gets bg3, obsidiots on suicide watch

he hired too much women and their estrogen is poisoning him.

>He then starts to blame the higher-ups for the negative reception because they insisted the ship combat should be included in the game
Honestly, that WAS where a lot of the complains came from. I don't see how one can blame him on that.

Sawyer/Ropekid only cares about the SA forum hugbox and doesn't read or post anywhere else

Gay romances are a waste of resources to appeal to 1% of gays that actually play RPGs

Attached: sawyer pillars rpgcodex post 2.png (1325x324, 118K)

>Have the performance issues been fixed? I dont mind giving it another try soon
Most of them were by the time i was finishing the game.
>I get the idea as a game mechanic but felt so fucking obvious, i that would have worked better if made a bit more subtle.
It's not as simple as it may seem. I personally never got the Archon of Song to my side. Maybe my next playtrough i will. I'll repeat, ignore the + and - you are getting.

Attached: Sirin.png (220x346, 114K)

Now I know for a fact Obsidian spammer is stuck in 2015, Yea Forums of today hates yuri and lesbians with a burning passion.

>turn-based RPGs were now more popular than real-time-with-pause
Larian owns the genre now

Attached: 745.png (327x316, 188K)

because obsidian is full of trannies and women who want their hugbox. you'll get banned there in an instant. that is what discord trannies want to turn Yea Forums into

>invite-only group mostly comprised of ex-Biodrones and hardcore SJW activists
Tell me more, user, I've never heard about that.

>admits that he failed to realize that turn-based RPGs were now more popular than real-time-with-pause
that's not true at all, PoE was just shit
it has nothing to do with the combat not being turn based

But everyone here is just going to realize it's spam and ignore the thread.

I like both turn based and rtwp.

>straight heterosexual males who want to see girls kiss
lol and that's how they start the gay train; using idiots like you to normalize lesbians/homosexuality. Next thing you know, it's male gayness in the mix. Your stupidity opened the door, then you turn around and complain about the draft.

he literally blames everyone else but himself

But Sawyer's CYOA implementation of ship combat WAS his fault

Think for a second: Sawyer could have done some kind of turn based, advanced wars style ship grid combat - instead... he did this.

Attached: kr06f2x.jpg (1920x1080, 310K)

Romances in general are a waste of resources.

moron bitch nigger jew ass kike libtard

Don't get me wrong
Deciding to pull it out after the overwhelming negative feedback was the right call on his part, but he makes it sound like it's the players' fault for not liking it and the executives' fault for putting in it. He's trying too hard to shift the blame away from himself.
At least that's how I interpreted that part

Dude, this is not better than being a discord tranny. This is just a weird obsession.

We should go back to the 1950's when nobody had sex and society was wholesome.

Despite liking isometric rpgs I still haven't played Tyranny or any PoE

there was a discord group that started out as a fan art group
Obsidian devs end up ignoring their official forums altogether but being very active on that discord
i'm at work so i don't have the screencaps

A threesome with lesbians is still the most based hetero fantasy of all time - OF ALL TIME

Except they're one of the best parts of BG2, so kys discord tranny.

Don't, they're offensively bad.

Even in the spam thread with half the responses being trash tier shitpost ideas, this thread probably has been a better discussion and examination of Deadfire than any other website has had in the last year. There's literally nowhere else I can think of where people are willing to talk about this game while also having more than 4 people active at a time.

Full voice was a mistake, but they probably thought they had to do it for the media and reviewers.

>>Most of them were by the time i was finishing the game.

Then maybe it was a problem with my rig cause i remember playing it long after game had been released.

My main problem (or even only problem) with the performance was that every load screen kept increasing in duration.

So i suggest you try Tyranny.

This isn't 4 people though, it's you using 4 proxies

>1950's when nobody had sex and society was wholesome

Full voice acting is a sign of progress

I don’t think he’s Barry, he just shitpost on KH threads

>he and Sven from Larian were surprised that the overlap in players that play both games was no way near as big as either of them had thought.
D:OS2 was massively hyped everywhere. Tons of people on Twitch were playing it. Many journo websites praised it as a great game to play with your friends. The game had a big marketing campaign which went out of its way to make it seem like a game with a lot of customization and a big world with very complex combat, and that had emergent gameplay potential when playing with other people.
The game had wide appeal and that's why it did so well.

Deadfire I feel had a much smaller, more focused demographic. People who were fans of Infinity Engine CRPGs and complex narratives. PoE as a series was trying to be the new Baldur's Gate, with all the same quirks but with a modern budget and engine.

I think the reason there wasn't as much overlap as they thought is because when you look at the games side by side they're just very different. Different aesthetics, different gameplay, different tone. It's surprising to hear Sawyer say how much D:OS2 affected the development process when Deadfire took after very little of what made D:OS2 such a success.

Where did you get the game from? I was playing the GOG version.

Fuck you, Josh.
I just wanted to hold hands with Ydwin.
Fuck you in the ear.

Why the fuck do people pretend to like nu-Obsidian anyway? They lost everything that made them who they are.

Attached: 1553454391918.png (630x750, 339K)

Can anyone tell me about the VA studio he seems to think so highly of?
I know they're supposed to be Internet famous but I don't know anything about them.

Jesus, Feargus.

Attached: fuck it. just fuck it.gif (320x240, 3.73M)

Communist gay trannies were executed on sight, niggers were lynched to remind them of their place and women and kids kept their mouths shut. It was a time when a man could be a man.

That depends on why you make your game, are you making it for money? If yes then I agree with you, maybe, as most heteros don't care about bi characters, maybe to avoid all this fake controversy. However is you are making a game because you want to get the largest amount of people actually enjoy it, then no. Romance is after all, fanservice, and there is nothing wrong with providing fanservice to the largest amount of people you can.
>simplest and most elegant solution: no gay shit
Short answer, no.
>mostly keeping the gay shit intact but throwing a bone to all the people who don't appreciate it: allow the MC to say he's not gay. allow the MC to attack an NPC as an immediate response to being hit on
And you think that would fly with any non evil aligned character? Specially when there's no semitic religion muddying the waters in fictional universes? And if you are making a game purely for monetary reasons, why would you want the controversy from that?
No, I'm saying that if you want representation, and you want to be pragmatic on your workload, that's what you do.

You didn't donate enough casherino to him boyo.

The plastic dinosaur is one of the hotter ones.

Nice fantasy.

I'd fuck Ydwin's ear...

Pillars 2 combat is Pillars 1 but better, play it on regular. They even added in better AI control if you want to micro less.

i dont mind games not being fully voiced if it allows for a lot more dialogue with the more inconsequential npcs
most games use voice acting as an excuse to severely limit dialogue choices because voice acting is expensive
unless you can afford full voice acting and fleshed out dialogue, i prefer fallout 1 and 2's system

How is it a fantasy? Leftists these days paint the 1950's as bad because of those reasons.

And I won't donate any more.
Even if the potential PoE 3 starts with Ydwin guving a mother of all mindblowing blowjobs.

Are you high? Imagine the amount of workload that would need, on a game that ALREADY had problems with production time. Where the fuck do you kids get those ideas about game development?
Seeing how the execs at obsidian are? I'm entirely with him in blaming on them specifically. Not the players though.

Obshitian shills out in full force as usual, trying to deflect and assassinate an anonymous character. Pathetic.

Honestly you're not missing much.
PoE desperately wants to be the new Baldur's Gate, but it's full of awkward design decisions and endlessly droning, boring dialogue. Just play BG2 again instead, it's the same thing but better.

>One god is stomping around Deadfire for reasons
>All the other gods resurrect your dead ass and tell you to follow him, they even put a killswitch in your body in case you disobey but that's never mentioned ever past this moment
>They dump you in your boat but there's no time limit or any real reason to actually follow the god given to you other than continuing the story
>You never actually catch him until the end, but you talk to him and he keeps telling you "It's good bro just trust me"
>The other gods reveal to you that Eothas is going to break the wheel, which basically means that they won't be gods anymore
>You can literally tell these gods you're going to help Eothas fuck them over and they're like "Okay whatever it's not like we can do anything haha"
>You then sail to the magic island where Eothas is breaking the wheel by destroying a machine they built (which in of itself is a massive fucking plothole since the cycle existed before the gods but whatever)
>You then literally just watch Eothas break the machine whilst wondering why you even came out all this way if you're just gonna cheer him on
>The end

>Are you high? Imagine the amount of workload that would need, on a game that ALREADY had problems with production time. Where the fuck do you kids get those ideas about game development?

Except he said that nobody found it fun in testing; isn't that the point in the drawing board where you design it fully from the ground up? Instead Sawyer thought he could redesign it and keep the bad parts that didn't work

This speaks for itself. You've got the replies happening way too quickly for this late at night for it to be believable.

Nope. People caught barry trying to start shit between KH and DMC fans, then later between RE2make and KH, then it clicked to people that he shitposts elsewhere too, with a mod
>465064327 even coming out to say it.

Boy... if you'd used the word "fantasy" in the golden 50's you'd have been strung up from a lamppost with your Marxist jigaboo shemale buddies. There was no fantasy then. Only reality. Real hardworking American men with Fords in their yard and newspapers and Bibles as their only reading material.
Fallout 3 shows this in the VR sequence.

I've been replaying PoE2 and it's fucking hilarious. Literally fucking God himself is wiping out parts of Deadfire and causing tsunamis, and the inhabitants of Deadfire laugh at you when you tell them that.

It is 12 AM and i am on my lunch break. What Night do you speak of?

What about short voice clips of emotional exclamations, like
Instead of fully voiced lines, just a little soundbite to set the tone of a conversation.

>Except he said that nobody found it fun in testing
And that they tried several versions of it, the problem is that the system you are asking for would require a whole new dev team dedicated to it or a much longer development time, neither of which was feasible. Do you even understand pragmatism?

While I agree on most, some of your points are pure shit, like:
>which in of itself is a massive fucking plothole since the cycle existed before the gods but whatever
Explained many times, Woedica even pulls you for private talk about this.

>this late at night
>literally Noon in Europe

Right, well good luck with whatever it is this is supposed to accomplish. Seems basically pointless to me but if it makes you happy

>only judeo-christiano-islam hates faggotry it's perfectly normal and accepted otherwise!
dude, pls, you're delusional

Reminder I'm a better writer than Josh "uses taught instead of taut" Sawyer

Attached: 1526673502070 2.jpg (1920x1080, 114K)

>You then sail to the magic island where Eothas is breaking the wheel by destroying a machine they built (which in of itself is a massive fucking plothole since the cycle existed before the gods but whatever)
Yeah, imagine how cool it would be if we had a companion - like an animancer or something - that is a specialist in this whole Wheel business and could've explained this shit to you, so the story doesn't come off as fragmented.


What did she say tell you? How did the machine which allows people to be reborn exist before the Engwithans?

Hey, i am just saying that Tyranny is a great game worth playing even if PoE 1 and PoE 2 are trash. If you don't like Tyranny that's on you.

Is the first game any good? I have it in my library but haven't touched it.

>I do not believe
good thing western law is based on proof not feelings

first PoE is has its lows and highs, i'd consider it pretty good overall. the expansion is excellent
Tyranny is a train wreck, the magic system is its only saving grace, but that doesn't make it worth playing

Isn't this the game with the tranny that tries to blow you? Fuck these faggot fucking games.

>You then literally just watch Eothas break the machine whilst wondering why you even came out all this way if you're just gonna cheer him on
This bothered me the most. There was no point to it all other than to strengthen one of the factions on the way there, and I never cared about those either. Then in the epilogue you're still hailed as some hero even though you accomplished nothing.

Not anymore. Feelings>reason. It's 2019 darling.

RTwP is just a poor mans turn-based. You end up pausing after every action on harder encounters anyway, so in a sense RTwP is slower AND gives the player less control over the situation. Enjoy your inferior combat system

those games were made during a time when devs still had the balls to say no to sjw retardation
if they made them today I doubt they would turn out well

Native americans had no problems with it, vikins fucked boys, neither the chinese nor the japanese had a problem with it, greek culture was full of homofaggotry. The entire WORLD only had a problem with the concept of a man being submissive, and not just to another man but in general, said man became like a female, which in most cases means, property. However said rule not always applied, so please keep your jewish brainwashing in check.

Pillars 2 really makes me sad, I genuinely loved Pillars 1 and the idea of a sequel that continued the story and expanded the gameplay made me really happy. And then we got
>hilariously terrible writing where the main villain isn't even a villain and the whole story doesn't matter, and some of the gods are really out of character like Abydon
>NPCs that talk more like progressive Californians rather than magical beings of Eora
>wierd humorous tone that never actually leaves, even serious story events get a lot of it, like a Marvel superhero movie
>Dyrwood might have been generic fantasy but it ended up being a lot more atmospheric than Deadfire
>irritating companions with a weird fetish for quickie relationships before moving on, two of which were written by a literal cuckold fetishist
At least Sawyer's class and gameplay mechanics are top tier.

PoE is trash and Tyranny outclasses it in every aspect. Are you the faggot Eder poster?

explain it to me then, i didn't side with Woedica so i must've missed that conversation
how did they cycle work before the not-engwithans built the machine?

That game was shit, and so was DoW3. Only DoW 1 was good.

Play the game and find out yourself. It was there even before Engwithans and it barely worked. It's a natural thing in this world.

Attached: Woedica before gods.jpg (1920x1080, 789K)

Different user, but from what I understand, it used to be a natural process before the Engwythans hijacked it to power the gods.

The first's story wasn't even good

>DoW2 was shit
Opinion discarded, kys.

wrong im the based serafen poster

Attached: serafen.png (339x340, 297K)

That kinda sounds like a poor man's Morrowind: But With Pirates to me, user

DoW2 is shit user.

Even Josh himself admitted it was a plothole after the game was released

>This was added in a patch to fix the plothole
L M A O. At least they're trying I guess

> Insert a bunch of SJW shit and censor the first game.
> Suprised when they don't come back for the second game.

I like games that do this

it had good world building and was semi interesting with a decent main antagonist

>tfw can't bring myself to recruit Serafen because Obsidian hates Ydwin fans like me and made Ydwin fall for Serafen just to spite us
I don't know why Obsidian hates their not-faggot fans so much but if that's how they want to play, they can go ask the gays that didn't buy PoE2 to buy the Outer Worlds.

types like a 4channer

>nyd, chaos and the short stories of ret were shit
Again, opinion discarded, kys.

>already backpedaling
why even bring it up then

>and censor the first game.

Obsidishills have been trying to bury that this happened and that the poz only started in POE2

Attached: pillars.jpg (1665x1053, 367K)

Just give me my Tyranny sequel and we gucci

At least Morrowind gave you agency. Deadfire just has you follow a retarded god while being yelled at by other retarded gods. I never felt so powerless in a videogame.

>Implying the gameplay wasn't thrown together trash from earlier titles they decided to copy to casualize the game
Your pleb is showing

>be the right hand of the big bad
actually forced to betray him whatever you do
>RP as a judge
lol nobody knows what the law is, just pick what gives you the most XP / brownie points
>uncover huge mysteries
i guess they left that part for the sequel that thankfully never happens
>pick the lesser evil between two warring factions
actually it's Lawful Good vs. Chaotic Evil

shitty ability trees
shitty feminist undertones
shitty characters that feel like someone was trying to unsuccessfully imitate torment. speaks volumes that the least worst character is the pink hair badass bitch
>nothing personnel, kid
is an actual line in the game

Kingmaker is the best of all the nuCRPGs though.

serafen deserves all elf pussy and anyone who says otherwise is just mad they got cucked

Attached: bemadhumtard.png (210x330, 48K)

I'm sure he is, given his long association with RPGCodex.

The campaign wasn't even on the same genre as DoW1 you fucking sperg, it was a tatical RPG squad based game. Trying to judge it using the lenses of a RTS is like trying to judge a racing game as if it were a FPS. You're retarded and your opinion is invalid. Kys.


>The voice over rant is stupid as fuck. Thinking you can get away with half measures is retarded. With VO you go full, or you go none. Doing VO for narration only, or main characters only just feels like exactly what it is, half assed. If its that big of a deal, you start cutting out minor characters, or dialogue from the game BEFORE you start recording the VO.

Every part of this is wrong.

>made Ydwin fall for Serafen
Jesus Christ, how does that happen?
is it in the DLCs?

barry, fuck off.

Yup, one of the DLCs adds it.

>Gut everything that made GoW 1 special and dumb it down to a few units for retards like (you)
>Hurr don't compare two RTSes in the same universe user
Holy shit you are retarded and angry.

Attached: 1555633399212.png (1200x1335, 269K)

go post on an esl site if you cannot read English dumbass

World building =/= story
The premise might've been interesting but they bungled it up hard

You can take my openpanzer when im 6 feet under you bastard. Still playing this shit via email.

Quick reminder that Ydwin awkwardly flirts with everyone remotely nice to her - Watcher included.
I'll be the first one to laugh when they bring back Ydwin into PoE3 as a love interest and Serafen won't get mentioned again.

Literally never said world building wasn't and was talking in general
yall need to chill the fuck out

yeah, partial VO worked just fine for PoE
Sawyer also seems to gloss over the fact that the Deadfire narrator was so bad people had to mod it out

I would have never known this, because serafen and the fag fish are both intolerable.

In PoE 2 you have Eder, Aloth, Ydwin, Maia, and bam you're done, the rest can be safely ignored.

Based. Some of the best VA too. I always hear khorne's berzerkers. "I AINT YOUR BOOT LICK"

I can forgive every blunder in PoE2 except for not adding Ydwin

>Best companion durence isn't in the sequal
>Best companion Serafen isn't in the game after
I could believe it

>wanting to be a slave to Kyros
What a huge faggot you are.
>actually it's Lawful Good vs. Chaotic Evil
Did you even play the game?
>just pick what gives you the most XP / brownie points
If you are retarded you'd that ,yes.

Don't even know how to respond to the garbage that you typed after all this.

Are you retarded? DoW2 is about positioning, builds, proper use of abilities and the cover system. It's not even an RTS you massive retard. Oh no need for speed doesn't has proper guns I guess it's a shitty shooter.

Ydwin and Serafen had the same writer.
Also, he doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about her. And she is flirty with pretty much everyone.

Hates serafen
Likes maia or aloth(poe2 version)
user? You have to start explaining something

I'm not a flaming homosexual like you?

Yeah, I always run Eder, Aloth, Ydwin and Xoti myself, I have to stomach Xoti because I like the priest class and I don't want to run it on my MC.

You never played against a human senpai. There is a competitive mod for Dow2 people still use today. Id like to see how well you fare. Whats your main race? Build order?

>imposed by management
aka Feargus, or am I missing something?

why is it never explained how it worked before the Engwithans fucked it up
you're supposed to decide the fate of the world in the final conversation, the most obvious choice would be to just restore the process to its natural state
instead you can pick to destroy all life on earth or make animancers the masters of the universe without whom you can't even make babies

I can't see why people are still fans of Obsidian.

They're as bad as Beamdog.

You ever played nids m8?

You all whine and bitch but a few years ago Yea Forums would actually act to let the lesbian writers and the sjw game director know why and how their game failed.

You specify all these issues but ultimately even shit like the ship minigame would have been forgiven and bearable if the story and writing was good and you fucking know it.

>Not a homo
>likes aloth
why do you guys hate xoti so much? I thought she was fine. Nothing to great i did love her flirting with eder but we all know what happen there

Because I'm talking about the campaigns you fucking brainlet. The whole point is how the combat on the game is a great example of a squad based real time RPG.

actually he posts frequently on badgame dot net. sign up today

>would actually act to let the lesbian writers and the sjw game director know why and how their game failed.
Its just a video game you psychopath nobody is ever going to get that worked up over it

i like how Sawyer claims people hated Thaos and that's why they made the new plot retarded
everyone here on Yea Forums seems to have loved his writing, i'd be really curious where Sawyer got his feedback from

>why do you guys hate xoti so much?
*spins around and cackles*
*makes farting noises*
*does something silly*
She's irritating.

You must be some kinda retard.

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that's what i think, the gameplay / technical issues are minor compared to the writing and the SJW shit is a huge chunk of that

Xoti is... off-putting. And tone-deaf. I guess someone wanted to write this innocent, quirky waifu, but went waaaaay to far with the character and she comes off like either a retard or a creepy stalker that wants dick by any means necessary.

Are you fucking retarded? did you think i meant assault them at their homes? I meant reply to their twitter or post somewhere they can see.
You are the psycho here.

Something Awful and tumblr. No, really.

I guess I can't stand lohse from dos 2 for basically the same thing. The whole flirting with eder was the main thing i liked about her, but fucking obsidian made eder a cuck instead


What most bothered me about the limerick drama is that it wasn't anywhere near the top of the list of backer pledges, and the stone wasn't easy to find, this disgusting tranny literally sifted through hundreds of backer pledges searching for the something to get offended by.
Fuck trannies.

>creepy stalker that wants dick by any means necessary.

Attached: 1556547135280.jpg (267x200, 6K)

that's all you want to do? why even bother Mentioning it or do you think seeing a mean tweet is something trannies haven't encountered before. Lol?

The blood raven campaign is good. Do the inquisitors get one? All the other campaigns are 90%same maps etc. I loved the campaigns. Both 1&2. Yonow men at war had many missions similar to dow2. And nigga... how you gonna mention relic campaigns and not respect COH

Thaos sucked because they tried to pull a bg1 with the story except forgot to show you the main villain enough or even talk about him
Like yeah he's an important and strong guy I guess hey strong guy I kill you now oh and I guess I was supposed to be personally linked to you by story ah well bye way of handling the main villain sucked ass

If the description of a product inaccurately describes it, then it's incorrect regardless of the source of the description. What kind of brainless sheep are you?

Doesn't she leave your ass no matter what but has crazy amount of lesibian sex if shes with maia instead

Yeah, I can't stand Lohse either. Xoti flirting with Eder was sort of funny at first but then she started making him awkward and uncomfortable.

Yeah, fuck PS:T. Really dropped the ball on the voice acting in that game, should've hired this user instead of that lispy faggot Avellone.

It was probably an inside job.
someone form the team leaked it to someone else that would most likely complain about it...
Thats the problem, they fucked their own company by hiring total fucking mainstream drones.

But who cares since the game director himself is a fucking antifa like moron.
Of course they game will suck balls.

Divinity 2 was so much fun. Having your own dragon castle was rad.

Don't come back

>oldfags on RPGcodex and Yea Forums loved PoE1
>PoE2 was made by feedback from Tumblr and Discord and they never even bought the game in the end, the codexers and oldfags did
>Sawyer confused why there is such a discrepancy in opinion

>caring about shitty companions at all
friendly reminder that true chads always solo

Which would be fine and we could of had a bit of an arc their but instead its cause eder only has his girlfriends son on the mind

>the pen&paper rpg experience
The original D&D experience was fucking weird. All the players would discuss amongst themselves, then they'd tell the GM what they wanted to do, and he would enact it simultaneously to the monsters' movements.

>Developer describes product
>user seeths
Yeah dude you are a retard. Give me your last angry (you) dude, you're done.

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Blood ravens have 3 campaigns. all the other races get 1. My main point is how wonderfully fun a real time squad based RPG can be. The campaigns had nothing to do with the first game because all the mechanics are completely different, I get the feeling they made the campaigns first and the mp was just an afterthought.
>how you gonna mention relic campaigns and not respect COH
Never played it.

Yeah, it "magically" resolves itself offscreen with them either ending up hostile, or best friends.

He isnt entirely incorrect about the campaigns. I remember a number of times i had to completely shift blood ravens so heavy bolter was pointed correctly in cover etc. Fergus and shotguns were too much fun

Yes. She just wants to be fucked. She doesn't care by whom. Again, she's a fucking mess of a character.

solo almost is always broken and just isn't the way the game is ment to be played

Dragon Commander is still in my top 10 games of all time.
Name a better boy than Corvus.

Attached: Corvus.png (1440x900, 585K)

I feel like I could write better crpgs than any of the plots of "modern" crpgs but I have no connections or desire to do anything other than killing myself

>He admits that he failed to realize that turn-based RPGs were now more popular than real-time-with-pause

A bunch of screeching zoomers on twitter isn't the general audience.

Not an argument, DoW2 campaigns fit more with RPGs than with RTS due to low number of controllable units, equipment system, leveling system, no build system, focus on abilities, focus on aggro... I could go on, but seeing as you are incapable of legitimately making an argument...

Bwahahaha, you actually believe this

Give us a story, user. I'd love to hear your ideas!

But they are very, very loud and drown other opinions in the process.

>obsidian thread
>is actually about twitter and soggy knees
Just relax man. No one's forcing you to buy/play their games. I don't see the point of this crusade.

to be fair i'm still really confused about poe pantheon and gods in general even tho its the focus of the game LOL
Like guan and eothas are the same? Or parts or something. I don't fucking know
that's what eder adn xoti bitched about half of the time
someone posted a pic showing all of them and even after finishing both games i still have no fucking clue who half of them were

I thought you said antifa and I was gonna ask what was wrong with that, but then I realised you said anita and that is not acceptable.

Do yourself a favor and go play the company of heroes 1 campaign(s). Lots of the fun stuff you talk about are also in this game. Hell CoH2 campaigns are b as d in comparison but riding up on the kraut with 6 ISU-152s is just... entertaining

You're a disgraced former soldier from an empire that broke into civil war and you were on the losing side. Now you have to face the fallout of the war and a looming threat of an outside invasion while facing the demons of your past. All your companions had their lives affected by the war. There's 1 npc in the entire game that you can marry and settle down with which leads to game ending.

Attached: 1557160044820.png (1818x968, 1.17M)

You don't understand. People disagree with the devs, POLITICALLY. It's not just a matter of vidya any more -- we're fighting a culture now, son.

It's why you've got retards willing to overlook all the faults of the game just so they can shift the blame onto a gay fish.

So you watched Firefly recently and really liked it?

I'll see if my toaster can play it, I'm not usually fond of historical settings tho.

Its still RTS/RTT with RPG elements. I dont need no fuckin wargear

based retard

I've never watched a Joss Whedon movie. I was thinking more about byzantium's fortunes going bad.

thats the whole point you fucking plebian.

That actually doesn't sound that bad expect cut the marry shit and have people hunt you down or you overcome it and prove new loyalties to survive as the main story path

Gaun and Eothas are the same thing, Xoti is just mentally retarded and worships the "death" part of death and rebirth.

And you can play several rpgs with a naked character, doesn't mean it's not part of the core gameplay, and you can't even ignore the abilities/level up system. Hell in both PoE and Kingmaker you control more units than on DoW2.

>she's loyal except for when she's not
>she's clever but she's dumb
>she's hulking and overly muscular but without the drawbacks
>she's a murderer but totally not evil

Attached: 1554648679661.gif (240x240, 1.63M)

Go have your culture fights somewhere else dude. This is Yea Forums - videogames last I checked.
There is a board for this so why don't you use it?

Firefly isn't a movie it's a series. It was pretty good. MC was also on the losing side of a war and has to deal with that shit.

Div OS is a casual game to play with your buddies PoE is a full fledged crpg that's the actual reason, it's like being surprised Cod sells more than realistic military shooters no shit.

what was eothas deal again
he wanted to destroy the wheel but why if thats his whole thing?

She was written by the same writer who wrote Xoti - can't you tell?

Didn't you get it? It's a culture war, and vidya is our culture. The enemy must be driven from all corners or they'll overrun us all with their dyed hair and their unchristian values.
Firefly is shit, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
They go on and on about how Chinese their culture is but you don't see anything more Chinese than people eating noodles with chop-sticks. Not even a damn Chink.

That's good, too. Maybe the branching paths are to either secretly continue fighting for the losing sight and trying to have a resurgence, joining with the invading enemy and toppling the old order, joining the old order somehow, or just going neutral and trying to survive like in the Witcher

Premise got my attention unlike 99% of modern rpgs. Now try to graduate from idea guy to useful person

>They go on and on about how Chinese their culture is but you don't see anything more Chinese than people eating noodles with chop-sticks. Not even a damn Chink.
So... the entirety of Chinese culture is shown in all of its diversity and this upsets you?

i want to disagree but the hype from the first revival was gone and the whole reason i even played divinty was because of my Friends could join
you might actually be closer to the truth than you think user

some poortly implemented mini-game doesn't hurt the enjoyment factor of a narrative driven game nearly as much as poor world building and ham-fisted politics


How to make arrpeegee?

Attached: Apu.png (506x405, 116K)

I'll need to face MY demons of the past first, but I can't, because I just drink all day

Noodles are people! China has a 4000 year history!

Attached: Ramenman.jpg (522x414, 45K)

Mechanics are how you experience a game. They are the most important aspect, IMO.
A gay fish isn't bad worldbuilding. Fish-people are cool, and sexual dynamics is a p cool part of worldbuilding. Like the weird penetration obsession Romans had really makes you feel like you're exploring a semi-alien culture when you read about it.

>BG2 is 2 decades+
the absolute state of zoomer secondaries

Alcoholism as a mandatory mechanic for the MC or one of the party members?

Attached: demon_in_a_bottle.jpg (600x400, 96K)

I was a belligerent drunk for nine years and did nothing but abuse everyone who loved and tried to help me. 2 years sober now. You're stronger than you know user.

Except the ones which aren't and it's a fucking slogfest when there are more than 12 units in an encounter.

Funnily enough, I was actually thinking about either the MC or some party member to be an alcoholic, who went into withdrawals if he didn't have any booze

Svoid coh2 then. But if you can play DoW2 OG COH will run fine. Guess where that heavy bolter stuff came from? Mg42s Maxims etc. Rockets? Panzerfaust. Cultists? Conscripts! Its war. You dont get to be picky, what we have is what we have. Start enjoying some. I hand picked COH campaign for you. Just enjoy it for what it is.
Also isnt 40k history into 42,000 now? Im just saying.
CoH is about gun placement, initiative, map control. Hard counters/soft counters and tank armor values that are actually enumerated.its cool to watch tank rounds glance their targets

For some reason that text with that gif gave me a gargle.

Attached: 1540327952850.gif (150x200, 1.07M)

As a coder I would unironically recommend not to give a shit about any of the programming and focus everything on getting good at art, game design and story.

Turn based combat is for brainlets. Prove me wrong.

Protip: you can't

How many hours into PoE before i exceed uh what was it... 6 at a time?

The Engwythan gods are literal parasites that are powered by souls. Eothas wants to free mortals from this parasitic relationship. Basically, whenever you die, Rymrgand breaks your soul up and the gods use part of your soul as food to sustain themselves, and mashes parts of your soul with other broken up souls and then reincarnates you. Eothas wants to stop this process.

I saw this in Lisa the Painful and that was fine there so I don't see why it couldn't be done.

I'm not belligerent, I'm just in constant chronic pain and emotional distress from past events, and beer tastes really, really good

i woul love to see some game where you play as some low level god againts much stronger ones or atleast game from malazan book of the fallen
likely the most unique but still fantastic serie i ever read

> Xoti
> 30+ yo female incel
> leaves you in the epilogue if you romance her
> if she romances Maia, they stick together no matter what

It sounds like your criticizing the description, but your gif makes it clear you're describing a cat.

Attached: 1464140158815.jpg (881x758, 105K)

>PoE is a full fledged crpg that's the actual reason
But PoE2 was a laughably bad joke of an RPG held together entirely by it's gameplay mechanics.

Oh that sounds fucking badass to bad it was told in such a weird and drawn out way
I never got why eothas started that war where he got nuked and started the hollowborn crisis either?
was that to also stop the cycle?

>Also isnt 40k history into 42,000 now?
Don't think so, not yet. Again, my whole point was how DoW2 campaign was a good example of a real time squad rpg, I don't even think it needs a pause system because it adds a new layer of skill by forcing the player to learn how to multitask. I wish there were more games on the genre. Yeah I'll pick COH. I got a bad taste in my mouth because my first try on the series was the COHO beta.

Maybe I should play it. The idea I had was that at least some of the characters would have an addiction to something, like alcohol or eating or pipeweed or drinking loli piss, or some sort of bad traits like in Savage Worlds where they mechanically affect you and "force" you to act in some way. Of course, I don't know how to make that not be annoying from a gameplay perspective. I also don't know how to code or design gameplay.

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DoW campaign only gave you 4 units at a time.So if that's the comparison you're talking about, the first 3 hours.

>thinking normies the main consumer cares about hardcore gaming
hes onto something poe1 had the benefit of being the bg esq revival that poe2 didn't have
It just looked like another one and way more difficult than divinty, also the lack of marketing prob help killed it

Remember that autist who daily countdown to Pillars 2 release date and talked how it is going to destroy Kiddinity 2?
Fucking L M A O

Eothas wasn't the only one with plans, Magran and Woedica had their own plans too, plus Ondra. I don't ever remember a good reason for the Saint's War though.

Lol wtf is a scared script kiddie doing here? The fuck do you code or program? I work with cisco hardware as a net admin. Does that make me a "coder"? Get real. It would benefit anyone in the industry to have basic understanding of a few languages

In Lisa the Painful the MC is addicted to a drug called Joy. He gets withdrawals from time to time and his attacks don't do damage if he doesn't take the drug for as long as the symptoms are active, and if he takes the drug he gets a nice healing. Other characters get withdrawal from not getting alcohol.
It's a perfectly fine system and never annoyed me.

>ship to ship combat
>THE MOST expensive feature in terms of dev time/money spent

Attached: Screenshot_82.png (216x216, 104K)

New thread

Goldn DVDs are also a sign of progress but is it a smart investment?

Never worked on a game I see

>implying it wasn't the same autist making these threads

Well thats online now aint it? MAYBE a spellforce game would interest you. Be prepared, you will be commanding a considerable # of squads some missions. When you are able to place everything just so and come out on top though, you feel good. There is veterancy not exp, no wargear so to speak, but grunts can pick up special weapons (Pioneers with Faust and flammenwerfer, yes please)

That does makes sense, barry also loved KH3 director before feeling betrayed when he left xv development.

Hosted more demanding programmes to greater # of clients. Who the hell is dumb enough to.... oh yeah software engineers lol

New thread

>Well thats online now aint it?
Nope, COHO was online but had SP/coop campaigns.
>Be prepared, you will be commanding a considerable # of squads some missions
I'm used to RTS games.
>There is veterancy not exp, no wargear so to speak, but grunts can pick up special weapons
Doesn't sound like anything similar to DoW2 unfortunately.

but evryone in california is like this.
its a literall cesspool of degenerates.

it quite amazes me how mongrel gaymers expect things to change while they keep sending capital to gaming companies that reside there

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we definetly need to prepare some kind of Yea Forums celebration day once obsidian and bioware bite the dust

its insulting on a whole new level.
when i watch a jewflix orignial show i know its bad and it aint trying but here...

it is actually unbelievable...