Im not trying to get banned here but can someone post the REAL pic, i'll delete the thread right after

Im not trying to get banned here but can someone post the REAL pic, i'll delete the thread right after.

Attached: 1559881418934.png (862x604, 1.1M)

Attached: 4A622AC0-2276-4496-A326-BEF17C8A8612.jpg (181x196, 33K)

Imagine being stupid enough to fall for a LARP where the person claimed they were able to get "coordinate data" from the downloaded image, when Yea Forums strips all exif data on upload and has for almost a decade now.

I thought everyone got over this stupid shit years ago, what a fucking blast from the past

what an ugly nigger alien

He was born in a small village...

Can someone explain?

Yea Forums dies as usual
Somone claims it happened because an Alien took a selfie(really, a fucking selfie) and uploaded it to Yea Forums
Then some fags started claiming the photo made them sick
People tried to find the picture but no one could

Attached: 1538775931021.jpg (419x746, 38K)

holy fuck, it's real

Everytime someone posts the real pic Yea Forums gets shut down for a couple hours. Its fucking annoying and anyone who isnt a newfag has already seen it.

it was fake. they found where the alien was from.

Got one here. Save it before they delete.

Attached: 3da.jpg (2550x3300, 793K)

Creepy, but nah.

He needs to go see a dermatologist.

shit FBI deleted

That's not the picture. I was there when it happened.

I am so spooked right now

seconding,it was a lot more creepy than that

post it again don't let CIA niggers win

If anyone asks, you didn't get this from me.

Attached: 125324535.jpg (720x405, 54K)

Fuck it I dont have long anyway

Attached: 1559891295730.jpg (900x675, 134K)


Attached: dump_it.png (931x863, 551K)

Dr. Phil confirmed an alien

Cmon, that's even worse than the one with the X files ayy



Attached: 1549306336330.jpg (1000x581, 286K)

Attached: 23D543FD-F774-42BC-8013-7A6C7C7F8526.jpg (350x350, 8K)

yo wtf that's crazy

STOP your gonna get Yea Forums shut dowen


Attached: 1361884-vulcain01.png (480x356, 232K)

I’ve never seen it I wanna see it

Attached: Thursday.gif (598x462, 165K)

Same here user

Don't bother. An AI has bee implanted by gookmoot to take it down after 2 seconds.

Someone post a link then

are people deleting their own posts to fuck around or are janitors really deleting them?

A lot of images were posted on those days, but there is always one guy that says "that's not the one", never actually saw the "real one", not sure if its a meme to say every image is fake.

>tfw you will never see the original

Attached: Sub_Sun_031806_Ckey14_Hkey8_QKey8.png (435x459, 446K)

Where will I get battletoads when it's gone?

so yt man wuz aliens all along...

T-this one has to be fake right? There is no tree in the background.

Yet the regularly delete on-topic threads for games they don't like because they don't fall in line with their tranny agendas


you guys think that aliens are already using our internet? i dont see why it would be hard for them.

Attached: tumblr_phdez8UYCJ1r438xj_540.jpg (540x651, 101K)

>Here it is.
>They monitor these threads but they don't want to delete them to attract attention.
>They will however insta delete the photo if it actually gets posted.
>Enjoy it for the 2-3 seconds it's up

Why tf was this deleted

It's a meme you dip

I always felt so out of the loop with certain memes, like Candle Cove, but I'm glad it works as a way to weed out the nu-fags.