Enhanced Edition worth buying? I heard it's got a lot of artificial difficulty in its encounters as well as bugs. Also, how is the story? Is it kino?
Pathfinder Kingmaker
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worth pirating
I don't think the EE is out on the sites yet, or is it?
I like the art in this game a lot.
Valerie IS a good wife! You SHOULD romance Valerie! (You should! You should!)
Codex version has been out since 5 minutes after release.
Also it's pretty much bug free now, the difficulty is anything but artificial, i'm a brainlet who's never paid much attention to anything in CRPG's and I had no problem with Pathfinder, "enemy strong, enemy hurt me, what is enemy weak to, use that thing etc" currently starting a second playthrough now and i'm pretty fucking excited.
Story is good, it's the most i've enjoyed a CRPG since Baldur's Gate, way more enjoyable than the loredump snooze fest that was Pillars and the LOLSORANDUMB bullshit that was Divinity.
what should i roll for the new DLC
Does the codex version include the dlcs
post portraits
Are you a cuck?
your posting habits are poor and I think you suffer from mental illness(es)
It includes everything that's been released.
I am NOT user!
>mods aren't updated yet
I am SORRY that you FEEL that way user!
Is the gog version up on any of the usual sites yet?
Bought it yesterday and it's pretty fun so far. Is there a way to make a blackguard or antipaladin?
The stats on enemies are inflated grossly from the pen and paper versions. This encourages you to cheese and reload constantly.
The story is so-so. It has better writing than most of the other CRPGs, but it's obviously nowhere near Planescape:Torment and the characters aren't as interesting as BG2.
Some encounters are just really annoying also. Like making your team fight one-on-one encounters with tough monsters in a necessary story mission.
Also it was UNBELIEVABLY broken on launch and for weeks and weeks after. I dunno if all the bugs are fixed, but the game was literally uncompleteable and the majority of sidequests were bugged when the game released.
Valeriebro, go to the general! I'll see you there!
I cannot STAY user I do NOT have vacation BUT I will SEE you later!
Depends. If you're a kid it probably is, since the story and dialog options are so childish. Also the depth of the kingdom "minigame" is the equivalent of the shape sorting cube game.
Just replay BG 1&2 with anime portraits in preparation for BG3
By the time you're done with that Pathfinder Kingmaker's mods will be updated and by the time you're done with Kingmaker it'll be 2020.
user. I have almost 400 hours in P:K.
Now with EE you have an excuse to spend 400 more!
I don't know why people are obsessed with the idea of tacking on kingdom or castle management stuff. They all suck. The only person I trust to get it right is jeff vogel because he's the only person that's realistic about what crpgs are and aren't good at.
Damn you're still up, I downloaded the EE for the first time and I'm playing now, thanks for the recommend
That's what I'm planning to do, BUT I WANT MY MODS FIRST
What mods would you recommend user? (for when they get updated)
i want to try out kineticist, any build tips?
Role: Tank/Damage Dealer/Control
Race: Aasimar(Musetouched)
Alignment: Lawful-Good
Str: 7
Dex: 19 >24
Con: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 7
Cha: 18
*7/19/16/10/11/16 is also ok if you want to take iron will at 19 and try to fix the saves. Costs you 1 persuade and 1 AC, though.
Final Build: Kineticist 19/Monk(Scaled Fist) 1
Main skills: Mobility 3, Persuasion 20
Suggested secondary skills: Use Magic Device(Spare)
Detailed leveling breakdown:
Lvl 1: Kineticist - Weapon Finesse // Kinetic Blade // Earth
Lvl 2: Monk - Crane Style
Lvl 3: Kineticist - Dodge // Earth > Trip
Lvl 4: Kineticist - Extended Range
Lvl 5: Kineticist - Outflank // Earth > Greater Trip
Lvl 6: Kineticist - Bowling Infusion
Lvl 7: Kineticist - Crane Wing // Elemental Whispers > Lizard*
Lvl 8: Kineticist - Fire
Lvl 9: Kineticist - Fury's Fall // Fire's Fury
Lvl 10: Kineticist - Eruption
Lvl 11: Kineticist - Wings // Fire > Dazzling Display
Lvl 12: Kineticist - Wall
Lvl 13: Kineticist - Crane Riposte // Enduring Earth
Lvl 14: Kineticist - Deadly Earth
Lvl 15: Kineticist - Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast // Dreadful Carnage
Lvl 16: Kineticist - Water > Water Blast
Lvl 17: Kineticist - Shatter Defenses // Expanded Defense > Shroud of Water
Lvl 18: Kineticist - Cloud
Lvl 19: Kineticist - Toughness** // Water > Blind Fight
Lvl 20: Kineticist - Metakinesis: Empowered // Unraveling Infusion
*For tempo 1AC. In the long run Hare would be better.
**Or Agile Maneuvers
Gear: Monk Robes, Bracers of Armor, AC gear, +Stat gear, you don't need weapons.
>install Enhanced Edition update
>go to play new character
>all custom portraits are gone
>go back and remake a handful of my favorites
>spend an hour or so getting the metrics and positioning right
>upload them into the portraits folder
>log into game
>game deletes all custom portraits again
>devs say they're aware of the issue and will release a patch
>refuse to use shitty default portraits in meantime
>quit playing again
>works for me
At what point is the game deleting the portraits for you?
It happens if you click the back button at any point after selecting a portrait
can I impregnate anyone in this game
Maybe he's a farmer.
Oh fuck off.
asking the real questions right here
I suppose my portraits won't be restored by the hotfix? Fucking asshanders.
Just the succubus twins. Hope you like demonic children.
It did that before, way back when.
Actually that's pretty fucking hot, I think I'll get this game.
Tieflings are a toptier race and are made for cuddles.
Assamir fags need not apply
Some people prefer turn based, why the hate?
How can guy be wife?
This. That's why every heterosexual man should romance Tristian.
>Sleep with tiefling girl
>post coitus dialogue
>"Next time you do that thing with your tail... warn me first."
What did she do?
So her name is "Fhldof Ihua"
Varnhold's Lot should be played before starting the main campaign?
Haha, no. Just do it after finishing chapter 3.
So can you place any image you want in the portrait folder?
I wish to fucking christ Deep Silver would give them a decent fucking QA team.
Every single fucking time they release a giant patch they seem to break basic, trivial shit that either A) Shouldn't be getting broken, and/or B) Would be picked up within minutes of bug testing.
I love Pathfinder dearly, but i've been sitting on this game since release and I still don't feel like i'm ready to dive in for fear of game breaking shit after having already corrupted my game twice, lost my saves once and now having lost my saves and my fucking portraits.
Kinda, you just need to edit them into the 3 sizes first
she did whip him with her tail obviously
I keep seeing a lot of people that can't stop themselves from shitting on other games whenever they try to "praise" this game. Whats up with that?
It seems pretty natural to compare games, especially games within the same genre.
Its not a comparison, its intentionally shit talking other games.
It makes it sound like if you actually liked any modern CRPGs this isn't the game for you.
>when his angelic vision catches me masturbating to chinese cartoon
>Its not a comparison
>Story is good, it's the most i've enjoyed a CRPG since Baldur's Gate, way more enjoyable than the loredump snooze fest that was Pillars and the LOLSORANDUMB bullshit that was Divinity.
Sounded like a comparison to me.
>It makes it sound like if you actually liked any modern CRPGs this isn't the game for you.
Oh right, this is actually about your insecurity rather than user having an opinion.
why can't i romance the cute priest boy as a male character? this sucks
>There are people who unironically don't play as an Orc Druid waifu.
he is not faggot
So is the game not worth pirating since the gamebreaking bugs are still there? Is this their version of DRM at work?
>Not playing as a Barbarian Dwarf waifu
It's like you don't even want to get mating pressed.
>willfully breaking the sacrament of his patron god
No, Tristian is a good boy and pure.
About to play this for the first time, I backed the game because all my friends talked me into it. I'm not really into RTwPs, I can sort of stomach them if the story and writing is good. How much micromanagement does this game have? Most of my exposure to RTwPs are Obsidian's new games (PoE, PoE2, Tyranny).
>How much micromanagement does this game have?
You can always try the turn based mod if you don't like it.
She put it somewhere safe and warm, obviously.
Nah, Pillars 2 taught me that shoving turn-based mechanics onto an RTwP is a terrible idea. It's fine, I'll give it a go on an easier difficulty and if I like it, I'll ramp up the difficulty.
What classes and party members are good for a beginner? I don't know much about DnD mechanics and Pathfinder mechanics.
Now I wish I could play undead.
That mod despite being early is already better integrated than Pillars 2s. Try it, it's not bad at all.
Neat, I'll give it a go sometime.
Do old saves work with enhanced edition? I'm not fucking starting from scratch again
So the Beneath the Stolen Lands codex release is the full enhanced edition + dlc?
I heard there's a sale somewhere. What website?
>It's fine, I'll give it a go on an easier difficulty and if I like it, I'll ramp up the difficulty.
Just make sure to have a look in the options as to what does/doesn't trigger the game to auto pause, that's the real decider honestly.
And it gives you a LOT of customization options in that respect.
As for classes i'm the last person you should ask, I spend all my time using hilariously terribad builds because I like the look/sound of them, never bother to min/max anything and routinely give purists aneurysms.
Eh, so can i get into the game if only game i played that look like CRPG was Divinity Original Sin 2 ? I also would like to try out BG trilogy mod.
Yeap, only thing it lacks is the hotfix for borked portraits that they'll probably put out rather soon.
Any word on whether Hellknights are being added as a playable class?
Beat it normie
Cool thanks.
Suits almost every class.
Is this the edgy convention?
Leather club is two blocks down
Please respond....
Yes they do.
From what I hear, yes. It's basically just a big patch.
Thank you, I'll give it a go once the hotfix is out
How am I supposed to approach this one?
love the art style
Any SJW shit in this?
What's a good Dorf class to play?
Click that "Next" button.
The opposite, especially if you play an evil character
Only trannies like pathfinder
You can't mating press Linzi and that could only be the doing of something as foul as SJW sorcery.
Not the other user, but should new players play Varnhold's Lot before the main story then?
It uses your main campaign save and sticks to it. You fininsh the dlc, and it exports your playthrough choises into main campaign you've imported. Play it at any moment after chapter 1 and up to chapter 4 for maximum gain.
What is a good "balanced" party to use? Does the party argue to to different alignments?
Linzi is a huge size queen, unless you're a half-orc or bigger she's not interested
You know I meant if I am supposed to play the main campaign first or not. It's a bit vague how they phrase it here.
But yeah, forums say that I should play main game first at least until I get my kingdom set up or something. Take notes, Owlcat. It's better to be 100% clear of how these things affects each other.
retard question
I bet you also ask what order to play games in and whether you should play games missed or vanilla.
It's not worth buying. Enhanced Edition was recently released, that's why you're seeng threads about it all the time lately. Its shills trying to rope you into buying EE.
>Not leopards
Even if you're totally clueless, it doesn't make sense to not start with the main story. Play it after chapter 3.
Is there any "archer" class that doesn't use the damn pet? I hate DnD always forcing pets on the archers.
99% sure there's a ranger subclass that does this. Or you can just make a bow-focused rogue or something.
Nigger you dont have to take a pet with all of them
Inquisitor has like only 1 pet focused subtype and is really good at archery
Ranger has a no pet type
You can make a fighter work with bows easily
I'm an idiot, I forgot about rogue.
Magus(Eldritch Archer), aka magic archer
Fighter, which is actually a dps machine with bow,
>I hate DnD always forcing pets on the archers.
But that never happened, only MMOs do that, archer != ranger, you could always make amazing rogue, fighter or even paladin archers.
People always called monks shit in 3.5, how are they in pathfinder, and specifically in this game?
I also dont know much about the class the tiefling dlc brought, how are they?
I had a save with an inquisitor that reached up really early kingdom parts in vanilla, will I be missing much if I just continue from that based on later additions like the said tieflings?
It's refreshing how many default female dorf potraits they have (they even have multiple of the same classes/hair colour etc which is a bit weird), but the male potraits are pretty lacking.
>start pathfinder kingmaker
>all descriptions use "she"
I don't want to meme but is this SJW
Does anyone has cute female tiefling portraits to share?
It depends on the class, some are he, some are she, it depends on the default example character in the player's handbook.
I don't fucking understand any of these stats and shit.
Anyone have any OP and FUN builds for a chaotic evil anything?
>Being this new
Yikes. That's been a thing in fantasy writing for the better part of 40 fucking years.
You can officially respec now so don't be afraid of experimenting. The only thing you should look out for is stacking your attack rolls since you want to be able to hit shit, but that's it.
>I don't fucking understand any of these stats and shit
>chaotic evil
Fuck, this is too funny.
Not really. You can even go and tell the stronk barbarian woman to shut the fuck up when she goes all muh woman muh strength.
The elf/orc mutts are horrible companions and their relationship has been a great motivator for shitposting, but it's honestly a legit complaint since they're both shitty characters.
I did a LE run with mostly good characters, they'll bitch a bit at most but they'll still respect your decisions.
just b urself
Guys please, no bully.
Dunno man I never encountered it in D&D books granted I didn't read them in english.
There's something like a magic archer.
You can go with an inquisitor, or, hell, even a ranged paladin. Or just a fighter.
Are there any classes I should avoid for first playthrough?
Monks in Kingamker are of the "unchained" variant for the most part, meaning that they're fixed somewhat. I did a pure monk LE run and it felt alright, not super overpowered but by no means weak.
>Barbarian with Pets class
The one thing you should know about slavs is that they're fucking lazy. For a lot of ingame tooltips, they've just straight up copied descriptions out of wikis or guidebooks. And if these used female pronouns (which happens more often than not, considering that it's Pozzo we're talking about) it's no surprise.
is it finally optimized ?
>The one thing you should know about slavs is that they're fucking lazy
You don't need to tell me, I AM a slav.
No, at least on Normal. I guess you could just try to avoid redundancy with other party members, for example, make a different bard build from Linzi if you are going to roll a bard.
To be fair, DnD mechanics aren't really that intuitive.
Paladin archetypes (subclasses) were ass from what I remember. Same about the martial cleric archetype, crusader or whatever. Most others were okay or at least not plain horrible.
It always was unless you didn't put it on an SSD and restarted every couple of hours. But yeah, the loading times are slightly better for me with the EE.
Where from, brat?
I think about Sacred Huntmaster, Herald Caller, Mad Dog or Eldritch Scion.
Boland :-DD
Fugg, Czegg here :-D
Hast there ever been a more trustworthy looking man?
Czegg gud fren :-DDDDD
shit I should make a jew playthrough
Tag jest, Bolebro gud xD
>The one thing you should know about slavs is that they're fucking lazy
As a slav, can confirm.
look up vivisectionist builds and slice shit up
It's not lazy, it's working with attention to more detail. Naturaly, you work slower that way.
Is vivi still op?
Loadings still slow as shit?
I actually noticed a huge performance boost.
Anything with sneak attack is borderline broken, it's just that easy to initiate them.
Its good now. With an ssd pretty much nonexistent.
on ssd or normal ?
They added fuck all on this update but the game got a ton of fixes and is pretty much bug free
Is the Endless dungeon dlc out yet?
How is it?
Literally never had an issue with loading and i'm not even running it on an SSD, I assume the bottleneck is CPU or RAM related, both things I have in abundance.
You can just play fighter with a bow. One of the ranger subclasses (stormwalker I think) is also bow focused and doesn't have a pet.
Has anyone tried playing with a 4man party?
I've found my regular runs just end up overpowering everything unless I have no good spells aviable vs whatever I'm fighting and increasing the difficulty slider just buffs enemy stats into the stratosphere,
I think limiting myself to 4 dudes but keeping the difficulty at normal could be a ok challenge
SSHD. Basically HDD.
>no crafting
>no eldritch arcana for oracles and more feats
>no slayer
what's wrong with you?
I don't like adding new classes and features that aren't in game and that can possibly break my saves.
Gotta wait for them to get updated though.
Fire > Earth > Fire
Plan ahead to get wall and deadly earth ASAP taking their requirements beforehand
Focus on dealing damage, you'' be pretty mediocreup until eruption but Eruption is great and Wall and deadly earth are downright broken
>romancing anyone but the nymph
This, is the game playable yet? Been waiting for so fucking long. Stopped when Amiri's quest broke forever on my save
>Looking up Pathfinder builds
>Find this guys channel
>Can practically feel the Chernobyl tier 'tism radiating out of my monitor
God bless slavs.
>the lebeda betrayal
I'm still seething
are any of the advisors offered in the start any good? not picking that dickhead again
If you want an interesting waifu companion then the only option is the Kaessi, the other companions are shit.
If you want the true ending you have to romance Nyrissa.
best romance for paladin?
The tiefling, smite her demon pussy with your rod of justice.
nymph mommy and tiefling twins
How well will this run on what's basically a chink's pc build ie. 10-year old craptop with 2 viruses? I'm still fixing my PC but I'm getting the itch to play this on my laptop right now.
Shandra is great for jews.
Kassil is good all-around. He might not be the most creative advisor, but he's not gonna steer you wrong.
Lander is the only one who's just a fuck-up all around.
>true ending
Pick lebeda again.
It is the true ending, it's the only one where you kill the Lantern King and truly free yourself from the meddling of Eldest. There is no disputing this.
>not romancing pure tiefling waifu
>not romancing both demon slut sisters
U dun goofd
>not two inch brush
All brushes are acceptable, as far as they are holy. no mistakes, only happy little accidents
>Already spent an hour on the character creation screen because I refuse to make my character without researching each month before deciding on my birthday.
CRPG's are suffering, but in a good way.
I just bought this and BG 1+2, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance in the GoG sale, did I do good? Didn't get Siege of Dragonspear, comments said it's trash.
Thanks, miiight try a monk build from zero instead I guess
>BoT author: "I am aware of the issues and will most likely be able to start working on it over the weekend."
>VR/KR author: "i should have some time over the weekend to update it for the EE"
Fucking hell
>Didn't get Siege of Dragonspear
You did well
You did good son.
>those games
>didn't bought Dragonshit
You did good, son, you did good.
>the king helps because he wanted to fug some fey pussy
>end up living in some ever changing land that is stuck between worlds
>the true ending is the worst ending
Nyrissa is a cunt and deserves nothing but a violent and painful death, preferably from multiple paladin smites.
Based and smitepilled. Very happy to see Paladin Chads strong here
It's worth buying solely due to being the only modern CRPG not to fall for the balance meme.
Is this game better than fucking Pillars 2? I’m not a huge crpg fan, played a lot NWN as a teen, poe1 etc, and got a bit confused during character creation in pathfinder. Are there enough guides for abrainlet? I tried it when it just released but didnt bother to play it past prologue
Add Gothic 2 to your basket and your selection is perfect.
A paladin knows that murdering the most chaotic and arguably evil Eldest is more important than any of that trivial shit. Fuck chaos gods.
It's by far the best modern crpg out there, not even memeing. Comparing it to that Pillarturd is disgrace.
try to zoom in on the face a bit more, so it won't look out of place
How is she supposed to be? She looks 30+.
Fuck off, Valerie.
But can you purge both dumb lantern AND leaf thot? Both deserve it.
You might be better off with Divinity Original Sin 2 if you want something a little less intimidating up front, but there are absolutely guides aplenty for Pathfinder, just settle on a class you want to play, find stat/leveling guide so you don't have to worry about that shit and jump on in, if you find it too difficult you can tweak the difficulty at any time.
Wait did they really not make a better custom portrait feature for the enhanced edition?
Even discounting everything else, the fact that you actually have to think about your choices and avoid trap options to make a viable character make it better than any other CRPG out there.
If you understood NWN you'll be fine with Pathfinder, it's mostly the same system.
If you have actually played some tabletop d&d or pathfinder itself it's really good
There are guides and stuff but trying your best to come up with interesting builds and seeing how it plays out against what the game throws at you is kinda part of the fun so I suggest against that user.They kinda lowered the early game difficulty as well.
Man, I was so hopeful for Pillars 2
I am still butthurt about how shit it turned out
Nature bros represent
aaaaa help I kicked some dumb tree in a swamp now I'm cursed
There are potions for that. Spells and scrolls too.
>half the given teammates are built extremely fucking shit, which also constitute of all early ones
>even the bard's build is ass
It was a different kind of shitshow for people with no experience on these subjects at release
>the only modern CRPG not to fall for the balance meme
Alright. I am buying it. I hate the balance meme. It's destroying video games.
It doesn't make her any less shit
Don't fuck with the optional super bosses the first time you enter an area unless you have a very specific strategy tailored to them. The Lonely Shambling Mound was the first example of that but the later ones like the tree are even worse.
I remember the troll king or whatever absolutely decimating my bunghole raw before any of the dlc's, was that entirely normal?The only part where I had to cheese a bit earlier was the bandfit den where you build your shit on later
What's with all the different editions? Do I miss out on anything notable for simply going for the explorer edition?
>start herald caller
>can't call herald
what am I doing wrong
Is the turn based mod good enough for a full playthrough? I fucking hate RTWP
Bard build is ok, they all are
Sure, no one is min-max but is not like the game is that hard
and even so, you can still many all the custom companions you want
only nyrissa and thiefling sluts are any good
Treefaggot is easy, just set the nigger on fire.
if I go paladin, do I have to slay the thot and her faggot fuckboi at the start?
I'd like to cuck him
>start feyspeaker
>can only speak English
Wtf slavs?
This, I kept everyone at range and cast cc stuff while the alchemist spam casted fire bombs
i see what you did there user
You don't. But you can.
we got scammed bro.
Does this game force a bunch of random companions on your and make you babysit them? I just want to b myself and focus on my own character like in, you know, an actual RPG. I get so discouraged and overwhelmed whenever I have to manage so many different classes in and out of combat.
What's the problem with balance as long as it doesn't compromise fun?
All it means is letting everyone be fun instead of only making some things fun and other things total shit.
Because some things need to be shit both for variety, and to make your character building choices matter.
>start cleric
>new party members
My team cannot be any more paper
Val is your designated tank. Amiri can also take some heat but she'll be fucked up more often than not
Because for something to be good it needs mediocrity to stand out from.
fuck you i just downloaded game
for freeofc
didn't meet yet
You can technically use Harrim as a tank.
... so long as you keep him surrounded with summons.
>halfling support bard
>two clerics
prebuff and you will be fine?
The entire game is pro-leftist/cuckolding propaganda.
Kill yourself you erping cuckold faggot
>you can literally cuck either of them to death
BASED propaganda.
I like reg but octavia is just the worst.
I thought based Russians were immune to this SJW shit?
my character already died 3 times in the prologue.
I am not going to make it am I?
It's just spastics being spastics. There is no trace of any kikery whatsoever.
Were's that from?
Drop down to normal difficulty until you figure out what you're doing, user.
What is this game and why i want to play it?
The half orc says that, but then you can literally steal his girlfriend away from him and leave him suicidal wondering how an open relationship could've turned on him so badly.
I AM on normal difficulty
How is that possible? All the normal difficulty rogues have like 1hp and a -5 to hit. Are you just standing there passing every turn?
Put your class to use and start praying that you do figure out what you're doing then.
can I have multiple romances?
my holy lance needs to purify all the thots
>I thought based Russians were immune to this SJW shit?
That characters inclusion is literally mocking SJW shit and allows you to cuck the ever loving fuck out of him.
cleric on front line is probably a bad idea from me.
Also I still cannot summon my herald which is supposed to be staple of my class
It is possible to make a tanky frontline cleric
not for you I guess :^)
you can fuck everyone but only date one
Does this game have any kino moments where you have the chance to be a total badass? Like a tournament or fighting some incredibly powerful/arrogant creature 1v1
your mom on the other hand.....
>best boy is literally virgin
What did they mean by that
Is there a guide yet to marrying both tiefling sisters? If I ever replay the game I'd like to do that.
>Every bit of gear, every weapon, even secondary weapons, even fucking potions are visible on your characters.
This is literally all i've ever wanted from a modern CRPG.
Paladin archer is apparently very good.
Not the subclass though, that one is shit. Just the base Paladin.
And Slayer is probably fine?
How much longer until the custom portrait bug is fixed?
As someone who's never heard of pathfinder before this game. Why the fuck did they add Slayer as the new class and why is it so fucking boring?
I was hoping it'd be something akin to Warhammer slayers or something, but it's just a rogue/ranger hybrid.
It's fixed in a hotfix
Don't forget to turn on that your allies not in the party get exp, otherwise all you're going to do is make your 4 dudes level faster and make it even easier.
My cleric, did I fuck up and should restart while I am still early in the game or is this alright?
I am definitely not new to RPGs but I am aware various systems work differently...
Probably because they could steal some of that mod's code. I don't know why they added the swordlord class either, it seems to add nothing to already existing classes.
I'm sad that there's no hellknight prestige class in the game as it is a super popular request but whatever.
>To be fair, DnD mechanics aren't really that intuitive.
Only BG1&2/AD&D
Ever since 3.0 it became super intuitive
ab + 1d20 must beat ac to hit
1d20 + your save must pass spell DC
higher numbers are better
>12 STR 12 DEX
For what purpose.
I've seen huge lists of classes that all sounded interesting being requested and they add the dude that's either a shitty rogue or a decent ranger, but without the OP pet.
I can understand the Swordlord from a flavour perspective, but the slayer is a huge letdown.
How is Divine Hunter worse than regular Paladin with a bow?
And how is Hospitaller ass next to Paladin? All you miss out is half of your smites, in exchange for a little more healing. They're almost identical, and you can find an armor which gives you 2 smites by chapter 2
to not be a total shit in them I guess? the easy +1 bonus which might help with various future checks at least a little
Does that even do anything for her? Or is she just being mean?
What is the purpose? Just leave it at 10 or pump it at least to 12, uneven stats give nothing. Only reason to have one uneven stat is that you get 5 ability points through level ups, assuming you hit 20.
meet or exceed DC in pathfinder, not sure about 3/5e
slayer was easy to add
so they did
she is making him suffer.
How do you think women have orgasms?
Who's ready for notSlaads?
Just go 10/14/14/17(+2)/10 then, there's no real reason to have STR if you're not going to hit shit and having a bit more DEX for some touch attacks can be useful.
Clitoral stimulation?
English is the most fey language user, should have read the fine print.
post paladin builds
builds for the companions would be nice too
STR is useful for a cleric, something like 14.
You are going to hit shit in the beginning, even later on there are good weapons anyways and there's not enough spellslots to cast every single fight, especially as cleric has many buffs.
STR also adds a lot of damage to bows even.
>vanilla portrait
Why yes, you fucked up.
Who the fuck are these? Mod characters?
>not Gaylic
should I restart? Is my char fucked up that hard?
I am at the trade camp...
Hey I really like some of them
>STR is useful for a cleric
if he was going to be melee focused maybe. 14 is still shit and would be better off dumping int if you want to run into melee. Its also a Herald Caller Cleric which focuses on summons rather than attacks.
youre going to be stupidly feat starved if you are trying to use bows and summons on a full caster.
Sell kineticist to me anons
How do you build one as well?
EE characters, and most of them are insufferable somestimes even literal faggots.
Not sure if the respec mod works yet, but you could just edit your savegame manually since everything is saved in a xml file, I believe.
Is there anything to do with Tristian besides giving him a crossbow and having him stay back? If I don't, he faints all the time, wasting buffs, not to mention that most of his heals have to go himself
Also, no, you're not fucked, don't worry.
You could dip one level into monk for more AC.
That's basically what you have to do.
I jut met the 8 eyes lady and she offers a respec... is that it?
Hedwirg is cute, cute!
Best two options.
1. Stack up his Channel, especially with Selective Channel and have him be a monster healbot. Use his spells for buffs, and have him auto-attack with crossbow misses between.
2. Theurge him with Sorcerer and have him auto-cast infinite magic missiles, burning arcs, etc. and only use his cleric heals when needed.
What is that alien plant looking thing he is holding meant to be?
Regongon and Roastivia are fun!
>neutral good
It's a new feature and I haven't played since it's been implemented, so I don't really know if you can reset your MC's stats.
I wouldn't worry that much about it, you're not using a 100% optimal build but that's it. Since you're a herald caller, I assume you want to summon shit and support your party, which will be fine with your stats.
If you ever wanted to play a damage dealing caster but not just sling fireballs, kineticist can do it (and isnt really a caster which is good and bad).
>how do you build one
dump almost everything into Con. Before you start getting form infusions youre going to either just throw ranged touch attacks (grab point blank and precise shot) or swing with a kinetic blade (kinetic blade infusion and weapon finesse) so pick up a bit of dex for hitting.
Forgot that he's neutral, fugg.
Is he a tranny?
What is with the beard?
How similar is this to the actual tabletop version, does anyone know?
I've played the Pathfinder campaign like three times now so if it's similar I don't know if I should bother because I probably know most of the story already.
Someone said that I should pick grease as one of my first spells when I bought it and I said I was gonna play a wizard. It doesn't deal any damage, wtf is the point of making people slip? He told me it was a broken spell
yeah I want to summon shit but I can't yet, it seems I can since level 4...
If you've played the Kingmaker AP before yeah it follows that path.
Rumor of Owlcat working on Curse of the Crimson Throne at some point though
What beard?
Lizzy's a female halfling bard, much to my dismay.
That darkness on her chin is a shadow.
Knocked down fools can't do anything. It's also a spell that keeps going so it's more worthy of a slot.
Regardless, the spell that's still king at low levels is Color Spray by far, which is what you should get.
You have access to Summon Monster spells. Use those
Thing is I'm already playing Hospitaller, with plenty of Channels. I usually bring either Harrim or Tristian for more healing, but Harrim tanks and dishes out damage too. I'd be happy with a build that traded off the 20+ Channels per day the party would get, in return for better damage and survivability for Tristian.
Is there a class like BG's Sword Saint? A class that has the same restriction to clothing. I could try monk as user said, but keeping his scimitar feels right
How is the new DLC? I havent bought it yet.
It's clearly ink you braindead neanderthal, her fingers are covered in it and she has some her cheek as well.
Yeah, but can you play as a catgirl?
redpill me on magus class.
Is it a viable spellsword, or just a trap?
>finish the prologue
>great characters
>great art
>great music
>really solid writing
>suddenly a time limit
Oh god what the fuck.
Sounds cool user, thank you.not sure how I wanna build it yet then, I'm still redownloading the thing anyways.
You can play a a cute demon girl
There's more than enough time, don't worry.
Time limit is actually more forgiving than you would think
It's there to prepare you for post kingdom shit that can really fuck you in the ass but then again you can just turn kingdom difficulties down seperately
Fuck I am glad I skipped the remaster and just keep playing my 5 cdrom collection version.
What do I do if I don't like Valerie or Amiri, and I don't want to play a fighter?
I like the barbarian chick, any tips on how to build her as a barbarian? I'm thinking of going for great cleave
Looks like a beard.
Weird fucking thing to draw on a woman's face.
Also the man hands and feet really don't help with making her feminine.
Get mercs, I guess.
Paleolithic hunting group lmao.
Wild Hunt bf when
Satyr bf when
Is there opportunity for subterfuge, thievery, sweet talking and other such dick-assery, or is it just another "fight shit all the fucking time cos fightan is all minmaxers can do to flex their minmaxing, power gaming skills, an minmaxing autists are what purchases these games." game like bg and iwd?
Reminder only the very last line takes some creative liberty.
>Coup de Grace is fun.
It's pretty neat how much this game has improved the past year, almost dissapointed they're finished with it. They were getting really good to bringing pathfinder alive mechanically.
Ok sweet, I mean I don't mind a time limit, but I got utterly fucked by the time limit in Expeditions: Viking and it completely killed me desire to start again after losing a fuck ton of progress.
I'm in the Old Sycamore Caves, looking for that gnome motherfucker, and I've no clue how to progress after using the cart to break that plank blockade.
Hopefully they'll make more games based on other PF modules.
Im pretty sure theyre planning on doing another Adventure Path, and they already have the mechanical stuff ready.
Just hope they aren't turbo cheap and continue to update/develop new assets. And of course expand pathfinder's ridiculous number of options further
It is
That's a dead end with treasure in it, unless you open the bridge from the otherside.
No idea what you are doing though.
Oh yeah, this rapesquad. Can't wait to style on them, gonna wait for few hotfixes and mod updates though.
What are the feats that apply to amri's main weapon? The naming makes it confusing. Also, is this basically her "main" weapon and is it worth investing gold/feats into? Or does she get something else later
I guess I'm supposed to open up the roots leading to Sycamore Hall? I am not a clever man.
Yeah. When the game had just come out they raped me violently. Pissed me off back then I couldn't coup de grace them.
Post screenshots of your problem
DId anyone make Aqua build yet
The devs already nerfed them via the latest patch due to casual cries.
This game was made in Russia.
>artificial difficulty
The game tells you at the start to play on the stupid person difficulty setting if you aren't capable of making good builds.
It's like BG1 with a barebones kingdom management sim attached. I liked it.
Turns out I'd completely missed seeing the kobold chief I'd allied with.
>DC mobility 21 climb check
>game over due to main character dieing from damage
Ebin game
It's fine if you don't walk back and forth aimlessly. Do a bunch of quests in one go, before going home. Your character gets a camp ability which allows you to rest in your territory without using supplies, that saves time you'd spend hunting.
The time limits get longer and longer, it's mostly because upgrading a barony stat takes two weeks straight. Adventuring takes no time at all next to it
Just started as a charismatic strength-based eldritch scion magus of red dragon heritage. How the fuck do I use potions in this game?
You are a casual who doesn't even play permadeath so that matters nothing.
>val is the tank of the group
>special snowflake, I AM NOT PRETTY REEE, atheist womxn
Should roll a tank then for first run?
>very difficult DC
>hurrrr i pick it becuz i hv +5 XD
Harrim exists.
Mercs exist if you really need a minmaxed tank.
I’d say yes. KC:D bores me to death though for the first 15 hours or so, so much that I drop it around the same part every time I play. The pacing is just too slow
If I'm going to run a Bow Fighter, who are the party members I should get? I'm guessing Valerie and Tristan, who else should I get?
A two-tank group is a safe and easy way to go, yeah. And you can sole tank if you don't want to bring Val.
Put them on your quickslots nigga
Siege of Dragonspear is less bad than the Beamdog content in the EEs.
Valerie, Harrim, Nok Nok, Linzi, Octavia
Myrkul was right
Since you make a whole party rather than just the main char, just make a balanced party.
I'm playing with with a fighter for tanking, spawn slayer melee dps/offtank, ranger, wizard & cleric and haven't really come across much challenge yet. I am only on depth 9 though.
Ah, which one does the healing? Not too familiar with the cast.
Can someone take the time to tell me if getting Great cleave on Amri is worth it? Thanks.
Harrim is a cleric.
Regardless you'll soon find out with a good team healing is far better left to pots, and also scrolls via Use Magic Device.
Much like BG, a cleric is completely superflous for healing. Later on you can even buy stacks of 99x Heal and Mass Heal scrolls which are the top tier healing spells of the entire game.
Can you make a complete party by yourself in this game as in have 4 paladins/of the same class etc or do you come across companions who are already a set class like a rogue in a tavern or something. I realize class stacking wouldn’t be optimal but I’m curious how much control you have over the non MC characters
If I play a goody two shoes, will the Evil/ Chaotic party members get angry or leave?
You can create your own companions the second you hit the first outpost, you're totally free in that regard.
Harrim is definitely best used as a skeletank, bad touch is also kinda useful.
You can create non-plot party members from scratch
Ah, that's good, was worried about that. Nice, I think I'm ready to start playing then.
There aren't any real "evil" party members anyway.
But no, they'll comment about your action at most, but they never really leave.
I'm a cleric so can't really tank
Bastard sword feats work with it, but unlike regular bastard swords hers is a two hander, so it's a bit of a dogs breakfast trying to spec for it.
I drop it immediately and spec her into fighter/vivisectionist/rogue/fighter/barbarian with fauchards for maximum range and damage, the -2 on her bastard sword negates all it's good shit honestly and her stats are painfully shit to begin with so you've really got to pump her up and level her fiercely to get anything worthwhile out of her.
Linzi, Valeri and Amiri all have super shit starting stats honestly.
But then I'd have less money to sink on Build Points
You can wield normal bastard swords two hander, technically
I’ve only played DnD once and I’m not really sure which version. Do you need to half-rest/rest in between fights in order to cast more spells?
You'll soon be swimming in money from rightfully liberated goods from bandit/monster scum
Money is not an issue in th game besides first few chapters also enjoy last dungeon without copious amounts of mass heal and heal scrolls
Yes, it uses vancian/spellslot system.
However there are many rods that auto empower/extend/maximize spells so there's far more freedom with spellslots, and spells are also pretty accurate to pnp so some are so powerful a single cast devastates the entire battle like Stinking Cloud and Cloudkill
>save scum : the game
Yes, you still have to rest since your spells are limited to x uses/day. However, in Kingmaker, you'll also have to spend some resources on resting, so you won't be able to do it after every fight.
I completed it just fine on no reload (combat wise since >bugs) on Challenging back in late November.
Literally learn to buff and cc, 3 INT friend.
>loot every room in the mansion
>loot whole fucking armory
>"no, we canot take that 200 gold, it would be stealing!"
>loot secret treasure vault
Okay thanks anons. Think I’m ganna get it
>lie about it when questioned later on
So what are chaotic neutral people like?
I kept wanting to play this but somehow never got around to it. Can I play some sort of minion-master Necromancer in this?
Small time criminals and other social mal-adjusts that aren't complete sociopaths.
They are often tricksters or prone to whimsical shit, there's only no "order" to their actions in that they do things on a whim and don't really care for furthering the cause of good or evil, but at the same time they don't go out of their way to cause people to suffer (but lol it was a prank bro) or help them
Trickster Fey are staple CN
There is no summon limit whatsoever, but summons aren't permanent
it sure stopped me from pirating
Will BG: Dark Alliance 3 ever be made by any studio? It’s been like 15 years and the second one is one of my favorite vidya ever
Will I fuck up if I pick up TSS for my character?
>There is no summon limit whatsoever, but summons aren't permanent
Oh fuck, how did I not realize this. I’ve been assuming it was one summon at a time NWN style
the dwarf cleric is chaotic with some necro spells
actually all compaions are "quirky", like the huge shield woman fighter... with high ch
Just don't expect to deal the same damage as a two handed chad, obviously.
What's a good monk build? I want to become the fist of the fucking north star.
What kind of weapon build should you go with for the bard halfling? She lacks the strength for bows but crossbows are even worse and she's to squishy for melee.
Please halp
i never played this game and never will solely due to the fact that i never played this game and never will
Do we get an expansion pack? I want some nice epic campaign.
What’s the most fun class for the main character?
What kind of weapons and armor would a Fighter with high str + dex use?
Bugs and balance issues are mostly ironed out with EE. I'd say the problem is that both the story and setting are forgettably bland, while party members range from absolutely grating to merely decent. The whole mandatory kingdom management mini-game is phone game tier when it comes to gameplay depth and doesn't influence the other parts of the main gameplay enough; sure you may have raised your barony's "military" or "relations" stats or built a barracks and a port, but most often they don't actually do anything apart from making the management portion's rolls easier, essentially the phone game's effects mostly stay inside the phone game itself. You have to babysit the management portion and use it as a money sink to avoid a game over, but bonuses that extend to exploration like slightly better attack rolls inside borders are few and far in between.
Character building is pretty fun though if you enjoy RTwP combat. It's a "competent" RPG, but that's about it.
>There is no summon limit whatsoever, but summons aren't permanent
But is there something Necromancer-like or a class which can be built that way? As somebody who isn't familiar to the system it's pretty overwhelming, I have no idea what can actually be built and what will actually work well/be viable in the game itself.
Back when the game first came out I remember people saying that summons were fairly worthless early-game and that they would only last for an extremely short time, so I'm not sure exactly how it works and if it's a viable build to go for.
>steals from your treasury later anyway
Chaotics, not even once
Why not steal her virginity when she starts shit?
People who are kinda dickish but not really evil, they just don't give much of a fuck.
basically Yea Forums
>probably 15kg or something
Pretty sure that entire genre is dead, your only real options are something like Gauntlet and clones, or on the other end of the spectrum Path of Exile, Diablo 3 etc
Either full arcane spellcaster, Inquisitor or grenadier/vivisectionist.
From melee class that has some extra synergy and interesting builds, Paladin, but it locks alignment.
How do you play that?
Summons are ok even early game cause it's one extra body to take damage. But you usually have better spells to pick.
Summons become MAGNIFICENT when you can cast level 4 spells, because you get animate dead.
Also, summon spells afterwards get stronger (very durable elementals, spellcasting monsters, can summon actually big groups of fodder etc).
Plus, you get other sources of summoning like items and you can have arcane and divine spellcasters flood the field.
Viability drops a bit end game, but having bodies to be fodder for mandragora swarms and shit is still very useful.
If you are sorcerer, Thassilonian Wizzard (Sloth) cleric, Druid or Monster Tactician Inquisitor, you can be an effective summoner.
Almost all builds can work out if you do not do random stat allocation/feats and a few good spells up to normal, so do not worry that much
Grenadier BOMBS people and has great support spells with Infusion.
Vivisectionist is spellcasting sneak attack fucker with great DPS AND survivability (a slayer can possibly do more damage per turn, but he is more fragile). I had them together because tehy are alchemist archetypes.
what's the difference between all those slayers
With High dex (but not key stat), up to medium. And probably anything but a two hander
If dex is key stat with some strength (archer build), probably bracers
fuck off nerd commando
your builds are trash
Does ANYTHING you do in the prologue mission even matter?I went through it twice, although not with that much variation and saw no difference
Cleave Sucks. Dip into two handed fighter.
Post something better.
Does the composite bow get the Fighter's weapon focus buff? It seems to be different from regular bows.
Starting companions(which affects overall availability of companions for chapter 1).
A certain ring opens up a dialogue option in chapter 5.
Order in whichever you acquire party members
Composite longbows are still longbows, so they benefit from any feat that affects/concerns longbows specifically (and ranged weapons overall, of course)
Fire sequence has a few different status outcomes, alignment checks based on stealing, rescuing people and then how you answer questions regarding those situations determine your starting party.
How can you get both Kaessis pregnant?
Nice, thanks.
what's the max level?
i looked through Pathfinder feats and it looks like Shield Bash and Cleaving Finish would be nice, but each requires a shitton of Feats
It affects which party member you have at the beginning.
A lot of the high end feats are for fighters.
I see, so they're best a bit later into the game. Thanks for the tips.
Do you actually have to buy enhanced edition if you have the normal edition + season pass?
It's not like it takes a lot of spells/investment for a summoner. A couple feats and 1 spells per level (maybe 2 in a few cases).
You are still a spellcaster with many other options
Can you even get to level 20 with a full party? I remember you having to play practically solo if you wanted to max your level by end game when the game came out.
What archetypes were picked for the slayer?
So where's EE on Steam? Can't see it anywhere.
Xp has increased, so yes.
It's just a big ass patch to Pathfinder itself, same game etc
Deliverer, spawn slayer, vanguard
How do you respec? I see that they've officially added it to the game but I can't figure out how to do it.
Same guy you buy custom NPCs from
>You are still a spellcaster with many other options
That sounds pretty decent, actually.
Alright thanks.
I'll (You) this guy too, he asked the same
Linzi is far better as pure bard, for the sole reason Bard Song is busted and it only increases with pure bard levels.
The default ab/damage party wide song stacks with anything besides itself which is part of what makes it so good.
Just get her specced into the ranged weapon line and she'll do "respectable" damage while being able to dish out a ton of buffs.
>Spawn Slayer
Alright so we have a good tripping class besides Fighter.
But does trip still take a Full Attack Action?
Oh shit, thanks fren.
Unless you are also a monk , have the cape that makes bite attacks trip or use the Mastery Fauchard, yes.
Why the fuck couldn't they make trip part of an attack action?
It's neckbeard paradise
>Pathfinder Enhanced Edition
>Beamdog didn't get their filthy hands on Baldurs Gate 3
Today is a good fucking day.
Also, realms beyond looks very fucking promising
>Under Sycamore
>hey some weight place puzzle!
>open wall
>3 skeletal champions burst out and rape me
huh... what fun
I want to play that game for the visuals alone, all the screens and videos look amazing.
Have they fixed the broken quest lines and game breaking / save corrupting bugs yet?
Hope you learned your lesson, user
They've been fixed since the end of 2018.
One of the patch notes mentioned improved balanced at the early game, anyone try that yet?
I finished the game last month and had 0 issues apart from Kaessi's companion quest bugging out so I had to abandon my quest of marrying her (I wasn't about to reload and lose 10+ hours) and had to settle for Nyrissa.
Why would anything nice happen?
Technic league was nerfed.
Spider swarm cave lets you pick up berries with less resistance, but for extra/xp rewards are even more swarms to fight
i'm playing an Inquisitor so likely it's going to be one or the other
can't kill any skellingtons, am I supposed to progress here?
>realms beyond
Oooh I hadn't seen this, looks great.
Small advice: If you want to be a semi-tank with the shield, abandon shield bash and get defensive feats. With defensive teamwork feat (shield wall) plus Shield/Armor focus, you will be a pretty good secondary tank capable of damage.
If you want to hurt people, just focus on a weapon type, upgrade critical/focus etc and abuse judgements/Bane weapons.
Just leave and come back later when you're stronger.
If you have any cleric, spam his channel that hurts undead. Should get them near dead.
unluckily I'm evil cleric, can only heal undead lmao
Owlcat is unironically the only studio that could have done BG3 justice, though.
Larian will probably streamline and casualise it to hell and back.
Bard song for damage/ab buff, cantrip that deals positive damage
you are supposed to buy good games.
Larian has tried like 8 different genre approaches and done decently/entertaining at worst. It will likely be a BG successor on lore more than gameplay, but I am still optimistic
Looks like a good CRPG, french language would be nice though
They have french. Check steam.
>Larian will probably streamline and casualise it to hell and back.
Bg 3 will be another fallout 3
I don't think Owlcat have the resources, experience or team to really do BG3 justice honestly, Pathfinder is great, but it's incredibly rough around the edges, it's been 9 months and they're still patching massive swathes of game breaking shit.
i'm level 2 fren, can I do that?
not buying it cause my native language isn't included
Man, I would only be able to buy like 20 games EVER if I had that standard.
>I don't think Owlcat have the resources, experience
Resources no, but their devs have previous experience, decades even.
Kingmaker is already far more massive than BG1&2, in both scope, mechanics and content.
Without kingdom building shit which BG3 most likely was not going to have, the game might as well be twice the size of BG1&2 + ToB combined, WITH actual pnp implementation which I doubt Larian a shit about.
With Larian we'll probably get something that looks pretty yet is severely lacking in depth/tabletop mechanics which yes, I expect out of a fucking BG game.
Better than Pillars for sure.
Bard song and cantrips are level 1 defaults.
Level 2 is very low for that place, however, you should go to the tomb where they send you after Tartuccio first, and also have 6 party members.