Literally 2 days away and we get more information

>Literally 2 days away and we get more information
What are your hopes?
Do you believe this will be on PS4/XBone or Ps5/X Box 9000

Attached: comment_aYeLmqmJdxSfBzrgaGeJpHCj2dJdqymT.jpg (1200x900, 227K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Third person
>All night mode

i really really hope those gay collars go away/are optional
holy shit what an eyesore

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
last fucking time i post this information sick of all this shit man fuck cdpr fuck this shit game if they show straight male v at e3 good but i don't fucking care to deal with all the fucking cuck's bullshit i'm just tryin help fuck this shit

Pleas seek help dude and now fuck off

Who is ready for the cascade of fucktards that will pretend their bitching forced CD Projekt to put night-time into the game?

Yup, expecting a bigger shitstorm than last year

E3 should provide suitable material for Yea Forums to light itself on fire for weeks after it has passed. At least the shitposting will be about videogames for once.

My fear is that they went back to drawing board because of last year's reception

>tfw I have a plane in 2 days and I’ll probably miss E3

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They've intentionally avoided showing night time shit for long periods of time up until this point. I figure now's the time they'll drop a gameplay demo that takes place at night.

Attached: NightCity.jpg (1920x1080, 267K)

they better or else Yea Forums's sun faggots will go into a school shooting frenzy

If they don't do it now they'll get accused of ripping off Westworld Season 3 even though it's the other way around.

I wanna know if you can befriend Dum Dum

I hope the gun mechanics are fun and not annoying

in the end watch dog 3 will be the western cyberpunk experience, they are taking so much time to make this shit, the competition already had 2 tries to improve the formula.

>watch dog 3 will be the western cyberpunk experience
God I wish its developers were capable of that. I'm terrified that Watch Dogs 3 will be all the annoying cringey shit from Watch Dogs 2 with none of the tongue-in-cheek prankster cyberterrorist aesthetic.

Based and bot-pilled

>Scared to roleplay a bussie lover

is it possible to learn this level of insecurity?

Attached: 1559727184924.png (715x475, 637K)

>it has been a whole year since the reveal


Mods will add this

>My fear is that they went back to drawing board because of last year's reception
It was only couple of spergs here constantly shitposting threads to oblivion, normies from youtube to leedit loved it

>webm. about a bug

Psychonauts 2 release date
Better not be in December or some shit

>not wanting to see the sunset before the last mission

Fallout 4 meets GTAV
The casual AAA experience everyone waited for.
Arent you excited?

>all night mode
God I hate incels

>Went back to the drawing board
>Literally 97% approvel rate on YOutube about the Alpha video

Why would they go back if only 3% of people disliked the video?

>DumDum body is fucked
>he uploads his mind into a pendrive
>Corpo-bitch destroy it in front of you
>his last words are" getting hight with you was fun, meatbag!"

Attached: 1559839267787.jpg (1000x968, 130K)

Some people just prefer the aesthetic of nighttime; can’t blame them for that. I’m more of a dawn guy myself, especially when there’s a red glow coming from the horizon

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Practically all hope I ever had for the game is gone now.
It looks nothing like the old teaser.
It looks like for lack of a better term: gay.
It looks really fucking gay.
I worst of all don't like the gameplay which appears to just be Borderlands
>Drive car from A to B
>Listen to characters talk directly into your character's head
>Shoot bullet sponges with numbers that fly off
>Get loot from chests complete with rarity color names
Nice if you like Borderlands and wished it had graphics instead of art style.
At the end of the day it blew right past my worst fear which was a time-sink version of Nu Deus Ex and went right into what I never even attempted to entertain the idea of which is derivative FPS bullshit made to be enjoyed by the god damn casual market that still makes up the bulk of this industry and keeps companies like EA in business.

Attached: 1555282345629.png (540x482, 190K)

whether its current or next gen doesnt matter since im a PC Chad.

Muh motion sickness third person apologists were quite vocal


user, I...

Nice pasta. Saved.

>it has been 7 years since the announcement of the game itself

I'd complain about using that old "dude strikes a pose" for their promo, but then I remember Witcher 3's cover. Gotta market products the way it works, I guess.

Attached: 319393-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x1015, 141K)

>unironically owning a nu-gen console
>unironically considering buying a next-gen console
>not owning a gayman PC
Are you a literal retard?

>Do you believe this will be on PS4/XBone
Of course it'll be on PS4/Xbone first.

>motion sickness
Case one in a million, before cyberpunk you never heard about it, there is some youtube thot who supposedly have this and her most dedicated beta orbiters went apeshit on leedit/cdpr forum but still it's extremly small and loud minority

Bad news, Maul Cosplay will be on the Cyberpunk booth again striking poses and looking like Geralt.

it's the samurai jacket, you don't have to wear it.

>we get more information
>behind closed doors
>seperate showing for jewtubers and game jurno faggots
What information? Game jurnos and jewtubers are useless. Until they show us the new gameplay so we see for ourselves there is no new information.

These fags never played Katamari, now THAT'S MOTION SICKNESS

this barely literate autist is in literally every single cp77 thread crying about something that will never happen. let that sink in lmao

Not an excuse

I hope they don't solve the issue of a super dense city by having loading screens to residential blocks/areas.

You'll get another pre-downgrade cinematic trailer at M$ conference and another long scripted demo few months later.

As bad as the Altered Carbon waifufag

don't worry, no developer gives a shit what nameless autists on Yea Forums vee think. they got severe backlash about first person and put their foot down. they haven't even addressed anything similar to that since.

If you post loli pictures he'll go away

The jacket is customizable and tied to street cred/reputation system

I hope it's canceled and CDPR is closing up shop.

I'm worried about the staff turnover at CDPR
Biodrone REEEE its like I'm back in 2011

I don't care about the orientation of the characters. But does anyone else think it's cringy to have the player character have sex with everybody? It's like a 13-year-old neckbeard writes this shit. CDPR and Bioware games make me shake my head.

Why do i have to wait months to see the scripted demo? I'd rather see it now.

>I hope it's canceled and CDPR is closing up shop.
This. I'm a huge witcherfag too but they are too fucked now ever to do that again

>implying I like Bioware
I liked Bioware maybe 10 years ago.

they should be, they employed a former e-sports pro to give feedback into what decent gunplay should be
its a high profile studio that demands a lot of its employees nearing crunch time (literally). this isn't anything new or unusual in the industry. what you should be worried about is compromising because of consoles like the Witcher 3 downgrade. but hopefully they learned their lesson there.

No cop no buy

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Sluttery aside It limits your role-playing potential severely when you're forced into character defining choices and there's no excuse for that.

>Fuming Bethesdadrone
Imagine wanting one of the best developers gone because you dont like them LMAO

I'm so disappointed we can't bust punks as a cop

Oh good, you're on their side

>game is called cyberPUNK
>you think it's going to let you play as a cop
Do you dumb niggers expect Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2 to let you play as a Society of Leopold hunter too? Idiots.

First teasers showed a psycho squad busting a psycho, yeah.

Any more E3 banners?

Spoilers: Any character that reaches Cyberpsychosis is immediately converted into an NPC. They are literally unplayable.

I agree with this tripfriend

the teaser was made before development started


How is your post relevant to the bait and switching they pulled?

>Do you believe this will be on PS4/XBone or Ps5/X Box 9000

Please don't tell me you're this retarded


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>he wants to be an NPC
consider the suicide


Attached: cops.jpg (903x1196, 487K)

Because the TABLETOP GAME that this is based off of has rules you chucklefuck. Cyberpsychos are permanently mentally fucked. They need constant therapy and conditioning or they relapse. It's almost exactly like reaching 0 Humanity in Vampire the Masquerade.

You're retarded.

Tabletop game also has a cop class. Why are you such a hypocritical piece of shit?

This is the caliber of mind currently remarking on cyberpunk in 2019. Would love to shit down your eyesocket my dude

I'm sad there's no fucking way medias will be playable.

I can smell the curry from here


Attached: Major.gif (540x432, 2.89M)

Do you have a point dicksucker? Because if it's that the law hires mercenaries from time to time it's not a very good one.
>tabletop game also has a cop class
Which V is obviously not, you dumb fucking nigger.

>third person
god I hate zoomers.

>Which V is obviously not, you dumb fucking nigger.
Do you think this is a counter argument? In what's supposed to be a table top adaptation RPG? You disgusting shill.

>implying that Cyberpunk and Ghost in the Shell are the same thing
Please kill yourself.

how is third person related to zoomers?

>tabletop rules guaranteed to make it into the crpg adaptation
The tabletop is wall to wall garbage btw. Pondsmith is just a hack they got for cheap.

My point is the most interesting classes aren't in the game, retard

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>liking bioware ever
cancer just doesn't stop after 10 years

We got better modding tools by community. A lot was reverse engineered and cyberpunk is same engine.

>Do you think this is a counter argument?
If he's not a cop then he's not a cop you dumb faggot. You do realize that it being a ROLE PLAYING GAME automatically implies you're playing the role of V, yes?
Keep referencing other properties as if it means something. You are mentally handicapped.

>Do you believe this will be on PS4/XBone or Ps5/X Box 9000
The outdoor says ps4 Xbox one, retard

>Do you believe this will be on PS4/XBone or Ps5/X Box 9000
It says right there, in the fucking picture you posted, Xbone and PS4. Obviously it will also be on next gen since it's going to support BC

>If he's not a cop then he's not a cop you dumb faggot.
Why is he fleshed out without my input? Why even let me customize him then?

This is how you get your games pirated.

>asking why you have to adhere to a role you're playing in a role playing game
You are unbelievable.

>Both press and """"public"""" showings are attendee-only
>no images/video allowed, no streaming
whoop whoop

Attached: redflag.png (225x225, 1K)

>You do realize that it being a ROLE PLAYING GAME automatically implies you're playing the role of V
This is the dumbest comment I've ever seen. RPGs let's you customize your character, that's what role playing is. Cyberpunk 2077 is just an action game because it doesn't let you decide your character, your character is by default bisexual or lesbian but can't be straight

And you're disingenuous shill.

>RPGs let's you customize your character, that's what role playing is.
That is not at all what it means and you are 100% completely and absolutely retarded.
Kill yourself retard.

Seethe harder shill.

Buy yourself a helium tank and suck on it until you're dead faggot.

>Do you have a point dicksucker?
Yeah, he does. He blew your stupid fucking argument out the water. You said in a Cyberpunk it's retarded to be a cop. Despite Cyberpunk 2020 allowing you to be a cop. Then you backtracked and said that V isn't a cop and that's the end of it. Despite 2077 being marketed as an adaptation.

You're a piece of shit. You're a shill.

Filthy nigger.

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I'm with those anons you should really kys

it's the curse of trying to get the dudebro audience. being fps I think cyberpunk 2077 is going to get hit even worse with that shit.

Attached: Bioshock-Infinite-Game-Cover-Art.jpg (406x576, 114K)

>Then you backtracked
Whatever helps you move the goalposts discord cuck. Eat a bullet.

You mean, like journo-only demo they later released to the public? You're looking at the wrong place.

I swear if I see people complain about "SJW-haircuts"
From Cyberpunk to Shadowrun, stupid neon-colored hairdos have been a part of the genre from it's inception.

Attached: hugeimage-900x590.jpg (900x590, 396K)

One of the worst box arts ever.

You want to know how I can tell you niggers are truly retarded? Those "classes" are called ROLES and they represent the character's expertise and backgrounds. You are all deeply fucking ignorant and should stop speaking about shit you do not understand.

It was never a cyberpunk staple until years later and Shadowrun is a fucking embarrassment

But we didn't see much of 80s hairstyles like in that pic. Just a tumblrdyke sidecut that's been popularized in the minds of soifilled zoomers recently and a buzz fagcut like in the OP's pic.

>that it looks better
>that the gameplay looks tighter
>that it will release before 2021
>that it looks more like blade runner
>that there's a large choice of factions
>that the world looks bigger
oh wait, we aren't even getting to see it and none of this will happen. DOA

Damn you are one prize tard

Look it up you dumb fucking cuck, then kill yourself.

After they've had their 'influencers', fanboys and """"journalists""""" gloss over any problems and missteps beforehand, and also after they've had prep time to come up with answers to every potential issue people will have with it as well as reediting/redoing the demo to snip out things """"journalists""""" and 'influencers'/fanboys didn't react favorably to

Ah [redacted] here we go again.
>Blow in electronic whistle to call future car.
>Get in, hold shift to auto drive.
>Get to location.
>Sure, what ever.
>Get in car
>Hold shift to reach objective
>Get out, use tech implat in eyes to find prints
>Mhm, these are clown foot prints alright...
>Follow foot prints, that only spawn if you use the implant, to remote location #231™
>Shooty shooty bang bang.
>Ah I see, these weren't clowns, just some Scavers wearing clown shoes.
>Whistle for car.
>Shift to get back to quest giver.
>Get out of horse.
>Turns out they weren't clowns, just a few scavers using clown shoes to mask who really did it.
>Misson complete, "A funny feeling!"
>50 Credits 25 Exp

Attached: Cyber geralt.jpg (1414x2000, 406K)

How can a shitty console FPS even be tighter? No matter how many clunky mechanics they shove in it'll still be a shitty console FPS.

fucking this, I want dum dum as a insider friend

I'd be pissed if my brain didn't work too fren. Lmao

Does anyone have the original version of this pasta? Always makes me chuckle

That all you got now cuck? You exposed your own fucktardation already.

>move the goalposts
That's EXACTLY what you did. Kill yourself

Here you go bro.
>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

Attached: 1445727351454.jpg (721x705, 126K)

Explain to me in detail how a Cyberpunk game about a freelance mercenary could possibly allow the player to play as a cop. Go ahead, I'll wait.

>someone finally switched chav with spic

Not that guy but I never heard people bitching about a game being first person before Cyberpunk 2077

Why not?

Well for one thing Cop is a specific role and background for a character and is usually secondary in consideration to their role in a group to begin with. Second, the Night City Police Department doesn't dredge gutters for candidates. They hire mercenaries, yes, but that doesn't make those mercenaries cops. Maybe you haven't noticed but there's a corporate dystopia designed to keep people in their social strata pretty much for life.

Third person mode
New game plus

It's funny because games used to not be in 3rd person. Then the 2000s came and suddenly everything was 3D and the zoom zooms from this era gobbled shitty FPS just because it was new. And now they are calling people who don't like FPS zoomers, when in fact they are the zoomers and the fad went full circle.

>Do you believe this will be on PS4/XBone
Of course. They are the only reason this game exists in the first place, just like Witcher 2 and 3, CDProjectRED have been console developers for this past decade after all.
The game's entire design revolves around them too, as the weakest link in the chain is what dictates the fundamentals and ceiling of what can be in the game.

Obviously PC/PS5/Xbtwo will offer the better experience, but Cyberpunk is a 8th gen PS4/Xbone game through and through. This is very simple to understand.

Attached: 1543078380344.gif (550x411, 1.95M)

Ok retard

>FPS famous after the 2000s
Wew lad you are either retarded or fucking clueless. The first 3D FPS was in the early 1990s by id software, that's all they did and still do and it spawned heaps of clones throughout the 90s, all 3D FPS. Can list dozens off the top of my head.
You only know Call of Duty, it seems. Also a consolefag, third person has always been popular in consoles.

>it's some generic bloke
>in a jacket that has LEDs
>with most basic pistol

>Also a consolefag, third person has always been popular in consoles.
this is the key. this is how you spot and call out the muh tps brainlets. shitters who were never good at fps games.

>A lot was reverse engineered and cyberpunk is same engine
Welll.... I mean it's still their proprietary engine of course but 90% of it was rewritten for cyberpunk

>Well for one thing Cop is a specific role
EXACTLY. Playing as a solo, as a merc, IS LITERATELY EVERY FPS GAME EVER. I want CYBERPUNK. That's why I want to play as a corrupt cop or as corporate because THAT'S what cyberpunk is all about

Wait, is it a incel thing to enjoy going for night time ride in the middle of the night, try rolling around Chicago on bike. I had a nice Shadow with a blacked out engine, I would go out for a few hours, when I finished me shifts and I had a day or two off. That said I always loved the sunrise sitting at Dunkin while the city starts to rumble back to life.

I wish.

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First teaser was for a different game, mate.

Attached: 1551056924421.png (1128x180, 57K)

Unironically the box art for Cyberpunk 2077 should be a picture of the city, since that's the most important character for Cyberpunk. Would be kino.

>That's why I want to play as a corrupt cop or as corporate because THAT'S what cyberpunk is all about
It's not the only thing that Cyberpunk is about. How's that old phrase go again? "High tech low life." It's about punks, thugs, freaks, suits, and chrome.

The open world setting doesn't lend itself well to a cop's job or schedule either. What progression is there? You get to be a detective with a car, some hardware, and a stipend. Where do you go from there?

A cop character would be great for a linear story driven by different motives. Not so much an open world game where you explore at your leisure. Think about how much time and effort it would take to add all these roles to the game. Then they have to cut the player off from half of them. It's just not going to happen.

Except it wouldn't, because city in this game sucks and is tiny and does not feel cyberpunk at all.

Attached: 1528738776651.jpg (1920x2160, 810K)

Why are you cucks pretending that first person perspective is all that matters? Or that it's inherently superior in any way nowadays? As if Quake is the same as Modern Warfare.
You are not getting Quake here. You are not getting Doom. You are getting Modern Warfare. Your entire genre got captured and raped. While you watched. The mongrel FPS of today are the product of a mass gang bangs of zoomer kids, consoles and developers who pandered to the biggest market available. You are getting a trashy, casualized console FPS complete with sprinting, aiming down sights, smart guns, enhanced movements and cinematic one button melee take downs.

It's supposed to be an RPG. They shat out a generic modern FPS. You're not being a based boomer elitist here. You're being a cuck advocating for your wife's son.

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Chromed jacked up rednecks sound fun desu senpai
They are obviously the laughingstock in the future too, because they will never go extinct.

They are in the game but not playable for now.

I don't know why people get so butthurt about the suburban hick with a shotgun. He fits right in with shit like Nomads and Rockerboys.

Attached: Definitely Not Mad Max.jpg (786x1024, 256K)

>anime avatar
An insecure weeb cuck zoomer is feeling upset here, resorting to ad hominem and buzzwords when he too sucks vidya corporate dick. Keep replying, it's entertaining.

woah sjw themes in cyberpunk, stop the fucking presses

might as well call Mad Max cyberpunk if that's what you think cyberpunk really is

>anime avatar

Attached: 1557865275885m.jpg (724x1024, 107K)

me in the middle

>generic modern fps
>when 3rd person cover shooter is the afterthought of gameplay and the laziest gameplay design to date

I'm 33 and never owned anything but a PC. I played the shit out of UT and Quake. If you believe FPS is good for anything but arena shooters or fast-paced bang bang like Doom, you're a fucking retard zoomer. Deus Ex would have been a thousand times better with no shooting mechanics.

Do I really have to go over this with you asshole?

Attached: Roles.jpg (539x1137, 189K)

>anime avatar
Holy shit what a disgusting newfag you are. Fuck off back to trannyera already your larping piece of shit.

Also you're the shilling blind corporate tool here. I'm pirating this game since it turned out to be just another generic AAA westacuck trash.

Attached: 1557057219210.jpg (1448x2048, 238K)

Now this is WHAT WE WANTED

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god i wish that were me

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mhmhmh yeaaaah purple tint makes everything better

Attached: 1528738776650.jpg (3840x2160, 818K)

At least we would've been able to see our customized character instead of some ugly overdesigned gun taking up 60% of the screen while ALSO playing like shit.

Jokes on you I'm around the same age.
>Deus Ex with no shooting mechanics
What, you want a fucking visual novel/walking simulator/movie game?

Top looks like a generic sci fi city at night.

>need to wank to your character every 10 min
>sacrifice gameplay for your dumb gay fetish
yeah, no

Not many people know that the Nomads are inspired by the Mad Max gangs.

>this triggers the weeb
Who knew picking on you fags is so fun?

>last fucking time i post this information
I hope so retarded homo faggot

But the gameplay is already sacrificed, it sucks. Brutal Doom plays better than this shit does. What are you defending exactly, CoD style gameplay?

now this... this is cyberpunk....

Attached: 1529268696543.png (1919x816, 1.79M)

You're not sacrificing gameplay. The gameplay is already shit. Again, stop being a cuck and defending a console FPS, acting like some straight edge anti-waifu trannoid from reddit. It's pathetic.

>road warrior is in the description

People are stupid.

This game won't let me play as Reileen Kawahara from Altered Carbon, it sucks dicks

Attached: file-20180214-174990-x4qebs.jpg (1000x562, 56K)

Reminder that there's an IRL Night City.

Attached: Macau.jpg (674x446, 52K)

It's always night too. The sun never rises there.

gameplay is not sacrificed you retards
because they went FPS instead of generic retard proof console 3rd person cover shooter
next you'll say
>b-but uncharted
yeah bro, its shit

Don't be silly user. The sun rises. You just can't see it through all the pollution.

Attached: SMOG.jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

As opposed to an even more braindead and bland cowadoody shooter? Fuck off.

>Brutal Doom in now an RPG in a massive open world populated by many side characters
Opinion discarded.

P.S. DooM is shit and Unreal has always been better.
P.S.2 Sadly now Unreal is owned by Epic so fuck any new Unreal.

>the game is good if it shows a straight Male V
>who cares that the gameplay and everything else about the game that people should actually care about and not meme shit like the sun looks like dogshit
>I'm just tryin help
First of all, learn to spell and speak English. Secondly if you were trying to help you'd complain about the atrocious looking gameplay footage, and not something you already know is going to be there. The PR guy was asked on Twitter and said that you can romance anyone romanceable regardless of gender.

Attached: tumblr_pa8lplGprz1w9o8mto1_640.png (635x438, 58K)

there is nothing more bland and generic than a 3rd person shooter, zoomer
go suck on some onions

But they didn't copy a good fps like Unreal, they copied a shit one like CoD.

Every fucking thread.
Go on kickstarter and start a project for an unofficial game of your shit show and ayylmao waifu.

Just looks like a normal city.

>there is nothing more bland and generic than a 3rd person shooter
There is. A console 1st person shooter.
Go clean your wife's creampie, cuck.

Stop being autistic you fucking dildo

Attached: SeekHelp 2.0.png (2856x2718, 665K)

But Cyberpunk 2077 isn't an rpg, it's a shooter masquerading as one. How is playing V any different from playing as Nathan Drake or nu Lara? I mean, besides the fact Nathan doesn't have gay sex scenes.

it's neither of those tho


Unreal has always been Epic's.

I expect CDPR to announce a new game.
It's about time, they've been expanding development and have other titles in production. They will announce something new this year or the next.
It's possible that they will make a game in the Witcher universe, because that is safe.
But they may have taken on another existing property. Martin gave GoT to some other studio, but that was on the decline anyway. My bet is they have another fantasy author, that's not too popular and isn't going to ask for big money, but has a nice, ready to go and interesting world that's a good fit for an open world game.
It will have to be open world because that's 'in' and because Witcher 3 sold more then any of their games before.
I don't expect them to make their own IP, because that takes a lot of auxiliary work when making something on the open world scale.
Something like Malazan Book of the Dead or The Black Company would fit the gritty yet goofy at times tone they did in the Witcher.

Attached: 1540163191682.jpg (1080x1080, 182K)

>shit show

Least the main character in my "shit show" was a detective and not some lowlife gta ripoff character. Enjoy Claude "V" Speed lmao

>stops being a cop 2 hours in

This. I'd be more concerned about WHO you're romance options would be rather then homos. I wouldn't be surprised if they were all nigs and mutts.

Attached: 1559633836951m.jpg (1024x576, 47K)

But Epic wasn't always nu-Epic.
>But Cyberpunk 2077 isn't an rpg
Prove it. Get the game over here and play it infront all of us and prove to us that it is not an RPG.
>inb4 hurr durr
I thought as much.

Neither of them are real breh, get off your high horse and go back to sucking Netflix dick.


She's so hot. Love her.

You can watch the gameplay demo that shows it's a generic fps and not an rpg though

>People are stupid.
Indeed they are.

She's gorgeous

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Read up on it. It's a Special Administration Zone in China with the one of the highest GDP per capita in the world. It's deeply afflicted with poverty and human trafficking. It's even built on reclaimed land just like Night City.

Attached: lisboa from streets.jpg (1080x1349, 497K)

>doesn't have proofs
I told you to prove it to me and you clearly can't. Sad.

>Jesus look at that whore over there
>I catch my husband look and I'll make his life hell
>Wear a real shit you whore

Nice tits.

cdpr's gameplay video IS the proof

tits are too big and badly shaped

>Think about how much time and effort it would take to add all these roles to the game
I get that, I would rather they focused on corporate alone
>Then they have to cut the player off from half of them. It's just not going to happen.
They're already doing that by cutting it up 3 ways so there's no depth to any of them.

>tits are too big and badly shaped

Attached: 1515303141789.jpg (378x378, 31K)

I keep telling you to give me proof and you keep refusing to. This is truly sad.
She is not relevant to Yea Forums unless she is working as a voice actress for the game.

They need to be bigger then his.

I want her to be in Death Stranding as a badass mercenary who gets trapped in the hell dimension and becomes a demon trying to terrorize the living and create hell on Earth

Attached: tumblr_inline_nmsr5lr7IB1sc3ygs_250.gif (245x200, 1.43M)

i hope they keep the artstyle.

since when are WB Jews involved with Cyberpunk ?

So go and shitpost in Garbage Stranding threads. I'm sure that you'll fit right in with the Kojima autists.

>Yea Forums niggers confirmed for being the ones shitting on cyberpunk 2077
It all makes sense now.

They publish in NA on consoles. Since i'll be getting it on GOG, WB will not be involved.

But Death Stranding is already a better game than Cyberfail 2077 is going to be. Sorry for triggering you I guess.

Attached: 27574292_898292197019261_2714576900537188352_n.jpg (750x460, 34K)

thank god holy shit I was on the verge of dropped

>I want mai waifu to be in all videogames
>if she isn't then it's shit
Just get a real doll like her and take some photos, take her places and you know, fuck her.

I didn't say all games, just the few she'd actually fit in

and notice I didn't say Death Stranding was shit, yet she's not in it. Kojima knows how to make a good game.

>a walking simulator is better then an rpg according to moving picture watchers

Death Stranding has gameplay including well done melee combat and shooting

Cyberpank 2077 is a standard generic fps copying cod

>Death Stranding has gameplay including well done melee combat and shooting
>well done melee combat and shooting
>well done

Attached: 1492881032440.gif (800x430, 564K)

>Why yes, I do in fact enjoy only ever being paid because I manage to strike poses while having an almost uncanny resemblance with some masculine video game characters such as Geralt and Krator. How could you tell though?

Attached: Ben_web-min.png (1067x1600, 769K)

You haven't even fucking played it before, no one has. It's automatically shit because it isnt what you expected so far? Can you please get a trip so I can filter you?

Kojima has a proven track record of making games with fun and engaging gameplay and great combat, CDPR doesn't. All the Witcher games had bad combat.

What's wrong with his wife's face?
>vegan bodybuilder

Kojima doesn't make the combat, he writes the hack story

Seems like you prefer movies over videogames then. Fucking Yea Forums fags.

Attached: 2b085d0.jpg (617x1920, 262K)

>Kojima fags are so insecure they believe their Walking Simulator has better gameplay than Cyberpunk


>vegan bodybuilder
How the fuck does that even work?
Don't you need MEAT to sustain your body or whatever? Or maybe he just takes supplements or some other shit like that instead of meat.

Maybe he means "Well done" like a steak
I.E. completely awful and only able to be enjoyed by people with shit taste.

Tofu and onions derived products. Vitamins of course. His estrogen must be too high though.

Death Stranding is like a rare steak that's been marinated in smokey mesquite for that fine flavor and aroma. Cyberpunk 2077 is a burnt steak someone left on the stove for way too long with a dollop of some generic brand steak sauce that only costs a dollar.

I can't remember anything CASSETTE FUTURISM game. Alien Isolation makes me think of that a bit but I don't think it's that at all?


>f o o d a n a l o g y

Will you faggots stop comparing Cyberpunk 2077 and Death Stranding? They're not even remotely fucking similar.

Nice pic.


Attached: brickpunk.jpg (2136x1424, 1.38M)

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Guy spamming his Asian horse waifu is the same guy bringing up Death Stranding. He said so himself.

This, cyberpunk 2077 is at least an actual game.
Death stranding is just a walking sim visual novel.

wait, oh shit i think you're right. completely forgot about that one

Deal with it.

Attached: tumblr_ofz5pgS34M1r9zdazo1_500.gif (500x281, 1.29M)

First alien movie is all that comes to mind at the moment, but surely there's more.

>Asian horse waifu

My "waifu" doesn't get drunk and have sex with random johns, like V does, user.


Attached: no.jpg (693x693, 138K)

Now merge them all together.

>it's another episode of Yea Forums confusing cyberpunk with noir
shove the grimdark and moody lighting up your ass, cyberpunk is /clownworld/ territory

Attached: X0PaigW.jpg (1136x640, 449K)

She does look like a horse, a mongol horse. There are much finer Australians than this, you are utterly obsessed.

I agree female V is a disgusting preset whore. But your waifu is still a horse.

Whatever you say, champ

Attached: lmao.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Sorry but cyberpunk is purely about aesthetic, and that looks like a normal city.

Post them then. And don't even think of posting Nicole Kidman or Phoebe Tonkin.

>Now merge them all together.
A Hideo Kojima Game

Attached: peacewalker.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

are those noir times people attending a cyberpunk convention?

>Sorry but cyberpunk is purely about aesthetic, and that looks like a normal city.
You people make no sense.

Attached: night city.jpg (1120x1493, 328K)

>All night mode
It's amazing that people are still clamoring on about this shit when they already been shown in the gameplay demo that people can alter the world view however they want, from day, night, and braindance which I'm guessing is neon faggotry schlock.

Attached: cyberpunk 2077 cycle.png (1023x663, 1011K)


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Isn't that just a setting option for the window? I don't know anyone thus far that assumed it to change the entire planet.

Margot Robbie, Jesinta Campbell, Ruby Rose (face), Elle Macpherson, Megan Gale, Natalie Imbruglia, Claudia Black (indisputable and very Yea Forums related), Yvonne Strahovsky, Miranda Kerr and Pauline Hanson because fuck you

>He thinks Night City is named for the time of day.

Roseanne Park

>generic sameface kpop girl

no thanks

What do you fags think the 2nd AAA RPG they promised before 2021 (1st being cyberpunk obviously) is gonna be? I really don't have a clue

>generic sameface
Who cares so long as she's cute? That's like saying "classically pretty". That's not a constructive or a useful descriptor let alone a legitimate criticism. You can be unique looking and still be ugly.

Attached: 1555443232642.jpg (1080x1349, 196K)

>Buy yourself a helium tank and suck on it until you're dead faggot
Also known as "Die talking like a cartoon squirrel"

>Who cares so long as she's cute?
They all look identical because that's not their actual faces, user.

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I prefer more unique faces

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Looks like a tranny.

how the fuck did her nostrils suddenly get so large?

I don't really put much faith since it's CDPR.
This game will probably be a buggy mess at release.

Either way I hope I see good things soon.

Would you please fuck off with that same webm of a Chinese makeup youtuber equivalent every time someone posts a non-ugly Asian girl?


Wouldn't it be easier just to get plastic surgery?

She's smiling at the end moving her face, plus the makeup hides the grooves of the nostrils to make the nose appear smaller.

it works because steroids. without the steroids he would be a lot smaller than just a guy eating meat and lifting natty.
all vegans get hit by malnutrition because there's 15 nutrients they literally cannot get and supplements do almost nothing. it can take years to finally set in, but it always happens, no exceptions
supplements are a big pharma scam.
look up vegan malnutrition videos on youtube, they all prematurely age, lose teeth (literally fall out), hair whitening, premature alzheimers and other brain related diseases, mental illness.
just eat meat as your ancestors did for thousands of years. veganism is a scam intended to hurt regular people.
the human body can't withstand not eating animal products. if you change any animals diet this radically they will die fast.

I never played a game of cyberpunk in my whole live, but I do love reading those world building descriptions in the rule books


>pc exclusive

Attached: 1555622699793.jpg (911x1024, 80K)

fake and soulless

But it would make PERFECT sense for it to get released next year though, since the actual cyberpunk fantasy starts with the year 2020.

>since the actual cyberpunk fantasy starts with the year 2020.
2nd Edition was 2020. Original was 2013.

Attached: medias.jpg (903x1194, 500K)

I'm delaying suicide for this game

>it's not even getting released until next year
According to who?
>some kotaku shitter
I'll wait for CDPR to announce the date themselves.

I believe it was done intentionally simply because you always see night time. If you only show what people expect it's shit

Attached: spider.jpg (1600x1582, 594K)

I'm already happy enough wth what I've been shown, it about what I expected when it was announced in 2013 and really only two kinds of people are angry at it.

1) Kids and idiots that honestly thought a company would 1-1 recreate a pen and paper tabletop rpg to a video game format

2)psudo-intellectuals that bang there head into a wall screaming that if it's not allowed to be called cyberpunk because it isn't a bladerunner game.

Attached: tumblr_ouyhrsY4ok1tm904wo1_400.png (375x523, 261K)

Then go talk about her in threads about kojimbos latest movie game then you stronk womyn loving faggot.

Bladerunner isn't cyberpunk.

It's Biopunk but nobody really cares about the distinction.

Here we go again...
Might as well stoke the fire
>Matrix IS Cyberpunk

>he doesn't like strong women

Attached: tumblr_inline_nmsscjnpBm1sc3ygs_250.gif (245x250, 1.78M)

Makeup was a mistake.

I'm not that thirsty but I'd hit that.

I swear to god if there is gonna be more sun

Two years and anti sun shitters still are at it


what do sunposters think happens when time passes in other cyberpunk settings?

>tumblr gifs
Sarah Connor is a strong woman, this ayylmao is just whatever it's wearing while flapping its mouth

In their mind all the important people in Cyberpunk slink away into an underground vampire lair until the sun goes down.

Sarah Connor looked like a man.

Attached: 687474~3.gif (500x240, 1.63M)

Pfahahahahahaha you're one to talk horseface waifu faggot.
An example of a strong woman was given and you went straight for appearance with your poor fucking example.

fucking seconding this

Attached: 1539772471997.png (671x399, 284K)

>calling her a horseface
>his example of a strong woman is one that literally has a man's head

good one

Again making it about appearance, strong is a psychological trait.
Your waifu is neither strong nor pretty.

Guess again.

Attached: reileen-altered-carbon.jpg (780x439, 20K)

>I prefer horse faces*
FTFY fampai.

Star wars isn't cyberpunk.
Jesus that looks awful.

Is there a release date?

>Sarah Connor looks like a man
>but this bitch doesn't look like a tranny
Is this nigga serious?

They go back into their moms basement just like me obviously.

wonder if I can do a aug less oldschool run with traditional clothes and weapons
you know spread the love of Moses Browning and Thompson among the city punks as a vigilante

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Cyberpunk isn't an aesthetic.
It's a set of themes.

Lmao not a chance. Your a degenerate smartass merc and you'll like it.

You look awful.

I'm deadly serious.

Attached: connor.jpg (972x546, 44K)

It just looks like a complete rip of Deus Ex. Does it offer anything new?

No, you must have some baseline augmentations for the story.

If they focused on one class it would would probably have enough stuff be its own game.

I don't care what console it's on. The PC release is the only one that matters.

>rip of Deus Ex
It's going to be right-libertarian propaganda? Somehow I doubt that.

yikes if true

I liked that 40min gameplay preview they showed last year. Just worried the mission and world exploration is gonna be like GTA.

I hope they have an option where you can remove the pointless content.
In Witcher 3 there was a night and day difference between the real content which had characters, choices and quality and the copy pasted non-quests like hidden treasures, monster nests and bandit camps.
I'm fine with the game being short, but to the point. I want the good stuff, let me play with the fat cut out.

Female V poster when?

I still laugh about the chair leg of truth.

When they fix her ugly creatura face.

Look at those lips there's no way that's a man

Kill your self