>game had an anticlimactic ending
Game had an anticlimactic ending
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any games for this feel?
I like the JoJo edit
Such a shame it turned into generic yuribait sol garbage.
>change the ending and include references to everyone's favorite meme anime
no thanks.
You like cock in your mouth
>The ending of the anime even made a joke about it turning into yuribait
Eat shit misery fags
Well post it faggot
kingdom hearts 3
Kys jojonigger
>suddenly change the ending for no reason just to appeal to people who can't accept that bad things can happen to people who deserve it
oh shit it ended?
It's over?
Normalfag jojobronies deserve death.
Was it us or Yea Forums who sent the author our cocks?
What game is she playing
Time skip was shown. Here's a preview.
I like the JoJo edit, but the original is just a shit meme doujin so it's not hard to improve on it, and just having fun with it is a lot better than some retarded depressionporn that doesn't even do a good job at being depressing.
Please tell me thats a doujin
for what purpose.
Where is this from?
yeah right
sauce though
sadly it is
don't worry they're pale as fuck and have inverted nipples. men are disgusted with her
>h-heh....it's not even depressing...I-I just need zany jojo antics in everything!!
I totally believe you, autistic jojobrony
What did he mean by this?
Why do people think this is sad. She deserved it.
thats why we're shitting on the jojo edit guy.
Well that was fucking depressing, thanks anons
It was also very stupid.
Ftfy, it's a shame we've all lived to see the day that Jojo is the most cancerous shounenshit out there
So did the manga end or was it all a ruse?
It's not depressing, any chance of it being depressing went out the window when it went into nonsensical territory by making the mother get upset at the daughter because her dad had sex with her. You would need to show some precedent for the mother to be so insane and obsessed with her husband to make that feel at all natural, but instead she just makes things worse for the daughter because the whole thing is just about making things bad for her for the sake of it with no care towards whether it makes sense or if there's any point to it. It's just dumb, and the only reason anyone talks about is ironic weebs who spend more time masturbating to doujins than anything else going on about "i came to fap not to feel ;_;." It's a shit doujin, and just because it decides to try and be depressing instead of being conducive to masturbation doesn't change that.
yea im sorry user. hope it dosent depress you too much
Jojofags are autistic as fuck
That robo cat game
>you cannot win the final boss
>some stupid shit happen and get ending anyways
>I-if I throw wall-of-text fit i-itll be more believable...r-right?
Tryhard and pathetic
I don't get it why was she mad
Based, the autists screeching are just icing on the cake.
>it went into nonsensical territory by making the mother get upset at the daughter because her dad had sex with her.
You have clearly never been a relationship with a woman.
>Hating on JoJo
Yea Forums has good taste in anime once again.
>Contains meme
>Lol autistic
>Explain it a bit
Exactly, I can understand some logic, but nothing to completely break up everything and nothing that can't be talked out.
I don't even watch or read JoJo, I just thought it was funny. What's up with you faggots?
bro is that days gone wtf
no idea, maybe being betrayed or something?
The average woman would not get upset at their daughter for being raped by their father. That's just absurd, whatever your opinion of women in general is.
It hasn't, people are just messing with you
It wasn't funny. Have sex.
Prequels even worse. She gets cummed on as a baby and her mom gets fucked in front of her while she cries.
Like this one
Alright, time and place?
Again, you have no clue what you are talking about. Girls get blamed by their mothers when they get raped by their dads all the time.
gimme that sauce before the thread devolves even further into autism
If Crazy Diamond actually worked the way it's portrayed here then the baby would be undone as well.
>m-meme hahaha! j-jojo memay make me giggle hehehe h-hahaha!
Autistic and sad
jo jo fans are the bronies of anime
Jojobronies dont even care about the rules in their own shounenshit
It's just a funneh maymay series
I'm sure it happens, but it's not a natural response from a normal mother, which is all the portrayal you get of that mother up to that point. If there were an indication that all was not well in the household or the mother was scared of the father or something like that maybe I'd buy into it, but not at all the way it is right now.
What am I supposed to do about that? If you tell me to have sex at least do your part.
how about you reverse image search you fucking idiot.
>Sad autistic man critiques writing of porn manga for the defense of unfunny meme
Have sex by yourself, fag
Yes it is. The mother sees the daughter as a threat to the household and attempts to remove her. It is instinctual and natural. Women will also justify the faults of their husbands which means she will find a way to shift the blame onto the other woman.
I wouldn't criticize the writing if it weren't riding on the writing, but it was attempting to make people depressed, not to be good for masturbation. Instead it just fails both ways. The only reason it gets talked about at all is the writing, not its quality as porn.
I've done that already though, am I allowed to find it funny now?
>but it was attempting to make people depressed
you sure?
You're just an autistic mess like all jojobronies
This is one of the manga that has hurted me the most from having to drop it.
Why did they pander so hard to yuri pieces of trash? It couldn't have become more cheaper honestly, all the distinctness gone just like that.
I totally believe you, anonymous
Have sex
He isn't, he's just a turbofag who cries when bad things happen to girls in rape manga
The author likes putting things he enjoys in like mlp
Yuri would have unironically made for a superior protagonist than Tomoko.
It isn't. Women get upset at men cheating on them all the time, and while they get upset at the woman who the man cheated on them with as well, when a father rapes a daughter and the daughter is in tears saying how they didn't want to do it, a normal mother's reaction will not be to act like the father is in the right an the blame is on the daughter for "seducing" the father. You'd have to have a deranged view of the kind of person that that mother is presented as before then to honestly believe they would act that way towards their daughter in that situation while letting the husband off fine.
How can Asuka compete
Why are you still trying to convince anyone of your autistic life view where everyone is rational because you don't interact with people offline?
It happens all the time. Just because it's awful doesn't make it not true. You need to leave your basement more often. The real world isn't pretty.
I already said it happens, that doesn't make it how a normal mother would react to the situation. That things happen doesn't make them normal.
It wasn't selling as well so the manga publishers demanded (and much of the japanese audience who hated the manga because it was so relatable ) it should be changed to something more.... funny and not as depressing.\
The cringe jokes got fucking old so fast. It needed to move on and it worked.
>I already said it happens
I accept your concession
But it why does it have to be yuribait? Why can't they just show normal fucking developing instead of that cheap trash?
>Why can't they just show normal fucking developing instead of that cheap trash?
because it's a manga.
There's probably a bigger audience for yuribait than for what you're asking for.
because it's an industry and nothing more.
You're literally a faggot.
I literally dropped it on the page where they where all shown together at faux Disney land. I mean, I didn't hate it per say, it's just that the whole goal of the manga was for her to be popular and she succeded. Everything afters basically just slice of life now, so I didn't feel the need to continue.
Kill yourself.