What was the angriest you've ever been while playing a video game?

What was the angriest you've ever been while playing a video game?

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Contra III

Fucking megaman 1

The secret levels in DKCTF probably

It's a toss up between the time I played Super Monkey Ball 2 Expert Extra Mode and the time I played Super Monkey Ball 2 Master Mode.

The former, I got fed up to the point where I snapped the disc in half. The latter, I did complete, but I had to take a warm bath afterward since I almost had a fucking stroke.


Fuck Blood Oath

mordhau. probably the only game made me butthurt. it's clunky and counter intuitive as fuck. the only game i alt+f4'd. the game feels unfair as fuck. didn't had these issues in sekiro though, every death was fair and obvious.

When I replayed Xenogears and came to the conclusion that no future game will ever have a scene as epic as this one.

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Dota 2 made me consistently angry, something no other game manages to do. Fuck that game.

Only horses and ballistas are unfair, and once you know where a ballista is you can just add it to your situational awareness storage like any other intelligent human would.

I regularly get angry playing Rainbow Six Siege
fucking copper level plays baffle me and i don't expect such stupid shit

>10,561 In-Game
fuck off. shit's broken and twohanders are the only worthy weapon.

>4,000 in-game for Sekiro
I haven't played it in a week since there are only 4 maps. You're just a shitter.

Gotta be siege, There is nothing more rage inducing than having your screen go instantly black because some fucker shot you in the head through a hole in the wall the size of a penny.

>Scott is probably the only good vidya related tootoober (Jon moved on from games to movies and commercials)
>Every thread about him 404s ridiculously fast
>No fun allowed ever

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don't forget The Nerd

James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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Don't mind me just adding 6 hours extra "gameplay"

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The LaFave bros are alright but they barely upload. Best Friends are gone but Woolie and Pat still record. Not much else now other than scott

James lost his soul

I was shit at Tekken 6 and my friend kept killing me with lili and her gay ass f 1+2 cartwheel bullshit. Just yelled that was all. We joke about it to this day because I was really butt hurt.

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Alex Kid in High Tech World. In order to pass a locked gate, you had to go to a shrine - which nothing directs you to - and pray 100 times - which takes about ten minutes and never gives any indication that what youre doing is correct - to get god to unlock the gate
what a horrible game

Hey all

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Tom Holland?!

Is he Yea Forums new fagcrush

Z tier

Its a weird example but I got so fucking angry playing Medievil Reserrection. All the clever, dry humour sucked out, you get a new quirky genie sidekick who never shuts up, no improvements in gameplay, all the colour drained of the world. It was like playing a macabre issue of the Beano

Right where Dunkey belongs

Scott would be a decent looking guy if he took off the glasses and wore less dorky clothes.

MGS2 VR missions

BF3, then again I was 12 or 13.

Haha, how epic! How do I upvote this post?


Civilization III. It’s infuriating when a strategically placed pikeman can stall the advance of goddamn tanks.

It's moderately embarrassing, but when I play mordhau I tend to take a lot of adderall. When things go poorly I've been punching my desk to the point my knuckles bleed, screaming at the top of my lungs " FUCKING NIGGER COCKSUCKER FAGGOT SON OF A BITCH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK " etc.

Pretty sure the neighbors have heard it, but at least I know I've got a lot of testosterone to be so profusely violently angry.

Maybe I should work out, but that would cut into my video game schedule.

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Was doing the second owl fight in Sekiro and I hate the stupid arena and how it fucks with the camera and was already super tilted by the fight. Then when I finally thought this was going to be the time I beat him my cat steps on the remote and changes the channel and I die and I lost my shit. I haven't played the game since then.
I don't blame my cat because he just wanders around, but having nothing to blame just made my rage so much worse. It wasn't even rage anymore just a hollow feeling past rage where I was blankly staring at the screen.
I'm probably never going to play Sekiro anymore now because I don't want to get back in that fight after not playing for a few weeks.

he cute

>talks about playing ds in kindergarten
zoomer tho

I highly doubt your cat stepped on a remote control, they don't do that.

>zoomer already has his own place and a better life than me
it's ok, he deserves it

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whoever designed this minigame should be bound and forced to watch their loved ones be tortured to death before being slowly lowered, naked, into a vat of acid.
And the lightning dodging minigame designer should suffer an equally horrible fate.
Fucking pieces of shit.

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Whitney's Rollout bullshit in Gold/Silver when I was a kid.

I'd also get pretty terse during raids in MMOs.

I haven't been angry at a video game in years, though, and I'm better for it.

>talks about playing ds in kindergarten
False. He's my age. We were 7 when the DS came out.

i lost out on $500 in an online fighting game tournament because the other guy was on Mexican McDonald's Iraqi Warzone WifiTM and the match stuttered in the middle of the combo that would've ended the set causing me to drop the combo and lose
i was quite unhappy

it wasn't a cat it was a ferret, they like biting the rubber buttons and messing with it but I figured people would get too hung up on that detail so just changed it to cat because the point of the story stays the same

I hope you can forgive me user

Probably Overwatch.

Anytime I play against Doom or Brig pretty much guarantees I lose my shit. Good game ruined by those two fagbags

Breakout was my special song and he took it from me

I couldn't beat a shittalker in Gears when I was younger.
I lost my shit and broke a headset

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Super Meat Boy, the dark world/ secret levels or whatever they were. I swear the hitboxes in that game are sometimes forgiving, sometimes horrendously misplaced. All on a fucking square character that shouldn't be hard to design a hitbox for.

fucking up the 1cc req to the final boss of crimzon clover

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I've gotten angry at video games only when I tried to compete with other people on starcraft 2 and team based shooters.

When someone from my team in Dota 2 goes solo, plays poorly and can't stop blaming everyone else I throw his game. If we have 2 or more players that ruin the lane for each other instead of giving it away I throw their game. If literally everyone in the team is playing the farm game I don't even need to throw the game, they already did it themselves. It's not really anger, it's more of a disappointment.