How can we reconcile *enter your name* game with voice acting

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game reads the name with text to speech to remind you every single time what a fucking faggot you are for naming Rinoa after your girlfriend when you were 14

how did that turn out for you, huh









The game could just have your character's last name/some other sort of moniker (Nickname, title, etc.) set in stone for voice acting purposes, and then whatever you put down for non-voiced parts. Something like what Persona 5 did with Joker.

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"I love you, star player of the Zanarkand Abes!"

That is so lame. There's literally nothing wrong with text based dialogue

Hilarious Moon Base Alpha-tier text to speech, people would play the game purely for this.

Let's be real, this was an unnecessary feature. It was fine when the games were just text but it'd be real fucking dumb if nobody ever referred anybody by name in a voiced game

go into "audio" in "options" and turn the voices off.

I always named Barret as "Train." As in, Coletrain from Gears of War.


SMTIV just ignored your name whenever possible and used "he" or "him" if needed.

>projecting THIS hard
What was her name, user?

FFX literally already reconciled the two. Nobody calls Tidus by name.

Solution: don't have voice acting. You've not only saved the budget several hundred million dollars because you're not paying off douchebag union workers, but in addition you don't have to pay international voice actors to voice the game in each country. It's such a stupid money sink, like focusing too much on realistic graphics. As long as the game plays good, it's a gimmick you don't need.

Only one game I've ever played has actually been improved by voice acting, and that's because it directly tied into gameplay.

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spend all your money on paying one actor to say 1000 names in the first part of the game, then never make use of the feature again because all the characters use a nickname they give you

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Egg Nog it is then!

Just like FFX
They never say Tidus' name ever

they say the canon name and you deal with it you self insert chink baby

>Ever replacing any name other than Red XIII's
>Naming Red anything other than Nanaki

>Only one game I've ever played has actually been improved by voice acting, and that's because it directly tied into gameplay.
which game was that?

i appreciate how it was done in stick of truth

The image I posted of course, and I'll explain why with a quick example.

>be heavy
>going through a narrow corridor, towards a 90 degree turn
>hear drunken scottish man
>know that I'm gonna have my ass torn apart by stickies


>be scout
>gallavanting around the battlefield
>hear texan yeehaw around the corner
>know that a sentry-related death awaits me

Or my favorite.

>be engineer
>hear snorting frenchman
>quickly scream into the chat "SPY CHECK DAMNIT"

Dont Tales games let you rename all your party members despite it having voice acting

Makes me realize that it'd be really cool if a game changed the dialogue if you did this. Otherwise you get weird shit like
Nanaki: That's right. My name isn't actually Nanaki. It's Nanaki.

Mass effect does this.

I prefer SO3's method, where you can name all the characters, but the voice acting just says their default names anyway.

Have the VA say the syllabes and when you write the name, you pick it syllabe by syllabe, this would mean the character's name would need to be used in normal conversations to avoid doing the same syllabe on a different tone.

>even lovers call you Shepherd
It's a bit odd to be honest

qtpie 420

And because of that we have a whole generation of stubborn faggots that intentionally pronounce his name wrong because "i-it just sounds better!!"

>Hi Tidus, how's it going
>Hi TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDUS, how's it going

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>name your character
>has no "canon" or default choice
>all other characters in the game have normal Japanese names
Is there anything fucking worse?

An otome game for the PS2 did that.
Shit was hilarious.

>hey, tiddus.

Attached: heeeeeeEEEE.png (607x790, 382K)

What game?

Wait, I pronounce it Tidus, how do you pronounce it?

For JRPGs they should just make it stick to canon names, since they almost rarely offer you any "choice" anyway and you're characters personality is pre-written

tokimeki memorial girl's side 1&2
The PS2 versions have the most in-depth name system. The DS versinos only recognize some nip names

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Tokimeki Memorial 2 back on the PS1 actually had a speech synthesis engine built from samples of each character's voice actress that would allow them to say your name.


I didn't know they did it for the dude's version too. I wonder if they gutted it for the DS releases like they did for the girl's side?

just name yourself something Japanese, that's what I did in Persona 5 at least. I wasn't going to have a bunch of Japanese kids call a very obviously Japanese guy White Name-kun.

M R . T



Tokimeki Memorial 4 (PSP game) had a cloud-based text to speech function for your name which would generate multiple intonations for every character to say it.

true story my sister's boyfriend tried out the FF7 demo disc (this was before FF7 came out yet) and he named Barret "Nigger" and chuckled to himself as he did it.

I was fucking pissed. not because of the racism, but because I was such a little fucking dweeb I would get mad when people didn't name characters seriously in RPGs

Only have partial voice acting, and the lines where characters say your names are never voiced.

Tokimemo 4 had a new version where you needed to send data to Konami's servers to generate the voices but they actually sounded pretty natural.

You don't, enjoy your aerith.

>Renaming party members

why was this a thing ?

Well, looks like OP's point was already answered

Have characters give the MC a nickname or just never refer to them in a manner that requires proper nouns but have at least 1 character who voiced numerous common names that will say the entered name if it’s in the files

Like Fallout 4. Truly visionaries ahead of the times, Bethesda

It's pronounced teedus.

Because there's no reason not to have the option in a game with no voice acting.

That's retarded

I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just saying that's how it's officially pronounced.

>input Nigger
>forbidden name entered

you mean it's reteerded

James Arnold Taylor himself confirmed it yo be Teedus.

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Giving the MC a fucking name and not voicing him/her.
It's a fucking character, it needs a name. It's not you. It's what YOU think that character would do in said situation in that universe at that moment.
If it's not a newborn baby and we are playing as the person responsible for MC, it needs a stock name.
If it's hero, it will be Hero, FUCK YOU.

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I never liked the whole rename thing. I mean I don't mind it really but we had this one kid in class who always renamed the characters, which is fine it's his own game, but whenever we talked about the game he would always use his own names like we were supposed to know who he meant.

>Dude I found Lisa's best limit break.

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Here's a profound thought, why even fucking bother having the capacity to name characters at all?

Unless they're completely custom you've made yourself character names make literally no difference, they're only ever an entry in placeholder text in conversations which makes zero difference to the other characters in the world.