Medieval setting

>medieval setting
>women can fight

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Depends what culture we're talking about.
Nordic, definately makes sense, Central European, absolutely fucking not.
If it's Africa there is no medieval setting Africa is just Africa, mud huts and tribes since forever.
Not sure about Asia or the Americas.

is magic involved? If so then it's sorta negated

>Africa is just Africa, mud huts and tribes since forever.


What if that Central Europe is France and only one person gets to be Jeane d'arc

Only acceptable if they're Elf women.

>game has character creation
>blacks are in the human race


Only acceptable if they're hot.

>it is on the continent of africa so we wuz kangz
t. epic nigger

ayo dis nigga stole a bentley

Would it be posible for a slave to rise up the ranks to become a Commander?

Attached: You're ded kid.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

He already stole some pussy

Is this that Artifact chick?

>rise up the ranks
I don't think you understand how slavery works

Attached: qopthinking.jpg (936x727, 54K)

>Medieval setting
>Dragons exist
>Dragons can actually be defeated
>Dragons can be defeated easily with good enough gear and powers
No. Dragons should be unstoppable. Fuck those weaksauce Skyrim dragons. They should be nearly impossible to defeat. They should be like the Fiends in SMTIV where if you face them, you will almost CERTAINLY be killed by them.

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>medieval setting
>jesus is portrayed as white

Attached: 1555322849165.gif (330x166, 2.24M)

>literally WE WUZing

have sex

>medieval setting
>rats are a serious concern

Attached: 1537757092032.jpg (1070x1203, 138K)

The fact that jesus was a brown Jew makes most christians uncomfortable because they hate brown people and jews

Attached: refuse.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

>Nordic, definately makes sense
The fuck you talking about nigga? And don't give me none of that shieldmaidens shit

We wuz Joan of Arc n sheit

>medieval game
>everyone eats potatoes

Attached: infinite bullshit.jpg (1020x816, 364K)

Te la creĆ­ste we

She's Tresdin, the Legion commander
Her whole backstory is that she used to be a slave but defeated the previous comander in hand to hand combat, so he took her, raised her as her own child and when the time came she enlisted on the bronze legion until she reached the position she wanted
She likes to bully mages, supports and everyone dub enough to wander too far away from their friends

Attached: Oblivion Comes with me.png (886x1920, 361K)

>Not Mediterranean
Right, I forgot, the sahara aint shit apparently

actualy that would be the best way of doing it. Make it extremely rare and have them be a huge moral boost for your army, but weak in combat unless well equiped.

is there a mass replying have sexman in every thread now?

based and redpilled

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No but in late Rome the sons of peasants worked their way up the military chain and some became emperor


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Hello ratto

Attached: Joan of Arc Albert Lynch.jpg (1280x1767, 747K)


Magic was involved.

No thanks, I'm straight.

friendly reminder that there is literally zero archelogical evidence of female warriors in ViKANG society. The closest they can get to if a town is getting full on genocided, a female will pick up a weapon, and die with the men then. You see, it tends to be a bad idea to put your genetic bottlenecks into harm's way. 90% of men are biologically expendable, and literally unneeded for the species to continue. Historically, we liked to use those people for war, and hard labor camps. Now we give them soi milk and vidya and capeshit.
sexist pig

Have you ever been to Israel, or Lebanon, or Syria, or the Levant in general? Most of them aren't any darker than any other med. They aren't full on gulf arab. Definitely before the arab invasions, and double so for a Jew.

nice bait.

Are they hot? Cus if they're hot enough I don't really care how inaccurate it is.

i never understand why people freak out over balding and shit
like just shave your head nigga lmao it doesnt look that bad

>Birka female Viking warrior was a woman buried with the accoutrements of an elite professional Viking warrior in a 10th century chamber-grave in Birka, Sweden. Thought to be a male warrior since the grave's excavation in 1889, the remains have been proved to be female by both osteological analysis and a DNA study in 2017.
She must have picked up her husbands sword. You ignorant patriarchal male.

hello ratto

There were a few in Japan.

Attached: not actually Nakano Takeko.jpg (896x1400, 534K)


joan of arc did literally nothing, killed no one, and died a loser

You done fucked up, enjoy your bald.

Never fought, only followed the army because some nobles thought convincing the peasants that an actual crazy person was talking to god was good for morale.

No, it just means she was an influential/wealthy woman who earned/bought the honors awarded to warriors at her death. Doesn't mean she ever used the grave goods she had.

Hur this single example of a statistical outlier means all women wuz warrior queen yaaaas

t. buttmad anglo

>caring about lore in a game where lore doesn't matter and doesn't make sense


>tfw no samurai waifu

while you search for a game you have some down time, and surprisingly some slaves have it pretty good in the world of Dota
Take Goodking for example, she went from fearing for her life every day
to taking Consensual Ooglodi cock while living as a Writter and living a nice life away from war

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cringe and basedpilled

Everyone knows women can't fighy. The second they would see a sharp edged weapon, they would intinctively try desperately to find the nearest deli meat so they can make sandwiches. True story.

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