How do I get my kids into videogames?
How do I get my kids into videogames?
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middle girl is cute
You fuckin dont. If you do they will get fucked over. God damn do i wish my parents didnt let me just waste away playing video games like they did.
Just do what my parents did and don't pay any attention to them and tell them to play inside.
Do you really want your kid to end up like people on Yea Forums
What a sexy loli.
Yeah, time to kill yourself
>How do i ruin my kids life
Actually play video games with them, don't leave them alone or they will end up wastes of space
Play some older PS2 co-op games
>don't have yellow fever
>don't think asians are inherently more attractive
>but think asians have the cutest children
Luckily, girls don't like me, so I don't have to worry too much about it.
Blacks are the utter worst race to mix with. Their features don't look right on fairer skin. Ew
and funny?
Just think about how cute the wife is and think about when she was a loli
He won the long game
Think about it logically.
cute baby
i thought that was an indian for a second and realized -- i always thought the most rare combination was asian male and black female, but i have never, in my entire life, seen an asian female and an indian male
i cant even imagine what a half indian half japanese child would look like
hapa white women are unironically the most attractive breed of human out there
pedos need to be publicly lynched
You have a video game console in the house. if they want to play video games they will. If not, they don't. Also maybe getting them games their friends like. You want your kid to be that cool kid in school? You get them whatever's popular, and they'll play it just to fit in with other childs.
lmao still posting this even when the woman is objectively gorgeous. roastie or asian masculinity is the question though
>playing russian roulette with your genetics
wrong, it's latin & white puto
Which one?
left unironically
too old
>which one
follow genghis' example
yeah. 22 now and finally realized how video games were truly a waste of time. If only I spent those time doing something productive.
he was not bad looking, just mentally ill
there are far uglier fatter people on average walking into a local walmart
That's not how that's used, fucknuts.
I’m going to beat up everyone who posted in here
Nah, nigga, it's hue and nip
brazilian and japanese, for the uninformed
left with asian purity
all white women are inevitable whores
>Don't talk to me you ugly nerd or I tell Tyrone you tried to rape me
>Chibg chong me wan green card me ruv u rong tyme
left ez
asians either look like sick children or old hags (or just latin with sharper eyes)
weaboos need not respond, their tastes are warped by poor social experiences
both cute
my dad can beat up your dad
please be a little girl
Maybe if you're talking about actual Latin people like Italians, Iberians, French, Romanians, etc...
>You get them whatever's popular, and they'll play it just to fit in with other childs.
But do you really want to spawn another flossing fortnite kiddie?
i see asians the same way I see fiction aliens. not sure why.
blacks are orcs
Lord of the Rings Orcs or Elders Scrolls Orcs?
Actually, asian women are the biggest whores out there.
Yellow fever in me would pick the right, but the eyes on the left are way too good to pass up.
Asians have nigger noses tho
You're all shitskins, you delusional fuck
> fairer skin
Being brown and yellow is "fair skin"?
Another thread by WCK
When will this autistic retard finally kill himself?
Right looks like an Asian male
Are you into trannies?
There is no difference
Ideally you don’t. If they want to then I’ll let them but otherwise I’d really rather they didn’t. It did no good for me in the long run and if a hypothetical kid of mine wanted to do spend their time doing literally anything but the things I spend my time doing then I’d be super pleased.
Asians are yellow orcs though.
Short, dumb, ugly and smelly.
>Studying to be a nurse
>Meet cute 18 year old Korean girl in class
>I'm 24
>We've been dating since the start of the year and things are going great
>White, female classmates always act hostile towards me now
>Overheard some talking shit about me for dating a younger, Asian girl
Why does this happen?
ITT: seething mutts
If I walked into a Walmart right noe I could probably find suited furfags, goths and people in their undies, not exactly a good benchmark for normal people
Oh look another yellow fever thread on Yea Forums. Maybe the impressionable young white males here will see this and desire procreation with a mongoloid.
>this is what shills actually believe
Hapas are cursed.
Fuck asian and hapa men
They keep seething when we steal and impregnate their women lol
You should date a 12 year old european girl instead.
every fucking thread
just end your life already you fucking autist
isn't this the girl that stabbed her friend?
Right always
he's Nigerian, his life is meaningless
yes and the hapa males born will grow up and shoot their parents and white children lol
Right, because she has boobs in the photo, that girl on the left can be flat and flat doesn't go with hags
>i have never, in my entire life, seen an asian female and an indian male
I see them daily, they're more common than asian female+asian male now.
This is a half Japanese, half Indian man
Says the autist spamming yellow fever threads on multiple boards every day.
Why haven't mods rangebanned your ban evading spic ass yet?
Left easily, she isn't even wearing makeup and looks gorgeous.
>Ratty nig hair
Annnd the baby lost the gene lottery
no, this is
fucking crybaby, he didn't even look that bad
Asian women are cursed too
Even niggers are better looking than these freakshows
If you live in the US, it's because all the white girls are too well off and always seething about something they don't have, they are even more focused on status than the chinks.
>every fucking thread
You'd know wouldn't you yellow fever spamming faggot
Asians are shitskins, you braindead American faggot
>pedos need to be publicly lynched
We'll be throwing pedo parades celebrating their diversity within a decade and told that love is love.
They're already laying the medical groundwork for societal acceptance.
They're already working it into the LBGQT movement.
Shit is fucked.
every woman in california or the tropics is a fucking whore
would not touch a single one with a ten foot condom pole
cute! but need to see a more "normal" photo. too bad none of those exist for japanese
he said fairer
it is fairer than black
>she isn't even wearing makeup and looks gorgeous.
He doesn't know...
>I hate white women, they never paid attention to the magnificent me. I have now acquired yellow fever because Asian girls are easy to fuck because they'll jump on any foreign cock and they are 'cute' and 'tight', amiright bros!?!? fuck you roasties, you mad yet?? btw when is the next release of BBC video coming out?? oh would you look at the time, it's been ten minutes and I haven't made another yellow fever thread with photoshopped pictures of asians yet
Cope more, you autistic weebcel.
you ignore their own interests and force yours onto them, berating them and guilt tripping them if they don't enjoy it
>an ugly incel white knight bothered to type out all of this because he believes it will impress a white woman
retard, I'm not the fuckin OP, but whenever you, the pea brained retard see a white man and an asian woman you go insane
Why would you dream of visiting maid cafes? It's not like you need yakuza connections, just enter them.
>That sheboon makeup
She's a westernized asian, the mind of a white hag inside an asian body, the worst of both worlds.
Hm, got any with hispanic and asian? I've seen the mix a few times and I've been impressed but I'd like to see more. Enrique iglesias is one of the more famous mixes.
both are cute as fuck and will never pick me anyway
>kang, wong, wang, chung
hapas can exist but chink surnames should be wiped off the face of this planet
How unfortunate
>you ignore their own interests and force yours onto them, berating them and guilt tripping them if they don't enjoy it
This but unironically
For 10,000 years sons followed their fathers footsteps, until the last few decades Hollywood started brainwashing young people with the "DUDE FIND YOUR OWN WAY - DOING WHAT YOUR FAMILY WANTS YOU TO DO IS EVIL" meme.
Meanwhile they force their own kids to be lawyers, doctors or give them jobs at their own companies
Hypocritical subhumans, but you are even worse than them for actually falling for this subversion
>an ugly incel yellow faggot bothered to sperg about white women and spam multiple boards with yellow fever threads because he believes white women will read his autietic tantrums
... and it's beautiful
With gambling aimed at kids. Give your child your credit card and pick any popular game with lootboxes. Works every time.
Everything is a waste of time
Everyone knows you are OP. Why else are you here? You're literally sperging because anons are laughing at your bug fetish. Seriously, kill yourself. This is your 9th thread in the last 45 minutes.
Can't wait for the retards on Yea Forums to ever go to Japan/Korea/China and find out their pure waifu's was a complete lie.
Enjoy your starfish sex and abuse from your wife if you dumb autists manage to find a gaijin hunter at the hub.
that mommy is so pretty bros...
>I'm not the OP
So you just happen to enter every one of threads? May i ask for what purpose you do if not to shit on spammers? Surely it's not to encourage OP and participate in the off-topic shilling of WMAF degeneracy.
how does it feel to be a braindead faggot ?
you're gonna die anyway
>this actual cope
how does it feel to be a braindead samefag with severe and terminal autism ?
Why do Asian women look like Asian men
he was a manlet and he was ashamed of his penis size. he had horrible confidence issues and only had material goods to try to improve himself
maybe you should ask yourself
It's funny because you it's an appropriate opinion to have and you said it casually. You guys should know mental illnesses are no joke. But because we have no cure, your genes should be purged
Why are her shoulders so wide compared to her hips
>thread suddenly lost interest in the cute little girl
hapa daughters are pretty cute
Wow, you are so good at predicting what has already been happening for years
They already have tranny 9 year old boys dancing for perverted gay men
>mass replying
>autistic spergout
>zero awareness
>tfw I will keep hitting on Jap girls and the autist can't stop me
left. I'm too lazy to learn another language.
Lack of Sexual dimorphism due to a bad diet which is high in estrogen and also not a lot of chewing on tough food which means the mandible never grows.
wtf i love SNSD now
why would anyone stop you
you're ugly as fuck if you have to dig for scraps and it'll keep you from murdering people
Left is corrupted by western fag propaganda, right knows her place is child-rearing
Women just believe what society tells them to believe
If you raised the same girl in America she'd be sucking monkey cock
>mfw I'm decent looking and keep getting jap girls
>yfw you'll die alone in your crusty seat spamming imageboards
>left is a regular photo of a white beautiful girl
>right is photoshopped and the gook have probably done five surgeries already
Hmm really tricky. Human.. or inspectoid.
>"no makeup" makeup
fucking women
You gonna be one of those dads who shove an ipad in your kids hands because you can't be fucked to be a good parent, aren't you?
nice cope with your fanfiction, wck
I just said she was cute calm your tism bro
women are the niggers of gender
> >mfw I'm decent looking
>mfw your brain is so rotted from schizophrenia you see the same poster everywhere even when the IP counts keep going up
>Yea Forums is contrarian as fuck
>some /pol/tard keep spouting anti race mixing meme
I start thinking this is some reverse psychology campaign.
>yfw you posted an MS paint comic as an argument
Yellow fever and schizophrenia goes hand in hand.
Asian men unironicaly eat too much onions.
>tfw you're almost as psychotic as barneyfag but somehow your boogeyman is the schizo
>babysitting nephews, 3 and 5
>brother in law intensely hates video games
>bring over nes and mario and zelda
>fun filled wholesome day of playing their first games
>pinky swear to not tell dad
>parents come home
>”daddy i want a nintendo!!!”
>haven’t been allowed to babysit for the last 6 months
Kid’s a goddamn snitch.
>mfw you're ugly as fuck and think about fucking asians which is the most pathetic thing to do considering all asians are whores as they'll jump on any dick
>yfw you'll die alone in your crusty seat spamming yellow fever threads on imageboards which we're already witnessing because you will never leave your parents house