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how did you get in my house
and I would never say the n-word
game sucks
I'm amazed they are still going. It feels like Arin only gets worse at video games.
Reminder that Syzy cheated on him again
Has anyone ever self-destructed their own credibility on vidya as hard has he has?
Dude I too say nigger over and over after I pick up hitchhiking black men
Jared hit a hard spike recently.
Not just in vidya
Again? What happened?
absolute unit
Shits on white people saying the N word yet has said it on multiple occasions and his wife has public shat on black people
I hope you don't plan to just gloss over that my guy, elaborate.
At least he owned up to it. He wouldn’t ever do another sequelitis. He constantly pokes fun at himself for sucking at vidya and not paying attention to shit.
I don't think I've ever been as mad at watching someone play a game as when they play Undertale, holy shit.
>completely stop paying attention in one of the most emotionally impactful and expositionary scenes in the game, probably joking about Dan's curcumcised cock for the 923rd time
or it's bait to make you reply
I stopped watching years ago. What's this stuff about Arin being a nigger?
One drop rule, man.
if so, nigga it worked. Suzy has the face that screams "I suck side-dick".
Calling yourself out on shit does not acquit you from said shit though.
Self depreciation and sarcastic remarks does not make it any better because he STILL doesn't pay attention to shit.
Fuck off.
Theres alot of sources of Arin saying nigger but he's a good boy and hates racists, he even went one full episode trying to justify himself and it weirded Dan out.
What's the point if he keeps doing it anyway?
They DID play a 10 hour game over the course of like 5 weeks so it’s expected that they forget some shit, especially since they have so much else going on in their lives. Arin did really ruin that moment and should have paid more attention though. Very painful to watch them view all of the info required to understand the game and then forget everything at the end. They didn’t even know how the barrier worked and that info is drilled into the player like 5 times throughout the game.
Upvote this so that when people google beefcake, this picture appears
why is Yea Forums the only board of Yea Forums that absolutely shits itself whenever a thread about a reviewer comes up?
is it because Yea Forums has such a high percentage of asperger posters?
They peaked at Jontron and 2015-16. The downward spiral is obvious with the "rebrand"ing, everyone leaving, apparently hiring tons of staff from all the Supermega Podcast interruptions, and sub-300k views per video. I will admit that their monday power hour shit is actually kinda funny and shows that they still have some potential to be funny but the video games are clearly not gonna keep going for much longer
It's really fucking weird how I've been watching all his early newground animations the last couple days and this thread pops up. Metal gear awesome brought back a lot of fond memories of watching videos with bros back in middle school. His pokemon spoof with Venosaur is one of the funniest things I have seen my entire life.
Yea Forumscelebs are exceptionally cancerous
E-celeb shit needs its own board
That's the most unflattering Max pic I've ever seen
Game grumps is meant to entertain, not showcase gameplay. The commentary comes first, and they have fun doing it. Arin knows he’s awful at most games so who cares? He doesn’t claim to be a game design expert anymore. He’s just a guy who plays games and entertains at this point.
>That first part
Is that how boring game grumps has become? That was depressing
most of these threads are about shitting on them. why arent you able to enjoy shitting on cancerous people?
He's not even THAT entertaining. Jon totally carried him. There's so many other people I could go to for this stuff that aren't as retarded.
Wow, this just made me realize how unfunny new Game Grumps is to Jon Game Grumps.
Yes, that's the point. Remember where you are.
Yea Forums is just very autistic and moves fast enough that it's a lot of people's only board. So it's very easy to affect the culture. No fun allowed rules this place.
Can someone post pics of Suzy? I need it, for research.
Arin I know your up, fucking defend yourself already you fat loser
>singer that said the n word in 1988
>”why would a white guy say that so disgusting”
>has said the nword multiple times and has said it on Game grumps
>”that was in the past I’m different now!”
Hey man, even if you don’t like him there are clearly millions of others that do. If you don’t like the content no one’s forcing you to watch.
why is her face so uncanny
>Is that how boring game grumps has become?
Dan is extremely low energy now that he's run out of stories, and basically just serves as a laugh track with the exceptional 'yeah','ok' and feigning interest at whatever is going on at the screen. GG is pretty much 100% Arin right now, and i bet you can imagine how fucking awful that is.
>No Chris-Chan
Leave and never come back
when is she going to properly come out as a beautiful woman?
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Dan needs the money or he'll go back to living the hobo life.
well, there's under 300k people that like him now
Arin went on to go bitch about peoples comments during SuperMegas playthrough of the game, not happening
5mil subscribers says otherwise. Obviously it’s tremendously unreasonable to say that most of those people will be watching their videos every day.
Are you zoomies bitching about Undershit? Holy shit grow up.
>If you don't like them don't watch them
That the most retarded argument I've heard.
boomers failed this planet and we'll be better off when they all die
His girlfriend is hot.
Literally two people in the thread even mentioned Undertale you absolute retard.
With 20 pounds of makeup she's passable.
Wtf i love her now
You mean his wife?
Why is this board being flooded with off topic bullshit tonight
What? That’s not even an argument you moron. Do you seriously think that the grump’s content should be catered to your desires?
God damn I love Suzy.
Subscriber count doesn’t mean much. They get 100k-300k views per video.
When did I say it had to be catered to me? My point was that doesn't mean they're exempt from criticism.
This is the reason pregnant women drinking should be sent to jail
Because Yea Forums has become a literal "no fun allowed" hot bed that has the same damn fucking threads every hour so people are lashing out and want the ability to
>a. Talk about E-Celeb shit again
>b. Promote their own discords/twitch accounts etc. so Yea Forumsirgins can start playing together again.
I'm not a part of this, just explaining what is happening.
Read my second sentence again. Only the most avid fans watch every video. Most normal people only tune in for series they are interested in. Also you are being misleading by low-balling the viewer count. Most videos are 200k to 500k
>implying any of that is bad
Oh I didn't say it was bad. In fact I'm all for it. I miss the random Yea Forums stream raids and shit we used to do back in the early 2010's.
>>completely stop paying attention in one of the most emotionally impactful and expositionary scenes in the game, probably joking about Dan's curcumcised cock for the 923rd time
So every game grumps episode?
Glad we are on rhe same page. I could do without the discord shit hut everything else is something i wish would come back.
>anywhere from 2-6% of their subscribers actually watch the videos
>or, by your estimate, 4-10%
What the fuck percentage do you think qualifies as "avid"? Most people don't unsubscribe when they simply lose interest in a channel, as it seems most of GG's fans have.
Your “criticism” amounts to “I don’t like them anymore” and “why doesn’t he say nigger anymore” and “Jon carried the show”. Nothing is gained from this shit.
I'm very disappointed that it wasnt not so grump
These guys are so unfunny.
It's not to the point that I'm annoyed, but I'm just mostly bored
Discord shit is fine, so is youtube/twitch shilling, so long as it's kept under control.
Makes it easier to find communities to play with.
>why doesn't he say nigger anymore
Aren't you the same faggot who tried to call out another user for "misleading" by lowballing episode view counts? Faggot, people shit on Arin not because he doesn't say nigger anymore, but because he calls it "gross" that some dude did in the 80s and can't believe how some "super white" dude would do that when arin was going niggerniggernigger within the last decade, on film. Doesn't it bother you that you have to lie to defend a thing you like? Why not just fuck off, instead?
>liked it with jon on board
>he made it enjoyable
>stopped watching before he left
>everything since then has been forced dick jokes, jew jokes, weed "stories", clear cash grabs, and apparently 2 dick joke albums with plagiarism of old anime to sell low quality merg
>and then the cunt name drops a mom and pop game store i like and suddenly everyone and their tranny friend is there ruining the place
>cant even buy my vidya without arin shitting on one of the few good local things
>havent had the misfortune of meeting him but know one day i will whether i like it or not
>still insists hes an animator despite literally doing fuck all
>so much so ross, his employee, roasts him live on stage
>didnt even play the skyward sword shit on stream for the sequelitis
>he paid barry to do it while he watched
>wife is a cow and steals shit to sell off etsy or some shit i dont remember the full details or care
>it took him over a fucking year and a half to beat wind waker hd
>with a walkthrough
i can keep going but in the end it pains me most to say that despite all the shit he pulls, he still makes a fucking ton of money and the only way to stop him is to shut it down.
Those are the 60 year old ones who did that. Not the meme ones who drink energy water.
Zoomies don't know the difference faggot. That is why they are zoomies.
user they put out at least 20 minutes of content every single day. That’s like 600k views a day. That’s far, far more than most other Youtubers.
Move those goalposts, queer.
We get it,you hate young people and there confounded new ways. Go cetch a pale of water if you hate it so much.
I fucking hate the current mods, they should all be shitcanned
Literally where did I lie about anything? As for the shit he’s said in the past, I can certainly say that I have changed drastically over the past decade. People are allowed to change. Granted I don’t know if he ever apologized for all the nbombs he dropped.
Smaller subcounts have a higher ratio of views. Red Letter Media is fucking outrageous. Of course, they have higher quality content. Game Grumps lives off notoriety at this point.
yuck you can see her moustache
>trigger zoomie cannot handle the banter
This is why you'll never amount to anything nor own property.
>where did I lie about anything?
>>why doesn't he say nigger anymore
That is not a complaint people make you dumb faggot, and you know it. As I said, they shit on him because of his hypocrisy on nigger. And, you know all this. Quit arguing like a jew.
Nonsense. There’s a clear difference in content producers that only put out like one video a month and a channel that puts out two videos a day. The once a month channel would obviously have a much higher view count on that one video because it’s seen as such a big occasion.
>eceleb threads deleted
>lol threads deleted
>blatant console fanboy threads stay up
>twitter screen shot threads stay up
what the fuck is wrong with the Yea Forums janitors? I'm not even saying that I like eceleb threads, but eceleb threads will always be more fun than twitter screen shot threads
Jesus, What the hell happened?
I highly doubt your age is much different than the Gen-... "zoomies" you hate so much. If you're older that 40 you need to get off this site and re-evaluate your life
>h-haha i was just being an asshole for fun and not entirely with the purpose of derailing the thread!
Junk food on the couch and yelling at video games for being hard. First world problems.
absolutely no fun allowed, fun is problematic
>millions love them!
>they get single digit percentage of that 5 mil subscriber viewpoint.
The fact is they don't have a number of fans that truly give a shit that's anywhere near their subscriber count. A single digit percentage of their subscribers are watching every video. Now spin that into a good thing.
Remember back in the day when Egoraptor was just a cool NG animator? Then GameGrumps happened and now everybody knows just how utterly retarded he is.
Fame is a hell of a trip.
Giving up his passion, complacency, taking the easy way out, bad diet, and sedentary lifestyle. Game Grumps was a mistake.
But is single digit percentage on daily videos really considered low? That seems pretty common from what I can see.
It makes sense. Even on a channel where I like the vast majority of the stuff posted, I don't watch 100% of the videos.
Arin just does this on purpose because he genuinely could give less of a shit about the game and just plays it because it was popular with kids at the time.
>e-celebs is a very important discussion!
>what? someone is calling me a buzzword and a faggot?
>on 4channel?
>better reply to prove im not crying
I'm not the other guy, but you did start this by saying "millions of people like him". single digit percentage on daily videos is common because the let's play format has fallen out of style, and only a few channels still keep a healthy viewer base. Even then, these channels are far and few between, and most of their previous audience has stopped watching at some point or another. While the other guy you are arguing with is pretty emotional and childish, he's still right. Egoraptor has lost a lot of his former fans, but so have almost every let's player from Game Grumps' prime. Look at the channels of dudes like Markiplier, while I haven't checked myself I can guarantee that his views have dropped to much lower levels, despite the fact that his channel is mostly geared to watching him play random games, and not long play through of games from the viewer's past.
Ok you are actually retarded. Ok. Well,have fun with that.
>He doesn’t claim to be a game design expert anymore. He’s just a guy who plays games and entertains at this point.
He so does, though. Throughout his whole playthrough of Skyward Sword he constantly reminds the audience and Dan how much he's 'holding back' on the critique when he still shits on the game every five minutes.
All of his dumb Zelda lets plays are like that.
>fucking another girl IN AN OPEN RELATIONSHIP is worse for you videogame credibility than consistently sucking at videogames and having objectively terrible opinions
Thank you, that’s a fair analysis. Has everyone simply moved on to streaming now?
>Oh no Barret please, please don't rub your blackness over me.
What did Arin mean by this?
Imagine how much you could accomplish if Yea Forums did not exist.
>t weirded Dan out
Oh man got a link, id love to see that shit
we have roughly the same body....
I want to fight this man.
This isn't some ego or some other thing like that...just...we seem to share the same biological makeup here...
We should fight...
Fuck video games.
I want to fight this man.
Agreed, the whole staffing of Yea Forums needs to be wiped and start again. They are completely out of control, and their personal bias for topics is completely transparent.
Would just be shitposting somewhere else desu.
I can't believe that he's had the same shitty haircut for so long.
i hate this meme but i cant help it, someone needs to edit this gif with the sonybro and nintendie ASAP
>People continue to respect his sequelitis videos after he played OoT and showed the world how retarded he was at it
I feel as if the only ones that have stuck with the old format have either done so out of familiarity and a fear of risk, or just because they make videos for fun instead of money. I think the Game Grumps fall into the first category, and have jumped on the stream train too late no pun intended.
he also sexted underage people