>SJW shit to the core
>it also has the most attracive female characters to ever come out of western vidya
How exactly did this happen again?
SJW shit to the core
Other urls found in this thread:
>Lootbox game
Fuck Off
I really don't give a shit about the game itself
It's a product and their intention was to make it appealing to as many people as possible. You're a right wing asshole so the SJW stuff wouldn't appeal to you, but you're also a pathetic incel who masturbates to video game characters so they were smart to fit an attractive one into their game. Something for everyone, $$$.
I'm left wing and SJW's don't appeal to me.
Extremes are bad no matter the side.
Why do you keep making overwatch threads? Fucking stop.
>not liking identity politics makes you a right wing asshole
Clown world
>Most attractive female characters ... in western vidya
Surely you jest
because blizzard know how to play their audience
>titties and ass shut the virgins up
>throw sjw a bone once every 6 months to shut them up
>sell a billion lootboxes
Unlike companies like Sony blizard aren't true sjws, they just pretend to be, for some reason they bet on the far left as an audience.
let me fill you in on a secret, big CEOs and others suits don't care about "muh sjws" they know that if they make pretty girls people will make porn of, people will buy it, and they also know if you say "lol that character is gay" other idiots will say "wow these people support me"
play both sides and you always win
Sex sells super hard, attractive characters also sell your games.
You don't fucking see average or ugly looking boys in movies, chicks fucking love heart throbs.
Other people make their characters ugly because they're fucking tards.
league makes hotter characters
She's fat
>everyone I don't like is an incel
>>SJW shit to the core
...because one or two characters are gay and there's just as many blacks?
>le pixar sameface exaggerated proportions
>most attractive
get a scan, I think you have a tumor
>same face and exaggerated proportions
Do you even know where you are posting right now?
Thinking that Overwatch is somehow "filled with SJW shit" betrays an oversensitivity to anything other than an all white and male cast. It's barely diverse. Having a couple of gay characters, women or black characters isn't "extreme" to anyone but a right winger.
where's my white worshipping dva gf
>Thinks Overwatch Lootboxes are anything like other games that use Lootbox but still wants to talk out of his ass like he knows otherwise.
No, you fuck off.
>betrays an oversensitivity to anything other than an all white and male cast. It's barely diverse.
The fuck are you going on about?
>Defending the use of lootboxes in any conceivable way.
Again Fuck Off.
>exaggerated proportions
>In a video game
Wait...you don't want that? Hope you're enjoying pride month, you fucking faggot.
Does your stupid ass even know how it works?
Overwatch is literally designed to appeal to everyone. It's got something for everyone.
Do you read above an eighth grade level?
Yes, I'm questioning the part where you made up about the all white and male cast.
Because I think you might be confusing it for another game.
This. I can't even call it a game, more like a marketing strategy
Because dykes also lust for women.
Are you incapable of using basic reading comprehension
Fags and black people aren't normal. They're purposely adding them there because they want to
Blizzard is known for their waifubait. Sylvanas, Alexstraza, the entire Draenei race. The former two wear bikinis for example.
Because the lead artists are based weebs. The SJWs just do the PR and sign the checks.
Meh the Egyptian messenger in Civ 2 was hotter.
You're fucking stupid. It's not a big deal in overwatch, at all.
You level up, you get a box. The things in the box are just cosmetics. If you get a duplicate, you save up the creds and just buy what you want.
So what exactly is the problem?
They can nerf Tracer's ass but they can't nerf my memories
what an ugly, poorly lit render
where did you find this trash? paheal?
OP is a faggot
It existing.
Whoa, wicked retort. You keep playing, you get cosmetics. No different than any other game enticing players to keep playing.
You should of not even bothered typing, I'm clearly speaking to some typical teenager.
t. Alberto Barbosa
The actual devs aren't SJWs and, they don't go the SJW route until after the game was out for a while to basically have its peak audience already
Sorry OP but overwatch takes place in a post feminist world. The people have long outlawed women in combat because the average woman is 15x weaker than the average man. Not counting all the fact all women are retarded and can't even decide on what restaurant they want to go to. No all the "girls" of overwatch are Trans because a trans women is infinitely more effective in combat than a Cis Woman. OP is gay