Thoughts? Hopes? Expectations?
Thoughts? Hopes? Expectations?
generic and forgettable like every Ubisoft open world game from the past decade
They have to steal pol memes too?
will get shilled constantly but gets forgotten after a week of launch
>being excited about ubishit
It will fail harder than the last one which failed harder than the first.
I played WD2 and had fun with it, I'll probably enjoy 3 too to be honest.
>ubi is gonna bring even more newfags
This is going to be like a Fox News investigative report on Yea Forums, isn't it?
turn based strategy
also for shills to kill themselves
What did they mean by this?
I read it as: 3 voice actors
No lethal weapons
Different choices of melee weapons
Enemies don't alert the entire area the second you get caught
A mediocre game that continues to sell mediocre numbers. Surprised that after 2 they went on with 3.
>all the people on the streets have voice work, animations and special traits!
Which means maybe Male Voice 1 and 2, Female Voice 1 and 2 and probably not much of the player character actually speaking. I could see maybe 3-4 animation sets because GTA5 has quite a few but I don't think they will have crazy variation in body types. I doubt you can be a 300 pound fat dude
These would be solid improvements. I think they're all likely too, considering how the second game went.
Procedural animation is hard but not that hard, especially when it's all similar stuff like "human runs around" and especially not for a AAA studio with shit tons of money to blast on it.
I'm pretty sure the word "NPC" is banned from twitter.
I cant believe they keep making more of these.
nothing, it's fucking ubisoft holy shit
Taking over an identity and dropping it a the drop of a hat seems like it could be interesting.
But since this is ubisoft I expect it will be a very neuteured system where you can only pick a different look by way of recruitment outside of missions with your recruits doing nothing 99% of the time while you fuck off. And since their look will be procedurally designed, its going to be a pain to find any mildly appealing character and completely worthless anyway.
fuck off
Hopefully even more interaction and systems than even WD2. Seriously 2 was a fantastic passive aggressive asshole simulator. Didn't even use a single firearm.
well, let's see
>will have some political bullshit and cause a controversy
>/v will spam the game, but nobody will give a fuck at first, then because that controversy people will start talk about it and give it attention
>same with the gaming journalists and can a shitstorm
>the game because of that can sell a lot or don't sell
there you go.
Parkour. I want parkour darn it. I want a city to explore and get cozy on a rooftop and pop out my laptop.
But who will the MC be? Black? Muslim? Transformer?
'play as anyone, even the non-playable characters'
>Thoughts? Hopes? Expectations?
Why has this Reddit format caught on and infected this shithole to make it shittier?
They did say they were pleased with the sales of the first game, so they were making Watch Dogs a series.