What's the best controller to use with Steam games...

What's the best controller to use with Steam games? Mostly going to be playing Yakuza 0/Kiwami/Kiwami 2 as well as Zone Of The Enders 2. I see the F310 is the cheapest but I keep seeing people bitch about issues with it.

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Xbox 360, it has native support on steam and lots of older games work better with a 360 controller than either of the newer gen ones but you can get any of them working if you had to

Just get a PS4 controller. Yakuza games have inate support and you can get DS4windows to make it run on other games.

360 is my favorite, but the xbone isn't bad either. Had to try the boner, cus my local game store only had knock-off corded 360 controllers. Fuck that.
Turns out xbone's is not half bad.

While absolutely not the best. i've been using this thing since it's a wired controller, and it's been pretty reliable for me.

Attached: mini-gamepad-ps4-5.jpg (616x347, 23K)

Does the wired controller not work as well? Leaning towards a 360 pad now.

Xbox controllers are usually the easiest choice. If you have a PS4 controller laying around you can do what said. Anything that uses xinput should be fine

It's tough like the usual Logitech junks, but holy shit the L2 and R2 are too goddamn stiff and uncomfortable to use compared to its predecessor.

>and you can get DS4windows to make it run on other games.
If he's already playing games on Steam then he can just use Steam Input which enables DS4 support on anything that has Xinput/360 controller support


You're right, I should actually throw that on myself. Thanks user.

This, using one with Steam games is easy as shit and as simple as just starting another program outside of Steam. Getting it to work over bluetooth is no big deal either.

I only use wired ones cause I'm cheap, they both work fine just for wireless 360 controllers you need a like 10$ USB receiver then it's normal. The wired one may have slightly less input lag but I doubt it's noticeable

I only used the wired 360 ones, and they just work. Nothing to really elaborate on. It's a comfortable controller, pretty reliable, and it works without the hassle of setting up 3rd party programs. The downside is that even official controllers break down sooner than I'd like. My A button just started jamming on one of them, and the wire malfunctioned on another. Average life on mine is about 3 years.
The xbone is technically wireless, but uses a phone charging cable so you can play wired without getting the bluetooth dongle. However, I'm afraid after long use, the port on the controller will get loose.

Mind you you'll be getting 360 controller prompts on games even if they have native DS4 support with prompts, as for all the game knows, you're using a 360 controller, but you can disable Steam Input on a per-game basis

I wouldn't throw it on Yakuza or anything with PS4 prompts but on say DMC games I don't care too much.

I've been using an Xbox One controller for Yakuza 0, K1 and K2. All of them had Xbox prompts for me.

Used a 360 controller for years and years, used an Xbone S controller for the past couple years. I'd go with the Bone S for the better analog triggers, better d-pad (this is subjective but whatever), and Bluetooth+wired connectivity. There's a wireless adapter if you don't have Bluetooth.

My favorite controller design of all time is the Dualshock. But for PC, the Xbox family of controllers' plug-n-play compatible with every game and emulator out there makes it a superior choice over the DS, which needs that third-party driver to work, and can sometimes require extra fiddling.

Do not even think of buying a Steam Controller.

Yeah but they have innate DS4 support, they go PS4 buttons if you have one plugged in.

Xbox 360 for action games like Sekiro.
Steam Controller for strategy games like Civilization and driving games because of it's gyro turning the controller into a steering wheel.

Oh I'm just shit at actually reading through messages, my bad

Xbox One has the literal best controller ever made, I bought one after using it once just so I didn't have to use a dualshock 3/4

Emulating PS2/GCN with this right now and I love it.

Either a 360 or xbone controller because of native support and just being really good controllers.

All good man I didn't really put any punctuation in my post so i can see where you'd get a wrong message

I just use a gamecube controller for emulating gamecube games since that controller adapter that came with smash 4 works natively with pc

A part of me wishes microsoft would just switch to making hardware peripherals because their controllers are so good, but if they did they'd go out of business because a fucking atomic bomb can't make those controllers stop working.

360 is the best. No doubt. It's worth its price.

PS4 controller has touchpad too so it automatically wins
