Favorite streamer? For me it's Aris

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This motherfucker right here

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Aris is such a fake piece of shit.

rule 1
no questions


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Extremely retarded Armenian fag. Who has horrible taste in video games. Also extremely bad at video games. Rivaling DSP

I'm always amazed at how stupid and bad he is at so many of the games he plays.

hey alright, now beat it with this e-celeb trash bitch

He draws you in by being good at tekken and then you dont care about how shit he is at other games because he just tells a story over it.


>good at tekken
you don't play tekken do you
you arisfags are all the same. fuck off poser

hey alright

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>aris gets popular
>suddenly Yea Forumseddit hates aris
like clockwork

Pack of niggers will rape you mother, father, sister, brother, auntie and uncle by a pack of wild niggers from bel air if you don't apologize for creating this zoomer nigger leddit tier thread.

this scam artist. Funny how autistic his fans are and keep falling for it.

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lmao you dont have to play the game to tell that hes good at it.

nice esl meltdown

Aris is shit just like all other streamers, the only difference is he recycles 10 jokes instead of 5. Should stick with commentary.

Humans cannot multitask.

How is he not good at tekken?

>put an image on screen
>play a midi
>force a laugh
>chat spams LUL xD

Clint "Stands still for 10 seconds then jumps off a cliff" Stevens

>Pack of niggers will rape you mother
Why did you go full Pajeet? You never go full Pajeet.

theres only one nearly universally accepted answer here

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he doesn't even play the game on stream anymore lmao

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get back to tech support scamming pajeet


Have sex

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based and pigpilled

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yeah ok stoner

I'm surprised he still has kneecaps.

I like to think that Aris and Phil are distant relatives and that they are not aware of this fact. It would also explain why they both suck dick at playing video games. Either that or one of them is a clone of the other one.

PJ is the only remotely worthwhile streamer because he knows more about the games he runs than anyone else, and he always has fun even when shit goes horribly wrong.
That said I don't watch his streams, just his marathon runs and YouTube runs with commentary.

alright faggot get fucked stupid onions nigger

Aris is pretty funny, I enjoy his fgc commentary. I’ll watch shroud every now and then

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