Nintendo is dead

All they make is the same toddler bait rehashes every year. Remember during Gamecube days when there was actual variety at Nintendo and not just kiddyshit? Their E3 looks like a joke.

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>Playable Titles:
Who gives a shit? It's all about the Direct.


Their most exciting game coming up is an original IP.

>no AC
How fucking far away can this game be?

>playable titles

Nintendo has cite treehouse girls so they won already

Literally this, I hope shes on this year

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What's leaked so far?

And? It had a 2019 release date. It's clearly nowhere near ready for release, if they don't even have a basic demo halfway through the year.

why the fuck would they put playable demos of Animal Crossing on booths?

>and more!
how many times does this need to be pointed out to animal crossing autists before they get the message?

Well maybe it is playable and they have the new title render ready but they just don't want to show it before the Direct. It does say "...and more!".
But then again, Animal Crossing is kind of a weird game to make a demo for, how do you properly do that?

Why not?

it's only disappointing because they reveal all their shit outside of E3 so there's basically no surprises there. Metroid Prime 4 getting announced was the most hype moment at any E3 then they fucking blew it by not following up and now they're too pussy to ever try something like that again.

all the autistics who lap up their shit love toddler games though

>no Switch revision that makes it a proper handheld
>still costs an overpriced $300 + Yuro tax
>games are boring kiddy bait or gimmicks or indies
What a platform!

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All video games are kiddyshit. You're not reading fucking Brothers Karamazov or Gravity's Rainbow okay? Accept that you're an adult playing with toys and have fun.

What part of "and more" don't you understand?

Nice cope nintendo manchild. There is a clear difference between Labo and Crusader Kings 2 in target demographic.

They probably put that "Playable Titles" in a bigger font.
Most people will just look at this and think those are the only games being covered in the Direct.

Labo is a toy marketed at children while Crusader Kings 2 is a toy marketed at adult children with lots of disposable income for DLC.

Cope further

This is like a person who builds historically accurate model trains bashing people who are into Thomas the Tank Engine. It's a good time to take a step back and realize you're both playing with choo choo trains and you should get off your high horse.

>s(n)oyfags are bored cuz they're daddy queer company doesn't have any exclusives coming out so they take their time to shit on the company putting out exclusives they can't play

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I'm gonna be there :) can't wait 2 play

Because Animal Crossing is a boring fucking game that people only play to whittle away the hours. Nobody at E3 is going to be excited to stand there and do virtual chores for a couple minutes.

>Nintendo is kiddy shit
>Only company not forcing people to censor their stuff in order to be on their console

>Nintendo is dead

I’m going to buy every game in that image and there’s nothing you can do to stop me

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Their biggest game of this gen was censored heavily for a toddler-approved rating.

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Remember the gamecube days when Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion, an epic zelda game, and a 3d pokemon game were major first party titles

Has an FE game been playable in any E3?? Three Houses is literally a month away, but I guess FE or SRPGs in general wouldn't be too exciting at E3 [with Disgaea as a possible exception.]

>and more...
I'm interested

Have faith, Nintendo are planning something big. Just you wait.

their e3 booth is the most queued up for every year cope harder

And it was actually good.

smash isn't that big dumbass, and sorry your virgin ass cant jerk off to a shitty compressed PNG of some ugly anime characters

Doesn't it have TLoU2, and Ghosts of Sushi, and P5R, and Death Stranding? And that's just off the top of my head, and not counting FF7R which was planned to be first on PS4.

Have sex

>for a toddler-approved rating.
That's the point, it's a family friendly game.
Snoy goes ahead and censors mature rated games even though they're "mature rated" for a reason.

I don't care what side of the argument you're on. It is factual incorrect to say that Smash isn't big. It's right up there with Mario Kart.

It is true the switch is just remakes and old wii u games. Majority of them at least. Its pretty sad but Nintendo has fallen lol embrace the reality retards.


-it's for a video game directed towards a family friendly audience and has to abide by the rating system

>smash isn't big
Imagine thinking this.

Right because Nintendo woild never make anything but toddler approved shit. Read the OP. That's why they suck ass.

>literally dedicate a whole direct to fucking pokemon
>Will probably still take up like 8 fucking minutes in the main direct

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He called it "Their biggest game of this gen". That's completely false, even MK8 deluxe, a port has it beat in sales, not to mention Animal Crossing, and the inevitable MK9 which will both outsell Smash.

Bayonetta 3
Astral Chain
Shin Megami Tensei V
Daemon X Machina
Metroid Prime 4
Fire Emblem Three Houses

Now this is the part where you say "th-those don't count!".

the gamecube was a trashfire and it somehow created the worst fanboy generation despite being only offering rushed garbage.

Animal Crossing won't outsell Smash. Pokemon will.

They both will

I gave up on Nintendo after the Wii. They had a good run but their glory days ended a long time ago.

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Blessed post.

>...and more!
Op is retarded... and more!

BOTW was genuinely amazing and Ultimate is great.
But then shit like Pokémon comes out that looks fucking awful I mean come on

BotW is the worst Zelda game to date, right next to Skyward Sword and Windwaker.

T Rated at the highest. Nintendo is still cowards.

New leaf sold 13 million by itself, so it's definitely possible it could, especially since the Switch itself is over 30mil units sold itself, which is around the same if not more than 3DS around the same time frame as New Leaf's release. There's also the fact that Animal Crossing was put on mobile devices (unfortunately) but thats more exposure for the series.

>Remember during Gamecube days when there was actual variety
Stop Nintendo has been rehashing since NES there was never a good Nintendo

>higher rate good!
Are the companies who censor anime titties in anime titties games. Fuck off.

>New leaf sold 13 million by itself
11 million*

Pokémon is a piece of shit since 3DS. And it's entiraly GF retardation's fault. How is that ruining the amazing 3DS library? It's a retarded argument.

When is Nintendo ever going to dare an M-rated AAA game? Not now, not ever. Gotta stick rehashing bing bing man instead.

>Pokemon will.
Nope. Let's Go was a flop for Pokemon standards. The hype is dead.

No I mean I wish their was more quality control in that aspect

>Nintendo is dead, they only make games for toddlers
I have typed this and read other people typing this since 2001

>Shit eating eurodork has shit opinions
Don't you have some footba- oh excuse me soccer games to be playing buddy?

>shin megami tensei
>teen rating

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there was never variety at Nintendo

Try 1989

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Skyrim is an M-rated AAA game. Get fucked.

Are you really citing a 3rd party who has no exclusivity with Nintendo?

SS looks pretty underwhelming. Might be the first game I pass on in the series. I just don't see anything significant enough to justify this entry.
Not that it matters. It'll still be the best selling switch game

Do we know how long will the Direct be? An hour I'm guessing.

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>getting into measuring contests over M-rated game counts

Woah shit nigger, is it 2005? Are we going to have a measuring contest over who bought more copies of 50 Cent:Blood on the Sand?

>Nintendo made Skyrim
Trips wasted on a complete retard

Not yet. they tend to be from 42-48 minutes.

God, imagine choking her while slamming her ass.

everyone's been saying it's an hour

Splatoon copy of (Color Wars - Xbox)
Pro controller (straight rip from Xbox)
DLC Integration (Xbox copy)

Did several times durring the gamecube era.
Should have bought the console faggot now were trapped in modern handholding casual pandering nintendo hell forever.
You did this and you have no right to complain.

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Have fun

>4 games
That's pretty pathetic.

>not the only Nintendo system that was literally intended for 5 years olds only

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It didn't matter until it released on a platform that was relevant to people. So, yes, Nintendo "made" Skyrim.

Full retard

24 minutes.

>Remember during Gamecube days
I can't remember anything since SNES, since Nintendo has so little faith in their brand that they can't go 3 years without dropping a console and announcing the next one.

>Kiddie shit
>When all the fanarts they've been getting from their audience on the internet are all adult porn stuff

I'm getting mixed signals. Maybe you think it's kiddie because that's what they appears to you, but maybe it actually isn't what it appears to be.

Bayonetta is an M rated series.

This guy knows whats up.

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Animal Crossing is a fucking beast, it's easily on Pokémon's level in terms of sales.

There were only 2 minutes of Pokemon last year, and 1 minute the year before that. It's because Pokemon always has their own directs, even right before E3, that it doesn't occupy much time.

>not counting FF7R which was planned to be first on PS4.
Talk about cuckcope if you have to say that

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Aren't these just the titles that'll be playable to the public?
Won't Nintendo play games that won't be available for others to play?

Didn't stop Nintenfags from pretending Octopath was exclusive.

>toddler bait rehashes

Like the cutesy banjo kazooie? How about the cutesy diddy kong racing? Stop being stupid. They've always played this game.

They've been milking the same shit for decades m8y

Or, and hear me out, they've never had a playable demo for AC at any event. It's not a game you can create a demo for.

When nintendo focuses on good games nobody buys them. The gamecube was a flop. Most of the good games from the SNES era were flops. The Wii U with all of the good games like Bayonetta 2, DKC Tropical freeze, Pikmin 3, Mario 3D world, wonderful 101, smash wii u, mk8 and the original splatoon all sold poorly compared to the wii days.

Now they're just rehashing the same lineup without actually producing new things. They're spending their money on marketing instead of quality experiences because people don't look for quality experiences, they lap up what is marketed to them.

>If they don't make it with the blood and the swearing I can't play it
t. an edgy 15 year old.

Difference is, octopath was in fact an exclusive until it got ported to pc a year later
The game was never marketed as console exclusive or first on switch

Sounds like Nintendo, unlike Sony, was being dishonest then.

Have they had a single new IP since gamecube that wasn't complete ass? It's been Mario/zelda/shovelware for twenty years straight.

t. Snoys meltdown


Because it's not a fucking handheld you raging autist
It's a console first and functions properly in the dock

imagine being proud about falling for jewish tactics like (((exclusives)))

>It's a console first
Yeah a really shit one. Nintendo has only ever been worthwhile on the handheld front. Give me a proper handheld Switch and not the cargoheld one.

>Sony's anti-Nintendo shilling in full effect to try and kill the hype train that's going to run them over.

Have you even played any Nintendo games since the Gamecube?

Bitter PC spacker

Switch has the best library of all consoles. No rehashes

Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life

Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced

good goy, buy more overpriced and gimped computers for your 30 fps exclusives

>No rehashes
>proceeds to dump list of rehashes

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The only one I can think of is Splatoon and I don't even like that series.

You've just listed a bunch of games that are either multiplats, or sure to be multiplats.
Doraemon Story of Seasons is already a multiplat, so why would Rune Factory 5 stay that way, even those Senran Kagura spinoffs went multiplat, so why would any Marvelous game stay exclusive, Daemon X Machina isn't going to stay exclusive. Going to enjoy that game on PC for sure.

>3 years later and he still can't get 300$ together
lmao the absolute state of poorfags. Mommy is lying when she tells you the cheaper revision is coming. Have fun trying to sleep tonight.

I woke up few minutes ago. What happened? I assume something was announced, that would explain why Ponies are mad.

>t-t-those games don't count
Predictable & pathetic

I have the money. I just don't spend money on shit I consider overpriced. Switch is overpriced.

The ponies are mad even when something isn't announced. Nintendo lives inside their head rent free.

Okay poorfag. Just make sure you have enough nickles for this months bread and water.

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What variety was on NGC? I'm asking just so OP can get btfo by someone when they show him Nintendo has as many or more varied titles as during the NGC days

Nice falseflag, try harder, everyone always says it's a handheld

>still butthurt about MUH CELDA

Arguing with Apple/Nintendo drones

Crying like a little bitch on an anonymous image board because you can't afford a tablet

But video games are for kids.

>all first party shovelware
Meanwhile all the third party good developer support go bankrupt on their platform.

It's not nice falseflagging as PCfag, user.

It was never going to be 2019 and you were a retard for thinking that.
Every other AC was revealed with gameplay and released a few years later, this one was a fucking logo and set to release the following year showing they had nothing they were proud to show off.
The logo was just to shut faggots up when Isabelle was revealed and it looked like a high-res AC game.

>biggest game

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What do you think I'm posting on syby beta male cuck.

>Because it's not a fucking handheld you raging autist
It's a handheld with glorified HDMI-out for fuck sake. The dock does quite literally nothing but tell it that it can overclock and run hotter.

If its confirmed for 2019 will you eat your own shit?

New leaf wasnt revealed with gameplay, however it didnt come out until 2 years after its announcement

yeah, I can't wait for armored core.

>It was never going to be 2019 and you were a retard for thinking that.
That's weird, seeing as the announcement for it from last year says 2019 clearly at the bottom.

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actually also city folk I think, didnt get gameplay until the e3 of the year it was released

because it's a life simulator user. you can't really show off significant gameplay in a demo

I think that's what he was getting at

New Leaf didn't have playable demos at the booths when it was revealed, user. It's not really the type of game to play as a demo. They've all the exact same game just with new furniture since City Folk anyways.

Can I get a name on this semen demon? She looks like a freak in bed after being serious at a treehouse direct

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Yes user, we know, everything in the whole world was better when you were 12 years old. Fancy that.