Google Stadia
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It ain't Netflix for games exactly but it's the future, Google says you need 35mbs to stream 4K 60 we'll see. Casuals are gonna create this market
Google Stadia more like Google Dilatia
>Buy games whenever your want: Yes
Holy shit.
More like Nigger Dilatia
Looks like someone lost his girl to Jamal.
more like Jewlatia
Potential is huge. I hope it succeeds. This shit sounds like a godsend to parents. Instead of having to Shell out $400+ on a console and $60+ for a game you can just spend $10 a month have the brats use their old Xbox/PS controllers and their iPhones/Laptops/Desktop/iPad.
It might not necessarily be for the enthusiast audience, but there's definitely a market for this. Sucks if you live in middle of bumfuck nowhere but large cities have 100Mbps with no data caps.
>most of countries listed have shit tier internet
>eastern europe leading world with best internet not included
you still have to spend $60 for a game and you may have to pay more for better bandwidth each month. By the 3rd year you've spent more than the price of a console for sure with no option to resell anything to recoup some value.
Are people this retarded nowadays that they WANT a subscription service?
slavs and gypsies don't pay for games.
and this is the reason why
>you may have to pay more for better bandwidth each month
I'm so sorry for every poor fuck that has to deal with data capsi n 2000 fucking 19. Memes aside it's hard to believe for a eurofag like me that this shit sitll exists.
>Buy games whenever you want
Why is nobody reacting to this? It sounds absolutely ridiculus.
Data caps have little to do with how poor you are and everything to do with whether an ISP has a monopoly in your area. Stadia requires 30+Mbps to stream it in high quality, so if you take a big SP game with a 80+ hour campaign you are looking at upwards to 2TB of data.
And then imagine a game like division 2 or destiny 2 which you play for hundreds of hours. It will quite literally requires tens of terabytes, this shit is not viable for the vast majority of the US market.
>You have to buy the games still
Normies arent gonna accept that on top of the already tremendous issues this has. RIP
No you don't. The $10 subscription price comes with a games library. If you want to pay for each individual game and play it via Stadia/Chrome and not pay the subscription that's an option as well. It's like any other digital client except for the streaming. You'll have a Stadia library ala Steam that you can play on any Stadia capable device.
I already addressed the other issue. If you have shit internet or data caps the tough shit and this obviously isn't viable for you
I like subscription services. You don't have to sub to everything and you're an idiot if you do. The option to buy things is still there as well.
These "people" are retarded enough to think streaming games that rely on a persistent internet connection and have obnoxious input delay is somehow beneficial let alone desirable. Apparently if you give a single shit about how well your games play you're part of the "enthusiast audience".
kys shill
>Google Schemer
You're average zoomer or Boomer who literally just play sports or call of duty don't give a fuck. They wont even notice it. You think people not being able to tell the difference between 60FPS and 30FPS is a meme, but it' not. To be more precise they can tell, but don't give a single fuck. It'll be the same with input delay. They won't tell there button registered a few milliseconds late.
Post yfw you can buy games WHENEVER YOU WANT
Why did he do this? What did he gain?
>The $10 subscription price comes with a games library.
Only for older games in the catalog, new games still require you to purchase them and games make the vast majority of their sales from release window.
>It's like any other digital client except for the streaming. You'll have a Stadia library ala Steam
Steam games don't require an always online connection and I can play my steam games on PC, Mac and Windows. Sev This is not even remotely comparable.
>If you have shit internet or data caps the tough shit and this obviously isn't viable for you
It isn't viable for the vast majority of people. In fact if you're internet isn't so "shit" that it can handle +35mbs without any drops, you can already subscribe to PSNow and ShadowPC. What happened to Onlive again?
>I like subscription services. You don't have to sub to everything and you're an idiot if you do. The option to buy things is still there as well.
If this is your argument in favor of subscription based gaming then you are truly a short sighted idiot.
The difference between 60 and 30FPS is nowhere near as noticeable as the difference between ~10ms and >100ms of input delay. You're incredibly delusional and naive if you think your average person isn't going to give a fuck when their player doesn't move in a sports game until a second later after they moved the thumbstick.
>stadia will fail like every other google service
They're a fucking search engine and need to stop trying to do other things. Fucking faggots.
>You're already dead
Who's ready to buy the Google Stadia gaming package from your local ISP?
My point still stands that it comes with a games library. Obviously Stadia requires a constant online connection. It's a streaming platform. My point was you build a library on Stadia like anywhere else. I conceded that Stadia isnt for everyone? You can't possibly compare Google server farms to OnLive or PSNow. There's a reason Sony signed a deal with Microsoft to use Azure. What argument am I making? I just said that I like a few subscription services and if you're so against them you don't have to.because you can still purchase whatever you want
Question that no one has been able to answer:
Will AAA games be at full markup? Or at a slight discount, like 10 bucks off???
Because why spend 59.99 on a game that you'll never truly own??
It's good that it's not Netflix, because Netflix is pure propaganda. I'm glad we can trust Google not to use their streaming services to not be propaganda-pushers.
>games streaming becomes mainstream
>modding dies
kill yourself bby
>Because why spend 59.99 on a game that you'll never truly own??
Ask anyone who uses Netflix. Your average normalnigger honestly falls for those bullshit marketing campaigns of "Netflix and chill" "Fun on the couch with your bros" "Helps me relax".
Your average consumer can literally be marketed and sold their own happiness because they're too dense to know where their own happiness comes from, so they think it comes from a plastic box.
5g will make it available for everyone
the future is now
slurpers are among us
Your point doesn't stand because the "game library" it comes with is outdated. And requiring a _constant_ internet connection is a detriment, not an advantage.
Almost anywhere else you build a library you own that library in some shape or form, even if it means just running games locally. And on platforms where you DON'T build a library, the library provides the latest releases. You don't have to wait for months for the latest albums to listen on Spotify if you subscribe to it. You've yet to provide any point where the advantages of clouds streaming platforms like Stadia don't vastly outweigh the negatives.
You dumb nigger
You don't buy movies on Netflix. You literally pay for a sub and get access to all the movies and shows on the platform without having to buy them individually. Stadia can't even manage that, your sub only gets you older games.
sweating white pig, your time is over
We can only speculate on 5G implementation beyond smart phones. Will the cable companies adapt or be dragged kicking and screaming into the abyss?
not a single useful site in the list
stop larping wh*toid
You’ll still end up paying $400 for the service before the generation is through. It’ll actually be enough for two consoles by then, not even considering used or discounted consoles.
And if they want to play any other console exclusives they’re STILL shit out of luck lmfao
You are dealing with people who unironically use chrome to begin with
thats $120+ a year retard wtf
use your phone as a hotspot, that's what i do in my rural place with shit adsl
here some cable companies offer 4g internet boxes for instance
why bother spreading fiber around when a few antennas can do the job?
5G might suck less than current broadband, but it will still suck too much for an entire region to use it to stream 20GB an hour to play AssBro: Whatever.
Casuals want an optimal experience too, they don't care about 30fps because that's playable, input lag however is gonna drive them crazy.
the streaming is free after you buy the games
More like STDia, because your connection speed is going to look like an AIDS patient when your ISP throttles it after a few hours of this.
Free account. You need Pro for 4k.
What they are is a fucking monopoly and anti-trust laws need to step in and rape their ass
Did they do anything about the input lag?
you never truly owned any game you bought
Valve tried that same argument and got BTFO by multiple world governments.
lol the fucking reveal stream was lagging and crashing all the time
idc about 4k
>unironically defending subscription services
the golden days of Netflix are long gone. They have quietly pulled much of their movies and shows off their streaming service to almost the point where it's just their exclusives. It's become a battle for rights to shows and movies, and everyone wants their own streaming service. Now instead of one or two services you have several and it's not going to get any better. This will be the same with games. Sure it will be available through your streaming service for a while, but one day it will be removed and placed on a different service. The movies/tv industry is hitting a critical point to where consumers are tired of multiple services. It will be no different with Google's approach.
Imagine still living in a third world country like the USA and having a fucking datacap LMAO
What can they do exactly?
You pay for a subscription. You pay for the games. But you don't own the games. What a great deal! XD
Are you really this stupid? People play RDR2 at 30fps and it takes about 5 seconds for anything to respond. I bet Stadia will be a lot more snappy than that.
I miss the time when people give some effort to their OC.
RDR2 doesn't have anywhere remotely close to 100ms of latency you fucking retard.
no mention to imput lag and the hardware. Lel
>Are you really this stupid?
>I bet Stadia will be a lot more snappy than RDR2
>drawn out animations is the same as input latency
Stay brainlet, Yea Forums
>make the fastest internet so you can pirate even faster
Absolutely based
>Buy games whenever you want
Uhh, yeah.
yfw every game is free already
I've never argued it's superior, or the inevitable future. My argument has been that it's interesting/cool tech that has its positives and isn't a complete piece of shit that's doomed to fail.
That's not expensive? That's two retail priced games.
>and isn't a complete piece of shit that's doomed to fail.
It is.
The games you get with it aren't retail priced. You're getting F2P games and games that would have been heavily discounted by that point.
People here are retarded enough to defend pay to win schemes and game companies data mining to influence difficulty settings to sell more lootboxes so defending streaming-only gaming with high input latency isn't that big of a stretch.
>implying it isn't (((Google)))'s plan to strike deals with ISPs and introduce unlimited data for Google services only
Your math seems a bit wrong - even if you take 40Mbit/s thats about 18GB/h which is around 1400GB for 80 hours.
That's about a month's gaming for most people, may even two for the average joe.
I'd bet even in the US a 50Mbit connection will be easy to get.
>Google isn’t trying to monopolize
what did he mean by this
>buying games whenever you want
Games should not be bought or played on the Sabbath. I for one will be boycotting this.
I'm well aware of this and it sucks, but much like any other form of media you don't have to subscribe and consume everything. Pick what has the most of what you want and stick with it.
Also there's plenty of bundles and account sharing to get around this. T-Mobile gets me $2 Netflix and Spotify gets free Hulu, Amazon Video comes with Prime, etc.
The funny thing is Hulu was supposed to solve this shit, but companies got greedy so you got WB, CBS, NBC starting their own streaming services that will inevitably struggle/fails so I can totally see them bundling shit down the road kinda what Like VRV does, or how Disney is likely to bundle Hulu, ESPN+ and Disney+.
So it's PSN Plus without PSN?
What part of data caps don't you understand? Who the fuck cares about the speed of your internet if you are not allowed to use it.
>Pick what has the most of what you want and stick with it.
Or. Just let me buy what fucking games I want without having to jump from service to service
>Buy games whenever you want: Yes
Can any other platform lay claim to such time wizardry?
Checkmate, gamers. Stadia is the future, past, and present of virtual entertainment.
They'll have to open the door to the shekels vault a bit wider then. My plan has no cap or limits, except for one: All major video streaming sites, including youtube, are throttled to 50KB/s.
>you don't have to subscribe and consume everything.
What a great argument. All these bundles totally wont drive people to pirate once they no longer have access to the movies they want on the sub they're already paying for.
I assume this means i can't play games whenever i want.
If somebody put that much effort into something on Yea Forums today people would just call it cringe. It's smarter to just make some generic wojack or pepe edit since that's what people will save and repost
A 50Mbit connection is easy to get, a constant 50Mbit quality connection with no drops is another story entirely.
Also you have to take into account that a lot of family households share their connection. Watching netflix doesn't take up much bandwith if lil timmy wants to browse the web, but good luck doing either of those things when lil timmy is chugging on 35Mbs every time he wants to play a video game.
yea they confirmed about queues in first conference
who has shit internet speed and isn't going buy one, This guy!
perhaps. will need to see how the latency is. especially in fps or fighting games idk man
>Nvidia announces overpriced steaming service
>Yea Forums doesn't care
>Google announces free-as-in-free-beer streaming service
>10 threads per hour on Yea Forums
who is running this shill campaign? Is it console companies trying to stop Stadia or Google themselves in a reverse psychology effort?
No. Valve won the lawsuit in Germoney about reselling games. You don't own Steam games. You rent them.
Same, user. Moved 2 minutes outside city limits and get shit for internet speed so this just isn't an option and never would have been. I like owning physical copies of games anyways.
Yea Forums loves lolcows
Always has, always will
Wrong. You own your stream games.
And the slightly shorter explanation of that judgement:
TL;DR: Software, including specifically games in this case, as it was against valve co(yes that one), are a good not a service, and valve cant fuck about the way they were under Australian law, especially with refunds.
Outside of cucked countries like the US, the games Valve sells are goods not rentals. Deal with it.
You can already do that you stupid fucking autists.
And when google kills the service in 2 years, you won't be able to even access the games. This is the future guys, what a fantastic idea!
How long until it's just a cringe-loop with no content whatever?
It's tied to their service you drooling mongoloid.
>we can trust Google
Saint Nasim did absolutely nothing fucking wrong except not kill more people.
They haven't announced a single exclusive besides whatever know house shit they're developing. If you want to "own" your digital game then use a store front and a different service. Stadia existing doesnt stop you from using GOG/Steam.
No shit, how is this a counter argument to anything?
This had to be intentional
There's no way some fucking Googler marketer didn't chuckle himself into a tizzy making concocting this display
Yea Forums retards will keep shitting on Stadia because they can't stand that the expensive bricks and steam/discord machines they barely use to play games won't matter anymore.
casuals are here and all they care about is little to no overhead and convenience
he thinks "hurr don't like it don't buy it" is a valid response to criticism
>Stadia existing doesnt stop you from using GOG/Steam.
Until Jewgle buys up a few exclusives.
Thankfully this will fail but it's still an annoyance that they're trying it.
it is when you're clearly not the target market
keep dreaming
Stop shitting in the street.
No it isn't.
that's still a missing feature on epic, if you buy too much on a sale you get banned kek
>multiple world governments
That goalpost moved quickly.
$130 dollars plus $120 dollars a year for anything above 1080p and for the "free" games, still have to pay full price for games ..... What a deal!
Didn't they change their search engine algorithm to show black folks in a positive light because for some unknown totally mysterious reason keeping the algorithm natural somehow makes them look bad?
their image processing algorithms identify black people as gorillas and they couldn't figure out how to make it differentiate so they just stopped making it recognize gorillas
sorry i live in a first world country bud, come back when you can actually afford internet without datacaps to play games on Stadia
sure bud, ease of access gaming is retarded. keep wanking at your PC
Why would I want a special box to stream videos of games over the Internet when I can just use Google's existing service, Youtube?
>sorry i live in a first world country bud
You've got one more year to become a superpower, Rajesh, but it doesn't seem to be working out.
How is it not? Stadia is a streaming platform. They're very upfront about this. If you don't want to subscribe to a gaming streaming service you still have traditional options. Google isn't, nor will it take your offline clients away. So the anger over an alternative platform is asinine.
>ease of access gaming where you don't own anything and have massive input delay
Keep wasting oxygen out of your shitcrusted mouth.
Who can forget the bomb ass game of 2015, ET for the Atari!
>need to queue to play
>can't play offline at all
>if stadia goes under, all the games you "bought" are long gone
So how they're going to fix the whole issue of needing FUCKING TACHYONS?
>Google isn't, nor will it take your offline clients away.
And the basis for this statement is..?
not a pajeet no matter how much you may wish so, and it's not even a box you retard, you can stream the games directly to Chrome
>You're not allowed to criticize Google's streaming platform if they're upfront about being a streaming platform
If you don't agree with what I'm saying you don't have to respond. Your entire argument is an asinine deflection and your characterization of the criticism as "anger over an alternative platform" is disingenuous and petulant.
Today basically
Just like Xbox Live didn't take away free online on consoles. Oh wait.
>you can stream the games directly to Chrome
Just like I can stream let's plays to my browser?
If I get this right, you can buy your games on steam and play them using stadia? Why would you buy the games on stadia only
>I hope it succeeds.
Considering Google’s track record, I certainly don’t.
ok so you're a retard who doesn't even play games yet is seething because casuals will have easier and comfy access to actually play games
Lol yes but thats a legit bug I wasn't talking about that
Only games bought from Stadia can be used on Stadia. You can't bring your own.
No, there's just actually no target market for this and the technical limitations are such that even if there were it would fail.
RIP my data cap
Microsoft didn't. Sony and Nintendo followed suit like shitty companies they are. If Steam/GOG transition to streaming platforms that's on them, not Google
>always online streaming only with input lag
The only retard who doesn't even play games yet is seething on behalf of "casuals" here is you.
tired of your weak bait dumb animeposter
Holy fuck, Don't speak if you don't know what your talking about.
>Microsoft dindu nuffin!
>Google won't be responsible for normalizing streaming only!
I'd say I'm tired of you false-flagging in favor of a product that nobody wants, but honestly I hope you're false-flagging because the alternative is even more pathetic.
Is it really that bad in the West? I live in Poland and I have 120 Mbps transfer and I often see how shit is internet outside.
>If I disagree with it then it's bait!
That animeposter is right for once, you're fucking retarded.
I seriously hope you're just shitposting for (You)s because I refuse to believe anyone is this dense.
Don't worry only about 1/5 of the gaming population has connections good enough for this. Most people won't upgrade because you don't really need more than 10mbps for general use, paying for that extra speed makes no sense to most people.
Google more like Gigolo because you have to sell yourself to be allowed to use their products
>large cities have 100Mbps with no data caps
Yeah but does everyone use that in those cities? I don't see why a normal person would get a 100mbps plan if he can get a cheaper 10mbps plan. What would a normal person do with that?
Just Jewgle being jews.
I don't think you really need to shill for Nvidia anymore, you either dislike them anyway, use them out of necessity or just fucking love them.
They lost similar lawsuits in EU countries like France as well. Sorry your jew goalposts hold no weight here.
So if I sub, I don't have to pay for games? But if I don't, I do? And how many free games are available if I sub?
I'm confused.
Different situation. Valve still won in court:
Which should be obvious since you can not resell Steam games in the EU.
>Valve still won in court
>reposts the same German lawsuit
If you're in Europe you own your games, EULAs don't mean shit before the law, it's the reason why EU steam users could get refunds before Valve had a refund option
Only older games will be included in the sub, you still have to pay for new games separately. Google hasn't listed any of the games that come with the sub other than Destiny 2 expansions (the base game is going F2P before Stadia comes out)
Do silicon valley google retards realize how mediocre internet is across europe and the US?
You still haven't posted a lawsuit lost by Valve in the EU. If Valve lost a lawsuit you would be able to sell your Steam games in the EU by now but you aren't.
Also the directive that gives you the 14 day withdrawal period in the EU has a specific exemption for digital content and thus does not apply to Steam, GoG, Origin, Epic, uPlay, etc. refunds.
This should be obvious to anyone with a brain because GoG and uPlay are based in the EU and neither gives a 14 day refund period.
The dumb niggers at google never wait , they should waited for a few years before releasing this when the technology and internet connectivity would have been better , that's why they always lose to apple.
>You still haven't posted a lawsuit lost by Valve in the EU.
It's in French but they were fined for it. Of course you will keep moving goalposts and deflect even after I gave you multiple examples because "b-but Germany!"
No one with a brain still regurgitates the "you don't own your games!" line because they're objectively goods that you own. Deal with it.
>you need 35mbps to stream games in 4k/60fps
>have 240mbps
>cant get smooth stream above 720/30 on youtube or above 480 on other sites like giantbomb without buffering
Ubisoft got owned by the French government and nobody is retarded enough to claim you don't own your GoG games.
>new games still require you to purchase them and games make the vast majority of their sales from release window.
New games are added into your Stadia Pro subscription that you pay $9.99 for 1month. You don't have to purchase anything. Stop spreading misinformation you retarded nigger. Once subscription runs out you can't access them unless you subscribe again. Purchasing games makes them permanent into your library which you can use but don't have to. The entire point of Stadia Pro is that you pay subscription without purchasing anything unless you go full Stadia Free / Base mode.
The fine was for misrepresenting the refund policy in the terms of service.
They just had to change the wording and now you still don't get unconditional 14 day refunds on uplay or steam and you still can't resell your games on any digital platform - not in France and not anywhere in the EU.
>Stop spreading misinformation you retarded nigger.
>New games are added into your Stadia Pro subscription that you pay $9.99 for 1month. You don't have to purchase anything.
Their whole business plan is about taking your money then telling you that all problems are on your ISP side, thus not even spending money delivering you the product you pay for.
Of course the VIP of the media will get preferencial priority to "prove" everything works fine. But the pleb is just gonna pay and talk about it on social media. Kind og like how snoy still brag about "having bloodborne" yet only selling 3 millions copies of it
>no it doesn't count because reasons
That goalpost moved quickly.
technically if your browser can run it would work since they are gonna be running off the google supercomputer but the input lag is gonna be shit. i'm in the nvidia beta for their version and playing league or overwatch is so shitty
Anyone use Netflix? Do 1080 (4k?) streams buffer or dip in frames or quality much? Do they run smoothly?
why would i EVER want to use this?
i want at least 1440p at 120hz so fuck streaming vidya
end your pathetic life
>Are people this retarded nowadays that they WANT a subscription service?
based on the success of netflix, console online, and spotify, yes they do
this joke has been made in several times in every thread since the stream earlier today
yes, it's a little out of touch to list it instead of clarifying with a throwaway sentence somewhere else
this is getting to "alanis morisette's ironic song isn't actually irony" levels of hivemind now
netflix's 1080p looks like a fucking avi rip from 2008, so yeah it streams smoothly even on shit connections
no refunds. no resale. no goalposts moved.
You own nothing if you buy on Steam or similar platforms. It's a service they can terminate whenever they want.
What a sad day it must have been when you slithered out of the abortion bin.
I had a 100 gb data cap with Comcast
You sure 'bout that user?
This shit is going to bomb, and hilariously so, but the problem is how much damage(good games that wind up being exclusive to this shit for any period of time)will it do before it does inevitably fail?
>no refunds
>You own nothing if you buy on Steam or similar platforms
>It's a service they can terminate whenever they want.
Nope, they can't terminate access to your downloaded games when the service goes down.
0/3, keep moving goalposts.
Netflix is movies and movies are easy to do for a streaming service, console online is how you play console exclusives on your computer, spotify is music streaming, another easy thing for a streaming service. Based on all of this, all stadia will be able to do before dying is have some decent games locked away on it's own service to entice people to use this garbage.
$9.99 gives you Destiny 2 as of now, new games are getting added intor regularly into your subscription. What about it you stupid nigger? You don't like it you don't pay the subscription and you still don't have to purchase anything which you so faggot said are require do to. You are basicly a retarded fucking nigger who needs to be fucking executed today.
In other words new games aren't included with the subscription. Thanks for playing.
>>no refunds
EU refund law has a specific exemption for digital services. Refund law does not apply to digital services once the service begins, i.e. you get to download your game! The only obligation of the seller is to inform you about this.
Steam, uPlay, GoG, Origin, Epic all inform you of this every time you purchase a game.
So no fucking refunds and it's a digital service with none of the protections a physical good has.
4/5 of the gaming population are chinks, russians or brazilians who don't pay for anything anyway.
According to EU and AUS law Steam games are goods, not digital services.
>So no fucking refunds
>and it's a digital service
Keep moving the goalposts.
New games are added into your subscription regularly. Wrong again. Still don't have to purchase anything. Get fucked.
Nice try zoomer. What about NES games? SNES? PS1 / 2? Why has no company tried to get these games back from me? It's almost as if I own them or something.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to think everyone who pays for games has connections good enough for always streaming games
>t. seething brazilian
Out of 31 games they announced for the service only a single one comes with the pro sub, an old game that is already going F2P.
>are added regularly
When they're not new anymore you drooling retard.
>You are basicly a retarded fucking nigger who needs to be fucking executed today.
Ironic coming from the brainlet unironically shilling for Stadia and spreading misinformation. You are complete waste of oxygen.
Then why don't you get unconditional 14 day refunds in the EU?
Hint: Because the exception for digital services applies. The French lawsuit you posted confirmed this.
Ubisoft being a French company and still having a norefunds policy should make this obvious even to complete brainlets like you.
>everyone who isn't Brazilian has a high end connection and can stream games without any latency or problems
t. literal retard
I honestly can't wait to see this shit fail and then laugh at all the backers and shills.
I wonder why, out of all the games sites I've browzed on this topic, ResetEra seems to be the only one with people going "can't wait for this!" "already preordered!" "I don't have data caps, so I'm getting it!" Not everyone, but a good majority. It's the same with that new crank-up handheld.
Even on non-political topics, they always seem the opposite of Yea Forums. So it's more than just politics.
>Then why don't you get unconditional 14 day refunds in the EU?
You do
>Hint: Because the exception for digital services applies
Steam games aren't digital services, they are goods. The sources I posted don't say otherwise.
Only a complete brainlet would claim you don't own video games you buy digitally.
>You do
but you fucking don't. Name a digital store that gives you unconditional 14 day refunds!
hint: there is one but it's very unrelated to this discussion
>but you fucking don't.
You do.
>Name a digital store that gives you unconditional 14 day refunds!
>When they're not new anymore you drooling retard.
said who? I bet all the AAA titles will be on Stadia post launch or even before that and I glaldy wait one week if I don't have to shell out $60 for another cancer title that you are so obessesed having it day 0.
>Ironic coming from the brainlet unironically shilling for Stadia and spreading misinformation. You are complete waste of oxygen.
You got fucked within 2 replies do I need to say more I don't think so.
Steam refund policy only allows refunds with less than 2 hours of playtime. This is not in accordance with EU law.
Try again
cope netlet
>Can't Google "afghane" as a German to see actual niggas, but to see afghan hounds
>Lol certainly no propaganda in your search results
Thanks for conceding. You lose.
>abaccio and narancia die
this isn't looking so good bros
>people are still supporting this shit
Fuck this clown world
Nothing new. This technology has been tried and sold for over a decade now and all has failed.
This isn't your high school debate team, stop coping and start roping champ.
>post launch
As in, not new, you dumb nigger. Read the fucking news >You got fucked within 2 replies
Where? All you did was sperg out like an angry chimp after I correctly pointed out new games don't come with the sub and you can't play them unless you buy them first. Learn to hold the L.
>you may have to pay more for better bandwidth each month.
No, retard
Guys, guys!
You don't get it! It's like a hooker!
You pay for a hooker, but when you're done playing, you walk away! When you want to have sex with the hooker again, you pay again!
How can this not be the zenith of enlightenment?
This is gonna flop pretty hard. Big companies just don't seem to understand that Internet is pretty average-shitty everywhere except in their pretty silicon valley bubble. This whole shit might seem decent on papet for them but the execution will show otherwise. Thry need to get their heads out of their asses.
I accept your concession. Cope.
>Lumping the Dreamcast together with the fucking Power Glove and ET.
1 (One) TB(Terabyte) / Hour
They accept refunds within 14 days of purchase and are legally required to provide 30 day refunds for games in the EU and Australia.
Try again.
Well no 5G would be fast enough
The issue is that it has pisspoor range so it's not exactly designed for bumfuck nowhere rural areas
Yes, retard.
are you trolling or just retarded?
5G is fast enough if you only count bandwidth. The latency is still an issue.
>hahaha I'll just say what he says and tell myself I win
This is just sad
Trolling. I thing this Stadia thing is garbage.
Yes it is pretty sad how you can't cope with losing this hard.
I've seen posts like that on Yea Forums as well. And even Resetera, as retarded and pathetic as they are, will still concede basic facts like the pro sub not including newer games. There are low IQ brainlets on here who honestly believe they're going to get to play all the newest games on Stadia only a week after release for $10/month.
Game ownership is archaic privilege we need to kill for the sake of progress
>Casuals launch the latest FIFA/NHL game.
>The player they are controlling responds to all movement with 2 second delay.
Yeah, sure. Casuals are going to be all over this. Just like how VR absolutely blew up in the casual audience market and everyone owns and plays with VR regularly today!
>>Also the directive that gives you the 14 day withdrawal period in the EU has a specific exemption for digital content and thus does not apply to Steam, GoG, Origin, Epic, uPlay, etc. refunds.
This is correct
>I correctly pointed out new games don't come with the sub
Which is false. New games are added into your subscriptoin. Told and replied to you worthless nigger.
>you can't play them unless you buy them first.
Wrong again. I don't have to buy anything. If the game I desire is not in the subscription or library included I cancel the sub. Which again blows you stupid misinformation spreading nigger out of this planet.
No they fucking don't and no there is no 30 day refund period in any EU law.
Here in nordic countries some rented apartments include that 100mb connection to the rent so why not use it if its basically free?
>continuing to argue after the other guy goes full disingenuous retard
why do you punish yourself so
Handegg 17
>Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Misquote, meant for
Imagine doing PR, for free, for a new service created by a multinational advertising company.
no because that guy does not go 'lmao didn't read lol'
>New games are added into your subscriptoin.
False, old games are added to the subscription, this is confirmed fact.
>Wrong again. I don't have to buy anything.
You do if you want to play them while they're still new, you braindead nigger.
You blew yourself you stupid misinformation spreading nigger. Hold this.
imagine being on datacaps in 2020
Yes you did.
I'm not on a datacap though. You're beyond retarded.
Stadia shills confirmed as low IQ illiterate retards.
Based ultra orthodox
What does the N stand for?
Yes they fucking do and yes there is a 30 day refund period in EU consumer law bbc.com
nintendo you dumb nigger
>False, old games are added to the subscription, this is confirmed fact.
I can name games out of their announcement which aren't even out yet and are confirmed to be on Stadia, which makes them what nigger? New. Exactly.
>You do if you want to play them while they're still new, you braindead nigger.
HAHAHAHA. This bastard here is trying to force the wanting to play it while they are fresh meme. I don't want to you brain dead nigger. I told you, I pay only subscription if they are included and I am interested. Be it day 0 release or later on. You are basicly a retarded brain damaged nigger who still clings to having to buy games without releasing that you can easily avoid that.
Just end your life. Never should've replied to you.
Hurry Pajeet to the loo!
>For the first time anyone who buys faulty goods
>14 day cooling off period
In the EU you have the right to return purchases made online or through other types of distance selling, such as by phone, mail order or from a door-to-door salesperson, within 14 days for a full refund.
>The 14-day cooling off period does not apply to all purchases. Some of the exemptions are:
>online digital content, if you have already started downloading or streaming it and you agreed that you would lose your right of withdrawal by starting the performance
>I can name games out of their announcement which aren't even out yet and are confirmed to be on Stadia, which makes them what nigger? New. Exactly
And which ones come with the Pro subscription?
Exactly. Now take your own advice.
>And which ones come with the Pro subscription?
The one's who got announced come with subscription degenerate
>The one's
Why are you using a plural when there's only a single game? Dumb nigger.
>google shill spreading disnifo and calling others degenerate
>Refund law does not apply to digital services once the service begins
The statutes say otherwise.
got fucked so hard he is lost for words lmfao
google video was fine
That's a UK law. The 30 day period is not part of any EU law. Also the law has a long section about digital content. Once again digital content being treated differently than goods.
That's way fucking cheaper than anyone guessed when it was announced.
I'll give it a try for FREE, sure, just to see what level of trainwreck we're dealing with.
also: who even has 5.1 surround anymore? I don't know anyone these days that still has a bunch of speakers set up all over their place. The normalfags I know have expensive soundbars too, not surround systems.
W-wrong thread...?
I bought a Teufel 5.1 system like a decade ago and it's still chugging along, zero maintenance
can recommend
>having to buy games individually
>not making it subscription-based like any other reasonable game streaming service
it'll be dead in less than a year
Hold this.
>For the first time anyone who buys faulty goods will be entitled to a full refund for up to 30 days after the purchase.
Learn to read fag, also the 14 day right to cancel is if you haven't opened the goods
So even with physical good if you open the box you have no right to cancel any more, its just for when you buy something and don't want it any more BEFORE you open it
>But you don't own the games
You do own games they literally said that you can keep them forever
>Once again digital content being treated differently than *physical goods.
Digital goods are still legally considered goods, even if they have different restrictions.
this going to be their biggest fiasco. if it was viable steam would have done it long ago. google doesnt know shit about vidya and it shows.
>unironically wanting to never own a game again and literally kill the entire modding scene
Kill yourself, scum
It also only applies to faulty goods, and for digital goods you only get a replacement
just read the link in pointing you to the explicit EU directive that says in clear words that you are not entitled to a refund for digital goods after you started downloading them and stop babbling about things you have no idea about
Who thought that marker zigzag was a good logo?
It literally looks like for a paper company.
It's not that much cheaper than what people were guessing. It was assumed that you would either have to pay a subscription that would come with all the games or that you would have to buy games individually, this is basically the latter. In order to try it for "free" you still have to pay for games that are locked to Stadia.
Is this image suppose to prove anything? Any big company funds a lot of projects and Google is the biggest.
I'd agree, if only for the fact that on Yea Forums, you don't know who's trolling who with whose Shilling Fu. On ResetEra, they're not 'anonymous'. Not that they don't have trolls - I've seen them - but they always seem super-enthused about new gimmicks. No matter how much it'll fuck them over.
Maybe they just don't give a fuck.
>a refund for digital goods
That's my point. I'm saying they're still goods even if they're digital. Take your meds user.
>modding scene
kek, bunch of entitled faggots that aren't good enough to get a job in inustry
this is going to fail,luckily ISPs are too Jewish to allow the bandwith required for this in most areas, stop fearmongering, Google will not successfully close off gaming in the manner that they are trying to do.
>h-h-old this
reply again when you scrapped those 9.99 shit faced autist
>the only reason to why I got fast internet was fighting games
>they would be borderline unplayable in this shit
Fuck it.
Also, if you don't see the ABSURD difference between a stream quality image and the game being rendered in your own hardware, you have no moral highground to talk shit about console quality.
Today I will remind them.
>stuttering greentext
Hold that L, shitsucking mong.
Casuals will buy the Stadia like groceries. It's both more powerful AND cheaper than traditional consoles, and you can play any game you want, anywhere.
It's always fun to see conservative biased gamers who refuse to admit this is the future of gaming for everyone except the enthusiasts who still want physical copies of their games.
Look what Netflix did with the movie industry. They KILLED all the competition. Stadia will do the same.
Can I play fable 2 on PC with this?
Streaming a movie isn't the same as streaming a video game you brainlet.
They already read everything we say through google chrome's keylogger
what L niglet? I left you with a gaping asshole.
The law has no concept of digital goods. It refers to digital services only.
What you think of as digital goods is treated very differently in consumer protection legislation than even software on physical media.
What does that mean, are they streaming the games, that you STILL have to buy? Are you actually paying 9$ plust how ever much the game cost to not have to deal with buying a better pc/console?
Why am I not surprised?
There's one of then behind everything that sucks.
Why would you buy a console that is going to spy on you?
>Look what Netflix did with the movie industry. They KILLED all the competition.
who wouldn't want to play a game with 500ms of lag and 30% packet loss?
>That's my point.
No your point in the last fifty posts was that Steam and other platforms were legally obligated to refund your game within 14 or 30 days
>They accept refunds within 14 days of purchase and are legally required to provide 30 day refunds for games in the EU and Australia.
>>Name a digital store that gives you unconditional 14 day refunds!
Which is wrong, there is no distinction between 'services' and 'goods' with one allowing for refunds as opposed to the other, which becomes clear if you lay off the adhd for the ten seconds to read the link that has been spoonfed to you. It talks about 'purchases' that you can 'download' or 'stream in the case of digital content
>any game you want
>Netflix KILLED all the competition
Amazon, Diseny Plus, Apple, Hulu and HBO all in the video streaming market. If you think the movie industry is dead you are retarded.
>buy games whenever you want
Even on sundays??
The only gasping asshole here is yours after it got plowed by the basic fact the sub doesn't come with new games.
The L is yours, now hold it nigger.
can someone post stream/vid of this?
This alone might be a good reason for it to fail actually, why would people bother having to rely on their poor internet for a single player game? Unless they just can't afford a pc/console that can run games
No, my point is that digital goods are in fact goods. Not everyone replying to you is the same user. Again, take your meds.
>Which is wrong, there is no distinction between 'services' and 'goods'
yes there is.
Only sex offenders and nazis want modding.
>Origin access is cheaper, is good for playing a bunch of good games and able to play relatively new high end games.
>This thing only offers one game per month which will be noticeably inferior to having your own hardware if you aren’t forking out extra on a good enough connection, and even then will be affected by latency issues
If even EA is offering a better service, you know you’ve fucked up
here u go pal
>Which is wrong, there is no distinction between 'services' and 'goods'
In some countries Steam legally have to give refunds.
>The law has no concept of digital goods.
>It refers to digital services only.
>What you think of as digital goods is treated very differently in consumer protection legislation than even software on physical media.
You're 0/3
just like with EGS, the only way they are going to justify their existence is with exclusives. google has more money to waste than EPIC.
>this is an L to me in his eyes
you are fucking hopeless and I am not even surprised
You now realize that people have been posting hardly anything but pepe and wojak for over 5 years.
I'm sure they'll have some demo I can try for free, I just want to see how/if it works.
And you're right about the price now that I think of it, people were throwing around $30-$40 numbers after the announcement but was if the games were included like you said. Which they're not.
In some countries within the EU?
Netflix doesn't put different movies and shows behind an additional paywall while you're subscribed to it.
>It's always fun to see conservative biased gamers who refuse to admit this is the future of gaming
it doesn't look any better than streaming games from the past.
Tim Sweeney set the trend and now the door is open.
Don't forget to thank him later for what is about to happen.
It looks significantly worse than what we've seen with other services.
Apparently it's better though since the controller connects straight to your router rather than to another device and then to your router
That's what your father said about you.
The sub doesn't come with any new games. It doesn't even come with most of them.
Epic could do game streaming if they really wanted to. The fact that not even they are Jewish enough to try it, despite having vastly more experience in the gaming than google should tell you something.
Why the fuck would you play any games on stadia when you can get them in higher quality on a real console?
Uhhh ... room for one more, guys?
>your father said that wah wah wah
>muh new games
>muh day 0 preordered EXCLUSIVES
You niglet zoomer if you want the freshest newest ADHD package go buy them for $60+ while chads wait and get it for 9.99 when they're included with the subscription.
Besides that you got absolutely demolished by the fact that you don't have to buy shit at all, which you misinformation spreading nigger were spouting so hard.
tl;dr triple neck yourself today and let the big boys do talk
>Setting up console
>Download / buy and install games
>Just open a browser on a brand new MacPro
Aaaaaaaaand, if the service dies at any point?
it's cheaper plus it's portable because you can just continue playing on a phone
>Brand new Macpro doesn't require setting up or software updates
This is some weak bait.
What about multiplayer games, user?
You still own your games. Unless it's Stadia of course.
It only works on Pixel3 phones. Also it's not cheaper long-term.
Google fanboy. I recommend you watch the latest techlinked video about google stadio. Will clear up your mind.
i wouldn't care about the games at that point i bought 50 AAA games since the ps4 launched and i only have 10 on my hard drive right now
why would you think about that? you can die as well at any point
You can play on every device such as iPhone and iPad and TV without thinking about consoles
>which you misinformation spreading nigger were spouting so hard.
The absolute state of Stadia sub IQ shilling niggers.
only at launch dumbo
>if you’re a Stadia user, you can play Stadia exclusively on Pixel 3 and 3a devices. However, you’ll be able to create your account and make subscription and game purchases from any Android M+ or iOS 11+ device that has access to the Stadia app.
You can't play on every device.
>buy game
>you can only stream it
holy shit this is fucking dumb
cornered like a fucking dog and left without anything else valueable to say. Delicious. All that on a friday, left a gaping asshole. God damn.
Why do all those girls have big bulges?
So what happens when they need to do a maintenance?
Which mobile devices (tablets and phones) will support Stadia at launch?
At launch we will be supporting Pixel 3 and 3a devices (3a, 3a XL, 3, 3XL) phones for mobile gameplay, more devices will be made available in the future. However purchasing games and managing your content can be done from any iOS 11+ or Android M+ device that can run the Stadia app.
I have 5.1, if you use a sound bar you're a retard. They sound like shit compared to a true surround.
>cornered like a fucking dog and left without anything else valueable to say.
>which you misinformation spreading nigger were spouting so hard.
But user, I want to keep my games, maybe keep them so long that my great great great grand child can still play them. I want to KEEP my games. And I also don't want to pay monthly fees.
In other words you can't play on every device such as iPhone and iPad. It only works on Pixel phones and chrome/chromecast.
>b-b-but they'll add it later!!!
Since your sub IQ can't understand, they'll probably shut down a few servers at once instead of all of them.
That's exactly how it works for MMOs, checks out.
Image labeler was cancelled because it was classifying nigger pictures as "monkey" or "apes"
Someone post the pic
As long as I can still buy my games on gog/steam/even epic instead of this, what ever. I want as few monthly payments as possible in my life.
>which you misinformation spreading nigger were spouting so hard.
Any other "free" game confirmed besides Division 2?
your grand child will play fortnite 2 not your anime jrpgs
Division 2 isn't free. It's Destiny 2.
PS Now recommended internet speed is 5 Mb/s, yet it doesn't work or at least looks and plays like absolute ass even on 100+ Mb/s
Not as long as I shelter my child as hard as possible and teach him to do the same, user.
Learn English nigger. New games aren't included in the pro subscription.
>You can't even look up mugenchan because of censorship.
(((Google))) owned by (((Alphabet))). The tribe's power extends everywhere.
The moment there is a fortnite 2 is the moment the Fortnite fad dies out and something else replaces it.
>Fortnite 2
Imagine all the zoom zooms playing fortnite 2,10 years later, cringing at the "new memes". Perfectly balanced.
>buy car
>company decides to discontinue the model
>you can run the car forever
>buy console
>company decides to discontinue the model
>console can't be run again
Zoomers that allow this shit need to be exterminated
What if google is planning on this to fail ?
How could this affect competing companies / consumers to their benefit ?
But you can still play your old consoles?
whom you trying to teach english third world fucking niglet. Scrap those 9.99 and then you might experience some new games in your worthless life.
I doubt they are planning on this to fail, they're just using this to shill their cloud compute in order to compete with Amazon and Microsoft.
Yes consoles made before the whole product (service) shtick came about
>no argument
>still can't speak proper English
Not with stadia you won't
Stadia isn't a console.
Yes, also this is the future that will be someday.
At some point PC will be too expensive shit, so you will be forced to use streaming services even for programming/some programs like Photoshop/etc.
No free will, you will be easily banned with losing everything for something "no-no"
You mean they are intentionally making extremely bad hardware and business decisions so they can milk the shit out of naive retards and then gutting it in a year or less, effectively denying them any chance at refunds because they "already got what they paid for"?
Come on man, who would do that. Nobody would exploit gaming (which is now officially designated as a mental disorder) for money.
>tfw youtube has failed soon after they bought it, but they just kept pouring money into it anyways
Even if it does fail, google has the money to keep it alive.
I keep mixing both for some stupid reason. Thanks.
>gets called out for spreading misinformation about having to purchase shit
>left with severely gaped asshole the fucking third time in a row
>relies on greentext and images he downloaded recently
>still doesn't recover and tries to teach someone english
well if they offer some of the console exlusives then i may try it
Makes me wonder where all that youtube money goes though
fuck google, I hope antitrust comes down on their ass
>Buy games whenever you want: Yes
Youtube makes no money. Hasn't made the money in years. They're really just throwing money to keep it going.
>no more noisy console
based. Stadia won.
>cries about "misinformation" but still has no argument
>still can't dispute the fact you can't play new games for free with the sub
>cries about images and greentext like a triggered baby while using greentext
>still can't speak proper English yet screeches "kill yourself!" like a retarded ESL monkey
Is that why they panic every time a big advertiser threatens to pull ads from youtube?
Imagine being too retarded to properly cool your hardware yet wiling to put up with obnoxious input latency.
Why would Stadia have other companies console exclusives?
Stadia's icon looks like a rejected art program icon.
No such thing as free stuff niglet. You pay 9.99 this isn't your third world reality scenario.
I can't be bothered to fuck a dead body someone reply to this victim further.
Erm top guy shares same birthday as me (not year). Is this bad?
This isnt even possible. Who falls for this shit.
It looks like a turd. Some user made this mere moments after the announcement.
>You pay 9.99
For old games. Out of 31 games at launch, it literally only lets you play one of them without buying the rest.
Though I'm not a surprised a third world ESL chimp can't read let alone speak basic English.
there are plans atm with 200mb at 29€
gigabits at about 60€
imagine thinking that inproper ventilation is my fault and not the manufacturers incapable cooling design that let it sound like a jet engine
>imagine thinking that inproper ventilation is my fault
It is. You're an incompetent.
Quake 2 is like public domain I own like 4 copies of it
Sup fellow polack bro. Yeah we talk shit about our country a lot, but our internet is really good. I heard its trash in america, especially in countryside.
The same mushbrained idiots who saw the subscription fee and thought "I don't have to buy new games anymore!!!"
How do you cool your console enlighten me. I want a quiet one aswell. Stadia fixed that problem pretty good don't you think.
It was never a problem for me to begin with because I'm not a retard who doesn't take proper care of his hardware and resorts to always online cloud gaming with shit input lag.
I don't know where people get data caps from I live in bumfuck heroin dealer town Ohio and I got 250mbs down from comcast no cap and 4g "unlimited" from Verizon
>buy games whenever you want
Imagine being so bad that this is a feature you present to people.
Because ResetEra would be more adequately named RetardEra. More seriously, they probably want to just seem hip and "with it" in general so they are always on the lookout for the "next big thing". Born suckers basically.
Not ever. Not even once.
It clearly worked judging by some of the retards in these threads.
So you are not retarded and that's why your console quiet right. Wow. Maybe didn't turn it on for the last 5 years might try it out.
>This is great, parents can now neglect their children for fraction of the cost of a tablet
I live in Toronto and its almost impossible to find uncapped internet. My parents have a grandfathered unlimited bandwidth bundle that Rogers is desperately trying to cuck them out of by throttling our data speed and calling asking to "upgrade" to a more expensive plan with a data cap. My phone is basically the same way, all the new Wind plans are trash. Canadian internet is unironically 3rd world tier.
I play my console semi-regularly, because I have a capable PC. But again, this requires you to have basic competency and not be completely retarded to the point where you resort to always online gaming.
I get 300mbs down from Spectrum and I still don't trust it to be reliable enough for low-latency game streaming. Your 4g connection is going to get throttled after less than 2 hours of Stadia gaming on it.
>go back to 1994 to buy my games
Nice alternative. Nerds will still play on hardware. No one is going to take it from you. It would be like those people who only listen music on vinyl. Probably will be more expensive.
This is basically just a cheap and easy way to play games
>>if stadia goes under, all the games you "bought" are long gone
But user, in what world would based google ever fail, its not like their system went down and locked people in/out of their homes, locked them from accessing features of their smart home at all.
Except it's neither of those things. Also what a horrid fucking analogy.
>It would be like those people who only listen music on vinyl.
I resort to whatever the fuck I want to that's not the issue here. Englighten me genius how do you cool your console so it's whisper quiet, because mine is like a Jet engine during summer. Winter time it's still loud, like 60+ decibel at least. Stadia fixed that problem really good replacing this plastic piece of shit of mine, unless of course you have THE solution.
Jumping the moon instead of the shark user? At most it will become mainstream along with gog/steam/epic (if it actually manages) and that will be that, just buy your games from gog and save them on a portable hard drive.
It was never a problem for me to begin with because I'm not a retard who doesn't take proper care of his hardware and resorts to always online cloud gaming with shit input lag.
>Buy games whenever you want:Yes
It's more like people who download, buy or pirate music vs those who have spotify
>I heard its trash in america, especially in countryside.
Well you see friends, we have this myth of the free market that is just rich fuck socialism. Comcast took a shit load of cash to upgrade the whole system, and the based guys took every cent and spent it on themselves, god emperor trump is totally ok with these guy so it makes them good even though they are giving us inferior products as compared to third world countries.
Only retards who are cheap as fuck have sound bars
But ToddRick I already bought my monthly copy of skyrim
Except even Spotify's subscription lets you listen to all of their music instead of just a small curated selection while having to pay for the rest.
You can download music in 320kbps and it will be the same as spotify but hardware will always be a better experience but more expensive as well.
Oh, you are one of those brain damaged once I see. Who would've guesed that Stadia even triggers the whitest of the snowflakes.
Aye mang, my PC quiet even at full load the harddrive is the loudest part
>Who would've guesed that Stadia even triggers the whitest of the snowflakes.
The absolute irony of you calling anyone else brain damaged after posting this mental abortion.
>Our internet is awful and it probably won't improve any time soon
Also America
>Streaming and depending on the internet for all your games, singleplayer or not, is the future
He's a tech illiterate retard, don't bother. It's pearls before swine.
Meh I can't complain fuck the internet if it gets better the NSA is just gonna copy China and India's social credit score system
Netflix and Spotify let you download movies and music if you have a subcription. Does Stadia's subscription let you download games for offline play?
I've got around 6 fans in my PC, seems pretty silent to me.
Idiot. Every prominent modder finds a job in the industry.
Literally perfect portfolio material.
Nigger you dumb nintendo
Retards who are cheap as fuck use the build-in speakers on their TV. Soundbars are for people who don't have space (or don't care to use it) for a proper multi-channel setup. They also cost more than traditional speakers with multiple drivers.
sick reply snowflake. So to get to the point the solution is Stadia to fix the cooling of your console. Got it.
>>Our internet is awful and it probably won't improve any time soon
Yeah, I've been pissed at the corporate shills ok with this kind of shit.
>Also America
>>Streaming and depending on the internet for all your games, singleplayer or not, is the future
It is not, not at least here in america besides small brain faggots that need every new tech then toss it aside to get coverd in dust.
I for one do not trust this shit one bit, google just dropped the ball with the recent shit with the downed system.
Nice reading comprehension "snowflake".
You are not suposed to run the games yourself if you use Stadia. That's the (only?) advantage they offer.
>*looks up sound bars*
Oh ... people use those? I'm not sure I've ever seen one.
Thanks, unlike yours my brain still works and replies to context.
>unlike yours my brain still works
>Who would've guesed that Stadia even triggers the whitest of the snowflakes. So to get to the point the solution is Stadia to fix the cooling of your console
Uh huh.
>uh huh
So you found your cooling cooling solution yet? If not do not reply snowflake. Stadia already fixed it for you.
The advantage of Stadia is that you can play games on hardware that wouldn't traditionally run the games natively. But what if I want to play the games I bought offline on hardware that can natively run them? Netflix and Spotify allow you to download movies and music respectively even though their advantage is being able to stream entire libraries.
It's one of their launch games, the fact which still baffles me
So you're still brain damaged and lack basic reading comprehension.
Don't project, the solution you had genius.
If you left your house you would see every other person has one since they are cheap.
I have a real surround sound myself.
>Don't project
Thanks for removing all doubt.
Just buy the games normaly I guess. Comparing to movies and music is dumb, you dont need hardware to run those.
What? Not excited for a game from like 2016 lol
The xbox game pass already offers this niche, in the UK it was common not to even purchase FH4 and just play it on the game pass. The only excuse for Stadia's existence is if someone was a poorfag but had a great internet connection, the Xbone is shit but they atleast have the best value for money
you buy games. end of story.you can play them 1080p
if you pay 10$/month you can play them in 4k and also you get some games for free ( that are most likely mostly f2p on other platforms) and you get a discount when buying certain games.
Yeah indeed. So much doubt removed yet still no solution by the genius snowflake.
lmao the delay is noticeable even in the video i can't imagine how horrible it feels to play like that
>buying a game
>paying to stream it
literally don't even own anything at that point. why would anyone support this shit?
Spotify and Netflix don't require you to buy their albums and movies separately to download them for offline play. And you technically do need hardware to play movies and music. Also multiple people defending Stadia have compared it to netflix and spotify to justify game streaming, now all of a sudden it's a dumb comparison?.
>paying $50/month for unlimited data
>to save a few hundred from getting a console/PC
corn syrup and fluoride
You already own a phone and computer that spy on you.
I dont like/defend Stadia, was just trying to answer the questions. My mistake for saying hardware to run it, should have probably said hardware to render it.
Bullshit, I know for a fact datacaps exist in plenty of euro countries. Best internet is in South Korea you lying scum.
Who would've guesed that Stadia even triggers the whitest of the snowflakes. Still no solution.
You're not wrong, I'm just pointing out another disadvantage even when compared to other streaming services that people defending stadia love to cite.
>Power Glove
Do they actually know that this shit is gonna bomb so damn hard?
Yeah, I think everyone expected the sub to come with quite a few games included, just like every other sub out there. It's ridiculous that you get 1 game for "free".
Solution for what?
For cooling your console. Stadia fixed that problem
>Then why don't you get unconditional 14 day refunds in the EU?
But you do.
the stream is free at 1080p60 fps.
don't make up things.
Soundbars are overpriced compared to a speaker+dac combo that can put out the same "surround sound"
Personally, I at least partially want it to. As a moldy youtuber said, it could signal the ending of games as goods and invite in the era of games as a service, only.
why the fuck would you need extra cooling for your console
do you live on fucking mercury
How do you cool your console enlighten me. I want a quiet one aswell. Stadia fixed that problem pretty good don't you think.
There is literally a 40 buck walmart soundbar.
Enjoy brain cancer
don't bother replying to him some lonely autist who got torn apart itt now resorts into copying replies
This idea is so bad that it will work and ruin everything. Fuck devs, fuck publishers, and fuck google.
You know man you're not wrong the Xbox and PS4 do get loud as fuck. If you want stadia you do you but a PC is pretty quiet if you build it right (about an extra 30$ worth of fans)
And there are stereo speakers bundled with a subwoofer and a dac for less than $30 which will sound no more shitty than that trash walmart soundbar. It's overpriced garbage.
no because that guy does not go 'lmao didn't read lol'
I don't need extra cooling for my consoles, what the fuck? Are you putting your consoles in an oven?
I agree, I don't know why your being such a bitch about it, you arguing like a feminist. I was agreeing with you but you still acted like a cunt.
This post has the self awareness of the shit I just took.
They discontinued Google travel today
I don't know how you can be so stupid as to think that small experimental projects like "Google Mashup Editor" are comparable to an investment as huge as Stadia.
Has Waymo been discontinued? No.
Has YouTube been discontinued? No.
Has Search been discontinued? No.
Has GMail been discontinued? No.
Have Docs, Sheets, and Slides been discontinued? No.
Has Drive been discontinued? No.
Also, look at Microsoft's xCloud. Look at Sony's PlayStation Now. These companies clearly think there is money in cloud gaming.
Google's attempt at this may well be the best-funded effort yet. And Google probably has some of the best cloud infrastructure in the world, if not the best.
You're a fucking moron.