>want to play a game
>don't know what to play
Want to play a game
>want to play a game
>hate games
Play Super Mario Bros 3 dude
play ghost trick right now
>want to hate a game
>play it
>Want to play a game all day at work
>Keep thinking about how much I want to play it
>Decide I'm going to play it when I get home
>Think about how much fun it will be
>Get off work
>Get home as fast as I can so I have plenty of time
>Sit down
>I don't want to play video games anymore I just want to sit down and do nothing
Every day with this shit...
I’m gonna kick your ass user.
Thank you that means a lot.
have sex
>want to play game
>open steam
>stare at library
>close steam
>buy a game before heading to work
>can't wait to get home and try it
>don't get home til 6pm
>want to make sure everything's out the way so I can play undisturbed and get immersed
>make and eat food, do chores around the house, prepare for work the next day and shower
>already 11pm
>give up and sit on Yea Forums for an hour instead
>want to play a game
>play myself
i think its because i dont play enough to play with friends or make them. nkw that i think about it main reasons i loved games was experiencing it alongside my comrades.
just play it bro it isn't math
create a 3x3 and find your core values.
I opened this thread hoping to find some people recommending some games not this pity party. someone go play dark messiah of might and magic. now someone tell me what the fuck to play
This is unironically the best course of action. Nobody can tear down a game like someone who played it firsthand.
Go play Geometry Wars 3.
fuck it i'll go do exactly that thank you user
this here
i'm on holiday for 2 weeks and i know i won't actually end up playing anything for it, i'll just do the same shit i always do on my days off and browse Yea Forums endlessly
Freelancer. You can download it for free with good consciousness.
Cool beans. That game has always been a meditative experience for me. Waves is probably my favorite game mode because it ramps the difficulty immediately. There's a ton of variety in the 3d maps and challenge design however.