What a terrible logo. It looks cheap
What a terrible logo. It looks cheap
lol I doubt you know anything about graphic design fuck off nig
fucking awful name and even worse logo
just another google flop and nothing else
we get it
it's an s
it's shit
it's a smear representative of its technology making an impact on video games
It looks like is was inspired by somebody who lives in silicon valley.
What a terrible logo. It looks cheap.
i bet you sold them that squiggle s and 10 other equally garbage designs for the low cost of $1000 for your hard week long work of adding colour gradiants
stadia is a name destined for failure.
should just call it like Google Gaming or something
That's indicative of it being flushed down the toilet.
sure but it's still coming to kill consoles forever tho
I don't get why they didn't include Google in the name? Apple are smart enough to realize branding works.
I was told this was the designated eceleb board
it's only killing itself
fuck off /g/ no one wants to design the fucking code it's all about the god damn logo
That was 1999. At the time it was decent
I love it when he throws temper tantrums on twitter like a five year old at toys r us
Someone will get a tattoo of it. I'm cautiously optimistic about the Stadia. We all knew game steaming was inevitable, and I'm sure it will have its issues on the way, but the convenience will be nice. I don't personally own an Xbone, but I think the way they handle their game pass service is great and if the big three would just adopt that practicel I'd be fine with it. I do think being given the option to download the game you wish to play should be standard.
>obviously hand drawn
Soul, versus
>calculated gradient shit
It looks like somebody just scribbled on a whiteboard
Or something more apt like Google Money Pit.
who gives a shit ? Google logo is a G, facebook logo is an F..nobody gives a fuck
Based normalfag retard
i am not sure who is the retard - the guy who doesn't give a fuck about a logo, or the autist who makes a thread because he dislikes a logo. Fuck outta here
Ok let's break it down....
Google logos all seem to link back to each other. This one doesn't.
Who knows? who cares? fact of the matter is this...
It is lazy. Super fucking lazy. Knowing the parent company of this makes me think two things: Google as a company and employee culture don't give a fuck about this product to begin with OR...
more sinister....
They believe that the departure from their previous logo designs will trick enough idiots into buying their product.
It doesn't integrate with the brand because they have no faith in it. If it's somehow a success I guarantee the name changes to "Google Stadia" by the next gen of it's hardware.
Absolutely correct and anyone who disagrees doesn’t remember everyone calling it shit at the time.
it's already google stadia you retard
it looks bad
What a terrible logo. It looks cheap.
says you, i think it's one of the most beautiful logos of all time
Wait, that symbolism.
Isn't that a pedo symbol?
What do stadia have to do with gaming, anyway? Why name it that?
it represents wiggling back and forth because you're unsure if the controller is broken or it's just input lag
>have to pay $130 in order to reserve a username
>already have google/youtube accounts tho
>already own a chromecast and controllers
feels bad
What a terrible controller. It looks cheap
>An S in the shape of a wireless signal
>Hurr Durr they just made a squiggly S
I remember predicting Sega going down in flames if they abandoned their edgy marketing. The console was called the katana in development and then they do a 180 and go with that shit.
It looks uncomfortable to use. Guaranteed hand cramps
The console itself sure doesn't