Why is this so expensive?
Why is this so expensive?
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wait a few years, all hardware revisions
i'd like to see you take your ps4 with you to the doctors office
>so expensive
This is an 18+ website
i feel you brother, stick in there
How old are you?
I can just use my phone, I don't need a 300 dollar tablet to entertain me in a fucking waiting room.
nintendo products always are
Because people keep buying it. There's this thing called supply and demand that dictates the price of things.
How much can I get for my old firmware crackable console?
A PS4 is a real console system not a meme gimmick for 40 year old basement renters.
Yikes. Imagine actually defending any Snoy product in 2019.
How's last place, nintendildo ?
>i'd like to see you take your ps4 with you to the doctors office
let's be honest here, this system is portable in the sense you can take it to the shitter and play in bed, nothing more
Name two good titles on the nintendo shit that are IP's you fucking faggot.
it aint that expensive considering the specs of the portable product
>Ignoring Nintendo's established history of purposefully understocking their products to keep the demand higher than supply
How much does a hacked switch, not banned of course, costs?
Because the Japanese like to fuck us.
>18+ website
How fucking retarded must you be if you're 18+ and don't have a basic grasp of economics and price relativity?
Under your simple concrete logic then I guess buying chalk for 100$ a piece is cheap, isn't?
Not really... there was a time when nintendo was not a jewdified company and believed the hardware itself was not the important part in the videogame industry, and the main focus should be the games. That's why gamecubes were so cheap back then
Where are you getting it for $100? I've been buying it for $350ish for a couple years now
How much is an Nvidia Shield
>he doesn't know where to buy 11 pounds of chalk
Poor people are disgusting.
It's true, I'm one of them