What's a good...

What's a good, long ass game to play that will stave off the existential crisis I'm about to have due to the oncoming apocalypse caused by climate change?

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Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

>he fell for the climate change meme

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100% all pikmin games

Shit, I actually have that sitting unopened on my desk.
Perhaps I should hop to it.

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>the oncoming apocalypse caused by climate change?
Greetings, reddit! Climate change is overrated. So are women over the age of 15. So is Fallout: New Vegas.

Goddamn that's a cute sheep. That's one of the new Pokemon, right? Don't follow the series, but I approve.

Wether Climate Change is real or not is irrelevant you stupid fucking idiot, what tmatters is that corporations and shitty 3rd world countries keep polluting our planet dealing irreversible damage to the soil, water and biosphere

I like saying it's name.

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imagine denying climate change for no monetary gain

>Ice age
It'll happen eventually, even if not caused by humans.


Forget the Ice Age and Climate Change. I'm really freaked out about the nuclear clock thing. That says the world can just blow up at any second because world leaders are having drama. I'm really scared about that but don't know what to do since I'm powerless against it. Also the return of deadly diseases due to people not vaccinating.

It's cute. CUTE!

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You’re a fucking retard if you think nuclear war would ever happen

>I'm really scared about that but don't know what to do since I'm powerless against it.

Don't worry about it. Worrying about things you have zero control over will only ruin your life. There are so many things outside of your control that could kill us all that its better to focus on living rather than suddenly dying.

Russian Roulette. If you're dead you won't have to experience climate change!

It will happen.
During world war 3, caused by resource wars due to climate change.

Then why is that doomsday clock so close to midnight

>The nuclear launch codes are in the hands of the orange man
It's a fucking terrifying thought.

Is there a way to just stop worrying about it? I worry about literally everything to a point where my day is disrupted several times. And don't say weed because I tried that and it made it worse

Even when the climate changes it's going to be so gradual that you won't even notice. At best you'll just start hearing how a bunch of species that you didn't know anything about outside of youtube videos are going extinct.

Eventually, you worry so much you just burn out and stop caring.
That's what seems to be happening to me about climate change.

>le Drumpf getting elected moves the clock closer to midnight than the start of the Cold War and the nuclear arms race
What a truly terrifying time we live in

>it's going to be so gradual that you won't even notice
If only you knew how bad things really are, user.

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I'm not saying climate change isn't an issue, but the date where things go wrong keeps getting pushed back. I remember when the early 00's were supposed to mark the end of the polar ice caps. And now it supposed to happen in 2050. And that's not the only crisis that constantly gets adjusted

Just hurry up and fuck the world already

>oncoming apocalypse caused by climate change
The cunts propping up this bullshit are all flying around in private jets crying wolf while buying real estate on waterfronts. Get a fucking grip you hypocrite. Care about the planet? Go live in the woods and eat berries while fighting off bears. Don't care about the planet? Keep shitposting on vietnamese basketweaving boards while in the comfort of civilization. Either way what you do has no impact on anything.

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>what you do has no impact on anything.
then what is the point of doing anything when these megacorporations control the world and are the cause of climate whatever and a whole lot of bullshit

It's not that it keeps getting pushed back, it's more that it's the next milestone.
Each milestone marks the point of no return in terms of irreversible damage.

>climate change
The utter hubris of this meatmonkey.

Be lucky you can enjoy life while you can. Our kids' kids are fucked though

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I wonder how it's evolution will look like?

You should be asking what games to play for the inevitable economic and societal collapse of the US and consequently the rest of the world

So what's the solution? Remember that China is a larger polluter than the us or EU will also need to be made to change so good luck with that

It's a new Pokemon
And it's name is wooloo

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having children is a mistake now because of how many vehemently anti vaccine some people are becomming
there was a fucking measles OUTBREAK in california

>So what's the solution?
There is none. None that the rich and elite will ever implement anyway.
Enjoy what life you have left user.

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Apparently Californians.

So apparently insects are dying out rapidly. Well, it's been nice, I guess.

Relax bro.
Nuclear destruction would negatively affect the Banks' ability to generate money out of thin air and lend it to people at interest, because there won't be any economy, much less a debt-based economy.
Also, you can't control the populace by controlling the news media and the communications channels if all the news stations or internet servers are destroyed.
Thus, nuclear annihilation will never happen.
Nothing to worry about :)

Thank God. Hope it turns into a super disease that wipes them all out.

shut up faggot
you literally bitch about things you can't change
unless you can't directly affect it don't bother and have sex with yourself
everyone is mortal, enjoy yourself while you can fuck everything else

>he believes the climate change meme

Last summer, during the heatwave, 1 third of the bat population just dropped dead in Aus.
Shits really, really bad.

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>unvaccinated uneducated third worlders pour over the border
>woooooooooooow what do you mean we now get outbreaks of diseases we long since eradicated?

>So apparently insects are dying out rapidly.
What do you even mean by "insects"? There's more species of insects than any other form of life on Earth that isn't microscopic. Insects have been around since before our ancestors even crawled out of the ocean, I seriously doubt they'd go extinct because of climate change when they've lived through a lot worse.

Beats having them in the hands of Bibi.
Oh wait :v)

Google "insects dying"

war is only done for profit and land
nuclear war will never happen
america only did it as a power play when barely anyone had that kind of firepower
if anyone does it now it'll be M.A.D so it's not worth it

No. Elaborate on your point or fuck off.

You know what's even scarier, medical testing on unaware people

I hope not 'Cause as an Oregonfag, I'd probably die from it soon after.


It's pesticides and habitat destruction, primarily.

>Is there a way to just stop worrying about it?
How do you learn to walk tightrope?
You practice not falling over.
How do you learn emotional balance?
You practice not feeling worried.

Any time in which you were going to feel worried, just don't. Don't have feelings. It's gonna be a bit tough at first but it gets a lot easier.

I'm not sure exactly what I did. I just stopped. Try reminding yourself you have no control over it, go do something else when you start to think about it.

If the ice age didn't kill everything on Earth you have nothing to fear. Unless you're from the 3rd world then maybe buy a name tag for when scientists find your frozen cropse.

Just get your fucking shots you fucking animal

Not him, but recent research shows that the worldwide biomass of insects has dropped like 50 percent or more since the 90s.

>needing to be spoonfed

why would they name this thing so close to UWU

you'd have to post on reddit to know that's on the front page of reddit. why make fun of OP for being a redditor when you are also clearly a redditor? we're all anonymous here. seems like you have some personal issues

Global warming is srs bsns guise, at this rate Florida will be underwater by 2013! Stop eating meat and having children! Eat bugs and sponsor a refugee instead!

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Dude, you can't just tell people "Have basic standards of hygiene", that's racist. We need to redefine the new standard to be accepting of people of EVERY odour, and get those conspiracy theorists who push the fake "bacteria" narrative deplatformed and locked up.
Remember - clean speech is NOT free speech.

"The world is going to end in 10 years." -Al Gore, 1998
"The world is going to end in 12 years." -Al Gore 2019

I'm gonna make a prediction. That in twenty years, Al Gore will say the world is doomed. Just a wild guess.

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I have them, because I'm not retarded. I'm just scared because the longer that shit is around, the better chance it has to mutate. Dying to Californian super measles would be a stupid way to go.

>why make fun of OP for being a redditor when you are also clearly a redditor?
Because I'm an edgy redditor and I like to shitpost and mock people's opinions rather than agreeing with the hivemind.

More useless eco-science. Ten years ago they said every coastal city would be underwater and polar bears would be extinct. Glorified fortune tellers. I promise you that insects will be fine.

Wanting you to explain your argument is not asking to be "spoonfed" retard. If your response is "google X" then you clearly don't have any idea what you're talking about and it's not worth my time to do your research for you.

Those autism sims are good. Farming games also work well for me.
Rune Factory
Harvest Moon
Stardew Valley
Cities Skylines
That's all I can think of right now. I'll throw in DDDA as well cause I like that game a lot.

It will happen due to all the hippies that live there and the decline of personal hygeine in this country, better create your bunker in the forest fast

They also go really fucking silent when you remind them that bacteria that eat plastic are now swarming the ocean in huge numbers and they're getting to be a problem for coastal drainpipes.
>points to a plastic sewage pipe that is literally being eaten by bacteria

>that goat
It was funny to see the artist go from monster girls then slip straight in bestiality.

based, fuck bugs

i dont care about the repercussions, if there was a button i could press to kill every fucking bug on the planet i'd press it until my arm falls off

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denying climate change in le current year is akin to believing the earth is flat desu

What is your guys opinion on vaccines anyway

Kerbal Space Program is a good autismsim if you can get past the spyware.
Dwarf Fortress is good if you ignore that the fanbase would make Marx blush.
I heard Space Engineers was good but am unable to confirm or deny.

>Climate change
Literally who the fuck cares
It's irreversible at this point and we will all be long dead before the "COASTAL CITIES ARE GOING TO FLOOD" fearmongers are proven right

no you're just a faggot

Kirby's Marx? What are his fans like

"Denying" climate change is the same as "denying" flat earth in the middle ages. Criticizing the dogma of a government-backed institution.

Costal city's flooding will be the least of our concern desu.

actually it's rednecks and conservatives that are antivac. liberals tend towards vaccinating

Fun fact, there were wild temperature changes, both positive and negative, all throughout history and long before humans existed. And these temperature changes were far more extreme than we're experiencing now. Obviously, without fossil fuels being burned or industry.

Also, the USA has cut down its carbon emissions by 70% in the last 30 years. While China's has increased a whopping 300%, dwarfing America at it's highest output period of the 1970s. Yet the better the USA does, the more climate activists protest. And the more China pollutes, the less people protest. How odd...

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Honestly It doesn't really seem to align with the standard political spectrum from what I can see.
I've seen antivaxers on both sides.

>What is your guys opinion on vaccines anyway
The cells in your body are made of chemicals, and large chemical molecules (such as genes) have shapes.
Your immune system works by identifying a shape, and creating a cell that can bind to that shape. That way when it self destructs it takes out the invader rather than some random useful cells.
A dead virus' chemicals have the same shapes as in a living virus, so your immune system can train on dead viruses to be ready for the living ones.

except the government and its institutions are the ones denying climate change? I'd ask if you're retarded but you've already given us the answer lol


>he thinks shitskins have measles

It's antivaxers user. Third worlders have to vaccinate their kids to send them to public school and theres no way in hell they'd homeschool them.

>Claim Global Warming for years
>Weather says fuck you and does the exact opposte
>Scientists move the goalposts
>Nobody questions that if they were wrong about the symptons that they may be wrong about the cause as well

Not that it matters. It's just that Wind Turbines are fucking cancer and I never want any near where I live.

How does that Rich oil CEO dick feel in your ass user?

When I was a kid, we were in science and the teacher was discusing how the star will eventually die in a huge explosion that will destroy the Earth. I spent the rest of recess crying and freaking out about how the world's gonna eventually die.

Climate change does similar, but now I hate everything, so I'm fine.

But seriously, can we get a frame of doom? Because some say it's in 10 years, some in 20, some in 50, and some in 200.
I'm poor and have literally no power by myself to fix or prevent this, so when is someone gonna put some real pressure on that shit. I think I saw something about a rich dude making shit that is supposed to cleanse the earth in like 20 years, but it doesn't say how long it would take to actually make the damn thing. I'm just a man.

durr weather is climate durr it was cold a few thousand years ago this means of course it get cold more lolllllll xd
please go read a book

>It's just that Wind Turbines are fucking cancer and I never want any near where I live.
What, are you a fucking pigeon?

Don't worry, we have the Paris accords which will fight climate change by giving more money to those very same corporations and third world countries

I live in Oregon, where everyone is liberal (or at least says they are). And we have the highest amount of anti vaxers per capita in the USA. There's stories about once a week about someone in Portland or Eugene, the liberal centers, dying from a disease for not getting vaccinated.

The counter culture is so desperate to be different, they're actually starting to do the opposite of science and basic logic just to stand out.

Long game? Does the game need an actual ending to the gameplay (like story based) or can it be games where you chose when to stop?

The former could be something like Nier Automata, Dark Souls series (not counting PVP meta). The latter can be any game not reliant on story telling like League of Legends, Fortnite, Minecraft, fighting games, etc.

oregon is of hipsters that just do the opposite of whatever's popular. getting vaccinated is too mainstream for your state I guess

I don't refute this but by hippies I meant leaf smoking essential oil huffing unwashed lefties

Here's a fun thing to know: If a volcano is over a hotspot that varies in temperature, it'll spew out lava when that hotspot is warm.
When that hotspot cools, the lava stops flowing, and cools into a very hard rock called basalt.
When the hotspot heats up again, the magma has a hard time going through the basalt, so it starts breaching and flowing horizontally through the rock until it reaches something it an break through.
You know what rock is really fucking easy for magma to bust through? Coal and Natural gas.
When the volcano finally finds a way around the basalt plug and breaches the surface, it makes a mighty BRAAAAAAAP that can release multiple years' worth of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, including some really bad shit like Sulfides and Bromides.

they've been saying we're 10 years away from a major catastrophe due to some form of climate change for about 80 years now

The "institution" I'm referring to are the "99% of scientists" who back climate change and are coincidentally given grants to publish global warming research. They are equivalent to the old catholic church who worked with kings to manipulate and extort people.

I'm going to predict that he won't be able to make a prediction in 20 years

The Oil CEOs are the ones funding the protestors, you dunce. It's all a smokescreen so they can virtue signal. Much like how Hollywood actors will pay for people to protest them at an event, then go on Twitter and play the victim "boo hoo people yelled racist insults at me! Go support me by seeing my new movie."

>idiots arguing about global warming instead of offering OP actual recommendations

Thats purely due to the ultra orthodox jews refusing to give their kids vaccines, there is a reason the big outbreaks started in Israel before moving to places like New York City, Broward County Florida, and California

It's the same in California and Washington. The whole west coast is doing this. Portland just follows what San Fransisco and Seattle are doing. Usually about 3-5 years behind.

Holy fuck you are stupid and how smug you are acting about it is hilarious

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>All the denialists in this thread
I envy you all.
Ignorance is bliss.

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Sheeposting is the only good thing that came out from nupokemon


>lived through 6/6/6, 2012, Y2K and various other apocalypses

With our luck we'll end up living through the nuclear war and an asteroid hitting the Earth too.

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Ignorance is bliss but Pain is purpose.

I like the way you think user
we're all gonna make it brahs

I was about to call you out for not being able to recognize bait. Have a (You) for your effort.

If you want to be pointlessly technical you've already lived through an asteroid hitting earth, and Japanese people over the age of 75 have lived through a nuclear war.

That can be a major climate changer, yes. Krakatoa definitely did this multiple times. However, scientists tracking ice core samples have said there's been many periods in history that cannot be explained by volcanoes or other such events.

One theory is the cycles of the sun combined with the wobble of Earth's axis changes temperatures over time. If this is true, it would explain why our average temperature keeps rising while global emissions are dropping.

WInd Turbine Syndrome. But the media always blows it off as fake news since it would hurt the belief that Wind power is some magical safe productive energy and Nuclear Power is bad.

The irony.

>everyone frealing out about disease or climate change or nuclear warfare
>no one talkimg about earth getting hit by 1 quark from a crazy space event thay can liquidize all life

>implying you can stop the climate from changing
Even if humans cut all emissions, the climate is still going to change.

>WInd Turbine Syndrome
Do you understand how wind turbines work?
Do you think you are going to get prostate cancer living near a dam too?

Of all the people who pretend to care about climate change and saving the Earth, I've never seen one acknowledge the problem of overpopulation, especially in poor countries who contribute by far the most pollution. In fact they seem to think we need MORE people in the world, and use the idea of population decline to scare people.

Isn't that weird?

>lets fix climate change
>by making every single bit of legislation related to it a blatant third world redistribution scheme
>wtf why are you backwards idiots opposing it, we're facing the apocalypse

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>Nuclear Power is bad
I never got this meme. Dangerous? Yeah. Bad? Fuck no, it's fantastic. People just need to actually follow the goddamn regulations and we'd have oodles of cheap power with less (virtually none) pollutants.

a climate change isn't apocalypse you dumb fearful slave.

>every person in Oregon has to have a million tatoos, a dozen piercings, dyed hair, a dog and an SUV
>they all end up looking and acting alike
>start trying random new things to stand out like eating from food carts or getting into yoga
>the new things they try turn into the new trends and everyone ends up doing it
>cycle repeats
The counter culture is even more normie than the normies.

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>fuck everything else
don't trust this guy I tried to follow his advice and now my penis is mangled by my can of monster energy

>being this far out there
just end it and stop suffering

I wouldn't consider the bombing of Japan to be nuclear war. Even if I did though I don't live in Japan so it doesn't matter anyway. Only cataclysms that I was around for counts. Still we've all lived through a bunch of them at least.

>when everyone dies from measles in California I can finally buy some land here

Feels good.

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The problem with wind power is that it's hard to get a reliable output.
The power per second a stream of fluid can impact depends on its rate of flow CUBED, but wind turbines need to shut down in heavy winds because they will ragequit IRL due to aluminium welds being a casual.
You could stick a wind turbine on the hills near a valley with a river in it, dam the river, and pump the water back up into the dam if you have a power surplus.

Or, as you've stated, you could just put a bunch of Uranium Hexaflouride on a warm bench attached to an alembic and receive power.

Overpopulation is the biggest issue. Even dropping to 1% of humans currently alive, we'd still be one of the most common mammals.

>Do you think you are going to get prostate cancer living near a dam too?
Depends on how clean they keep the pipes.

Don't worry, you're more likely to see ayyliuums than a nuclear holocaust.

The problem is, we've gotten into our currently shitty situation because people don't follow regulations and do the absolute minimum they can get away with. We'd be fucked if that happened with nuclear power.

Why not both?
Cmon damn it when's that AI revolution going to hit. I want my dystopian overlords enforcing rutheless algorithmic efficiency damn it, rather than fractional reserve lending, womens' rights and mass racemixing.

who the fuck feed you that garbage holy shit?

Yes the sun as a star is going to die. Not in your lifetime, or in humanity's lifetime most likely. A world war with trigger happy nuclear weapons has greater chances of wiping us out, as we currently have enough nuclear weapons to wipe out the human race.

It's funny when the delusional ones are calling others delusional. This tactic of getting people to protest you to drum up public sympathy goes back to the Roman times, when fricken Julius Caesar did it. You don't think some massively rich, well educated oil barons know the same trick? Especially in this day in age when the trend is to play victim?

No, you probably don't. You're probably one of the sheep who actually believes everything the media and elites say without question.

I never said it was, just that the climate does indeed change

Other mammals with very high populations are nearly all directly tied to humans. Cows, chickens, pigs, dogs/cats.

you literally used the word in OP

DQ7 + DQ11 are probably long enough to last you until a tornado blows a fence through your throat.

Because a FUCKLOAD of jet pilots from the cold war era saw a FUCKLOAD of UFOs on the military bases with nukes. It wasn't a one off thing, it was all over the world from both sides, neither side knowing what the fuck was going on. From what I've heard the ayys didn't want us nuking ourselves to death. Would be kinda ironic that the one time we managed to not fuck ourselves over was because some ayy stepped in to stop us.

>Overpopulation is the biggest issue.
Most developed countries have birth rates below replacement levels, so no overpopulation isn't a problem. Even if it was, we have the means to solve that issue very easily right now, just start throwing nukes at India and China and stop sending free food to Africa.

Completely irelevant. Anf still wrong. So once again, Who feed you this garbage? Why are you so proud of this stupidity? Is this why your whole familly went in debt for? You being a happy idiot online?

>Most developed countries
Exactly, the problem is everyone else but this isn't acknowledged.

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the dude is probably gonna be dead in twenty years

I think about it sometimes but there's no obvious humane answer, to me anyway.

I remember watching a documentary about the Pompeii eruption in school when I was 7-8. They showed people turned to ash and frozen in place, described in detail what happens when you inhale it, the heat and devastation of the pyroclastic flows, what happens if you try and hide from it underground or underwater, and ended the class by telling everyone about yellowstone and how it's due for another eruption. Every kid was traumatised.

Overpop isn't a problem (Currently). Like user said, people in the 1st world don't have many babies anymore. The issue is that 1st worlders buy and consume WAY more than is nessicary.
By comparison, 3rd worlders don't consume much, and most of their babies just fuckin die.

for me, its terraria. i can play that shit for 10 hours straight before getting bored

Civilization VI: Woke Climate Edition

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I'm not OP

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Kill yourself, you will always be a miserable, useless cuck




I think it handled climate change really well. It gives you incentive to find the less abundant power resources instead of abusing coal the entire game, it makes going tall + wide really difficult, and you can negate the impact if you're leading the pack in science and can build anti-flooding measures.

Just like in real life, white people and Asians benefit the most from it, and shitskins get fucked.

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I am willing to humor the climate change argument. Why does it matter if humans reduce our CO2 output or not if natural sources (volcanoes, oceans, etc) produce MUCH more of it?

Funny that womp made a comic about this literally years ago.

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Nature is a closed system and we as human are introducing more than it can handle or has previously.

Humans are pumping in carbon trapped underground that wouldn't have otherwise been released. There are no volcanoes in Texas, for example, which has a lot of oil that would've otherwise been untapped. Ditto Venezuela, Russia, Iran, Alaska, Saudi Arabia, Norway, etc.

Climate Change is inevitable, and crippling ourselves, causing massive unemployment and suffering, to slow it down is foolish. Instead of trying to stop the inevitable, we should look how to parlay the future in our favor.

Pick your Dark Souls PVP poison
practice Fightan vidya for 1000s of hours
GaaS shit like Warframe or Path of Exile
all the SMT games

I already live in a shitty third world dystopian country and considering climate change and US/China/Russia fuckery, I'm just waiting for my inevitable end.

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OP's problem isn;t the cause but thatit's happening. Though I think the danger part is exaggerated unless we seriously forgot what our ancestors learnt about adaptation.

Did the amount of CO2 throughout history before industrialization stay mostly static, or did it change dramatically as well? I think there was much more of it back in dino times, and yet the world seemed to support life just fine

Because most living species (including humans) are not equipped to deal with the increase caused by us. Nature dealt with that shit itself, but we've also been removing forests and harming species that kept everything in check. Plus what said.

The problem is that the countries most hard hit by it are well beyond their carrying capacity, and are experiencing widespread famines as is. Ethiopia, for example, is going to get fucked because they outstripped their farming capabilities already and rely on handouts, which will become financially unviable in the future.

This will cause a mass exodus of niggers and spics, more than we see now, into Northern countries. Africa will be pretty much uninhabitable, and Europe will be 12% white, with white people being forced onto reservations by their Jewish/Mulatto overlords a la the Native Americans.

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There were periods of higher CO2 in the past. And it caused even more vegetation to grow. Because, turns out, plants live on CO2. One of those dirty secrets the climate change people don't want you to realize. No, better to cut down a bunch of trees and then "offset" it with your money, given to them of course.

We get it, you're retarded.
You don't have to try so hard.

There was actually way more oxygen in the air 300 million years ago. It's how giant insects (dragonflies etc) survived. They needed to grow larger to avoid oxygen poisoning.

projection: the post

the humane answer is that overpopulation is a meme and assumes that each person on earth is responsible for a similar amount of emissions
like if you see that the united states produces twice as much emissions as india does despite having a billion less people living there, you can't really say that the problem is overpopulation and not a giant overconsuption of resources by the first world

In the past these people would've just died out until they were reset to equilibrium, but I think modern society is too advanced/compassionate to let that happen

Oxygen built up in the atmosphere because the first photosynthetic organisms (not plants but archea and bacteria) had anaerobic metabolisms. But aerobic metabolism is so much more efficient than anaerobic that there are no multicellular organisms that don’t use oxygen. Modern plants would suffocate in an atmosphere with too much CO2.

>not living in poverty is considered a "giant overconsuption of resources"

Pretty much, yeah.

The West is too altruistic. We keep propping up the Africans, Native Americans, Spics, and Indians with massive amounts of aid money, inviting the never-ending hordes into our own countries in a vain attempt to reduce suffering in the world. The problem is that it only causes them to proliferate the suffering.

If a deer population is out of control, you don't continue feeding them, you thin out their population and let them go back to carrying capacity. Same thing with Spics/Nigs/Poos/etc.


>like if you see that the united states produces twice as much emissions as india does
But that's wrong, India, China and Africa all produce more pollution than all other countries.

Overpopulation has never been the fucking problem. The problem is still corporations doing everything they can for profits or it's fucking cheap to use coal like China and India. Read the CDP Carbon Majors Report

Has it not for the Chernobyl incident where the fucking russians used their own designs like idiots and so many mismangement going on, nuclear fear would've not been that common and people could've relied on it. Now look where we are. Fuck everything.

By that logic shouldn't that also apply to the huge number of poor whites on welfare? That they should just either tough it out or starve to death?

As with every panic, totalitarianism is the end result.here.
Force people into a semi-impoverished state under the guise of reducing greenhouse emissions.
But those restrictions will never apply to government or military ofc...
Enjoy your freedom now boys.

It doesn't matter that don't don't consume as much because they're still polluting.

tbf Africa may produce more pollution but Africa*ns* probably don't.

The US actually produces less than India and China now. However, India and China also account for >70% of the plastic in the ocean while accounting for only 1/3rd of the global population.

>Has it not for the Chernobyl incident where the fucking russians used their own designs like idiots and so many mismangement going on, nuclear fear would've not been that common and people could've relied on it
Then it's communisms fault.

Hollow Knight

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If we also stopped importing loads of immigrants and stopped letting the Chinese millionaires buy up tons of land, artificially inflating housing prices, then yeah, sure. As it is, housing is too expensive and wages are too low due to those aforementioned factors

No you

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hi ronnie

The problem is overpopulation and industrialization. The more industrialized your country the more overpopulation in that country contributes to the problem. If we want to maintain our standard of living while fighting emissions we have to cut back on population. Or implement a tech solution that lets us get around that.

we have so many companies in the US like Exxon, Chevron, Peabody adding up to climate change and these were the ones on top of my head. I can give you china with their Coal shit but the western world is also complacent in this regard.

>because they're still polluting.
Most of the trash in the 3rd world was shipped there by the first world. Companies just drop it there, and claim that the trash was never theirs in the first place.

Remember those two guys who were forced to carry nuclear material in buckets? (Protip they died) It's like every country besides the northern part of the New World is insane.

Those numbers are inaccurate. We dump a ton of plastic on them both, so not all of that is directly from them.

They are not overpopulating the world or their own countries.

>The more industrialized your country the more overpopulation in that country contributes to the problem
You don't know what you're talking about. Look at all industrialized countries. Most of them have low birthrates.

These graphs are stupid, as most graphs are. The countries/regions who are "projected" to be the hardest hit are countries which are already failing countries or regions. I mean, look at the USA. The southwest would have severe negative impact on agriculture from climate change? No shit, it's a desert RIGHT NOW. They're not growing shit there already. And the countries in Africa projected to be hard hit are countries which already are falling apart because of a lack of infrastructure and driving out skilled labor.

>The people!
>It's all those people!
Good goyum, stop looking at us corporations.

or you could lower the standard of living and potentially avoid genocide and endless instability and warfare over the next century
like that shit isn't sacrosanct

Nearly all countries have positive birth rates. Meaning the population will grow forever. As soon as it starts to break even the news freaks the fuck out and the government starts coming up with plans to spit out more babies or import immigrants.

As humans get wealthier, the amount of meat they consume goes up. Meat production is the responsible for the largest share of CO2 in our atmosphere caused by humans. Cows, sheep, etc produce tons of methane, and are staple animals, of which we collectively have billions of. The vast majority of these animals are consumed by the wealthy countries (accounting for 25% of the world's population). As more and more people are lifted out of poverty, meat consumption goes up, causing deforestation (to make room for grazing cattle), mismanaged land, and loads of waste.

If you want to fight climate change, the best solution is to reduce the human population. There's no reason why Nigeria, Bangladesh, and the Congo need to have more population than any European country. There are more Nigerians on Earth than White Americans. And Nigeria is, lo and behold, one of the biggest polluters in the world due to their rapid industrialization, causing their MASSIVE population to be able to afford more amenities, leading to more pollution.

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>They're not growing shit there already
t. never been to the Southwest. I live in Arizona, outside of Phoenix, and there are miles upon miles of farms. There is more land being farmed in Arizona than there is land in some small European countries.

I'm not advocating genocide. At worst I'm advocating something like a one child policy. Although I would cap it at 2 instead.
I don't think people are going to ever give up their standard of living unless you somehow force them to.

It'll become miserable and named Woolie.

Yeah, it is the people. We can't stop the Chinese, Nigerians, Indians, Bangladeshis, Indonesians, Brazilians, etc from polluting. Globalization caused this because now there is no way to keep said corporations in check, since the people demand cheap electronics, meat, and cars, and the Chinese government is willing to let Beijing look like Silent Hill in exchange for placating their population.

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Don't worry, China and India will get rid of the ozone layer before global warming caused by CO2 pollution actually kicks in.

>lowering the temperature will stop genocide/war
what fucking drugs are you on

Fuck you, I'd rather every single nigger and spic on Earth die instead of giving up my video games, AC, car, and hamburgers. My ancestors worked hard to make sure you and I could enjoy these things, and I will not give them up because Mbutu and Ngowa had 12 children and want access to the same standards of living while their ancestors gave them fuck all.

You are retarded. Any policy like that is completely unnecessary since most women don't even have more than 2 kids anyway.


>Young people on both sides of the political spectrum believe in climate change
>Rightwing govements still deny it exists
Fuck those old rich bastards.
Guillotine when?

>tfw I live in florida
I guess I'll get beachfront property in 30 years

>I live in Arizona, outside of Phoenix, and there are miles upon miles of farms.
Yes, in that one area. There's 3/4 your state which is nothing but desert and plateaus. Drive just five miles west of Phoenix and you hit a desert that goes all the way to California. With nothing but a couple rock shops and a Dinosaur exhibit on that whole road.

>There is more land being farmed in Arizona than there is land in some small European countries.
There's more land being farmed in Deleware or Rhode Island than some European countries.

>At worst I'm advocating something like a one child policy. Although I would cap it at 2 instead.
That's how much the industrialized countries have, though. It's rare to have more then 2 kids these days because they are fucking expensive.

>Thread shifts to blaming climate change on other countries
This is how I know we are gonna die.
This isn't gonna stop.
When shit hits the fan, war will break out.

If that's true, why isn't the population declining?

better get a US passport before that happens because they will genocide every country.

Five miles West of Phoenix is Buckeye, and it still looks like pic related. Pretty much all of Phoenix is surrounded by farms, and there are loads of farms around the suburbs, too. In the North, too, there are plenty of farms.

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Because they keep importing immigrants to make the economy look stronger than it really is.

The real way to play the life game is to just enjoy video games and not care. We can't change shit, and the masses are under the higher ups' thumbs fighting each other instead.

>But seriously, can we get a frame of doom? Because some say it's in 10 years, some in 20, some in 50, and some in 200.
Not really because there's various points which have been marked as points of no return for different kinds of damage.
Like you could choose any of the following:
>The point where agricultural yields in the global south fall enough that they can no longer feed themselves
>The point the Ozone Layer will no longer be able to replenish itself in the lifetime of anyone currently on Earth even if we wholely cease to damage it
>The point temperatures rise enough that the polar ice cap ceases to regenerate during Winter and is just constantly melting
>The point where the salinity of the oceans is affected enough to trigger mass die-off events
>The point where extreme weather abnormalities are normalized and hurricane/monsoon vulnerable territories grow tremendously

Some of these have already happened, the rest are 20-80 years off if we keep at our current course.

>meat is incredibly energy and resource intensive, and most of the consumption happens in wealthy countries
>therefore, the solution is to cleanse the mud races from the earth before they become wealthy
gonna be a good century to live in

Anmal Crossing

I mean, it IS their fault. China and India are the #1 and #2 polluters in the world, and India, Indonesia, and Brazil are responsible for the most deforestation. The United States is relatively extremely clean and practices sustainable farming, forestry, hunting, and fishing, while the others do not. Even our dirtiest cities produce far less smog than many industrial cities in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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I sometimes just focus on dumb shit because I know things will get worse. You can't do anything on your own and most of the population have a "fuck you, got mine" attitude, so might as well enjoy the moment.

So where would the best place be to live to survive (as long as is possible anyway) during the oncoming armageddon?

The other option is to lower our standard of living, and I'm more accepting of genocide than that.

>why bother taking better care of our surroundings

yeah fuck that lol

monster hunter generations ultimate


and you are suggesting a shallow skinnerbox

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Alaska/Canada/Northern Europe/Patagonia/Japan.

Think of all the cheap and plentiful land in Alaska that will become much more valuable in 20 years time when you can actually put it to good use. Buy it for $100 an acre and sell it in 2040 for $10,000 an acre when the average temperature goes from 32 Fahrenheit to 60

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You do know that the US offloads most of their production and emissions to those very same 3rd world countries right?

>The United States is relatively extremely clean and practices sustainable farming, forestry, hunting, and fishing, while the others do not.
Do not fucking lie. I am tired of your bullshit.

What does it mean to lower our standard of living? No more electronics at a cheaper price or is meat considered a luxury now

I should do that because my luck is so fucking bad the universe will undo climate change just so I'd be wrong

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Imagine thinking war will break out because of a one degree increase in global temperature rather than the failure of multi-ethnic society. LOL

Sure thing mate, and vacines give you autism.

>Want to move from Australia to somewhere more suited to survive the crisis
>I'm an unemployed Autistic NEET
It's not fair.

What kind of work do people even do up there? I like the idea of living in Alaska but I've always lived in densely populated metro areas and know nothing else

You wont even be alive for when climate change starts doing actual damage

The USA+China are unironically the main culprits and if they alone cleaned up their act the process would begin to change course.

The funny thing is China - for all its corruption - is doing more to fight it than America is because the top brass rule of over their corporations and not the reverse. Polluters and companies breaking the new environmental laws get made examples of with fines and jail time, including the rich CEOs. It's still not enough but they're actually trying unlike the US Administration.

>Climate get's hotter
>certain 3rd world countries hit the point where they are no longer habitable
>Insanely big migration crisis
>Fighting over hospitable land and resources begins
It's inevitable user.

>The point where agricultural yields in the global south fall enough that they can no longer feed themselves
They reached that point long ago. America and Europe has been subsidizing most of those countries with reduced cost or free food for at least half a century. There's an entire branch of the UN devoted to it.

>The point the Ozone Layer will no longer be able to replenish itself in the lifetime of anyone currently on Earth even if we wholely cease to damage it
This one is tricky. No one has even been able to measure it. But also, the world emissions have gone down, but "scientists" (only cited by one side) claim the damage keeps increasing. Very suspect.

>The point temperatures rise enough that the polar ice cap ceases to regenerate during Winter and is just constantly melting
That's not how polar ice caps work. They stay frozen year round. The ones that melt add to the ocean. They can replenish, but it doesn't happen "over the winter." Because the poles don't feature seasons as we do. And the build up of ice happens over thousands or millions of years.

Most of the ice caps we have now were formed during the last two ice ages, which abrupty changed to a warm period 14,000 years ago. Our planet could just as easily flip back to another ice age. And it would have nothing to do with emissions or human interference. But scientists aren't in agreement to what causes this.

>The point where the salinity of the oceans is affected enough to trigger mass die-off events
Already happening.

>The point where extreme weather abnormalities are normalized and hurricane/monsoon vulnerable territories grow tremendously
Happening now. But again, scientists are not in agreement if its man made or a natural cycle of weather. Because this has happened many times in the past, long before the industrial revolution or humans even existed. It seems to be on a 250 year cycle. The leading theory is, it happens because of the wobble of the Earth.

We still have a ton of factories.

I'm not lying to you, you hypersensitive, hysteric baby. I've been all up and down the West Coast of the New World, and America is the cleanest country I've been to, bar Canada. Well, Ecuador was pretty nice, too, but Colombia, Chile, Peru, and even Brazil... they were terrible. Mexico as well.

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China still uses Coal which contributes 15% to climate change. I don't think China does anything to improve the situation, they're the same as the US.

We survived 70's, we will survive whatever will be in the future.
Invade china.

the damage keeps increasing because china's been releasing the shit anyway

vaccines are a scam - look up 'italy vaccines scandal'
or could be worse - nearly half a million people got crippled by the anthrax vaccine thevaccinereaction.org/2017/04/the-anthrax-vaccine-and-gulf-war-illness

He said stave off, not exacerbate.

>But also, the world emissions have gone down, but "scientists" (only cited by one side) claim the damage keeps increasing. Very suspect.
There was a recent report reading that China was lying about their Ozone-depleting emissions user.
Even so, I'm pretty sure that the Ozone has been the least of our problems for a while.

60% of Alaska's population lives in a densely inhabited metro area around Anchorage. Other than that, Fairbanks, and Juneau, the rest are pretty much just cities where the average yearly income is >$90,000 due to resource extraction, especially oil.

There's tons to do in Anchorage, especially now that the port is staying open longer. The airport is dying, but the seaport is thriving. If you want, you can move freight for $20 an hour at the seaport, while getting your yearly $1k neetbux from the oil companies.

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The one most important thing in life I've learned when predicting shit in life is that if the "big boys" aren't investing in it, it's most likely a scam.

>The USA outright rejects the Paris Climate agreement
So yeah, global warming/cooling/whatever-term-they-are-gonna-invent-next can suck my ass.

>Yes goy, invest into my (((scientific research fund))) so I can save the planet

it's like "aids will never get a cure," right?

How do you offload an emission?

>Oh here China here's our smog in a container just don't open that li-whoops

Why would the big boys invest in anything that effects the bottom line of profits goyum?
Money above all else.

>t.rational bear

When did the world get so anti-science and intellectualism?

AIDS doesn't need a cure because not catching it is as simple as not fucking people in the ass and not sharing needles.

Factory work. US companies have shifted a large portion of their production to factories in China and other SEA nations.

When were they about intellectualism? 90% of the leaders are fucking idiots.

I had a colossal brainfart and typed polar ice caps instead of glaciers on the third one, my bad.

Not after he supported the censorship of Crowder. Nice try, not gonna give him any adsense tho.

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or by not toughing blood ever
but that doesn't matter because it's basically treatable/curable now after years of saying it was impossible to manage

You're a slave to your master. Enjoy the ride to hell.

persona games are extremely good escapism games where you can be a jap high school boy like youve always wanted , also its extremely long so you can forget about real life for a long time

third worlders vaccinate their children more than white americans do. enjoy being racist and having measles.

because when it matters most its used simply to bleed more money out from people like with planned obsolescence and the entire medical establishment
no one trusts those liars and their corporate money anymore

Kek, based post Yea Forumsro

nice source lol

The US still has tons of factories. We /only/ have over 300,000 factories. We used to have more, true, but there's 1 factory here for every 1,000 citizens. And yet, we still produce far less pollution than China or India, and also have a better air quality index.

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it is the end times

Stop eating up everything mainstream media shits out

All the people defending crowder are fucking idiots. All he needs to do is not put up the dumb shirt for sale and he'll still get his ad money which is not his main source of income anyway.

Pretty sure we're actually worse than India in several forms of pollution actually.

Nobody beats China though.

I haven't been on Yea Forums since 2010, unironically. It was my first stop back in 2008, and I haven't looked back since Yea Forums, /f/, and Yea Forums saved me.

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Soviet Union was extremely technocratic.

6/10, you got me angry enough to respond.

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Chernobyl says otherwise

Climate change is real but not nearly as bad as libs would have you believing. The world was supposed to end decades ago and still hasn't.

Maybe because the big boys won't have a plot of land to live on if they poison the whole fucking planet beyond repair. Unless they plan to live in some Fallout tier bunkers, then we are fucked.

What does that have to do with my post, you absolute faggot?

US has environmental regulations that control just what can come out of the end of a smoke stack, China does not. The US and other first world nations can do whatever they want to try and slow climate change but unless the Chinese come around it won't matter because those insectoids will just keep building more coal-fired smartphone assembly lines

Even fucking phil defranco's normie ass audience knows this isn't true. Who are you trying to scam

Climate change scare is only being pushed to install more 'carbon' taxes and fuel taxes and god know what else (meat taxes?)
And of course all the corporate expenses are being passed on the people too.
And then the money are supposed to be funneled to the world-wide governing body and 'redistibuted' to 'developing countries'. You can see where its all going.

Katowice COP24 Climate change pact is all about that: tax you more.
While all the 'scientific' climate chage models turned out to be over-exaggerated scaremongering

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people who said 'hiv will never be cured, you're wasting your money trying to look' are the same as people like you

>Exposing lies
>Enjoy the ride to hell
Get the fuck out, Shlomo

The big boys are all old enough that they will be dead before shit hits the fan.
The younger generation of billionaires are looking into things like bunkers, or in Elons case, looking into pic related.

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That's why climate change legislation is futile. Nothing that censures China will have any measurable impact. Nigeria, Indonesia, India, Brazil, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and the Philippines also need to be reigned in. However, we can't do anything to them because we're so cripplingly afraid of racism that we'll hurt ourselves just to avoid confronting them.

Turns out technocratic governments don't actually work very well because you wind up shut out of the real situation in the ground

Corporate rich fucks need to be taxed more.
Carbon tax hits them hardest, which is why they are so gung ho about spreading propaganda about how it doesn't work.

>Climate change is real but not nearly as bad as libs would have you believing
Well no shit. Saying that in roughly a hundred years the world will be fucked beyond the point we can fix it isn't as exciting and headline grabbing as OMG THE WORLD WILL END IN FIVE YEARS UNLESS WE TEAR DOWN ALL THE FACTORIES RIGHT NOW!!!111!!!!1

they are buying real estate in coastline areas - that were supposed to go down under the water according to alarmist scammers like Al Gore

All the people defending [insert offensive game] are fucking idiots. All the game developers need to do is censor and change all their offensive content and they'll be able to advertise it which is not their main source of income anyway.

I think even Phil himself knows that isn't true. He used to be based, and still has a little bit of it in him, even though he's been thoroughly brainwashed by his peers. If he never moved to California, he might still be cool.

Tim Pool is where it's at, though. The only complaints I hear about him are from extremists on either side that hate him for being too far to the left/right of them. Can't find much fault in his videos or actions aside from being too "milquetoast".

Are we listening to SJW propaganda again? Why would rich guys spread propaganda when it hurts them the most? They won't be able to use their resources to their advantage if the world dies.

>Having your brain cucked by the Koch brothers

Short term profits user.
Gotta please those shareholders.

Not only that, but they also invest heavily in countries that are supposedly going to be underwater in 30 years time.

Chris Chappell has a good video on it, here. Very unbiased and informative.


it's like the electric car thing
rich people are cannibalistic creatures
and they could browsing this very board right now

>Comparing a easily avoidable virus to a global threat

Both are scams made by the rich to milk goys, but I still have no idea why you're trying to compare the two, but as expected from a retard that believes that people are responsible for climate change

Have you ever seen a global climate change conference? The amount of energy used there and other waste created there is extrodinary. This isn't even counting the amount of energy resources it takes to travel there. You can take care of your surroundings without being a fearmongering loon.

"Corporate rich fucks" taxevade as much as they can, see Amazon paying 0 for last years, there are so many ways to duck the taxes its not even funny. And any tax they DO pay is only passed on the cost of the products/services - passed on you and your mom.

And if ever paid attention to the global news you'd known how it went in France - where 'climate' tax hit low-middle class the hardest, while corporations got it easy. That's why Yellow vest protests started.

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Who was saying that ten years ago?