100% Platinum Sekiro

>100% Platinum Sekiro
>Hype for Nioh 2 and Samurai Showdown
>Wait for Ghost of Tsushima to enjoy cinematic experience.
I'm gonna enjoy all of these feudal nippon experience regardless. How about you?

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Same except I don't have a PS4

im hyped to try a ninja build in nioh 2

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open Alpha E3 please KT

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Same, my dad loves sword based rpgs so it's a fun family activity to controller swap on.

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Why are samurai and ninja games made with such better quality and care than knight and mideival games

I only hope they fix that stupid shuriken animation. The thing that always turned me off from the ninja builds was how they stop in place to throw a shuriken then just stand there for 5000 years before you can move again.

Kingdom come and Witcher 3?

you wouldn't have even been fit enough to test a samurai's blade

Kingdom come is as bad as your generic bathesda shovelware and Witcher games are OKAY but the only decent mideival games and you still don’t play as a knight

Does liking non-anime Japanese elements makes me a weeb?

No. But if you praised it in unhealthy obsession, then you are a weeb.

Oh it'll fit, because you will become my target practice

it's nioh actually good?

I never played the game because it looked like a bad souls clone

TLDR; yes Nioh is good, especially if you’re a weeb.

The combat is better than souls. You’ve got different stances and can chain and combo attacks from one stance to another as combat flows. There’s more options to hacking and slashing than just light and heavy attack. The level design sucks compared to Souls. The world is pretty (especially the rain effects) but the maps are smaller and don’t fold into themselves as well as Souls games. Loot works like a diablo type game. You’ll be getting lots of it and you’ll sell/scrap most of it, but don’t stress over it and just use what you like as item stats won’t become really important until late game or on higher difficulties.

The only thing that could make me happier is if they announce Way of the Samurai 5...

Played Sekiro and it was really good. Thinking of getting Nioh 2 but waiting until it's out to see if it's any good.
Next to no interest in Ghost of Tsushima, probably gonna watch someone stream it.

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Imagine being such a pathetic fuck you save someone's else wife pictures.

Not him, but if you’ve ever saved a picture of a woman who you’re not married to or currently fucking, you’re a hypocrite. That said twitch thots are shit tier and that user should feel shame for his terrible taste.

She is not married to Lobos and will leave him after she's done using the balding wolf to boost herself up. Which will leave her single and ready to mingle.

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What changes is Nioh 2 going to bring? I got nioh first day but got bored with it very quickly.

You're not getting the full picture. This guy has a billion pics of this chick and he spams them in every single souls related thread.
He's absolutely obsessed with someone's else wife.

After watching this yaiba anime, I am realizing how much more shit in sekiro could have been.

Personally not a fan of fighting games and I'm sick and tired of Arkham batman gameplay so Nioh 2 is pretty much the only thing I'm looking forward to from what you are talking about.

Add another reddit nazi frog to the filter

I miss him.

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Ah. I didn’t know the full context. That’s fucked up in a sad kind of way.

Because Westerners would rather primarily push an agenda than focus on making a good game.
That and Westerners completely shun or outright give no fucks about their history so no native born westerner will ever capture the themes.
Though oddly the Japanese seem to have no problem tapping into it.

Found the seething tranny. Enjoy your suicide faggot


How is ENBposter not banned yet?

Good for you, little zoom zoom. I hope you can retain that optimism for as long as possible.

My nigga. I really hope we get another one some day.

More Nioh, so you probably won't like it.

hey Yea Forums, this is mental illness!

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Yokai shift replaces LW. Each form has a distinct feel and play style so I think its an improvement. New hatchets weapon that can be thrown. Yokai skills that let you summon yokai to attack. Dark realm areas that need certain actions to dispel them. Benevolent graves to help co-op babies. Corrupt and pure weapons. Corrupt weapons give you strong attack cutting waves and pure weapons let you ki pulse after guarding attacks. I had a lot of fun with the alpha and am highly looking forward to 2.

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>nioh is honestly one of the worst games I've ever played
>sekiro is one of the best
>no interest in ghosts of tsushima

Is this the normal opinion of chads?

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Both Nioh and Sekiro are great.

You really disregard the likes of Tenchu, Ninja Gaiden, and Way of Samurai boomer? Shame on you


Japanese people actually like and celebrate their culture and history. Nothing odd about it. What is odd is the blatant western ethno masochism. That is fucking odd you cuck.

nioh was shit. I wanted it to be good. It was shit in every way. Same way that denuvo dark souls ripoff was shit.

I loved sekiro and couldn't stomach Nioh for more than an hour. I was initially very excited about Nioh, too. They are not even close in combat and exploration aspects.

kind of hope they don't arbitrarily nerf the builds I have fun with like the first Nioh did.

No it wasn't.

Nichiren Katana?

They're different games focused on different things but both very good.

Well, maybe you found in Nioh something that I couldn't. My opinion of it is negative.

The combat is very good.

I literally one post ago said I hated the combat in comparison to Sekiro's.

>They are not even close in combat and exploration aspects
I couldn't disagree more, I absolutely hated how limited Sekiro's combat is and exploring the world in it never, ever, felt rewarding since besides gourd seeds everything else don't matter unless you are looking into some crutch prosthetic that are extremely situational. NiOh had a lot of problems, but at least combat had variety in it instead of this DDR stuff we got from FROM.

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I wish I could tell you. I don't remember why exactly, I only remember that I disliked it. It was quite some time ago.

Try some Nobunaga's Ambition sometime, and as oft mentioned Way Of The Samurai.

Sekiro also has good combat though. They both do. There's nothing wrong with the webm. You learn enemy movesets and react accordingly. I know my first time fighting these guys didn't like that.

Sekiro combat has no depth

>There's nothing wrong with the webm
I have thought a lot about this and I suppose this is a very subjective topic, but to me it's really limiting. Basically instead of properly learning the fight, I am denying the purple cape's entire moveset. They have gap closers, a couple of variations on their basic strike and even the infamous four rolling kick plus thrust kick attack. But the way it's designed it's almost like FROM wants this for you, turning every combat into what is basically a flowchart. Too many enemies are vulnerable to this hit-counter-hit stuff, even Isshin's first phase is entirely negated by doing this, Genichiro as well and so do the blue robed samurais in ashina castle.

I don't know, I feel like I have no options. There is one way to do the fight, and only one. Any form of creativity is denied. It looks pretty, but it really never clicked to me.

>tfw The Return of the Gourd
All these post game gauntlet missions are wearing me out man

Nioh combat is good but honestly ruined by stats and shitty equipment. Like, you make a set which buffs your one particular skill and just spam that skill for massive damage. If Nioh was more of an action game instead with much more interesting equipment, then it could've been so much better. Too bad people sucked Nioh's cock instead of giving it a fair critique and TN didn't fix anything in Nioh 2. It's a wasted potential.

same here, i cant wait for nioh 2

To be honest I don't think the equipment really influenced much until you started running the higher difficulties, but I see what you mean, it's a far criticism of the game. I personally didn't mind, the lack of enemy variety was a bigger factor.

>hasn't made it to the grand tournament
Oh user...

Actual good weebshit is back on the menu


Then don't make a set for a particular skill and don't spam it. Understand the properties of all your skills and when to use them.

Oh im in for the long run at this point, even if it's as bumpy as your post implies

Why wouldn't I? Game is full of cheap one shots from bosses, it's not really balanced for fair fights. You better kill them asap and getting a damage bonus on a good skill can kill them super fast.
It's this attitude "hurr durr just don't play this way" that will ruin Nioh 2.

All I need is ps4 to be current gen idort (including PC). I'm tempted by Tsushima. Post your favorite 5 ps4 exclusives. Convince me to go idort for the first time ever before current gen ends.

>Game is full of cheap one shots from bosses, it's not really balanced for fair fights
But that's not true at all, I would dare say the only truly brutal fight in the game is the first Onrioki one since it's so sudden and the arena so small.

It only looks that pretty once you do learn their entire moveset. There's nothing wrong with playing a game, getting better, and the learning how to deal with each enemy. There is less variety since you have one weapon but you absolutely can use your combat artes and tools. You have to pay attention to perilous attacks as well in order to deal with them right.

>But that's not true at all
What? Even basic fucking enemies kill you with a couple of hits on WotN.

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I agree with the overpowered shit but nobody knows how endgame will play out

Feudal Japan is pretty aesthetic

The bosses are fair though unless you're talking about the dual boss fights. You chose to play the way you did and thats on you. I had a blast using my full moveset, fluxing between stances, and using different weapons.

>can't beat shura ending ishiin

>the only brutal fight is one of the earliest and fairest bosses in the game and not any of the bullshit double boss encounters or the buffed up versions on later difficulties

Samurai Shodown is revealed to release on June 25th. Netherrealm decides to release Kombat Pack 1 on June 25th.

Literally the same moveset as Saint Sword one, except it has few new moves that you could've easily dodged

When I was playing Sekiro, I can't but wanting a more chaotic multiplayer version of East Asia warfare. Kind of like Mordhau, but set place in the Asia.

>webm related

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Why the same date?