How the FUCK does anyone have enough time to play all the games they want to play...

How the FUCK does anyone have enough time to play all the games they want to play? Right now I'm trying to play Ghost Recon Wildlands, Pokemon Pearl, Dauntless, Mordhau, Splitgate Arena, and Borderlands. On top of trying to balance time for multiple games I'm a drawfag and I play piano, so I need to make time for those things, and I also work 35 hours a week. This also doesn't include the shows and movies I want to watch, I just can't keep it up. There's not enough fucking time, how do I manage it? This is making me sad.

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Stop drawing
Stop playing piano
Stop working
Drop 5 of those games
There now you have more than enough time to game

Now you understand why normies only buy like two games a year

why practice anatomy and chord shapes when you can fail the same boss 20 times

More importantly, stop watching shows and movies

>I also work 35 hours a week

You'll have to go NEET, then.

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wow you have become such a hyper consumerist bitch that you are now crying because you have too many things to consume.

literally go do something with your life



um, remove this game and you'll have plenty of time for the others.

you're not supposed to play more than one or two games at the same time
What are you? retarded?

stop playing AAA garbage and get a roundtable of arcade games going. I stay with well over 15 games I can return to as I please. Having your taste broken down to a science is good shit.

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Stop browsing Yea Forums.

Thought that was a cock and two shriveled balls

>mfw I'm not a NEET anymore
Cry moar. At least you don't have a wife and children. Oh and don't tell me you have (normie) friends too ? All those things suck when you want to play vidya.

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Try having a gf and 3 fucking kids also. My life is gone.

What the fuck are you talking about? I have way more time now that I have a regular office job compared to when I was a student. Work has no homework or studying for exams, when you leave work you're off work until the next day. As a student even weekends were spoiled by schoolwork.

How much time have you spent on Yea Forums today?

You need to pick the games you REALLY enjoy and play those, you have no obligation to play everything new that comes out. I realized that last year and I suddenly got alot happier about gaming.

>I also work 35 hours a week
As a wage slave. I hate you.

>gf and three kids
You should have married her before the first. Why haven't you?

Playing MP games is a waste of time, stop that to begin with. MP games are souless disgusting pieces of shit.

Arcade games are shit tho. It's just the same shit over and over again, might as well watch paint on a fence dry. Then at least you are outside getting some sun.

all I do is go to work and come home to regenerate. Anything else will make my free time zip by so fast that it'll feel like my life is work with a few short breaks in between. Working part time is the way to go, I think.

I'm not 12, and don't concern myself with playing videogames.
I only play them because I'm a fuckup that played too many videogames in highschool, ruined my life, and now I'm doomed to play them for the rest of my life.

Due to me only having 2ish hours to play per day I'm extremely selective about the games I play and do thorough research before buying them. This period though was especially intense, between RDR2, DMC5, RE2 and Sekiro I've had my hands full for months

because im a spic and she is white

I like the arcade style because i'm getting as far as I can before death. No saves, no checkpoints, no continuing tomorrow after scooby doo airs at 9o clock. Just working towards that efficient playthrough.

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I just want to play GTAO, TF2 and MHGU, nothing else has hooked me lately.

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>How the FUCK does anyone have enough time to play all the games they want to play?
there are barely any games worth playing
i've played two games this year
less than 70 hours total

What modern game allows me to fail the same boss 20 times? Because I don't know any recent game of that kind.

It's the current year. It's legal for you to marry her now.

Abloo bloo bloo, you have a dearth of fucking options in life. Woe is you. Whatever will you do with all the fucking choice,

Neck yourself.

>he hasn't come to the conclusion that you can't and that you might as well just play whatever one game you want for a period of time until the next trend
Just let go of your losses, OP. The sooner the better. It's kind of peaceful really.


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>Right now I'm trying to play Ghost Recon Wildlands, Pokemon Pearl, Dauntless, Mordhau, Splitgate Arena, and Borderlands.
First step is to get some fucking taste.

Wildlands is an empty grindfest of copy/paste bullshit, artificial difficulty and loot boxes out the ass.

Dauntless is literally a F2P grindfest and a shitty mohun clone to boot.

Borderlands is the pinnacle of a chore like grindfest.

Splitgate: Arena Warfare is literally a F2P grindfest.

So straight up what you need to do is drop everything that isn't Pokemon Pearl and Mordhau, finish Pearl, enjoy Mordhau whilst it still has a MP community, then find something new and worthy of your time.

Based poster with the logic.

>muh "grind is bad" arguement
Spotted the casual.

No, grind isn't inherently bad, grind of the sake of grind is bad.

For example i'd highly recommend OP picks up Mohun on a handheld so that he can spend months, if not years casually chipping away at it.

F2P games are always geared to give you the minimum amount of enjoyment possible for the time you invest in the hopes that you'll spend money on them. They are the realm of poorfags and third worlders for a reason, they're not designed for wagies and should not be played by wagies, it is the path to madness.

Frighteningly the same applies to Wildlands, and most of Ubisofts open world schlock these days. Wildlands takes around 100 hours to 100% (all missions, collectibles, tier 1 mode), and more than 50 of those hours are going to be spent power grinding the same six missions (with the odd spot of Unidad hunting from a chopper) or grinding out dailies for content that should have been included with the game from the start. Again it's geared to give you the minimum amount of enjoyment possible for the time you invest in the hopes that you'll spend even more money on it, worse still the core gameplay is incredibly fucking flawed.

Just work and play vidya, watch a little TV or movies when you're eating.

I have a massive backlog that I want to finish within a year and probably will.

Is your backlog only like ten games?

>Hundreds of games released by established developers and publishers per year
>Thousands more from other sources
>"barely any games worth playing"

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you don't like gaming anymore? Why are you even interested in a hobby where you like less than 1% of what's available? The people on Yea Forums who have these attitudes are beyond retarded.

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Name a thousand games worth playing released in 2018.

By not playing shit games and only choosing to play good games.

Basically only play japanese games.

All of the games you listed is garbage, op.

Maybe if you only choose to play good games you wouldn't end up in this predicament.

>Wildlands is an empty grindfest of copy/paste bullshit, artificial difficulty and loot boxes out the ass.

It's fun in small doses, when you want to scratch that open world itch. I don't care about the loot boxes in this game, I don't even acknowledge they exist. It's a fun game to log on, do a few missions, fuck around, and log off. It gets boring if you try to marathon it, just like Far Cry or Assassin's Creed, they're best played in short, scattered play sessions.

>Dauntless is literally a F2P grindfest and a shitty mohun clone to boot.

Dauntless is completely fine if you aren't interested in investing the dedication that MH requires. You can also hop on Dauntless and kill a few monsters and be on your way without spending too much of your time on it, whereas MH the time commitment and learning curve is much more. Clone or not, the game play is solid, but yes it's grindy, just like MH.

>Borderlands is the pinnacle of a chore like grindfest.

The game literally has start and an end, you don't have to spend your time grinding anything. You can play through the story and be on your way, and it's still one of the best looter shooters made. It sounds like you just hate any game that has any semblance of a grind, even if the grind isn't necessary. These games aren't fucking MMOs.

>Splitgate: Arena Warfare is literally a F2P grindfest.

This literally makes no sense, because it's literally not a grindfest. It's a straight up multiplayer shooter, what are you grinding? Rank? Loot boxes? This game is more akin to old school FPS games where people would just log on and play for fun, like the good old days. You weren't trying to finish dailies or events or whatever stupid fucking gimmick most current FPS games have these days. Splitgate is actually refreshing in that you just log on to play and have fun, and everyone is on an even playing field.

Pokemon Pearl is grindier than all of these games if you focus on end game activities.

Why is it you know so much about these games that you're telling the OP to avoid? You seem to have a deep understanding of the game play of Wildlands, yet you tell other people not to play it. So you play all of these games for hundreds of hours to, what, shitpost about them on Yea Forums and tell others not to play them?

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What a stupid comment. I never said a thousand games were worth playing, I implied that there's thousands of choices, and if out of all of those choices you only find a couple things you enjoy, then maybe the hobby isn't really for you. I wouldn't fucking bother with a hobby if there was a 99% chance I would end up doing something I hated.

I get paid to play them, doesn't mean I enjoy them and sure as fuck doesn't mean i'm going to endorse them.

>Pokemon Pearl is grindier than all of these games if you focus on end game activities.
Is Pokemon Pearl explicitly designed around milking the player with micro transactions to ease the grind?

Didn't think so.

But neither is Wildlands, Borderlands, or Splitgate. I will agree with Dauntless because you actually get bonus loot for having the season pass, and that bonus loot means less monster grinding.

Drop movies and shows, no need for multiple forms of entertainment. Get better taste, You really have to consider what games are good and only play the good ones.

>Ghost Recon Wildlands

Name 4 other games OP should play instead of just saying what games you think are bad.

Sitting at about 14.

You seem to have Yea Forums confused with some feel good hugbox circle jerk of warm fuzzy feelings.

You need to go back.

Dauntless is iffy, but the rests are okay.

It's easy if you dislike most of the games that are out.

Why are you asking questions that you know you can answer you fucking sperg? Pick a thing and do it, stop juggling.

No, just showing that the retards of Yea Forums have no taste despite always trying to tell other people what games they think are bad. Thanks for proving my point that you and nobody else here is an authority on video games.

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>Ghost Recon Wildlands
>Good taste
Ahahahahahahaha, you really need to go fucking back.

Make a fucking schedule
I work 9 hours a day and still put 500 hours into games over the last month and a half

trim literally every single piece of shit off your list and swap them for a single actually good game

>It's another "play good games post" that doesn't post a good game to play

You guys don't even play games, do you?

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Ask yourself, user - do you really want to play those games?

Is it YOU who wants that or do you feel you NEED to play them because they SHOULD make you happy? I'm asking because they games you listed are proper shit and I can hardly see anyone enjoying them.

>35 hrs / week

so its a part time job, not a real one

wagie, wagie

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Yes, it is part time, and it pays me more than enough to live comfortably in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house, own 2 cars, and have cool shit. Why the fuck would I want to work more when this gives me plenty? Hell, I wish I could work even less, but this is how much I need to work to get stuff done.

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I can't take you seriously when you say you have no time, but you're posting on Yea Forums.
Not trying to be rude.

The trick is not having a lot of games you actually want to play.

You're right, I'm guilty of spending more time on Yea Forums than I should. I haven't really been around the thread for like 30 minutes though, I just pop back in every now and again. I have Yea Forums up on my second monitor and I'm listening to a podcast while playing Wildlands.

>pick up AC: Origins because my friends keeps saying how amazing it is and I have to
>have some time to play after work
>do like 2 side quests, running around the fuckhuge map and clear a fortress
>look at the clock
>almost three goddamn hours have passed, have to go to sleep
>repeat for a week
>don't feel like I've progressed at all

It's like they design these things just to waste your time

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What do you do with 3 bedrooms when you only need like half of one?

I have a girlfriend, we share a master bedroom, and one of the rooms is my game room with my PC, some consoles and a TV. I use it more than the living room because I like having everything linked together right there, I only really use the living room if I'm watching a movie with the gf. The third room isn't really necessary right now. We were going to do a guest room but I never have people staying the night here so I'm not going to throw down on a fucking bed I don't need, so it's mostly storage, although sometimes I use it to play keyboard or draw if I want to keep myself away from distractions.

Fuck me