Name a better monster.
Name a better monster
nigga please
That was easy.
Gore Magala.
I still love Narga though. Easily one if my favourites along with tigrex.
Bing bing
Fucking majestic
>tfw no hermaphroditic seltas queen living in the frosty north that covers itself in ice like a zamtrios to make you her bitch for 50 minutes
No Zamtrios no buy for iceborne
>cute female armor set
ceanataur armor fucking rocks
Best Monster coming through
>literal pinata
What if I like them both.
They could always just use the singular creature concept.
Post real monsters faggots
>We have Zamtrios at home
Based and chadpilled
>suggest cool concept monster
>monster hunter mild player wants to remove uniqueness
God forbid someone forces you to try
The fuck is this gay shit
Everything in monster hunter mild is some sort of fucking dinosaur
That’s a dragon
And it’s gay
Niggergante a shit
is gore / shaggy cheating
>speedyboi no one cares about
You're right, I can't.
Ayy, zinodogg best doggy
I hate brachydios, but he is interesting
4u has the best monsters
Like both cause being offensive rewards you
My fav monster
Also like this guy
I don't like his design and i kinda hate his moveset with extending his wings, shootting from them and stuff like that, but idea of such a monster is pretty crazy
Currently at number 3 in the Jap popularity poll and slowly climbing up. By 2020 Nerg will be the most popular monster.
(Valstrax never reached number 3 btw)
>joey weener uses it
>description is a joke
>edgy black color
Based and Nergpilled
>being offensive rewards you
First time i beat zino was poking with gunlance guard up
Valstrax, like the bone pit ‘dragon’ were elusive in lore unlike the gore magala who was there to push your shit in every chance and the steve swarm who steved it up and raped rathians.
Well yea, because he's the flagship from the FE Awakening of the series. Nerg could have been a literal turd and he'd still be top 5 in popularity.
Also thanks for maintaining the stereotype that japs have shit taste.
Chill out my dude, it's just a suggestion. The two monster tag team concept is the Seltas duo's biggest obstacle to ever appearing again, and you could have a functionally similar bug monster in World with a gimmick or two of its own. Like that concept of it using environmental objects as armor or weapons was shared with the concept version of nerscylla, which was later toned down to just wearing a gypceros hide. You could bring that part of it back to life in a game like World.
That design always reminds me of a decepticon
You shouldn't save thumbnails
Or be a phoneposter
Apex 140 rajang is a wonderful experience that I have yet to match while playing mhw.
>spergs still trying to incite console wars via monster hunter
i own both GU and World and so do lots of other fans, poorfags
Nerscylla best monster
Well, that's the idea of gunlance tho.
Imma call dat nigga Starscream now. Thanks for that.
I mean i just put my shield up and poked like a little bitch
>not playing P3rd/3U/FU where wide shelling is strong
Get them staggers for days. Poking is for faggots.
Well, that's the idea of a gunlance.
>incite console wars
Im not making it about the console
I’m making it about the western 3A fucktards who think a warm bowl of soup is a challenge compared to people who have been no-spooning the inferno chili.
>Good designs that will never reach the light of day
Genuinely THE best fight in the series for having amazing and fair hit boxes, which is a fucking rarity in this series but you never truly realize how much they can elevate a fight up until Valstrax.
>mfw weaving through his attack where he extends his wings like spears
Fucking beautiful.
Not saying it's one of the beats, but I always found it really cool. It'd fit right in the ancient forest, especially with the lack of bird wyverns. Instead of just reversed controls, I'm sure MHW could handle actual hallucinations as well
Great design, horrendous fight.
Agreed. I'd love it if it actually hunted you down like owls do mice. It could have a unique "pinned" mechanic to get grabbed in it's talons and taken to another area.
supreme taste
Khezu is the only correct answer
outta the way, edgelord nigger cat
thats not a monster
what constitutes a monster? you can hunt pigs
are you saying youd ever consider hunting that good boi?
I miss him
The only monster here is you. Your carves yield dung you motherfucker.
need it for my farm
I really like Vaalhazak. But then again I only played World
>Name a better monster.
>Posts the worst monster in the entire series
>Thunderlord is peak Zinogre
>Drilltusk is peak Tetsucabra
>Hellblade is peak Glavenus
>All have the same shitty deviant music playing at all times
Not fair
bepnis :DD
No contest
How is long sword in MHGU?
With Valor it is pretty good, Seregios blade is great.
Barrothbros where you at?
Look at the size of those thigh muscles
Ghezu :DDDD
>regular Narga after P3rd
Lagi will be gimped forever until swimming comes back
Literally anything released in 4 and X.