Minecraft panic attack? What the fuck man

Jesus Christ Yea Forums what the fuck is happening to me. I logged on MINECRAFT since '11 and for some reason got hit with a panic attack?! Why the fuck am I having a panic attack I feel like I have a fucking black hole in my chest is this a fucking stroke? What the fuck is happening I'm so fucking sad too god fucking damn this shit

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yeah i dont really care buddy but this 5 says you should just kill yourself

Heart palps from being fat and not breathing enough, nwah

user has spoken, OP.

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Yeah maybe you're right but I'm not fat but my family has a history of heart shit

Anxiety dude. Go somewhere else besides a Polynesian knitting site for help

Where would that be? Family is poor and I support them


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Depends entirely on where you live. Go see a GP, he should be able to point you in the right direction.

Anyplace online? I don't like things like mental health being tracked and filed... I don't know if that sounds right buts how I feel..

Look up ways of helping cope with it. While you learn and practice those seek medical help from a professional

Honestly you probably are realizing things you can't understand yet. Maybe the game isn't the escape anymore

You shouldn't worry about those things, you'll drive yourself crazy. Talk to a doctor and get the help you need. Otherwise you'll end up in a worse state

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Sinpli eric

Thanks user I will

I... I really hope not.. I was in the middle of planning my first big build... A huge castle that's conjoined to a mountain like the shit the dwarves in middle Earth live in, I felt over whelmed a bit when it hit...

I can't help but.. I try to used duck duck and I'm moving towards safer ways to use the internet I don't like where the world is going and where someone small like me would fit into it. I'm scared user I really am.

don't worry about shit like websites and government tracking you if it's already happening
the only thing you can do is lobby your local government to try and change things, don't live your life worried about every little thing cause you gotta remember you're 1 of half a billion people if you're in the US, and even large pools of people if you aren't
no one can feasibly look through all that data and come up with any sort of way to file or organize people into anything of a manageable size, it just isn't feasible, so there's literally no reason to worry about it

Ayy that's okay user, it's a bigger scary world but you don't have to worry about it all. Things seem scary now, but haven't they always? I read a line in a book once that said "don't sweat the small stuff" I started applying it to my life and it's been super helpful

You're a good dude who takes care of his family. You may be overwhelmed right now, but tough times build a tough man. Don't be afraid to get help when you need it tho. I promise you all will be well my friend.

You need to relax man and build some kino builds.
Ultra realism and ray tracing is the future of MC.

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just breath op

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fpbp, 8 confirms.

you dropped this

Haha this is so dumb I'm tearing up a bit haha fuck, thanks user I'll take it to heart and work with it. Also was that book slaughter house 5? I read it and it has a similar mantra. I thank you man and God speed to you as well

You are right about it already being active but I feel like AI is increasing to the point where data crunching to that level isn't out of question you know? But I have to hand it to you for giving me the lobby suggestion you've given me a shred of hope user. We'll make it user, we have to!

Got a potato pc had to actually take time to optimize it haha

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>that feel when your MC apartment is better than your IRL one.

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>tfw the life of every video game character is better than your own

But they started far worse then you user.

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Congratualtions OP. Whatever shit you've been ignoring mentally and emotionally has come back to bite you in the ass, manifesting itself in the form of panic attacks. They get easier to manage to as times goes on since you'll what sets them off, but oh boy, those first few will suck. You WILL get through them however. Center yourself, ground yourself to reality by focusing on shit you do have control over. I speak from experience, mine get crazy whenever I think about death too hard

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trying to make a bathroom that actually looks well comfy

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Posting in a shit thread because I need to vent about my own panic attack earlier. A truck almost killed me in a collision 4 years ago in a city I don't know well 50 miles away from where I live. Today in the same area at around the same time the same type of truck almost slammed into me at 70mph while I was at the back of stopped traffic and I went full panic mode, it barely missed but for the rest of that hour-long drive I jumped at every little thing and practically slammed on the brakes every time someone in front of me started to slow down. I tensed up so much that every muscle in my body is sore now 12 hours later and I'm still anxious.

Thanks for reading my blog again Yea Forums

Stephen King's insomnia. Kino in book form

Haha same can be said about most mc worlds

I have been rather disconnected from reality as of late, I remember when I was actively looking for someone now more pressing financial stresses have made me shift my priorities and I have all but lost interest in relationships for the time being...

Vent as much as you like my friend I'd like to hear about others as well, hope you get better user

Will definitely check it out and you should definitely check out slaughter house 5 it's a classic!