There's no way to attain complete and total liberation from pain and sufferin-

There's no way to attain complete and total liberation from pain and sufferin-

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Other urls found in this thread:

anyone find it funny how a south east asian guy near india influenced places like japan?



What do with a boredom and stuff?

Now I can finally know what happens after parinibban-

Sekiro thread?

What is easier, enlightenment or learning japanese?

Enlightenment. You get glimpse of enligtenment every now and then, but to hold on to it is the real challenge.

Learn japanese and you will attain enlightenment through the process

Siddartha said you could be the Buddha for an instant.

The problem with enlightenment, and holding onto it, is how utterly compelling the search for knowledge is. Suffering.

I finally have an excuse to post this.

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There's no way to have video game discussion on Yea Forums.

Ah yes, the same enlightenment revealed to dog torturing cat eating bugmen.

The same bug men literally prophesied to grow elephant ears in the time of the apocalypse and consume every plant and animal on earth, according to a religious text long ago censored and destroyed.

There’s a way to have video game discussion on Yea Forums.

I find it more funny that the jihadist sandniggers influenced all of south east asia

>material goods
>sexual desires
>personal shame

Once you reach zencel, than you will see.

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Dog eaters are actually not the same. Dog eaters come from parts of China whom are atheistic or Vietnam whom are practicing indigenous religions or Koreans who are Christians.

Most Chinese hate Buddism though as Tibet is still not free.

>What do with a boredom
Open your mind
>and stuff
Let go

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>Korean Christians
Yikes get me the fuck out of here

Life is just death in drag

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>This at this game I'm playing! It is fun!!
>For now.

I had it once and lost it. I regret ever finding it because I'll never be able to experience that feeling of acceptance in just being, or as in not giving a shit.

>bruhhh just withdraw from life and you won't suffer from the bad parts of life LMAO
buddhism is nihilism


>I regret

there's your first problem m8

What is the purpose of achieving nirvana only to lose it? Just to have experienced it?

>Not having a Buddhist family
>Being a wh*Toid
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

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Asking why Nirvana is important is putting the destination before the journey, user.

Nirvana simply is the enlightened form. The troublesome part is it's really one of those "you'll know it when you feel it" sort of things.

Might not even have been nirvana, and more of a """"euphoric"""" sensation as a side effect from my relief. I'll have to do some research.

I want SMTV to be about Buddhism but I gues DDS already did that

I'm thinking of becoming a Buddhist but we really pretty heavily on meats here and the local Stuppa seems to be a bit too "western" with a vegetarian coffee place and giftshop. Wonder I should just say fuck it and visit it anyway

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Buddhism is degeneracy, stagnation equals death

Buddhism is required to understand one's self.

resensibilize your senses with meditation.
it takes care of boredom and burn out.
its just a high investment at the start since you are a neurotic mess and cant sit still for 20 min/day

Who knows? You know why most of religion and spirituality is just a lot of imagery and woo is because when we communicate we're just relating information and sometimes words simply are too confining.

Personally, eating meat is just me partaking in the cycle of rebirth. If you were reborn as meat then you acted like meat in your past life, simple as. All I can do is pray for your higher rebirth.

There's literally nothing to lose by visiting the stupa, so you may as well see what they have to say.

Introspection, experience, time, and patience.

Everything else is just beaten path, helps you get there faster.

Pain is the whip that makes you run faster.
It's the spikes in the pit that make you learn platforming.
Pain is the casual filter that makes you get good.
Through pain, find purpose.

Nothing in Buddhism prohibits eating meat unless the meat is killed specifically for you. Siddhartha, the historical Buddha, died from food poisoning from improperly cooked pork. Yeah, Buddha ate meat.

Technically most teachings of Buddhism, Zen, and Hindu respect animals in a way that meat-eating is frowned upon.

He died from food poisoning because he wasn't allowed to turn away alms, he knew the dish wasn't completely cooked when he took it.

>tfw whiteoid raised by 70's Buddhists

>frowned upon
Right, not prohibited.

I used to have the same opinion about buddhism as you white libshits did. Thought it was a thoughtful philosophy without any mysticism or theological nonsense.

Then I watched my buddhist wife get her fortune told infront of a statue by shaking a tin can with sticks in it and she told me the buddha totally told us our future. We then left out food for seven fairies so that they wont give us bad luck.

Honestly buddhism is far more full of mystic bullshit then christianity could ever hope for. You guys swallowed the lies from Richard Geere hook, line and sinker.

>westernized moron understanding of buddhism

Sounds like your wife got tricked by the cashier at Panda Express.

>Deep inner understand and growth is stagnation
playing videogames 10 hours a day is stagnation

You misunderstand abstract rationality for mysticism, stay in school, take a logic course.

I guess frowned upon is the wrong pay to put it. Consuming flesh is prohibited as well as violence, ahimsa.

>I used to have the same opinion about buddhism as you white libshits did. Thought it was a thoughtful philosophy without any mysticism or theological nonsense.
It's not and this is the reason it should be taken seriously at all.

>Consuming flesh is prohibited
Right, if the meat is killed specifically for you like I said. There are parables about this.

A jew also influenced most of Europe and the Americas.
Funny stuff really.

Siddhartha preached a philosophy.
Buddhism is not the teaching of Siddhartha.
It is a religion with all the gods godesses, heavens and hells (yes it has many heavens and hells) that other religions do

Yeah he figured out that the easiest way is to die. Dying is hard because the torture box works against you, so just practice endurance until the liberation arrives.
Anyone who thinks enlightenment is a thing is a moron who will never achieve anything close to it.

Buddhism many different interpretations like with Abrahamic religions. I think the original Siddhartha expressly stated he was not to be deified but somehow the figure of "Buddha" has evolved into an omnipresent, jolly fat god who brings you luck and prosperity. I have no idea how this developed from a religion based on a figure who preached selflessness and detachment and starved himself

This is either a very bluepilled post or the most redpilled one i've seen on Yea Forums

Absolutely true. While on one hand, it tells you that attachment to these things will not bring you enlightenment it also tells you that they exist. Why include them at all?

Ordained monk here.
You guys don't know a lot about Buddhism, as very few westerners do (Vedic religions are so misunderstood)
Feel free to ask me any questions,.

That's Budai.
It's a chinese demigod. I believe since for a lot of the west their introduction to buddhism was through chinese restaurants they came to associate that good luck charm with the buddha

He's right though, there is a lot of bullshit woo tied up in it, but you have to understand that it's essentially the Christianity to Hindu's Judaism.

And you're a brain dead retard who can't read between the lines or participate in abstract thought.

No, the killing is just another part of it. Consuming flesh, in pretty much every major dogma, is tantamount to cannibalism.

The fat guy is a Chinese monk who was a buddhist.

He died from eating uncooked food as he was unable to refuse alms, and he used it to teach his disciples upon his death that mourning his death was just another form of suffering, as in attachment to his flesh.

It is a whip but it is not made to make you improve. That is coincidental and only happens occasionally. You have to purposefully ignore all the purposeless pain to pretend that there is meaning in it and that it is actually beneficial to you and not a by product of a process that does not care at all about your self interest. Enjoy your incurable chronic pains and mental degradation. Surely it'll make you improve and find purpose in life.

>Consuming flesh, in pretty much every major dogma, is tantamount to cannibalism
Citation needed.

Reminder when you're ready to grow up the true religion is always here for you.

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>grow up
nigga it's not like you aren't intelligent enough to know the purpose behind religion, there's a reason it gets compared to opium

Siddartha experienced death as animals when he achieved enlightenment.

It's not my interpretation, I think that vegetarianism is actually a barrier to enlightenment that promotes poor health.

Siddartha sort of had the same opinion when he realized that asceticism wasn't the path to enlightenment, this is when he nearly starved himself to death under the Bodhi tree.

You clearly don't know what religion that is user
Real life is opium compared to it

literally knockoff hinduism

It's not even a vedic religion you moron....

So you're not going to provide citation for this thing you're claiming.

>n-no u
Great argument
I'm religious now.

Jainism is older than Hinduism or the Vedas

Well my atheist friend we have no god

To be honest user I don't feel like I have to, that's the actual story.

doesn't matter

call me when you boys can handle a real religion

The actual story seems to be that he never said he couldn't eat meat. You seem to have inferred the thing you're claiming and have wasted both my time and yours on what amounts to be your opinion.

>You have to purposefully ignore all the purposeless pain to pretend that there is meaning in it
We evolved the sense of pain and dread purely because it is useful to us.
There is a lot of pain you can't do anything about. But it's created by the same process that makes pain you CAN do something about, and it's better to err on the side of changing what you can, rather than err on the side of accepting what you can't.
Great things have been done by people who refuse to accept the idea of "It can't be changed".
>a process that does not care at all about your self interest.
Life in general does not care about your self interest. True, it is cruel and harsh. But that just means there's always something more you can overcome by gitting gud.
>Enjoy your incurable chronic pains and mental degradation.
Thanks, you too.

>south east asian guy near india
You mean, Nepali?

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>How user on Yea Forums reaches an enlightenment.

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Jainism has artifacts dating back to 3000BC
Vedas were written in 1500BC

What do you mean wrong?

After my nirvana, how will people who eat the flesh of beings deserve to be called disciples of Śākyamuni? You should understand that these people who eat flesh may gain some modicum of mental awakening while practicing samādhi, but they are all great rākṣasas who in the end must fall into the sea of death and rebirth. They are not disciples of the Buddha. Such people kill and devour each other, feeding on each other in an endless cycle. How could they possibly get out of the three realms? When you teach people in the world to practice samādhi, teach them to renounce all killing.
I can affirm that a person who neither eats the flesh of other beings nor wears any part of the bodies of other beings, nor even thinks of eating or wearing these things, is a person who will gain liberation.

Gautama Buddha, Śūraṅgama Sūtra,

Pain and pleasure are both foolish things to live by, and should be avoided as substitutes to awareness and self control. What one should be concerned with is solely what is their own actions, for that is all they have control over.

I feel like an idiot upon learning this, it explains so much

what a dumb nigger.
Plants, bacteria, even viruses are OTHER BEINGS.
This dumb street shitting faggot just came from a time when they still couldn't understand how illnesses work. fucking retards, you supposed to simply not eat/drink/breathe/move for fear of killing something?


My mom got a Buddha statue and seems to think rubbing its head gives good luck.
She also seems to think it has to be pointed in a specific direction or it will come alive and move itself.


Yeah, I mean I pretty much agree.

They came from a time when you still measured the humors and biles in the body.

so what? cease to exist? cos you can't harm anything? these jainist tards are killing shit constantly, merely by being alive/
what the fuck do they think lives in their gut?

t. read some nietzsche once and the world is stupid man

You mean like how some desert jew from 2000 years ago influenced the foundation of the world's current super power?

Interestingly Jainism had the one if not the first recorded instances of microorganism and taught how to prevent their destruction.

The existence of beings called 'nigoda' that are for all intents and purposes, microbes- these things are submicroscopic, live in clusters, have 'only the sense of touch' and live everywhere, from the air, land to tissues of plants and animals warning. This was mentioned in a text called the Acharamga or Ayaramga Sutra, which basically gave guidelines on how a monk should behave and dates back to atleast the 5th century BC.

Since people cant help but kill millions of such microbes every day, Jains try to minimise the damage by having severe food restrictions- foods like potatoes and garlic are genrally not eaten (they believe tubers and roots have an inordinate amount of microbes), some also avoid drinking unfiltered water.

I thought that too, but what gives you purpose if not the struggle?

Taking pleasure in having the privilege to exist at all. If that is somehow not enough for you the door to leave is always open, but I hope you can realize what a wonder it is just to be.

yeah heil hitler bro lol

That's Native American shamanism you're looking for

Tell that to your landlord or the IRS.

You scared? Go to church.

That seems silly, consuming life is one or the most major parts of the cycle of life.

You cannot be enlightened by the darkness of this sinful world. Know the only historically-verifiable Light and be saved, you precious soul. (Acts 16:30-31)

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I've read enough to know that Ghuatama Buddha the radical social justice warrior would be appalled by all forms of Buddhism today. Western Buddhists especially have stolen the dhamma to push their failed 60s ideals. It's ironic that they are using a religion whose unapologetic end goal is to extinguish all consciousness. Buddhist meditation is great, but read the texts before you jump in.

I dont know what type of religion i am.

As an incel, i personally believe 90% of the world will go to hell, and we'll be the only people rewarded in the after life. Forget all this voluntary worship crap. All the successful happy people in the world think they can just go to heaven by going to church, praying, or doing some silly fortune telling shit. Why should they? They already live heaven on earth. While incels are already in living hell.
I think back on people like the slaves in america during the 1700s and 1800s. Shouldnt they have been the ones to get rewarded in the afterlife over their masters, since they suffered the most?
What about all the starving kids in 3rd world countries like haiti. Shouldnt their reward in the afterlife be greater than the well of christian white girl who prays? i feel like involuntary suffering is the key to greater reward in heaven.

Sometimes i think, God forced me to suffer, just so ill be more rewarded when i die.
Maybe reincarnation is real. And that all incels must have lived a good life in their previous one, and thats why we suffer now. But if reincarnation exists, why am i experiencing my current life now, but i never experienced my previous life?

>pacifism and complete non-violence
>this means we slaughter animals for meat either
That ain't gonna work, humans are inherently violent and we have always waged war to ensure the survival of our own group.

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working really well.
Jains are also the most successful groups in any society they're in.
Stasticially they're richer than jews

> But that just means there's always something more you can overcome by gitting gud.
This has no value. It is literally the act of stabbing yourself and then applying first aid to yourself. Abstract endless problem solving to kill time used to pat yourself on the back and say "I'm going somewhere". Fuck off with that shit.

>this means we cannot slaughter animals for meat either**
Damn grammar

You put way too much emphasis on getting your dick wet.

religion discarded, monkey brain bullshit

Oh no the new agers are slowly going to infect Yea Forums

Maybe non-violence pays off?

New age is about pledian star seeds and reiki and shit like that.
It's no where on Yea Forums maybe a little on /x/

Does my dog have buddha nature?

Why is buddha running from suffering? Didnt he always say just to let it go?

Violence extends far beyond physical violence and pacifism cannot survive in a violence based world. It is beyond noble but it is undeniably self destructive. If you ever see growth from pacifism something is up.

Happy birthday Rakesh, may you have a long life e lots of vagenas & lasagnas

How can you run from something inescapable?
You simply must learn to accept it

>I find it more funny that the jihadist sandniggers influenced all of Europe


>shoots self
oh no it appears your acceptance was actually just disguised cowardice

Pacifism does not mean submission and non-action user

????? Suicide is running from pain, especially in vedic religions

Summarize Buddha's main point of how we should live, I've seen too many conflicting explanations to think I have any idea anymore.

>Dude it's so cool it has a nazi symbol LOL

>Wanting to be free from pain and suffering
Pain is the driving force if change, like muscle tissue we must break a litle to grow back stronger.

so basically pixies and spirits, or humours.
sounds like mumbojumbo retardation to me.

Not even a question.

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were you born gay, or did you get molested?

To understand Buddha you must understand his audience. He was teaching a path of balance to the ascetics of ancient inda (these people literally tortured themselves to death to obtain spiritual wisdom). Buddh was radical for the time as he preached a balanced path that lead to answers acceptable to these monks.

His search was not to find "enlightenment" but for answers. He wanted to know where suffering came from and how we could deal with it. In this search he came to what is called the 4 noble truths.

I'm pulling these from online cause it's late as fuck.

The First Noble Truth is that life is suffering. To live, you must suffer. It is impossible to live without experiencing some kind of suffering. We have to endure physical suffering like sickness, injury, tiredness, old age and eventually death and we have to endure psychological suffering like loneliness, frustrations, fear, embarrassment, disappointment, anger, etc.

All suffering lies not in external events or circumstances but in the way we react to and deal with them, our perceptions and interpretations. Suffering emerges from craving for life to be other than it is, which derives from the 3 poisons: Ignorance (Delusion) of the fact that everything, including the self, is impermanent and interdependent; Desire (Greed) of objects and people who will help us to avoid suffering; Aversion (Anger) to the things we do not want, thinking we can avoid suffering. We can learn to look at each experience as it happens and be prepared for the next.

The third noble truth is basically how we can remedy this problem. This is the 8 fold path he lays out.

3rd and 4th noble truth is how the problem can be remedied. I really need to sleep. Just consider it more ways of saying that clinging to desire causes our suffering.

It is not an escape from pain as people say, or a blind search for some magical "nirvana", it is the ability for each individual to realize and remedy the suffering within themselves. For them to come to the same conclusions the Buddha came to.

Were you born lost or were you just misdirected? Meditate on it you know the answer

I've read up on Zen Buddhist meditation to clear my mind. I couldn't stand the mentions of "buddha nature" or reincarnations or "we are all buddhas" or some shit. Why the fuck would I want to get closer to some fat old fuck with big sets of ears thousands of years ago who've I've never met before when I just wanted to find calmness in meditation? Also

I'll ask again. Does my dog have buddha nature?

Yes we all do

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And yes I know Mu

But I don't have a dog.

>when he buys him the bread machine
>when God comes down in the form of a Dove because Jesus wants a diversion and tells Buddha "PERISH."
>rainbows are also secretly divine texts from God to Jesus
saint young men is so good

Yeah yeah you got me user i'm forest tradition not zen

Everything is COPE.

Stoicism? cope
Hedonism? cope and cringe
Religion? cope and cringe
Schopenhauerian pessimism? cope
Idealism? cope

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you should get one, they're pretty cool

Nope. Actual buddhist temple with actual buddhist praying and doing actual buddhist activities.
Okay sam harris, wheres the abstract thinking in starving yourself slowly to become a mummy, which you believe will be an eternally living spirit entity?
So the buddhism that people I've witnessed being practised in buddhist societies isn't true buddhism but its the buddhism practised by yuppy white libshits from northern california?

If I told you the christianity practised by europeans isn't true christianity but this one in the himalayas is, would you believe me?
Found the libshit.
That ain't the buddha retard. Thats a buddha. Stop listening to retards and read the sources!

>Actual buddhist temple

Mahayana or Theravada one. Just curious

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It’s only inescapable because our souls are held prisoner by the demiurge.

I like its interpretation of Jesus. Kind of fussy and free-spirited, but an absolute sweetheart that everyone in heaven wants to look after.

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>So the buddhism that people I've witnessed being practised in buddhist societies isn't true buddhism but its the buddhism practised by yuppy white libshits from northern california?
The buddhism you've witness is teachings of buddha with tribal beliefs tacked on. Just like Christianity is teachings of Jesus with Pagan shit tacked on.

Libshit buddhism is what you seem to think buddhism is. Some athiest religion that will bend to all pop science wants

then go obtain your gnosis and stop complaining

Enlightenment isn't Nirvana. Nirvana is the final stage.

>jesus getting the why aren't you married yet talk

Find that center within you. Get yourself out of that rut.

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Stuff like that is why the manga is great.

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I’m not complaining, I’m trying to spread the good word. Death to the demiurge.

heres ur religion bro

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Mahayana. Theravada was mostly practised among thai immigrants.

>The buddhism you've witness is teachings of buddha with tribal beliefs tacked on. Just like Christianity is teachings of Jesus with Pagan shit tacked on.

So who should I believe: the guy who got hus information from someone named travis treeflowers or monks, scholars and actual practitioners who do infact worship gods and have a theology?
>Libshit buddhism is what you seem to think buddhism is. Some athiest religion that will bend to all pop science wants

I call it like I see it. Not my fault white libshits hate jesus and hate being white so much that they'll bend other people's beliefs out of context to adjust to their views of the universe. I'm actually enjoying them trying to do it with islam and it backfiring in their faces.

If I ascend to a higher plane of existence, will I get a gf?

bruh this is like going to a catholic church and thinking "wtf christianity is totally materialistic and evil that's not what people said it was"

Redpill me on Taoism

>tfw you get cucked by god.

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it is a mystery

Buddhists are hippie fags, idk why you people idolize them so much

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Its the same crap FOR everybody

That’s ok, you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t suffer or experience pain ever. Also seeing Daibutsu was cool but I liked going to Hasedera more

Depends on the Buddhist Sect.

For example, Japan's own spin on Buddhism was Zen.

I think Yea Forums should just pick their own Eastern religion though.

The big problem though is the quality of the translations. There were a lot of Western hacks who just did rush job translations of Eastern religions in the past so lack of quality control.

Personally, I was always interested in Taoism and Shintoism.


Like I said, there are many different Buddhist sects because Asia is a big place.

Some of the shit you mentioned was due to Chinese influence and even Hindu influence.

You got to remember, Buddhism was a threat to Hinduism when it first started and Buddha was facing the religious bigshots at the time who did not want to reliquent power.

They waited after his death and the death of other influential Buddhis figures before Indians started saying Buddha was just an avatar of another Hindu god.

>T. White lib who wants to be interesting

Its more like a guy from the himalayas who was told tall-tales about christianity being an atheistic philosophy about chiropractics and then finding out thats not quite the case.

Remind you that these same people who peddled you atheist buddhism also peddled islam as a religion of peace and science. Sam Harris has an embarressing understanding of theology outside of pilpul.

have sex

Whats your point.
It’s impossible to seperate religion from the idea of a hidden world because fun fact monks have all he evidence they need to convince them of the hidden world and don’t need a scientist to tell them they’re wrong because it hasn’t been proven by their standards yet

or don't, up to you

Japan was copying everything China did.

Buddhism reached Greece but didn't catch on in Rome, I guess it was to similar to stoicism.

Warrior Monks still exists and slaying their enemies left and right. Cucksaders are just shadows of the past written in moldy history books.

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Taoism along with tai chi sounds pretty nice too but there are no actual places near me and being stuck in the cycle sounds like suffering. Zen seems to be similar but everyone I see discussing it seems to answer every question with even more silly questions. I'm thinking of just going to the Mahayana stuppa near me after I know a lot more about the religion

Qi gong makes you feel really good user

>Western/Christian theology: The world is fucked, the only way to escape it is to to live a life free of sin and have your sould be saved
>Eastern/Buddhist theology: The world is fucked, the only way to escape it is to let go and live a life free of desires
>Precolumbian/Aztec theology: The world is fucked, there is no escape, nobody can prevent the inevitable. Accept it and live a life helping sustain others
Who got it most right?

One day, alchemists of old tried to create the philosopher's stone in order to achieve immortality, they failed and then they said fuck it, and say just don't smoke cigarettes and eat garbage food and you'll live long enough.

>Jains are also the most successful groups in any society they're in.
Jains are literally street sweepers. They walk around barefeet with a dirty brush so they don't accidentally step on bugs or some shit, this is in India mind you, you don't wanna be walking around barefoot in that country. How the fuck are they successful?

Vidya, o Vidya. Wherefore art thou, Vidya?

My point is that you guys all sound like Carl Reiner. Its annoying, stop it.

Its not your fault, I honestly met a good number of asian christians that wore the crucifixes as a form of hipster jewelry who didnt know anything about the gospels ("no liu, jesus isnt a genie, he wont grant you wishes.).

If you want to follow something and believe in something, do it honestly and don't lie. This is the reason why people hate hippies.

>everyone agrees life is shit

>To live is to suffer, the only way to end your suffering is to attain enough enlightenment to end your reincarnation
Why does no one point out Buddhists are basically Nihilists?

Read Nietzsche

who /gnostic/ here?

Become a orthodox monk instead :-D

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suicide has always been an option

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