MMO Thread

MMO Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

my life
for the sweet release of death

diablo 2
diablo 2
nothing i have depression
faggots who hate RP
RP-PvP servers in classic WoW as i wait for camelot unchained and bannerlord

is this just an ffxiv thread

is the janny at it again or something

this but ironically

XIV and Diablo 3.
Black Mage levels in XIV and finishing my bounties for D3's current season
Black Mage is fun
Diablo 3 was fun and grinding for the Death Wish is making me want to KYS myself.

Its an mmo thread you retard

What are some MMOs that are worth playing?

This fucking monstrosity
That the grind for my Zeta weapon is over thank fuck also patting Tataru
Dragoons in dungeons
I can find RP that isn't creepy sex shit and actual adventure

why the uptick in FF14 threads anyway?

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To level 120. at 18 and questing in some horde zone
The game / questing in general. Met some guys earlier today in the general chat and we tore up some dungeons like nobody business.
that I can't afford XIV and WoW
That classic would come out sooner. Played it in the beta and I really liked the gameplay.

WoW and XIV are unanimously the most popular. Safe to say they're worth the investment.

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See the mmos that are actively talked about on Yea Forums? Xiv and wow.

FFXIV generalposters were discord trannies before it was cool

WoW, FFXIV, TESO are generally the safe bets and WoW Classic is coming soon. GW2 is run by ban happy retards

noticed this is coming out soon

Oh yeah OSRS as well

Orbonne tank set
Gold Saucer event
The orbonne tank grind set. holy fucking shit 3 runs in a row TG cid drops two motherfucking belts this is bullshit.
That I can find a static this expansion. I wish to get good, and pug groups just never work for me.

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If WoW is so good why are its players clamoring for decade and a half old version?

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just resubed to ffxiv
gearing up in preparation for the expansion
meh, music is still good
loads of shitters in this game
i want to play classic

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WoW classic is virtually a completely different game that's more inline with old school RPGs

WoW is pretty much a safe bet for quality nu-MMOs for casual players who just wanna play an MMO even if BFA is a shit expansion

POTD to level dragoon since i wanted to switch from black mage. Gotta get to level 53.
Redlettermedia as they're keeping me sane during this grind
Palace of the Dead
For this grind to be over so I can get on with the HW story.

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Can't we pretend to not dab on wow for one thread?
Orbonnes tank set is fucking good

>I can find RP that isn't creepy sex shit and actual adventure
Are you on Balmung? There's plenty of RP FCs doing that type of thing here.

>came in expecting MMO thread
>it's another XIV thread
I guess MMO really is dead.

Huh shit so it's not just people talking about big black Au Ra cocks? Gotta find me one

I wish I could play an MMO but I don't play enough for a sub to be worth it. Fuck my life. I just want to heal a party and not be useless.

So go on and talk about the mmo you're playing you idiot

Vanilla private server
A warrior
Being a warrior
Being a warrior
That classic was here already

FFXIV, PoE League for a few days
Elemental shards for crafting
Dificult, challenging content
Thin-skinned people who plague this game. Also that more of my friends aren't playing with me.
That Shadowbringers aren't shit.

Well talk about the MMO you're playing then

Because they are trying to make it an action game, like Diablo instead of an actual RPG

No Balmung is mostly a social server, though I will concede the RP scene is more "tavern hangout RP" but I've seen people go on adventures before.
I wouldn't say ERP is a minority by any means but it's definitely not as big as people think it is.

it's awesome and stuff haha

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I dun play. Nevah 'ave
'Ate grindin'.
Los' me lov'
'Ate the lannisters
Wishin for an en' to this war

In three weeks at this same time, it'll only be 4 more hours.
How do I knock myself out for three weeks?

nothing really
wishing original MS was still alive
KurtzPel looks like a good game

did you confuse june with august

The home thread is that way, fren.
Common mistake, though. I'll let it slide.

i can't tolerate home threads knowing classic wow will not have RP-PvP servers

What's even funnier about MNK not getting unique dialogue for SB is that they actually get extra dialogue inside the DRG job quest for stormblood, so its like DRG gets extra dialogue for both hw and sb

Either a wow private server if you can't wait for classic or FFXIV. Everything else is shit.
Don't listen to people telling you to play current retail WoW. It's in the worst fucking state it has ever been in. At least Warlords of Draenor had one redeemable aspect being good class design, BFA has absolutely fucking zero redeemable qualities.

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not XIV tranny shit
not XIV tranny shit
being a straight male without mental illness

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Anyone playing ESO?, Is the necormancer a fun class does it make the combat fun?

god i wish this were true i've ruined my life and would really love if i woke up to find that i had a get out of jail free card

So when are we going to get the final potencies and stuff for Shadowbringers anyways? Sometime before it actually drops?

>At least Warlords of Draenor had one redeemable aspect being good class design
yikes, there was nothing good about WoD bud
you don't have to trick yourself into thinking you spent your money well

wotlk wow private server with 3 friends
Also, project gorgon
mining and herbing to make money on the AH without outleveling my friends
Player-levels as a mechanic in multiplayer games
For an MMO without levels.

Patch note.

Compared to BFA, WoD classes were fucking perfect. BFA fucking gutted everything.

>make a normal MMO thread
>FF14fags start spamming their shit
You can't win with this. Its fucking annoying.

ff14 is an mmo though

So why aren't you posting anything from the MMO you play?

>going home threads every day for months
>XIV is the problem

ffxiv or smthn
ffxiv went f2p so i could maybe play with my friend but i dont have to sink 200 dollars in for multiple months of sub just so he'd play with me once and hope that i could maybe get some more time with him because thats the entire reason i bought n subbed in the first place but he just said "we will" until i got fed up with it

that or he stops playing ffxiv. it annoys me this bothers me this much.

Again? You fucks will claim the thread and make it a FF14 thread. For fuck sake, you got this retard posting from the last FF14 thread
No point since this is FF14 circlejerking, again, with that fucking OP.

what do you mean again? talk about mmos if you want to talk about mmos we're talking about ffxiv, an mmo.

Getting PLD to 70 and MNK to 50, gonna decide between it and NIN to level to 70 over the rest of June. It's close, but I think it's gonna be MNK solely on the fact that I have a better glamour for it. Also gonna try out MCH and of course the new jobs. Also need armor, that's gonna be fun.
Going back to all the stuff i missed while chugging through the MSQ like the Hildibrand Quests and the Crystal Towers. Stormblood stuff is fun, too. I'm also glad that they're gonna cut down the post-ARR wall. 120+ quests, only a quarter geing good, and an hour-long cutscene, as good as it was, can really turn people away from replaying through it, especially since i'm gonna make a Hroth alt.
Also thought about trying out raiding. What's a good raid to start out with?
The 65-70 slog
also having to repeatedly go through a dungeon to get higher level armor and repeating.
Honestly not too much, SHB is shaping up to look really good and I'm looking forward to it. Although if I were to guess, it'd probably be that WHM plays as good as it looks in SHB and that my favorite FF song gets in the game somehow.
Also intend on trying out WoW Classic, since I never played it before. Looking forward to that too. I'm thinking about rolling a Undead Priest.

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Stop being a big baby and just talk about the game you like

Except this is a thinly disguised FF14 thread since you posted that shit OP. I'm really tired of seeing this shit and not being able to have a proper mmo thread.

Where does this play in FF2? I'm personally expecting some FF2 stuff when we actually head to Garlemald.

I bet you play XIV

>people talk about a popular mmo in the mmo thread
>waaaw why are you guys talking about that game
talk about your game of choice yourself then you fucking autist, sitting around bitching tells people nothing besides the fact you're a bitch

I was wondering the same. I recently played ff2 don't recall any version of this song

I didn't make the thread I'm posting in it. what do you want to talk about? Retail? Classic? Runescape? Discuss it, I'll chat about whatever.

Sounds like you need new friends.

>yet another FFXIV thread

It impossible since the OP image is a fucking potato and most of the discussion is FF14

Not going to matter since this is a FF14 thread and not a mmo.

you're right, need another asmongold classic thread. what did he do today, user?

still playing LOTRO like an old man

nothing is stopping you from talking about what you want to talk about retard

If you're not going to try no one is going to discuss what you want.

Not him but as personal experience with sub mmo, sub fee destroy friendship.

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This was a new theme created for the wonderswan port and beyond.
I know for a fact it plays for the Lamia Queen, but it might also be for some endgame stuff.

Is the rest of Yea Forums enjoying Mount & Blade Onlineâ„¢?

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We're here for you, buddy. What do you like to play?


are there any mmos other than wow or ff14?

Looking at this thread, all other mmo is ignored but FF14. Try again. Of course, given you have people like this, I'm not surprise you all came from that thread.


Anyone in here play GW2? Why the fuck is dual sword warrior so shit? axes are gay as fuck

Shit games like Siege, Insurgency, and MK11, Borderlands and Divinity. Usually alone.

I think that might be a bit of a far cry then, but here's hoping for you, not a bad theme by any means.

This is a FF14 thread. Play FF14 or get out.

>people are talking about a popular MMO

only if they add loli cats to the game

i don't know but the only reason to play is WvW, joining a guild, and getting into your server teamspeak for maximum comfy hours

Is it bad

Siege is fun even if I don't play it often. If you post info I'll add ya next time I'm at PC.


Mahjong title
Nothing in particular
1 han tsumo/ron

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Its a fucking mmo thread jesus christ what is your problem along with several other faggots
You get bent out of shape whenever you see FFXIV don't you. Grow up and talk about an mmo you like

Because most of the discussion is FF14 and not about other mmos. The OP image is asking for it a FF14 thread.

It's clunky combat wise but for me it helps to imagine yourself as a boss with telegraphed moves controlling minions. It's fun with friends for sure especially when you level up and start getting serious units to protect each other with.

Well the ones that still have a bit of playerbase on the top of my head, there's Maplestory 1&2, OldSchool RuneScape, Dofus, Dungeon Fighter Online, and i guess games like MHW and PoE sort of count.
Also Ragnarok Online, but nobody really talks about it here anymore.

cute potat user
I kinda want to give majong a try but I hear games are as long as a full alliance raid so that's a bit of a put off

Has Warrior with anything other than Greatsword or Rifle ever been "good"? I used to run a meme Longbow condition build way back and that was kind of fun.

I would if they didn't kill all of the jobs I played.

Also Black Desert, but that one sucks.

i've been wanting to go through SWTOR stories again but i feel like i need to be drunk or high to do that but i can't get drunk because i'm an alcoholic and i can't get high because i can't unfortunately

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Is it p2w? Might give it a shot if I can convince some friends to do it.

The op image is the most recent mmo related image I had saved to my phone. I'm not sorry it caused your anus to rupture though. Enjoy the thread

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Lalafells are fucking ugly

What happened to Black Desert?
Never played it but I remember a bunch of people, especially on here, giving it a lot of praise a while ago, but now I hardly see anyone talking about it

No it isn't. MMO threads use pics of loads of different mmos. This one happens to be FFXIV.

they realized it was p2w
but they never realized grind2win is just as bad as p2w

ffxi on nasomi
the hell that is saving up for dusk+1
dual-wielding relics
the big gays in the other linkshells
for my dusk+1

From what I've played so far I've seen nothing P2W and I've unironically beat people twice my level. Although I feel like there might be a heavy late game grind that might be pay to bypass.

why don't you just buy a limited quantity of alcohol and then enjoy that modestly?

i played mabinogi for a while
tried to log back in after nearly 10 years but turns out i forgot my password and the email i used for it

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>the absolute state of mmos

>anime image
Only a faggot ff14 would post this

And yet, here we are. A thread dominated by ff14.

Are there a lot of people on Nasomi? I never played FFXI but I always wanted to try it.

it'd take weeks to get through all that

Unlocking all the dungeons, grinding mendacity
My FFXIV friends
Work and not having enough time to play
To finish all my work and have time for FFXIV and other games again

when i started our max online was like 300, nowadays we hit a peak of 1000-1400 online during the day, it's wild to me, never thought it'd get this big.

I'm sorry to hear that. But I think Mabinogi is deadsville at this point. Not much to go back to except for what once was.

it's the 15 second timer on everything, most other ones have a 5 second timer plus reserve time so ffxiv mahjong takes like twice as long as it should
it's a fun game but yes you will need to set aside a fair amount of time to actually play it

It's almost as if people play FF14 wow fucking fancy that woooooooooooooow I can't fucking believe that in an MMO thread people talk about what MMO they're playing and that they play FF14 it's a disagrace

You should read the thread instead of complaining. The last 6 posts before this were about other MMOs.

And the same as much, if not more, is from FF14. What a surprise.

I just wish to ERP and be the slutty healer. How theres no good game for this

Nostalgia mostly. WoW has had numerous QOL improvements over the years that make it objectively better than classic, although I am a fan of classics gameplay over live.
more off topic but why do people on this board prefix half their nouns with nu-

archeage was perfect for that for the first month

WoW and FFXIV are good for that, but FFXIV has a pretty fun game to play too.

QOL kills community kills MMO
fuck outta this thread, shitter

Mainly to distinguish titles with the same or similar titles e.g Doom 1993 and Doom 2016

Was it? I played it a bit and I liked playing a kitty.

>Had a whm in a dungeon
>literally didn't use stone/aero ONCE
>it was a low-level dungeon, so she didn't need to constantly heal
>just stood there for seconds on end
>Checked her profile
>literal healslut erper
as long as you at least cast some fucking stone you can do whatever the fuck you like


But I want to play for free uwu

GW2 is good I think, but I didnt really get far into it
I don't really know why I didn't

WoW starter pack and just have sex with randoms in Goldshire

Well, you can play both up to a limited level for free. FFXIV to 35, WoW to 20. If you ever subbed to FFXIV that isn't valid though.

>but FFXIV has a pretty fun game to play too.
don't lie to him

It's my favorite game not soley because of the gameplay of course, jesus christ I'm not completely retarded, so I think it has a good amount to offer.
BfA is just dogshit right now.

How different from Tiger Knight is it, besides inferior European units?

Each game takes 40 min on average, including queues and what not
The potato isn't mine, I play giraffe

its terrible
played gw1 btw

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so what was different, more specifically regarding the combat?
did it have more than 5 moves a weapon? that shit was dumb

Zeta relic for PLD, gotta do tamtara unsync around 30 more times.
Shadowbringers is coming out soon and the quests and characters in ESO are more enjoyable than I was expecting.
ESO's combat. It feels like I'm spazzing out clipping my light attack with literally everything just so my dps doesn't suck. I guess the 2.5GCD meme from ffxiv has casualized me.
Monk gets and aura with its fist stances

I just finished Summerset's zone questline after doing the MSQ/Orsinium/Morrowind and I'm starting to feel a little burnt out. Are there any good free-to-play MMOs I could waste some time in until the 28th? I heard Bless is a trainwreck, I have Black Desert Online but it seemed super boring and bland, and I tried TERA but I dont remember why I stopped so early.

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Is Elsywere out? What's the Necromancer class like, do I get my skeleton horde of fucking shit up?

>female khajiit
really not a fan of ESO based solely on how they treat the lore though.
Cool monk glamour though.

>how they treat the lore though.

Really? Because the shit about transcription error was called out in-lore by a fellow scholar claiming that scholar was full of shit and didn't understand the lore.

Only thing I can think of is whether Summerset Isles would be as fantastical as described or whether they're going to cop out on it

Its out, but I just bought a month sub to unlock the older dlc so I dont have access to Necromancer or Elsweyr. I see a lot of people playing as it so I'm guessing it isn't awful.

Never played that so I can't say.

How I can actually interact with a human being without having to deal with constant mental retardation
For pantheon to be good and give me this comfy feeling again

How can this board be elitist, but then play shitty MMOs

nothing really, just finishing the SB patch content
that catgirls aren't real and that i don't have a loving gf do that i can stop caring about catgirls
that catgirls were real or that i can have a real gf

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I mean there's the whole Dragons coming out of Elsweyr shit for one.

Ahhhh I haven't kept up with ESO much but IIRC whilst the Nords did kill most of the dragons in Skyrim there were established cases of dragons being alive during the 2nd Era like the one in Redguard