how can one article be so based?
how can one article be so based?
Because they write about your mom
I see i have upset a zoomlet
Begone journo, go shill your article in reddit
What is up with the surge of starved reporters and E-celebs lately? Report for advertisement and ignore
you upset your outrage culture e celebs are getting demonetized?
No thanks
Reminder if you see amp in the link, its a shill
hey morons, you see this? Use it
>"ha ha look at these ANGERY GAMUR personalities putting out fake overblown outrage over totally harmless things ha ha"
>-t corporate bootlicking shill spin doctor for the scummy practices publishers and consolefag manufacturers attempt to pull over on the customer
All of this eceleb drama is shit I just want to watch short films and neat projects.
lol at all these seething summer zoomcels
>They aren't meant to be cheerleaders. Instead, they're fans who encourage less divisive conversations.
This article hilarious. The establishment is really butthurt that not everyone likes every game.
So, what's the point of this article? That consumers aren't mindless drones and actually don't take whatever slop the industry put on our plate?
E-celebs have stained video games with their presence but so have fucking shills like you.
That's a pretty long article for detailing something I see here everyday. It's true, a lot of you are angry inceloids that love pretending to be retarded over mundane shit.
It figures you'd say something stupid and unoriginal like that.
>The woke news is complaining about someone else using drama to get clickbait views
Wow wee zow wee mah foulie.
Begone Journo retard.
Fuck off shill.
The author in the article is painting literal corporate bootlickers in a positive light.
go to bed little zoom zoom
Had anyone called someone an incel yet?
fuck off phone poster
>meet the angry gaming youtubers who turn outrage into views
What is this, 2014?
Gamers are toxic and it's a problem, we really should fix that
cope you incel
>why are gamers angry
Because faggots post this bullshit on Yea Forums instead of going LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE
Grandpa are you using the internet again, silly Grandpa this isn't >>>/reddit/
>Sense of victimhood
Oh the ironing.
Just remember that these people project like fucking crazy. Don't forget these nut jobs are WAY more fucking """angry""" than "gamers" are.
>journalists think angry video game reviewers are a new thing
take your lootboxes and remasters and yearly sequels and shove them up my ass
>Ignore the legacy outlets who do the same
>new trend
>doesn’t mention avgn
You can observe the same with alt-kike faggots who rage about trivial things to cash in on gullible idiots who gobble up their fabricated narrative.
You’d think that during their rigorous research into angry gamers on YouTube, they would have typed in “angry gamer” in the YouTube search and find one of the oldest, influential and pioneering channels the website has.