He still uses steam

>he still uses steam
>he still uses gog
>he still uses epic store

Attached: utorrent.jpg (250x250, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:




>he still uses utorrent

>using malware to download cracked "games" (aka bitcoin miners)


>he still uses utorrent


Where the fuck do you niggers get your torrents I’m fucking tired of this shit

Attached: bait.webm (1912x792, 358K)

lmfao youtube.com/watch?v=drbhNLvYxGQ the absolute state

>he unironically uses utorrent



Attached: disgusting.jpg (500x375, 34K)


What are you guys use, I use qbittorrent

have fun getting raided by fbi you idiot

utorrent was turned into bitcoin farming nonsense years ago. use windows 10 built-in torrent client w/ a reliable VPN for max thievery.

for me, it's qbittorrent

Attached: 2qavnfsnw8f11.jpg (1200x1160, 241K)

qbittorent is undoubtedly the best torrent client. Only thing it needs is a fucking night theme.

is Deluge an alright client, bros?

how many of you fags complaining about utorrent have your client look like this?

Attached: u.png (1024x585, 30K)

Don’t forget to tip your storefront, retarded wagies

Deluge is pretty based

Attached: tg18s67c3o131.jpg (960x681, 78K)

Go jerk off in a /ptg/ you loser

>windows 10 built-in torrent client

Attached: 1546995155129.png (299x288, 84K)

>pay for game
>$59.99 (+tax)
>pirate game w/ bitcoin miner
>$0.00 (+negligible electricity usage)
I don't see the issue

Im still using Utorrent 2.2.1 here, is there anything wrong with that version or is it just the newer ones that suck?

>completely missing the point

Attached: Sams.jpg (745x758, 223K)

vuze for no good reason


caught me

Attached: 1529637594166.png (677x605, 270K)

qBittorrent and Transmission are all you might need


Attached: GOTTAGETBIG.jpg (379x346, 22K)

Wait I torrented some stuff with utorrent do I have a virus now?

not sure which version but i'd avoid using it altogether. qbit is known safe(and free)

2.2.1 is the pinnacle

anything after is coin-mining adware

>using spyware
Use tixati retards

how are you gonna get into private trackers with that you fucking dork

Attached: 1558498073132.jpg (728x516, 73K)

>he uses an ad ridden torrent client

Youre dumb

>he doesn't know


I use qb. Is this all I need? What version is the best? I don't usually update, mainly because I'm lazy. Was on 3.37 for the longest time. Now I'm on 4.something.

Attached: qbittorrent1.png (256x256, 20K)

bet you still use ccleaner too

>using anything but qbit

Attached: search.png (1362x271, 29K)

Yes, delete system 32

>using non free software to pirate
nihao to you too my fellow bugmen

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>Boss nigger
Superb taste.

What the fuck am I supposed to use besides CCleaner

Are there any VPNs that don't suck shit and are free?
I don't feel like paying for what essentially is 2 ISPs at that point and Comcast is getting pissy I'm downloading 15 year old games

I use rtorrent or something like that

Tixati dev is pony fucker

If I reset my computer will it go away?

utorrent is a government honeypot, you stupid nigger. at least use a decent torrent client.


they won't do anything

wtf i use ccleaner, got another software for cleaning ? I don't know much about this shit.

I don't give a shit what imaginary cartoon he wants to fuck so long as his software is good.

Couldnt give a shit, it works and its not shifty as fuck

Using an old version would be easily trackable in swarms if that concerns you, otherwise who cares
As long as the search plugins work

lmfao underageb&


>he uses avg or norton antivirus

Attached: TrollFace.jpg (3840x2160, 315K)

>not using based igg

It's the principal of it, now I know for a fact they are watching me and I don't like that


Attached: 37e4b7lfegt11[1].png (501x396, 131K)

You dont have a virus fag

It's /g/ memes. At one point ccleaner installers downloaded even from the official website contained a malware infection. It's been fixed a long time ago, but it'll never live it down now.

>unironically supporting a pony fucker

>uhhhhh I can't believe you still use utorrent

Attached: 1501133676778.png (200x195, 51K)

>download factorio on igg
>comes with a crack
>requires admin privs
I cant post images, thanks hiro, so image a worried anime girl picture

>download program for free
>has zero ads
Do you have brain damage?

>32-bit in 2017

Attached: 1506944884055.jpg (389x339, 46K)


I don't know why people still hold onto the horribly out of date "last good" utorrent version like it's their childhood pet. Just switch to another client that can be good AND up to date like deluge.

oh, ok funny meme for /g/ i guess

Enjoy watching shitty porn ads and mining bitcoins

>caring this much about what some guy jerks off to
I'm not "supporting" shit.


Enjoy your spyware

>he still uses utorrent

I also read that priform was bought out and all the devs got liquidated, for what it's worth. Something something they never actually update shit or something like that

>doesn't understand what supporting means
>is a braindead supporter of pony fucking
It checks out kek

>actually using utorrent
lmao retard

Can avoid this bullshit if I just use Combofix after every pirated game install?

I don't, a use it for a few minutes once in months.

How's Deluge?

How is it supporting him retard if he doesnt even know I downloaded his program

By using his software you are in fact supporting his content. People only create and update software if there is support for it. You are supporting it.

Maybe you should leave torrents to people to know how shit works.

>defending utorrent in 2019

Attached: 1544022992035.png (512x512, 80K)

just don't use utorrent
it takes 5 seconds to get a different one for fucks sake

Nigga simply having it on your hdd has it running 24/7

enjoy your malware and botnet

what about vuze? that's what nyaa recommended me to use back in 2012 and I haven't bothered to check if it was safe

>he doesn't know when someone downloads his software
Holy hell the delusion is outstanding with this retard

tell me, a braindead moron who knows jack dick, what i should use instead of utorrent

I defended uTorrent (mainly from laziness) for a long time, but switched to qBit years ago. Just move on from 2.2.1 or whatever.

Native to every windows PC

Attached: 1536615322123.jpg (389x476, 44K)

no idea, i just use deluge and it does the job fine

look in the thread
literally any of the ones listed is a better alternative

read the thread spoonfeeding newfag

Security vulnerabilities, you fucking dolt

This. There's literally no reason to use an old outdated version. You're literally asking for a vulnerability attack.

Literally just TPB. Never once not been able to find a video game there.

nice try FBI

Attached: -_-.png (439x222, 137K)

I use a mixture, I pirate most stuff and buy games rarely, mostly bundles.

The last two games I bought were Kiwami 2, and Ace Combat 7.

Also, use Qbittorrent.

I complain about utorrent because it is blacklisted by more than one major private tracker I am a member of, empornium being the first that comes to mind.

>he downloads CODEX

Attached: big_laf.jpg (398x376, 37K)

>torrent client elitism
you guys are all faggots

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its not elitism you fucking retard its common sense

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piracy is a risky business and if you want limewire tier programs to download song.exe then you'll only have yourself to blame


That’s what they said about Magic Kingdom but I haven’t seen the fbi yet.

ABSOLUTELY BASED. I also use Deluge. Its pretty good.

Don't speak like you're top shit, pleb.

how do i start anons?

only if you enable web ui, which is off by default.