Can we talk about this? The madlads are actually delivering on the potential that comes with being free of activision

Can we talk about this? The madlads are actually delivering on the potential that comes with being free of activision

Attached: Destiny-2_06-06-19.jpg (600x337, 33K)

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looks like they are charging for every subsequent season, im not excited for that


destiny has all the trappings of a great ip, but they’re never all in the right place at the right time.

how about you redpill me on it

this game costs far too much for most people here so don't expect a good conversation.

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it's literally going to be free with a 35 dollar expansion on steam. You don't even need to buy the expansion to get access to the new area. They even address what you just said on the vidoc.

Is this the last DLC?

No they say on the vidoc that they're going to support it for 3-5 years.

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That actually would be quite nice, since D1 kind of died out too fast, and D2 still has untapped potential. It could probably come close to surpassing it at this rate.

It's $10 a season man

$40. A year. What are you. Poor?

I love how everyone on here is desperate to call the game dead despite the raid race being the most watched event on Twitch on Tuesday. I've been playing this game everyday since forsaken and I've never had an issue finding a match in anything besides the forges when they first came out.

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I really hate that I'm gonna jump back into it now that it's coming to steam. Fuck everything I felt so burnt on the first two expacs

That's just anons being anons. Some just really do want to push for another TORtanic or Bioware flop, despite the fact that even with how old Destiny 2 is it still has tons of players for a AAA game on PC.

>bungie announces [thing]
>destinyfags go crazy, "omg! they announced [thing]! this will fix everything!
>destinyfags preorder [thing]
>within 2 weeks of [thing]'s release destinyfags realize that [thing] actually kinda sucks and they were hoodwinked again

It will be interesting to see the new RPG mechanics, but I doubt anything could be deeply woven into every aspect of the game this deep into Destiny 2. It will be a bright light for Destiny 3 though

People still love Forsaken tho. Season of the Drifter and Opulence have been great also. People tend to nitpick nerfs on certain items but the game itself is considered to to be at it's best point right now. Play the fucking game.

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>season of the drifter has been great
Opulence has been fine (but we're a total of TWO days into that), but there is no fucking way you can claim with a straight face that season of the drifter was good.
Even the streamers went on hiatus during that trainwreck.

What is so special about a Tuesday in the summer?

This. Destiny is surprisingly lively even on PC.

Well I've played 40 hours of Gambit prime and love it so yeah it's great.

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i really hate knowing a Destiny 3 will exist, why oh why couldnt it have just been "Destiny" with tons of expansions

> Even the promo art is a fucking lootbox.

And this fixes the lack of interesting characters or worldbuilding HOW exactly?... how is anyone actually still playing this? I literally forgot it existed

My man, I love Gambit, its my favorite mode in the game. Dunno why people hate on it

I havent really dived deep into the menagerie yet, but i liked the match i played

Daddy Calus, the drifter, mithrax, and the dreaming city all disagree

Can you sell it to me? I really hate the regular pvp and I dropped it before gambit came out

Why are Titans so underwhelming? ;__; I switched to warlock only to get invited to raids more frequently.

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Dunno I'm still very skeptical. I played literally everyday since D1's launch up till the april update 2016 clocking in over 1,500+ hours and couldn't bother doing the raid when Rise of Iron came out
Woke up for the reveal of D2 and was beyond disappointed knowing that it would be shit. My friend pressured me into buying it even though I didn't want to - didn't even bother playing the curse of osiris and warmind expansions I fucking paid for because the game was so god damn boring. On top of all that they butchered the perfect weapon loadout style and fucked it up just for the sake of changing it for D2

I still do not trust Bungie but I deeply appreciate that they are going for the RPG style they always wanted to go for. Going to see how it turns out when it launches and the confusions of what to buy - Bungie should of just made everything up to now free to play and make the monetization those season pass things

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I fucking love titans. I don't know if it's useless now but using that armor that recharges your shoulder charge on a successful kill from another shoulder charge is fucking great

They're not useless per say it's just that titans only have rally barricades and melting point, their supers and abilities bring hardly any utility in end game PvE content, they're hella fun in PvP though.

I also dislike the regular PvP, but since getting some overpowered forsaken exotics I can get the appeal of it.

Gambit is really fun for PvE players IMO,it mostly revolves around being able to juggle around different priority targets efficiently, and without dying. Invasions and Invading add some nice spice, but that does introduce the PvP element. The Invading player becomes another target to juggle and judge whether or not you should seek them out, hide, or ignore them because your team has it or if youre about to kill the Primevil. If you Invade you can be ballsy enough to go guns blazing, but I usually try to stealth it until Im sure I can get atleast two kills, because the other team is like dominoes, easier to kill the last one than the first. The meta and basic gameplay are both different enough from regular PvP I think you should give it a shot.

I'm genuinely excited, not gonna lie.

Skipped out on Drifter and most of Forge, but I liked the potential the game had.

If they're really going to capitalize on their freedom to expand the game, then I'll be playing again this year for sure. Crosssave is also exciting.

How much communication does it require?

I figured hunters would be the useless ones

As someone who got this free during blizzcon last year but never bothered playing, I’m hype after watching that next chapter video.

Is there any point in playing the free base game til then?


Sick. Guess I'll give it a try then. Thanks user

I honestly didn't mind the base game.

did they fix the inexcusably bad cosmetics systems?
if i can't look cool i don't care about this bullet sponge game

casually, unless you're playing against a four stack while solo queuing(which does happen more often than is fun), not much. Two teams of randoms will be pretty even. Gambit Prime and just general high level play does require a lot of communication. People should call out who is grabbing heavy, who is invading, who is killing the invader, who's defending the bank, etc. It is fun getting a team and just shutting people down, but the most rewarding moments are when it's neck and neck and your team just edges it out. Also, even though communication is required, its entirely possible to make plays on your own and carry a team. Back when Queenbreaker was OP I would be able to make up for my team's sloppy PvE performance by invading and wiping the enemy team to keep them from getting too far ahead.
Yeah skip to 5:35

I played when it was free on PC when forsaken came out, and I can at least confirm that once you get a shader, you can buy infinite duplicates for like 250 glimmer, which is nothing. They all get added to a compendium, so you don't even need to keep the first one you got.

D1 lasted for about 4 years I think? year 2 started with TTK, year 3 started with rise of iron, and year 4 was age of triumph. 4 years ain't bad and after that you need a change of engine
I'm still cautious. They're fucking idiots and haven't been able to replicate what they did with taken king. Forsaken came close but the season pass was (is) atrocious. There's way better ways to keep the userbase engaged than to drip feed content by reusing areas and fetch quests to get just a few weapons

>adding transmogs
alright i'm interested now

The change to armor is honestly the thing that's got me the most hyped. Logging in to a holiday event, and then grinding out a set of armor from that event, but only for it to have shit stats which requires me to grind out even more pieces, just copies and copies of the same god damn armor just for decent stats. Fuck that. This change, I'm going to come back for this.

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>tfw got a perfect stat Ghost Ghost back in Destiny 1 from the regular quest
Went to /dg/ to show it off and they were pissed at me.

So whats the difference between the normal and deluxe versions of shadowkeep? I thought you got the expansions but aparently thats free for everyone? Also neither of the versions mention forsaken

Marketing, and you need to change the engine every few years
You can shit on many things, but the lore is one hundred percent not one of them

Is it really only $10 for each DLC release?

So I wasn't around for that huge update they did to everything. The one with all the QOL changes. Can someone point me to where I can read about it or just give me a rundown? I vaguely know about the cosmetic changes but they also did some fuckery with the weapon slots...? What else am I missing here I don't want to be too overwhelmed with all the changed shit when I pick it back up


Destiny 1 and 2 were both great fun for me, but what killed my interest in them was the endgame. If you wanted to do the weekly shit and raids, you needed to form a party with faggots wandering around the lobby if you didn't have friends to run it with. This is what made me stop playing. I don't want to have to spend hours gathering and managing several retards for something that should just be automated through matchmaking.

Have they added a real matchmaker for raids in this shit stain yet or is it still in the beta phase and "only for clans seeking to help"?

Apparently in the new expansion they really wanna double down on the communication in-game. They've actually started calling the game an MMO so expect an actual chat tab.

So when's Forsaken on Steam? I was going to buy the Digital Deluxe, but apparently there's no Forsaken, only Y1 content which will be F2P in September? What the fucks the point then!?

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Well until they make the raids matchmade, my ass isn't going to reinstall.

you sell skins. you dont sell gameplay.

Just 3 years. Age of Triumph was just the tail end of year 3, before Destiny 2 launched.

Destiny released in 2014, so this September is the end of year 5(D2 year 2).

According to a buddy on steam the cross-save thing will import everything, including forsaken purchases. So if you buy the game on steam and log in with your destiny 2 account it will auto-apply forsaken. This is all second hand information though so wait for an actual statement, like I am.

Did they say how long the sale on bnet is gonna be? I got the game free and would like to get forsaken I enjoy it enough


For real. I'm glad I found ones I like because a lot of them look fucking terrible


Better than buying a stupid pass. Now I can just piss out $10 and not think

sometimes I wonder if blizzard being a sister company had any influence on that

If they don't add Forsaken I dont see the point.
I ain't buying your game twice Bungie.

Nah, then we would have have retarded pauldrons for all three classes.

What does the old Destiny 2 "Expansion Pass" include? I can't find a definitive recent answer. Does it include all future DLC?

You don’t have to if you buy on steam and login into your existing account with forsaken it links it.

I still regret buying this game and I will never fall for bungie scam ever again.The base game was alright but the season pass content was one of the worst I've seen in a long time. Would not even play it if they game the the Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansion for free

Why have I heard the exact opposite so much? 90% of people say the base game is boring but the expansions are great for the most part.

people care about destiny?

The lore was presented pretty shitty in everything before The Taken King, maybe he only played D1 with Dinklebot?

Is it ever outright stated that the Fallen had the/a traveller before they... fell? Them worshipping and being reliant on spherical machines seems to imply it.

Probably some exclusive shaders, ornaments, some silver, and a few free engrams. Collector's edition comes with a bunch of lore stuff related to Eris Morn and a plastic piece of shit with Hive runes all over it.

IIRC the traveler went to the fallen and they got fucked by the darkness so now they're a fractured species trying to get back to their (our) traveler

You have to buy forsaken, the idea here being that you can buy the game and get Shadowkeep for free, or preorder to get most of the games content, then go back later and buy forsaken if you want to play that story though its not necessary since you can still access the areas.
Its scummy is what it is.

i think people dont like it because its basically destiny great pve with its awful abortion pvp stuck on it. only reason i never bothered with it.

normalfags and /vg/ stockholme defense force

Yes, it's confirmed they were the previous heralds of the traveler, but were abandoned. Their entire reason for being on earth is to suppress humanity and try to win back the Traveler's favor.

Yep, way more than that care about you.

People have been saying this since the launch of destiny 1. Yes people obviously do. It had a peak viewership of 140k viewers on twitch 2 days ago during the raid launch

3-5 to develop Destiny 3. Let's hope they don't fumble right out the gate.

>Lukems finally achieved his dream of getting Destinyfags to throw money at the screen

Reply with another Chen image, I'm having hardcore deja vu.

tbf with the state of the engine that 3-5 years could just be for moving patrol beacons

>It's another Taken/Hive centric expansion.

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>hurr Durr the lore is good
Yes it's great but they absolutely fucking hide it, the character writing is mediocre to atrocious, literal Rick and Morty wacky professor on Io, enemies beside the Fallen are dogshit retarded, and it in no way lives up to it's potential or promises. At least the gunplay is polished

this game does rng in all the wrong ways
but god damn is it fun to shoot stuff with friends
at least without a subscription its easy to put in some solid hours each dlc/season and feel justified with the purchase

So uh, with it coming to steam am I gonna lose battlenet launcher support? Do I need to rebuy it on steam?

When is Variks becoming Kell of Kells to usher in a new age of Human-Eliksni co-operation?

When the humans give back the damn sphere

what are Destiny games even all about?
I dont get it are they some kind of MMOs?
is there pve and pvp?

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Hmm. They must be pretty confident that they’re not bleeding out. I suppose separating from Activision Blizzard starts that sense of goodwill for people but this thing needs to be perfect or else their cute little plan fails and by next year, Destiny 3 gets announced.

>another "look guys we fixed everything" expansion

Don't you get tired of this? PSSSSSSSSST. It was Bungie's fault all along.

Without activision there's hope that Bungie can finally evolve the franchise. God only knows why Destiny 2 was developed as a fucking soft reboot for no reason.

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I guess Fallen will be playable in D3, but it'll probably be one separate house as they don't want to lose their best type of enemies.

Battle net support will eventually be killed but you can transfer for free and all your shit will carry over

MMO fps, yes. Sort of like borderlands without the cringe humor and set in multiplayer world's. Though you'll never see more than a handful of players at a time, like 5-6
>Is there pve and pvp
Most content is pve, there's some pvp side content in an arena called the crucible. Most agree it's ass but there are always pvp fags.
>What about
Sort of a far future post apocalypse sci fi. Humanity encounters a giant celestial sphere called the Traveller, which travels around our solar system terraforming shit, giving us technology, and generally ushering in a golden age of technology and wonder

Then "the darkness" which is apparently this cosmic force that hunts the Traveller comes and destroys earth solar empire, reducing it to abandoned ruins and a single city on Earth protected by guardians empowered by the Traveller with its space magic and given literally respawn powers to make them immortal.

Apparently everything that you own will transfer though it no longer will be playable on battlenet
The only thing that will need to be bought is the pass or the expansions for shadowkeep.

It's some sort of MMO but you can pretty much play it solo. You'll just see other players running around in some locations.

How the fuck is it supposed to transfer?

>its on steam
oh fuck off, I hate the blizz launcher but im already commited there

it's a scifi space opera about a magic space sphere that turns alien civilizations into magic zombies to defend itself from a thread known as the darkness.

Linking your accounts I guess? I dunno.
Saves will just be cloud it should be seamless.

>yfw you see them jumping head first into the eververse store just straight up being a warframe-esque free2play Judaism simulator

There's a reason that's """okay""" in a free game and not okay in a game they already try to nickle and dime you on.

inb4 hurr durr it's cosmetics it doesn't matter

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it will get new life on steam. Warframe's player counts are no joke, but even they get tired between content droughts so D2 can pick up the slack.

I love how all the humans in the setting still think the Traveller is the best thing that ever happened to them when it basically fucked them over pretty hard.

lmao it's the pathetic death throes of Destiny 2

I see..thanks for spoonfeeding me user-chan
but is it fun playing alone?
I mean do they give you random team mates for raids and such?
or you have to invite your own friends?
because I have no friends ;_;

>Another Hive expansion

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The lore is muddled due to them losing their lead writer shortly before launch and having to redo a lot of shit. Originally the Traveller was going to be much more morally ambiguous and was going to abandon humanity when the darkness came but Rasputin crippled it with defense weapons

This was later retconned and the Traveller remained of it's own accord to defend humanity

They haven't actually changed much. You can still get (((most))) stuff for free, the only one really having a reason to complain are those who haven't missed a single season since launch. I'll see how they handle next season's eververse before deciding if they did go full jew.

There aren't many raids, there's a group finder. Most of the content is solo. There are public events that happen

I'm honestly hoping for the Traveler to empower the Eliksni at some point.

(and then Eliksni becomes a playable race, because fuck yeah)

Too bad racial differences are 100% cosmetic and you can't even tell what species other players are. I doubt they'll give us an actual alien race with a different skeleton

>Bungie made a number of announcements regarding the next year of Destiny 2 today. Along with news of its next major expansion, Shadowkeep, the company also announced that, following their split with Activision earlier this year, Destiny 2 will be moving from Blizzard's Battle.Net launcher to Steam, and Google's Stadia platform.

>The move starts the same day as Shadowkeep's launch: September 17, and will be available at launch for Stadia. "Current PC players will be able to bring all of their progress and purchases with them, including their Guardians, their vaults, and all of their progress – at no cost," Bungie says. We'll learn exactly how this migration from Blizzard's launcher to Steam will work at a later date.

This is gonna be a clusterfuck

Probably not. But a man can hope.

I'm talking about the first season pass, not forsaken. It was garbage and I'm still salty about it.

I'm genuinely excited for Destiny 2 to arrive on Steam, it's been ages since I've played a "modern" shooter and I can easily see myself enjoying the loot system. Bravo, Bungie.

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Sounds good, I missed the f2p era on battlenet so I might grab it on steam.

just let this fucking game die who cares about this trash ass game

is he the one that talks like a pedophile yoda?

>Have to pay for certain expansions despite the game being riddled with loot box shit
>New area is just a place from the first game that was removed
>Still can't do anything with your ship
>Still only 3 classes and 3 elements
>Still can't change your guardians appearance after you create them
Why exactly are people excited for this again?

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>buying cosmetic lootboxes.
>caring about appearance.

The new area will probably be different from last game's moon. The EDZ wasn't the same as the Cosmodrome either.

>Missing the point
>Not caring about fashion
What is wrong with you

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Halo devs

It makes sense to me. Part of a looty shooty game is looking cool.

>literal gajillion orbs of light and a massive damage buff

How do transfer my game from blizzgay launcher to steam?

they should pay me 10 a season to play this

>cross-platform saves
>more content for D2 instead of splitting resources / userbase on Destiny 3
>new expansion won't require any previous DLC

Those were the bits that stuck out to me, at least.

man, I had pretty big hopes for Destiny 1 back in the day.
Thinking it was going to be some sort of MMO (I believe it was advertised as such) in a more conventional way with actual survival elements. Turned out to be just relatively small sandboxes and a single player campaign where other players can come and stand in your way or snipe kills. Very meh.

D2 was just more of the same shit. No real turnaround whatsoever.

Iceborne > All Destiny "expansions"

How do I get into D2, bros? I'm sort of done with Warframe already and I'm choosing between this and The Division 2. I prefer D2's sci-fi setting but it just seems like I need to put down a ton of money for all the expansions and shit.

is there a reason why forsaken isnt included in this

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>enemy is just another recolour
Lol fuck off they are literally recycling every dead enemy in a red recolour.

Destiny 2 just feels so slow and your character feels so weak after playing Warframe.
The power fantasy feeling is not there, this is also why BFA is so shit.

bungie is a small indie studio and badly needs your money

I just discovered that I can install Destiny 2 on my battlenet account. Is it f2p already?