I don't understand. How can a niche ps2 game released in 2005 manage to compete with a brand new, upcoming AAA Switch game?
I don't understand. How can a niche ps2 game released in 2005 manage to compete with a brand new...
One of these is not like the other.
>combat space vs explorable overworld
Also, the grass textures on the PS2 game are terrible by comparison.
>muh cherrypicked comparisons
spamming this thread all day isn't going to make people not buy the game you know
It's ok. Nintendo + Playstation + PC is the ideal ultimate hardcore gamer suite. We all know the Xbox is irrelevant
game freak is stuck in the n64 era.
no wonder S(n)oyfags are always so butthurt
Sony has been feeding them the same
movie games over and over that they can't enjoy good games that uses stylized graphics
nu-pokemon isn't a good game, and the graphics aren't "stylized," they're lazy. there's a difference.
HOOOOOLY shit Nintendo's stuck in the past
I tried to look for the worst ps2 image and the best Sword and Shield image. I was baffled at how comparable they are.
>I was baffled at how comparable they are.
>pokemon has a much greater resolution
>pokemon has a much higher texture quality
>pokemon has a much higher render distance
>pokemon has better effects such as on the water
>"I was baffled at how comparable they are."
sonyfags confirmed for blind
A remaster of a PS2 game looks far better on the switch than the latest Pokemon game. Actually, half the fucking JRPGs on switch look like modern games compared to Pokemon sword and shield.
Rogue galaxy looks better than a lot of cheap jap trash. Namely neptunia and Falcom shit.
Such a better game than OP pic related or anything switch
So, to my Snoy friends, if you care so much about “muh grafix” why don’t you fags get a Xbox one X or a PC?
>It’s not about muh graphics it’s about muh exclusives
Then if it is about “muh exclusivz” why don’t you get a Switch?
So which one is it?
You have to be literally blind to look at this and think the left is equal to or better than the right image.
>>pokemon has a much greater resolution
No shit it should have higher resolution. Doesn't mean the graphics are better.
>>pokemon has a much higher texture quality
Only for the models. The overworld is lacking.
>>pokemon has a much higher render distance
We've yet to see this in action.
>>pokemon has better effects such as on the water
The water looks like shit.
>>"I was baffled at how comparable they are."
Thanks for reiterating the obvious.
it looks fine. gameplay and story is what matters in pokemon.
sadly, that isn't even the remaster, that screenshot is from the original ps2 version.
> People actually thought the switch could run MHW.
Could you fucking imagine how shitty that'd look?
They should've been grateful with the Kids meal variant they got.
Why shit on Nintendo? They do their own thing and is beloved by it's base who shell out money. Microsoft is the enemy.
that looks way better than swishy swoosh.
>There's never be a pokemanz game with the quality of DQ 11
Fucking hate gamefreak
You tried to find the worst ps2 image and you ended up with one from a jrpg whose graphics were noted as being exceptionally good at the time? Sure.
>higher resolution isn't better graphics
alright that's enough shitposting for the night
>beloved by it's based boys
Finished that for you
If it's only about the gameplay, this should have stuck with 2D. Why would you want to be interactive with a 3D representation of the world if it's not pleasant to look at? 3D offers nothing to the gameplay
Oh shit guys.
Borderlands 2 got confirmed for the switch!
You can make any shitty looking game better with higher resolution. It's an optical allusion used mask the lack of detail put into something.
As long as the new pokemon doesn't have drastic pop in like zelda did I'll be happy
>You can make any shitty looking game better with higher resolution.
That's not how graphics works
is xii even good? seems maximum comfy
Gamefreak btfo
The actual majority of the game is spent doing sidequests and hunting cool bosses.
Guys wtf is wrong with real life, I'm like, intellectually shocked and baffled why it's so comparable. How? I went to college and it doesn't make any sense
S to the o to the y
Man, it's quite baffling how behind the curve the Pokemon Company is. Isn't Pokemon the highest grossing media property? I thought Nintendo had stringent quality control? Guess it was a myth.
no the majority of the game is spent constantly messing with the gay ass gambit shit because you wanna have one for fast-forwarding through all the boring meaningless fights and then another for actually tryharding, and they don't provide presets
what i'm saying is don't play it, the game just sucks. single player MMO always sucks.
>using gambits
Guys, how come they don't update the textures in Belfast?
Okay, I'm calling it, both of these anons and anyone who agrees with them is legally blind, and/or thinks detail = quality.
Just the palette and scope alone is much better.
Gamefreak is NOT owned by nintendo, same with intelligent systems (fire emblem).
Well that explains everything.
if i fucking wanted to play games so i could be reminded how fucking boring and shit reality is i would leave my fucking house you fucking faggot
I am not interested in games for toddlers
>pokemon looks worse than an updated Vita port
Sometimes real life is cool....from only one angle..... and if the sun is in the right godamn spot.
Which is why you're in a thread for one
>Those textures
It really doesn't. Ys VIII's models and textures are extremely simple, in the case of the models even simpler than the trash Pokemon is offering, and that's basically a picture of a dude looking at a skybox.
Because the Xbox one X is irrelevant. I can play it's games on PC with higher framerate, resolution, quality and filters not available on the X1X
What about them? Sword and Shield have similar ones too.
Gosh, I sure hope not, considering that's running on systems an order of magnitude more powerful.
It's Gamefreak, man.
I was more poking fun at Falcom's terrible quality. Gamefreak being shit is a given.
That ps2 game runs in 240p - 480p, while Pokemon runs at 1080p(or 720p at minimum, we don't know until it comes out) so theres already huge difference there. But don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Pokemon, but rather these "iT LoOKs lIKe pS2 GaEM xDDD" arguments never makes sense to me
I don't understand how my cousins and siblings are all cool and well, but I have to be the one with bad health shut-in hikki that they come visit to chill and play videogames, they think I'm the lucky one
Would anyone honestly want Pokemon games that look like this? The style doesn't look like Pokemon
>alternate casing
>ironic xd
double nigger confirmed
WTF! How did i get on the moon?????
>praising swsh's disgusting purple-filtered pallette
i see nintendo's shills have arrived.
>Purple filtered.
Open CSP/Photoshop right now and show all the RB then, faggot.
>Whines about sarcasm
>lol niggers joke
Are you autistic?
It's nice to see that consoles are finally starting to get to where pcs were in 2007.
Maybe PS5 will finally be able to get something that looks as good.
nice water
only fake gamers care about graphics. All that matters is that it runs and is fun
it can't compete and doesn't compete, you're comparing actual gameplay footage to literal still images of a fucking youtube video
Higher resolution DOES mean more clarity, but at the same time can turn a game even uglier experience since very old assets don't look particularly good at 4k. It depends on the game and its art style whether a higher resolution looks good or not.
Beautiful water :O
>posting the same thread at least 4 times a day
this is unhealthy, op
It's pokemon, so it's probably won't do great at either of those
>It's another "muh graphics" episode
>It's another "my chilhood games are better than yours" episode
>It's another "old good, new bad" episode
>It's another "people make ambitious and exaggerated predictions about games that aren't even out" episode
>It's another "soul vs soulless" episode
>It's another "I haven't enjoyed anything in 10 years but let me tell you why new games are bad" episode
That's a shot from Star Wars. It was digitally altered, you dolt.
PS2 is the pinnacle of gaming. Nothing else comes close.
What game?
Final Fantasy 12
Play Dragon Quest 11 instead
>that it runs and is fun
Too bad all 3 pokemon games run like ass.