The Legion isn’t evi-

>The Legion isn’t evi-

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oh i get it its because what he's saying Yea Forums agrees on! LOL NICE THREAD

That's the real evil

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But he's objectively right

People only say that to get (You)s, I doubt they're that extreme in real life

That is why a female courier must aid the Legion. Even though I personally disagree with slavery and terrorism, if I can soften the Legion's view on women I can ensure that women's rights will be protected no matter who wins the war for the west. Think about it logically.

If women are “physically inferior”, why did The Legion make them carry giant sacks up and down a hill? Wouldn’t male slaves be better for that?

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>Boy howdy that female Courier sure kicked a lot of ass
>Yes but she was an exception to the rule, a freak of nature, the large majority of women will never come close to replicating her deeds
>Oh okay, that makes sense. Ave Caesar!

>that quote

opportunity cost; more male slaves means less soldiers

>the legion isn't bas-

The Legion no matter how competent Caesar is is ultimately just a large conglomeration of tribals and will always be tribals.
They don't have the culture, they don't have the sophistication, and they don't have the hierarchy. Rome functioned the way it did because it had a ruling 'class' of civilized peoples overseeing the efforts of auxiliary tribals.

Caesar's legion has more in common with the Mongol Horde than the Roman empire: in that he's an exceptional example of his kind, but the moment he dies whether it be in battle, disease, or even old age, is the moment his empire completely falls apart and fragments. It'll be torn apart by the infighting of all the people he appointed or by any of the children he left behind.

What if you specifically request that women be treated less severely? Who's going to say no to the lady with the superheated Saturnite fist and stats jacked to high hell?

I said soften, not change entirely. After making Vegas his new Rome, Caesar will have to adjust his Legion from an just an army to an actual state. I will use my influence as a living goddess and pinnacle of feminine virtue to show that "proper" women are more than just rape holes. We will turn the Legion into a real Roman empire.

Galations 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

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where is the lie?

looks like you forgot to play the game and listen to caesar's goals of the legion, which is to fundamentally change it from exactly what you said into a static empire via synthesis with the ncr's branch in the area

>the moment he dies whether it be in battle, disease, or even old age, is the moment his empire completely falls apart and fragments.
haha upvoted :)
really though this is straight pontification and has little reasoning behind it, particularly when you factor in the courier's actions


have sex.
on second thought never do that.

>slave soldiers

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There are way less smart women than smart men. This is why you see fewer of them in mentally-grueling jobs.

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Why not use brahmin? Legion are fricking keks

lugging shit up a hill is physical exertion like being a cashier is a career in mathematics. sure its technically true and for someone like you who is obviously physically and mentally crippled it might seem scary but it's really not that fucking hard. the male slaves would be fit for conscription and war or killed for insubordination if they refused, the female slaves were not so they were just given manual labor that would wear them down through repetition, exposure, and malnutrition, not because it's super difficult

The point is to humiliate the slaves to they remain docile. You have obviously never owned a person before.

Well, Courier is kind of a freak of nature by the end of it no matter the gender cause OWB, so they aren't exactly WRONG.

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what if you get turned into a breeding sow the moment the credits end
that would be funny haha

Caesar's goal is to absorb NCR in its entirety. Even if he lives long enough to see it, he also has to live long enough to deal with the teething issues from his brand new way of doing things.

It's unlikely, at best

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Quotes like this make me regret they're retarded about everything else

>power of the dictator

It's all about you Ceasar isn't it

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9 years later I still don't get what the fuck Ulysses was trying to accomplish by nuking everyone

Based vanilla face chad

yeah lets ignore the fact that they have legit slaves and crucify people and focus on a factual but racy remark

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Redditors don't get that the Legion, no matter how brutal, is the only possible option, even if it's garbage for now (that can change with time).
The world is out of resources (this is why the war happened in the first place) to sustain the wishes of something like the NCR or House. There is no resources and trade from over sea to build robots and plasma weapons anymore.

What is the context for this image?

The man in the picture is a slave, nimrod

Nothing about the truth is evil. You're supposed to grant them extra rights beyond that, not deny the basic foundation. Do so and your civilization fails.

hes one of the well treated ones

honestly nipton deserved it

They are easier to fuck and make babies when tired. Less resistance.

He's a message runner, when he's not waiting to paddle your dumb ass across the water he literally runs around the wasteland delivering messages. If he ever fucked up he'd probably be crucified like any other failure of a slave

>giving women any rights at all
Cuck. Bet you don't even circumcise your women to keep them from lusting after every cock they smell.

NCR is the correct choice. The endings are the evidence. In the best possible NCR ending, the absolute WORST thing that happens in some of the people in Goodsprings have to move to one of the other dozen prospering towns.

Nipton was natural selection. If Nipton were not sacrificed, we'd never have seen a true winner emerge from the grey masses.

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that's my point though, hes treated like shit and hes still one of the well treated ones

>dude ending slides
>nevermind Kimball and Oliver go completely unpunished for their crimes which is an objectively terrible outcome and one of the worst in all four endings
>e n d i n g s l i d e s :^)

Are you feeling all right?

What crimes? They were never convicted in a court of law so calling them criminals is a little iffy.

NCR is good short term, but they have no plans for the future or sustainability. It is just as selfish as Yes Man. Anybody who doesn't pick the Legion or House is weak.

>Caesar claims the NCR is corrupt because Aradesh and Tandi were voted into office over and over until they died
>popular leaders being elected by the people is corruption

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I've never felt better! I won the lottery, man!

He has a brain tumor user

There's absolutely no reason to pick Legion unless you're an edgy teenager or roleplaying as one.
Who wouldn't vote for this cutie?

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What sort of lottery did you win?

Yes. Extremely. That's how you get presidents for life user.

would it be more socially acceptable if they called themselves the new ottomans?

Imagine ACTUALLY believing this!

Imagine how socially stunted you'd have to be!

Imagine how lonely and BITTER you'd have to be!

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I feel like if we had gotten a Legion companion there would be a better reason to side with them from the offset.
As is the only companion who's sympathetic is Raul. Joshua Graham and Ulysses are both too detached and are DLC anyways.

>Hey I know you've spent the last several weeks systematically destroying all of my operations and bases and have personally killed the six dozen hitsquads I sent after you but since you're here I assume you're ready to pledge your undying allegiance to me. Why don't you start by taking this extremely valuable object down into this secret bunker and destroy it? Don't worry, none of my men will go with you to make sure you obey me or check the bunker afterwards, after all you've given me absolutely no reason not to trust you. And besides if any of my men ever looked at a computer I would have to kill them for being exposed to advanced technology. Oh that thing behind me? That's my super-advanced personal surgical machine. Anyway have fun down there.

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Were you dropped on the head?

We'd be good friends irl

I wanted to get intimate with Tandi so bad, when I played 2 and saw her all old I was like what could've been :(

You probably know this already but Ulysses WAS going to be the Legion companion. It wasn't until after he was cut that they re-wrote him as an ex-Legionary

caesar was a man with a big dick and a big brain tumor not afraid to show his hand

THE lottery! The only one that matters!

Hearing about how many people murdered him really made me realize how many people play every game as a fucking sociopath.

The fucking lottery man, the one that matters!

The Legion is based off of cultural unity, self reliance and the elimination of corruption while the NCR is based off of dirty politics, Old World nostalgia and aggressive consumption. The Legion is far more brutal, but it will create a much more enlightened and long lasting civilization than the NCR.

I've always chalked this up to hubris. "Why would the Courier ever side against me with House or the NCR? They're smart and should know working for me is the best choice; I can guarantee them a life of living in tents and eating dogs"

you didn't call me stupid :(

he was a degenerate

It's actually really simple. He was REALLY fucking angry about getting his mail and went all Loony Tunes on the Mailman.

He covers it up with pretty words about Bears and Bulls and trying to see a big picture, but in the end he is just doing what he thinks will piss off/annoy the Courier cause he is butthurt, hence why he will flipflop to try to be as contrarian to your past choices as possible when you encounter him.

Not the one who posted it but if I remember correctly it's a British competition shooting pose.

What do you want from us? Blood? All we ever did was try to kill you and a bunch of old people for no reason...

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I've always chalked it up to the Legion being 90% cut content.

>take pride in the freedom of your nation to vote for their leaders unlike basically everywhere else in the world
>want to participate in the democratic tradition of your nation
>make it to senator
>realize going for the presidency is a complete waste of time and effort because no matter what you promise, no matter how many good ideas you have, you will never be able to compete with decades of cultural inertia

After a point, it stops being about what Tandi actually did in office and the fact that "things were good while Tandi is around, so let's vote for Tandi". Term limits exist for a reason.

>Also there is such a surge with female to male transgender athletes and sweden is a paradise of equal representation in stem fields
conservatards btfod amirite

>House claims he didn't intervene to save you from Benny because Victor was too far away to control remotely
>If you try to get Victor to help against Cobb, House shuts him down remotely
Reminder that House is a liar and you're nothing more than a rent-boy minion to him.
Yes I know there are other reasons he couldn't intervene but the fact that he lied about being unable indicates he can't be trusted.

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Caesar does bring some valid points against the NCR such as bureaucratic inefficiency, corruption, and political division, essentially things that really destroy republics, similar to the republic on rome. Real edge but you can understand it with ease, and can agree with him, but his methods are cruel, fast, and efficient.

if you let him run he just gets killed by scorpions.

someone post the pic.

>There is little to no sexism in NCR (unlike most other territories in the wastes), most likely due to the community's origins in Vault 15 and because of Tandi's extended presidency.

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I hate tribals. Not just "I dislike them in this game" the very CONCEPT of ignorant cultures mired in superstition and ignorant of scientific progress offends me as a human being.

Killing the Legion wasn't "the right thing to do", it was literally pest control.

and will only last as long as he is a figurehead
after which his entire empire will fracture and consume itself

>direct democracy

>Why didn't {emphasis} Victor intervene sooner, you mean?
>Goodsprings is a bit too far away for me to reliably control a Securitron agent by remote. I can send and receive packets of data, at best.
>Victor's combat algorithms determined the proper course of action. Benny and his thugs were more than a match for a lone Securitron.
>When he alerted me, I instructed him to approach the site after Benny and the others had departed.

So where's the lie? He tells you he can't do more than give the most basic instructions. Like "approach after Benny is gone" or "don't get involved in retarded fights for shithole towns".

While I understand your post is intentionally one of low quality for the purposes of inciting responses, I have to clarify something regarding this statement. It is often joked about here on Yea Forums's Yea Forums-video game board when things are taken completely out of context, and it is, in fact, more often than not just a joke in itself. This, however, is not one of those times.

In regards to what this character is stating, it is objectively correct no matter how much feelings may hurt, primarily those of women and those that decide to defend them. In the Fallout world, women are physically inferior. Not that they weren't before this supposed apocalypse, but rather they are physically inferior in the post-apocalypse than ever before.

Bad nutrition is all but commonplace in the wastelands, and women are often bought and sold at high rates, alarmingly so in comparison to a pre-apocalypse society. It is the norm to see them as what they are: bearer of children, used to procreate in the barren world so that our bloodlines may live on. Their presumably bad diets and overall lower level of interest for things such as basic education makes this character's statements entirely true.

Should you disagree, I will allow you to do so without throwing retorts at you or your choices. But I would for you to keep in mind that those that take a moral high ground for their own selfish emotional purposes, especially in regards to the treatment of women in a post-apocalypse, would be killed instantly rather than used as slaves, for they are worth less than someone that has lost it all.

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You assume that he will not appoint a proper successor. Not all empires have dissolved after one ruler despite what the (((NCR))) would have you believe.

did you kill everyone in honest hearts?

Yes, which is the problem with dictatorships. My point is that his points against the NCR are valid

The opening wave in the legion battles are slave soldiers arent they

They're all slaves. The only non-slave is Caesar.

This to be honest. Tribalism in the real world is fucked up and leads to levels of violence that civilizations never witness.


Imagine being a non-sexist male.

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at the time of me killing him he had not done so
additionally there is no reason any successor appointed to a position of unchecked power would not be poisoned and the same turmoil ensues
perhaps but it's implied they are valid enough to side with the clearly worse alternative

Oh look, a misogynistic pseudo intellectual. What a fucking shock to find you here on Yea Forums.

Sure, but it is his package, and im the Mailman so it gonna get delivered the FUCK out of.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this courier from the swift completion of the appointed round! DLC will delay it though.

>all these "legion will die without caesar" posts
Caesar is merely the first step in their utopia.

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>at the time of me killing him
Oh, you are retarded. You should have specified that earlier so I didn't waste my time responding to you.

He's right you know

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we're not on Yea Forums

was it good for you?
>it was for me

>Killing the Legion wasn't "the right thing to do", it was literally pest control.

Unironically this.
Tribals are literal subhuman detractors and even at the best of times just feral fucking imbeciles.

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This. I've been a 4channel native since it was founded and these ignoramuses have never had a home here.

>unquestionable dictator is a hypocrite
Woah, who could've guessed?

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The NCR and Strip are nothing more than a bunch of integrated tribes too you dipshit. The only group of civilized people was the enclave.

Shame sneering imperialist is a bad perk. Its effective against the weakest type of enemies, and its only a fun pick for role-playing

>no Fallout game lets you join the Enclave
Uhh, guys? I thought you said this was an RPG series?

Except even the fucking top hat cannibal White Gloves are more civilized than spear chucking rapists in football gear.

>Physically and intellectually.
I mean, if you need the crutches of economic and legal systems to prop up your life, it's kinda self evident.

Reminder that the female mentality and lifestyle can only be validated by near omnipotent external forces.

Busting a cap in some faggot tribals

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>t. braindead retard who doesn't understand Hegel

Epic dude, simply epic

Sure is, but you don't get to roleplay as someone pure enough to join the Enclave, mutt.

Inb4 Bethesda unveil Fallout 5 with you as a Enclave Citizen getting getting shot out of their space colony into the wasteland or some shit.

the most delicious part of the NCR are all the autistic euroslimes that screech about how they're actually da bad guyz because of their american pastiche despite the fact that theyre the only actual society that is livable and has any form of a rule of law.

House is an autistic technocratic plutocracy lead by a single withered piece of beef jerky, the legion is shit raiders and yesman is a boring anarchist utopia for mouthbreathing pseuds

>muh Gay-gel
i guarantee you got all your knowledge of Gay-gel from the one line Caesar says along with a few minutes of a bunch of Zizek videos you skimmed once. Maybe you saw an infograph on Yea Forums once.... bitchh...

>t. literal tumor ridden brainlet

>the only arguement NCR virgins have is ad hominem

>still wrong on the first point
Shit pasta

Go lie down Caesar, your cancer brain is bulging again.

>"The NCR just comes to the Mojave to take over shit when nobody wanted them!"
>come to the first NCR station and find out that the Mojave law enforcement welcomed their assistance against local threats

>"The NCR occupations with drain people with their taxes!"
>player lets the NCR occupy Primm and townies immediately tell the player that the taxes aren't a big deal because they get much more business from outside traders since the surrounding roads and settlements become safer.

>"The NCR only cares about filling their own pockets and don't care for non-NCR citizens!"
>Camp Golf distributes water and food for small independent businesses and are willing to give aid to Freeside if not for harassment from the local gangs

>"The NCR are too selfish to help the Followers of the Apocalypse give aid to locals!"
>game ends with the FotA, including Arcade, benefiting from the medical upkeep provided by the NCR, thus allowing for properly-paced health care around Vegas

>"The NCR are stretched too thin and aren't dealing with local threats!"
>Primm forces were already about to take back the correctional facility and kill off the Powder Gangers, the Khans are dwindling, they already beat the Legion before, and plenty of mercenaries are getting work to deal with the Fiends

>"The NCR's military is filled with uncaring pigs!"
>the people who feel bad about the massacre of the Khans at Bitter Springs are NCR soldiers, but nearly everybody else in the Mojave says the Khans had it coming

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>wars aren't real in the modern world bro

Not an arguement

Prove it.

You sure you want to be tossing that word around? Because your argument is that women have no value beyond their ability to reproduce.

At best what you get is an all-female separate military caste that is given the right of property and choice of marriage (which would most likely have to be a man of military) after their service.
That's the best I can come up with that would be cohesive to Caesar's New State.

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>he thinks the death toll in wars is higher per capita than just living a regular life in tribal societies
What an absolute retard. Look up some statistics.

>muh not an argument
>muh ad hominem

NCR is best because they're like an actual nation and military as opposed to a larp militia like the Legion. Nobody cares about your logical fallacies you fedora tipping nerd.

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>I doubt they're that extreme in real life
I'm more extreme in real life.
I want women to be happy, and I acknowledge the main thing standing between themselves and happiness is their own bad decisions!
These bad decisions are inspired because women learn by example from the people around them, and their sex drive adapts to what they see and the people they interact with!
I propose that women be married off before puberty to someone who will make decisions on their behalf, so that their sex drive will home in on their 1 husband instead of all the other distractions in the world around them, and the husband can train her to be a good wife instead of forgetting her appointments or being disloyal!
Having a husband to please and a family to raise gives the woman productivity and purpose in life, and also protects her from danger (including her own bad decisions). Having purpose and safety makes women happy!
I support womens' happiness, and I support policies which would encourage womens' happiness! Especially policies which discourage or prevent the woman from sabotaging her own happiness!
Also stop drinking alcohol and borrowing money at interest, you gosh dang degenerates.

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saying 'but muh Hegel' isn't an argument either but your dumb ass can't come up with anything else

Entire game shits on general Lee but in end he wasn't bad and in Wild Card ending he even comes out as heroic.

>Obsidian will never remake New Vegas in Fallout 4's engine with the planned content they couldn't do before
>Obsidian will never work on Fallout again
How do you cope

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>well ackchyually *snorts phlegm* if you look at the statistics per capita *adjusts glasses*
fuck off utilitarian retard nigger bugperson. nation states are modern day tribes

Acceptable if the rape of a woman in the military caste is punishable by death no exceptions.

What the hell was General Lee other then a person to bag on for most of the game only to appear at the end? He just... appears. Even the Legion's counterpart had better build up considering what little content the legion had in the first place.

Having seen Obsidian's latest outings I'm totally fine with that. Obsidian is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.

the NCR is as much as a LARP as the legion
>"we're bringing back the republic, boys!!"
>has a president in office for 50 years
nice not-caesar faggot

>everyone says he's a bad general waiting for his moment of glory
>in the end he act like a bad general who wants his moment of glory

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I don't think they are bad guys, i just think the New Vegas scenario is very fun to screw them over in.

Also they kinda weren't the people who had ordered the package and i have autism so the one who wanted the box will get the box.

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No they're not. Papua New Guniea is full of actual literal tribes that still kill people for little to no reason on the same level as the rest of the world did during the fucking stone age. The odds of getting murdered are much higher than in any civilized nation state at any point in history.
Your ignorance is not an argument.

Are you fucking kidding me, that's a given, most likely worse than raping some common slave.
You cannot have pregnant soldiers but I would imagine most that reach higher ranks are barren and have given their entire life in service rather than retiring with a husband.

There's literally nothing wrong with a competent leader getting elected to office for 50 years.
Yes Man throwing him off the dam was the best thing to ever happen to him.

The actual developers of New Vegas are long gone. Yes Sawyer still works there but he didn't exactly pull the entire game out of his ass all by himself.

modern tribals kill people for the same reason modern nations go to war: because they fear the "other"

Even within the context of the Fallout world it's bizarrely egalitarian though. In the NCR you have examples of women as officers or scientists or generally any other role besides fuckslave, and it seems to be working well enough. Plus the setting isn't like LISA where humanity is barely clinging on and there is a reproductive crisis going on, so there isn't a need to pump out as many new humans as possible. The rest of the wasteland views the Legion as backwards and cruel (and rightly so)

Then let him make some calls to bring the team back.
Pretty sure they aren't dead.

And that "actual society" is so big it's starting to fail because it's run by idiots. Or did you miss the subtle clues that the acquisition of Hoover Dam is meant to prop up the failing California heartland?

You're not saying anything.

>*bzzt* *bzzzzt* tiny brain short circuiting
a nation is a tribe. you are a tribalist.

what a fucking boring post, reads like something someone would say in 8th grade to sound smart

>The NCR

See, I know why you're saying that, but I feel like the NCR is more of a 'kingdom' ruled by a democratic monarchy which is.. Fine? That's fine? I don't expect civilization to bounce back up just 'over night', but the NCR is civilized within the perimeters of what it has to work with. Medieval people are at least a step up.
Like, you can trust someone from the 'kingdom' of NCR to not fucking eat you or to bend the knee and worship a fucking antique or something.

>The Strip

Oh, definitely, they're 100% oogabooga.
House is basically.. A Lich and has surrounded himself with several 'tamed' tribes that are merely humoring him long enough to see to their own needs. They already all conspire against House in their own way; they were never truly domesticated, they've only been in House' service for, what? 10 years? The White Glove Tribe still eats people for fuck sakes.
The Strip Tribes serve a purpose: once it's fulfilled the intelligent thing is to cull them.

>Yes I have access to clean water, locally sourced crops, laws, and protection from the inbred sociopaths camped across the river waiting to nail me to a cross and rape my daughter

>can't argue against statistics so results to ad hominems
I see, so it's like that. As expected of "civilization bad, barbarism good" faggots.

Why would they come back if they left in the first place? The Obsidian you knew is dead, just let it go.

>actually missed the clues than NCR is failing
Don't reply to me again, you're embarrassing yourself

I accept your concession.

yes and a monarchy is the same as a dictatorship because they both only have one person in power
also a bicycle is the same as a car because they are both machines that move people from place to place
also a phone is the same as a PC because you can make really retarded posts on 4chins with both

n u a n c e s a r e I m p o r t a n t

Crying "ad hominem" hasn't worked out for you.

I'll let go when they announce that no more Fallout games are to be made.

ok retard
im not arguing in favor of barbarism retard, i'm arguing against petty nationalism
>The concept of a law of nations as a right to make war does not really mean anything, because it is then a law of deciding what is right by unilateral maxims through force and not by universally valid public laws which restrict the freedom of each one. The only conceivable meaning of such a law of nations might be that it serves men right who are so inclined that they should destroy each other and thus find perpetual peace in the vast grave that swallows both the atrocities and their perpetrators. For states in their relation to each other, there cannot be any reasonable way out of the lawless condition which entails only war except that they, like individual men, should give up their savage (lawless) freedom, adjust themselves to the constraints of public law, and thus establish a continuously growing state consisting of various nations (civitas gentium), which will ultimately include all the nations of the world. But under the idea of the law of nations they do not wish this, and reject in practice what is correct in theory. If all is not to be lost, there can be, then, in place of the positive idea of a world republic, only the negative surrogate of an alliance which averts war, endures, spreads, and holds back the stream of those hostile passions which fear the law, though such an alliance is in constant peril of their breaking loose again.

Fallout is staying with Bethesda, they aren't going to outsoruce the IP to another RPG developer again. Sorry you can't accept it.

>yes and a monarchy is the same as a dictatorship because they both only have one person in power

for all intents and purposes, they are

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>NCR murders people just because they don't like them personally and uses their position so nobody will question them
>NCR hires mercs to harass, attack and kill people if they can even remotely think of being in brahmin trade because they want a monopoly on it
>NCR is responsible for one of the biggest bands of raiders in NV because of how fucking stupid they are
>NCR can't even defend their own people or kill a couple of fucking ants up the road, let alone the people they heavily tax who make their living scavenging fucking soda cans which is the majority of the people in NV causing them to all get evicted
>NCR mass murders BoS for a building they don't even know how to fucking use while BoS was one of the main defenders of NV
>NCRs fine with sending untold amount of wastelanders to their deaths without even mentioning any danger because they see them as expendable
NCR doesn't do anything for the people of NV. The people of NV have had their own clean water, crops and have managed fine until NCR showed up. NCR isn't wanted by the majority of the people in the wasteland if you talk to them about it because they're literally worse than the Legion, they just wont put you on a cross.

almost all armed conflict in the history came about because opposing sides believed different things to be true

>Woman are physically inferior the men. It's a biological fact.
>The jury is out on intellectually but given the vast amounts of male discoveries and inventions compared to nothing female it isn't a farfetched assumption.
>Woman have the unique ability to bear children which no male has and it is necessary for mankind survival
All truths.

>the murder rate and chances of dying violently are higher in tribal groups than in civilized groups
>this is an objectively verified fact
>n-no because you dumb!
user you're not accomplishing anything by denying actual facts.


The physically inferior thing doesn't seem as much of a factor when guns are involved, and unlike in moden armies you probably aren't lugging too much stuff around

Pregnancy would be a huge factor though.
Fallout is filled with shit that can kill you or have bad effects on fetus/babies/whatever, so communities will need to make alot to compensate, and a pregnant woman is basically disabled.

Though then again, Fallout doesn't seem like a world of expanding into green-pasture after green-pasture. Even if you don't live in a vault, there isn't much in the way of good land or resources for a civilization to grow into.

>can't argue against statistics so results to strawman
Not an argument.

Fun things are fun. People die when they are killed. Dogs eat dog-food.
>nothing female
Marie Curie was a woman, right? That's one female scientist.

based black science man poster

>Marie Curie was a woman, right? That's one female scientist.

But I'm the one who knows the statistics and you're the one not saying anything of value.

>yes and a monarchy is the same as a dictatorship because they both only have one person in power

Incorrect. They're completely different.
Monarchs get to wear crowns, Dictators do not.

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Nice ad hominem.

I mean it's okay for them to have ONE, right?

precisely because they are weak
breed strong women so you get strong children

i like the FCO artstyle. Almost makes people look like jojo characters

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>Acts hostile for no reason.
I'm not even autistic and this shit infuriates me.

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Now you don't even know what words mean anymore. What is your major malfunction?

Another ad hominem.

But if you're weak too then shouldn't you be kept from reproducing? I guess being here ensures that, though.

Do people really do this though? Or is it just a nigger hoodrat thing?

no, retard. there's a very easy way to tell how they are different, and it is that they produce different laws and cultures which affect the lives of their citizens in different ways. yes, you can oversimplify just about anything to be equivalent to anything else by finding commonalities, but that does not make them the same thing because they behave in ways that have measurable and discernable effects on the the world around them, and these effects are not the same. the average life of a citizen in a literal tribe is very different than the average life of a citizen in a first world nation. this is how they are different on a practical basis.

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>tfw you will never be raped by your dad so he can leech some of your masculine energy

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Alright user, alright.

Have sex.

Win elections.

what a fucking pussywhipped retard holy shit

The box one is the worst.
People do this all the fucking time: ask for something vague, you get 'something vague', and then they shit themselves and screech because you can't read their fucking mind.

>constant masturbation by mother of her children's penis and vagina while she lies on top of them, twisting and pinching them
S-so horrifying...

Worst new vegas thread in a while, congratulations on your accomplishment pseuds

im sick of NV threads, fuck off to /vg/

I'll take this over one idiot posting "New Vegas bad!" and a dozen dipshits jumping to defend the game's honour, over and over for 300 posts

Depends on who you are/ if they think they can get away with it.
Shit disturbers are a international constant.

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We're not going anywhere until you get rid of FFXIV fags and gachaniggers. Deal with it.

This. I want to discuss actual vidya but these niggers keep forcing me to sit through the same old tired arguments all the fucking time.

People like you are what's killing this fucking place.

So basically women can’t have any type of freedom cause you’re a virgin who can’t get laid or get a woman to fall in love with you?

>I want to discuss actual vidya
No you don't, and nobody is forcing you to sit through anything. Nobody is stopping you from making your own thread.

What the fuck? This statement makes no fucking sense. Are you okay, user?

Women are less than human and should have sex with me if I says so, the fact that they're allowed to refuse is a violation of my constitutional rights as a sovereign citizen.

this but without a single shred of irony

>Ran by a delusional Hegelian
>Well read but forgot to read the part where the barbarians destroy the Romans
>Joshua saw through Caesar's bullshit and ironically made a way better tribal society
>2nd in command is a megalomaniac
>Vulpes is the only smart one that ignores the MUH HONOR facade
>Centurions are cucks to Caesar
>Everyone is a closet homo
>Little to no missions
>Only redeemable trait is that they do shit

why do you twitter faggots keep bringing your shit memes here as if anyone but your circlejerk wants to hear them?

I don't want to be here but you won't let me leave
I want to see my family but the threads never stop

Oy vey you can't just post shit like this, we need the extra labor force to drive down domestic wages! What about my cousins porn website? Who will star in the adult films make us money? What about my nephew who works as a divorce attorney? How will he make his shekles without broken marraiges!?

I'm callin the JDF right now, how could you make such an antisemetic post goy?!?

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I dunno man, at least there was some discussion about the game. This has been people wanking over their logical superiority. I think that is way worse than the standard "3 is bad" "nuh-uh obsidicucks"

I think the best lesson history can teach us is that culture isn't subjective, it's objective, and quantifiable, and that primitive people were indeed worse and our inhumane efforts to colonize them paled in comparison to the normalized daily cruel and unusual acts they enacted upon one another.

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i will once trump forces a qt with nice feet to be my mandatory gf

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Caesar's Legion is not a state, nor will the rules it abides by be enforced upon the entire state it conquers. Not now, and not after (if) it takes over the NCR. It is a nomadic military force, and the woman that are a part of it exist to further its military capabilities as much as the men do.

>guy disagrees with you
>"o-oh y-yeah? well, you probably used (insert other website)"

Also, I don't use twitter.
idk whats exactly the point in telling truth to someone who doesnt value it, but here it is.

Joshua hasn't made any sort of society, though. The Dead Horses in Zion are a war party from further upriver, who came to help him because they revere him as a borderline god for the time he stopped by their village years ago as the Malpais Legate and taught them how to fight.

He's a lot like Ulysses in that way. It just turned out better.

He's just salty that Sawyer took his retarded Van Buren Legion and made it slightly less stupid

Avellone is an extremely salty individual for sure.

100 million people die in 5 years from one war, but you’re more likely to be killed at home in tribal society. Statistically speaking tribal society is better. Luckily for us we have nukes to keep everybody from going to war. In tribal wars it’s like handfuls of people dying. In big boi organized society wars droves of people die at a time. Your per capita argument is bullshit when we should be looking at the over all amount of people being killed. I also think tribal society is more sustainable for the human race in the long run. No big genocidal wars where a large percentage of the world population (or the whole world) will die. Just little bullshit skirmishes, but even in tribal society we would end up organizing and be right back where we are. Tribal society is also better since centralization of power isn’t as big of an issue.


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This is only tangibly related, but I'ma' say it anyway because I want to share my opinion:

I think the next actual Fallout game should have playable races. I'm fuckin' sick of being a boring ass pipboy; I wana be a ghoul or a super mutant... Or a cool ass robot. I'd even settle for a child of atom, they're even kind of cool in their own way?

Also robot romance options.
Stop not letting us fuck robots. Fallout 4 was serious dogshit: the best 2 companions were robots and then you don't get to fuck either of them and ADA basically will never like you anymore or less... And you can't fuck an Assaultron. That lady wot sold weapons made my dick diamonds and I want to pound her 'till her torso comes loose.

How is that evil? It's just a description of the reality of women.
Or is that the evil part, stating facts that are not politically correct, regardless of intent, is inherently evil?

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Best mods for NV besides project nevada?

>statistically speaking higher odds of dying are better

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Ghoul and Super Mutant were going to be player race choices for New Vegas but Bethesda warned them off because the engine is, well, Gamebryo. Also it would be a colossal workload that would never have actually been finished.

Like the user I replied to posted, I remember reading his dialogue that he will transform his nomadic army into a state by way of military dictatorship after ridding of the NCR.

>mysogyny is a reason not to join a faction
Does he not understand the human condition? Pro-Identity and Anti-Identity are core foundations of Group Identity.

dead link, what's the source?

>different races
You're going to be hardpressed to find a team that is willing to write and make a different opening questline for each one to tie into a major plot that everything is branched off from.
Best stick to humans since the bulk of the development is the world itself rather than you.

This hurts me. I've always had the opinion that with the extra development time, a larger map (Arizona) and the consistent area of morally grey that's in the base game, that the Legion could've been a convincing enough faction.

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Anyone ever notice how the big 3 factions in NV are literally the same as the big 3 in 2? You have the faction that resides in a gambling strip, the NCR, and the extremely xenophobic group. Vault City and Caesar's Legion are comparable, in that regard.
Fallout Tactics technically offered you that, though only in the squadmates you obtained.

To make sure you saw them as evil, if women were kept at home but offered a relatively safe life, not having to die in war, fight raiders, scout, all those really dangerous roles, with everything provided for them then it's be hard to argue that the Legion is being unfair to women given the ruthless environment they lived in, hell some might even prefer it.
Just like all of human history, life was hard, women were kept safe to ensure survival and women were perfectly fine to be in that position, then the moment life became easier and they wanted to the freedom to live their own lives they quickly got it because it was never about oppressing women like this game is trying to make older civilizations to have been.

And given his clearly stated differentiation of his army and the society underneath it, why would you assume he'd just apply the same rules he's using for his current army to a new society? He doesn't even apply those rules to existing societies his army takes over

It could have, avellone is just a gigantic faggot

The xenophobia is the only similarity the Legion and VC citizens have.
And the families aren't really "major factions" like the others you mentioned.

The Legion is already as good of a choice as the NCR (if not, better). More Legion content would make joining Ceasar mandatory for everybody who isn't a brainlet.

No, he was saying how pointless democracy was, they elected the same person indefinitely, basically a permanent ruler.
To top that of, he also said that it ran better with one person ruling than a cycle of short term politicians with carrying, competing interests.
He uses this argument to justify his reign.
It's like you didn't even play the game.


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That's why he's better than Caesar
Caesar was intimidating but he still needs lackeys to excecute shit
Graham just pulled that shit without unnecessary conflict

We wuz patricians an' shiet

will smith?

That's will smith, right? Why him of all people?

>the Legion continues to exist by rolling over smaller tribal societies and integrating them into the whole
>this is becoming increasingly more difficult as the number of tribes left to conquer decreases and the Legion's size makes it an unwieldy, decentralized mess
>by taking over NCR, with an established civilian population with agriculture and industry, he plans to rule over the people of a nation rather than be general to an army
>by halting the forward momentum of his army, integrating tribals becomes impossible
>therefore by taking NCR he will be forced to fundamentally alter the way his army recruits and maintains itself

If he wants to play dictator to the people of two entire states he has literally no other choice than to change the way the Legion is run

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Because a nomadic army fueled by moving onward a larger enemy for conquering plays by a different set of rules than an established military dictatorship that may fight some skirmishes here and there.
I wouldn't be surprised if Caesar would change the capital from Flagstaff to somewhere in California if he got to kick out the NCR.
The rampaging bull stops at the coast.

Ah, then I guess they're just kinda similar then. Either way, it is something I noticed, and that isn't a bad thing. It worked for 2, so, why not do it for NV?

First off, there's been one war IN HISTORY that MIGHT have had 100,000,000 casualties, and it took place over 14 years and was fought by bugmen. To the best of my knowledge the world hasn't seen a war with even 1,000,000 casualties since Vietnam.

It should also not be overlooked that, generally speaking, in almost every present-day nation military service is optional and you are made aware of the dangers in choosing to be a soldier. In fact, you are made aware of the dangers of practically everything that could be even slightly dangerous, from driving to unhealthy food to Lego blocks. If you so choose you can reduce your chances of death by malice or accident to a statistical 0% in most present day nations.

As to tribal societies being more sustainable because they cause less organized violent death: most humans do not die from wars. Even present day, most humans die from old age and disease. This was 10x the case in previous generations and can still be seen in present day tribal societies. Large organized societies exist because they are highly effective at creating and maintaining a growing population through healthcare, welfare, and education, things that tribal societies are largely incompetent at.

There's good arguments to be made against societal progression as a long-term plan for the human race and The Unabomber already made most of them. Go read his manifesto so your shit isn't so stupid next time.

The only problem is that in NV we only seen the Legion in war. In Vegas itself, you only see the Legion in raiding/slaving parties. Whereas we see NCR and House in their respective civilian states.

They're instantly the bad guys because that's all you see from them.

The extensive weapon modding and the armor system of Fallout 4 are things I like a lot. I just wish Bethesda actually tried. Here's hoping someone just as good as Obsidian comes along and throws their hat into the ring to take advantage of that.

Dude nations are tribes get over it jsut take the L

Caesar is so dumb that he even makes House look good in comparison
House has a self sustaining society while the Legion are glorified raiders

also i forgot to mention but bring back skills and traits of fucking course fuck whoever thought it was a good idea to remove those two things

Yes, that's the plan. Roll over the NCR's army, crucify anyone who stands up to you, then replace the governing mechanism with a brand new one made of people who give a shit about their citizens. The Legion is made to crumble, but all it has to do is conquer the NCR first and it's done its' job.
It's idealistic, sure, but this is a man who turned a bunch of lazy tribals into the greatest land army since the old world.

Making games more casual means a bigger audience which means more money. And we've got to have MONEY.

have sex

That's gonna be a no from me, dog

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House > Legion (with Cesar) > Independent > Legion (With Lanius) > NCR
Fuck the NCR

Devs that want to streamline the skills into the features they focused on

>house has a self sustaining society
It's hardly self sustaining if House needs the Courier. He was fucked the moment NCR entered New Vegas and double fucked the moment Legion made their appearance, so he made a non-aggression agreement with the NCR.

That's not self sustaining.

>mfw Caesar can't pronounce fuckin Lucius properly

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they're being forced to lose weight to safely deliver children.
Their bodies will be fit but their knees will be shattered preventing escape.


yeah but see it was a lose lose because perks were fucked into being skills and skills were fucked into being perks. not as many factors and also your special stats were skills in place of the shit that was removed and it made no sense

Ave, true to Caesar.

Benny was on his side until he gave it all up for a power play. A leader is only as good as his lieutenants.
He seems like a cool guy.

I'm confused towards his sentiment.
I didn't think Legion was a 'good' faction, I didn't think they were 'right', but that didn't mean they were devoid of any redeeming qualities? Caesar was an effective, brutal, extremely charismatic, and fiercely intelligent Warchief. Caesar ran a smooth operation and his leadership over countless oogaboogas was in no way unbelievable or outlandish- when provoked or sat down to talk he doesn't seem an unreasonable man and while I disagreed with his intentions and the culture of his tribe I didn't find him irredeemable or a simple comic book villain.

Does he.. What does he mean by this?

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I curious about that face.
It was handcrafted? because I don't remember any game featuring Will Smith.

So anyway I liked New Vegas, what are other games that make you think?

He's virtue signaling. It's also been a long fucking time since he worked on the game so he thinks about it differently now. Probably because he virtue signals on twitter.

guys what was the deal with lanius? where did he come from, where did he go? i imagine obsidian would have explained if they had more time

You forgot the part that men have 10% larger brains even for men and women of the same height and have more of the processing gray matter.
Studies in children when they are yet to fully develop, particularly before all boys but most girls have already hit puberty, is where the claim of men and women having about the same level of intelligence but in different bell curves come from, studies that actually go older have a sizeable advantage for men in intelligence across the board, but that is not politically correct so it is hidden and every time intelligence is talked about it's always that one study of undeveloped children.

Most importantly: why did he put on the mask?

>I just wish Bethesda actually tried.

I don't see it happening.
At this point I'd LOVE even a Fallout game that was as good as '3', but the way they handled Fallout 76 proved to me without a shadowed of a doubt that they're just incompetent fucking goofs.

>House has a self sustaining society
Vegas is entirely dependent on NCR to exist. The water and electricity comes from the Dam by treaty with NCR. NCR traders and merchant companies supply the food and everything else. Vegas is a tourist economy. Everything that makes Vegas run comes from NCR in one way or another, except the robot police and the people working the casinos.

Lanius was a guy who won the genetic lottery and turned out to be a giga nigga. He was unfortunately a weak-willed fool who was easily persuaded by bullshit from people with high charisma and thus became Caesar's bloodhound.

He's Cook-Cook with fancier armor

No it isn't. Vegas was fine without the NCR around. Vegas is booming right now because of the NCR, but that doesn't mean it's always been dependent on them.

mining 4 twitter good boy points
simple as

he's objectively right

Long life =/= good life

For large societies to come you must have code of law. Code o law requires leaders, government, and law enforcement. Gov, leaders, and cops means centralization of power. Centralization of power Leads us into ruling class and servant class. With centralization of power and population you get the smart people gathering resources, wealth, and industry (coming up with ways to siphon money out of the hordes of people in the region/country).(most people are dumb, and aren’t fit for more than a life of farming, hunting, or working. That’s plain and simple/undeniable). Rich and government comprise ruling class while everyone else exists to serve the ruling class. My entire existence is that of feeding rich people my money by buying their food, gas, clothing, electricity, water, land, etc.. then I go to work for them they pay me and they get all the money right back. This is literally no different than some chieftain demanding my tribe pay tribute to him. If anything it’s worse.

But now we get to live a LONG life of servitude and spend most of our lives working monotonous depressing jobs wondering why we feel so empty (or get fucked up/escape from reality as much as possible with drugs,videogames, sex). Also we get to go die in wars where millions disappear from the planet in an instant. But life is so much better now cause we live ridiculously long and have smart phones! So much better!

I actually let him live my first and only real play though, followed him for a bit until he just ran into the scorpion pit and died.

> i imagine obsidian would have explained if they had more time
The entire point of Lanius is that you have no idea who he actually is. One of the game's themes is people building up symbols, literally in the case of Lanius. Caesar needed a strong second in charge with a story as terrifying as a man who literally couldn't die from being shot, set alight, and thrown off a cliff, so he made Lanius.

Hes right though

Extremely controversial of me to say this in a NV thread, but I genuinely do feel, in some regards, that 3 was a better game. I like the environments better, cause honestly a desert just isn't fun to walk around in unless you can travel fast, while a bunch of rubble and rock? That works better. Bethesda were better back in 08 and did ACTUALLY try with their games. Now though? They're cocky, and they know people will buy their shit. Even 76 won't deter people from buying ES6 or Starfield, since most will use the logic of "everyone else is going to buy it so it doesn't matter if I don't buy it", they say completely forgetting the video game crash of 1983.

his stupid voice and his ugly face make me want to kill him in the most creative ways possible

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Not really. In the bigger picture, on average they are, but that doesn't make them collectively useless. If I was leading an army, I'd take a competent female over a mook of a male anyday.

He was already running the Hoover Dam before the NCR showed up
He's just smart enough swindle the fuckers and give them a false sense of power in New Vegas
Benny was just too impatient enough not to realize that he could've been the acting leader of The Strip if he didn't steal the chip in the first place

TL;DR centralized large population means centralized power. Centralized power means fewer people with control over more people.

>Also we get to go die in wars where millions disappear from the planet in an instant
This literally never happens.
Grow up kid.

Lanius was a bloodthirsty fucking mong that killed his own tribe and even some Legion patrols until Caesar fashioned him into a ruthless soldier that fights for him.
He knows how to take command in a battlefield and fight but that's about it.

did you actually read any of the writing in 3?
Emil wrote the dogshit that was 3, didn't learn a single thing because the industry piled awards on the game, and proceeded to write the same dogshit for 4. If anyone in Bethesda was trying it sure as fuck wasn't him

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3 is mostly desert as well so im really not sure what the fuck you mean

>Not really.
lol he is right
because the so-called "competent females" are far and few between, whereas competent males are much more common

Before House built the Vegas Strip into what it is in game seven years ago, there was no "Vegas". It was a city populated by a number of tribes that scraped out a living but never amounted to anything. The Chairmen and the Omertas were nomads who didn't even live there permanently, they were passing through at the time.

Pre-House Mojave might have done well enough for itself but House's Vegas only works as long as NCR is there to make it work.

Based common sense poster

He was a member of a tribe who by himself attacked legion troops because he was that much of a madman and when his tribe surrendered he went apeshit, killed the leader and was subdued by legion soldiers, they needed a lot of them to do so. His face ended up being scarred and maimed and Caesar offered him the helmet to cover his face with if he would serve.
>where did he go
Probably dies even if you persuade him to leave, legion will fall apart without Caesar and infighting will then be inevitable.
Even if he does live and establish himself as a leader, he isn't anywhere as charismatic or smart as Caesar.

Fallout is done user, let go

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When NCR arrived at the Dam, they found the Three Families and the Securitrons standing there to welcome them, claiming they were "guarding" the Dam for NCR's arrival. That was a power move to show that House had an army and a stake in the Mojave he would fight for. This brought NCR to the negotiating table because a bloody war with House would weaken them with the Legion over the river.

House admits to you it was NCR's engineers who restored Hoover Dam to operating condition. All he did was force them to give him some of its output.

No man, I disagree completely there. He degraded to shit by 4, but 3? I disagree.
Yeah, but it's more interesting and dynamic desert that's not as bland to look at.

Give me some of that cloud gas and let me breathe it all in.

>absorbing a diplomatic republic that made weapon and scientific advances will automatically make them not a bunch of retards that hate medicine and technology
Wow, great plan.

>Buying into NCR propaganda
People in Freeside prefer House ignoring them over NCR taxing their asses for a reason user

Caesar is lying to you about Lanius being the berserker from the Hidebarks, you know. Two of his own men contradict him on where Lanius came from. Graham claims to have never heard of him. Ulysses thinks he wears the mask to hide his identity so he can be multiple people.

The Malpais Legate was a legend. Caesar needed a legend to replace him. He invented Lanius to take Graham's place.

NCR isn't what it used to be or how Tandi envisioned it to be anymore.
It's a skeleton of a dream.

>literally nobody:
>you: 'i'm a huge fag'

What do you find to be the most useless perk (that you can obtain by leveling up) in NV?


That's not an evil statement though.

Nigga, the Roman's started out as a tribe of homeless dudes who would trick their neighbors into parties then kill said neighbors while drunk and steal their women

The Legion's viability as the primary inheritor of the Mojave is interesting because it's based on the Courier more than it is on Caesar or his schemes. Without the Courier, Caesar is guaranteed to die of his tumor and Lanius transforms the Legion into a non-stop rape train of thuggery and violence. However, if the Courier gives Caesar exactly what he needs, his plan to conquer and synthesize with the NCR goes from a pipe dream to the most rock solid plan any of the major players actually has. The entire shebang requires the Courier to believe the Legion is worth investing in. I fully believe a Courier/Legion ending goes to plan 1:1 exactly the way Caesar believes it will and creates the best long term outcome for stability and safety, but without him/her is doomed to backfire spectacularly and drag down countless hundreds in the ensuing dumpster fire.

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Why would Graham know about Lanius and how he came into Legion?
How would Ulysses?
Lanius is supposed to be the Frank Horrigan of New Vegas in terms of a beast of a man that is loyal to his faction and you have to fight in the end if you must.

You're actually mostly correct, but here's the problem, expressed through memes:


Your only option is to make the best of it or die. Revolutionaries end up dead or in prison. Successful revolutionaries also end up dead or in prison and their new regime is generally worse than the previous.

Death, by the way, is the ultimate failure and end. Almost any manner of living is better than nonexistence, despite what certain nihilistic prats might say. Furthermore, just because you are not content does not mean that contentment is impossible in the modern world. It simply requires work, and is surprisingly easy with all the prescription pills, professional help, and government programs at your disposal. Societies do not necessarily make their people miserable, and successful ones actively avoid it.

tl;dr spend less time whinging about the state of the world and more time accepting it

House was already fixing the dam you idiot, the NCR just had the numbers
The NCR didn't even know the Legion existed at the time

I thought they started as two twins sucking the tits of a wolf bitch, are you telling me mythology lied to me?

You're not a real woman though.

What is world war 2? World war 1? The ONLY thing keeping us from continuing the same wars on that scale are NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Once technology is created to nullify the nuclear threat (anti-missile technology) we will once again resume conventional wars like before. Or we’ll have nuclear war. Or we’ll be taken over by AI. Or (worst case scenario) things will continue like they are.

That's because those are the lives that women lead nowadays. If you trained men and women the same, you'd see the trend but get a much smaller deviation than you would taking a bunch of retarded "girl power!" feminists and throwing them into the army.

He's kinda right though, outside of the politics, in NV the legion is total shit if you actually join them you just cut yourself out of a huge amount of content I could never bring myself to join them as you lose so much stuff.

I am better than a normal woman. I am a living goddess just like Ceasar. They will listen to me or despair.

And by instant I don’t mean literally an instant. I think 100 million dying in 5 years is pretty ridiculous. Instant is hyperbole, but I guess I didn’t make that clear.

>Wasn't the NCR's army big enough to defeat your Securitrons and the Three Families?
>They weren't afraid of me, they were afraid of Caesar - that attacking me would leave them vulnerable to a Legion offensive.

>What were the terms of your treaty with the NCR?
>They recognized my sovereignty over the Vegas Strip and agreed to supply electricity and water once their engineers repaired the dam.

We're done here

If you say so Galadriel, but you sure suck as a Mailman.

>What is world war 2? World war 1?
Two things that happened during a century that had proportionally less violent death than any century previously recorded.
Can you imagine actually looking things up?

>Or (worst case scenario) things will continue like they are.
Absolute brainlet take. Future generations will hate us for not appreciating the peace and prosperity of our time.

I blame Ulysses.

I get that you're like super offended and everything so you lashed out at that user pathetically, as one would expect of a tranny, but in the context of being a part of Caesars Legion, weak men would in fact die.

Junk Rounds. What were they thinking when they made this

Are you joking? Its a faction that rejects ranged weaponry and modern medicine, and keeps itself alive by slavery and raids rather than producing resources through their own infrastructure. No amount of extra time or map space would stop the Legion from looking like a bunch of savage retards.

Graham was there from the very start. If he doesn't know who Lanius is, it means Lanius only came into existence after he was dumped in the Grand Canyon. Which means the incredibly thought provoking story of a raging madman bending knee to Caesar is called into question by how convenient it all is.

Ulysses must have returned to Caesar or Vulpes at some point to receive his orders to go and try to kill the Burned Man, he must have at least heard about Lanius. And what he hears is there's a man who always wears a mask and blinds his slaves so no one sees his face. The rest is conjecture but still.

It had the nuked out ruins of DC showcasing all the national monuments you know in extreme disrepair, it gives you a sense of scale in the apocalypse and reinforces the tone of death and suffering, whereas in New Vegas you don't really ever get a sense of the destruction. 3 is Post-Apocalyptic while NV is more Post-Post-Apocalyptic.

I get that you're like super offended and everything so you're pathetically lashing out, as expected of someone who spouts Yea Forums buzzwords

>rejects ranged weaponry
They use it but they reject the notion that soldiers should only be trained in using guns like the NCR does with their rookies.

ah yeah baby 5 tin cans for a single bullet.
can you believe they actually intended to make that perk worse? they planned on having it give you actual junk rounds, which only did 75% of the normal damage and fucked your gun up a good 50% more.


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It's absolutely even more bland to look at so again I don't know what the fuck you mean.

I know about Graham being a co-founder.
I took him not knowing as not being their when they surrounded the Hidebarks, only for Caesar to come back with a large masked man.
It's not that big of a stretch.

Quick Learner (You can max out easily even without doing the DLC)
Explorer (Post blind playthrough)
In Shining Armor (Vanilla)
Broad Daylight

I guess you just like barren deserts more than you do rubble deserts. A respectable opinion, though.

>Its a faction that rejects ranged weaponry
They use a number of ranged weapons, up to and including some of the best weapons in the game. They prefer to focus on physical strength and martial ability, not least because NCR's soldiers are terrible in close quarters.


Epic comeback

And it doesn't make fucking sense. The world should not look like the bombs dropped recently. It makes sense in vegas because the game actually cares about it's setting beyond BLEAK APOCALYPTIC TONE CUZ NUKES LOL


Of course NV is post-post-apocalyptic, humanity was moving ahead full-steam during Fallout 2.

>image basically explains to you know more neurons doesnt mean smarter or else elaphants would be twice as smart as chimpanzese
>male brainlets keep posting it since they're fucking morons

It actually looks like a real desert, 3 is featureless beyond destroyed buildings and empty plains..

Really, any perk that boosts your stats, (unless you're doing a limited level run) are pretty shit to get. At least they aren't as blatantly pointless as a perk that does nothing but change your outline of people who are your allies to green. That was an actual thing in the first Fallout, and it's no wonder they just made that shit standard and not even a perk in 2.

>rejects ranged weaponry
>rejects modern medicine
Only the majority of the time.
>keeps itself alive by slavery and raids rather than producing resources through their own infrastructure
They're in war. New Vegas isn't their territory and this is the only time we see them. What do you expect them to be doing?
>No amount of extra time or map space would stop the Legion from looking like a bunch of savage retards
Seeing the Legion's civilian state would definitely give them some credit.

Yeah, epic comeback. Dumb teenager. Whats wrong

>they're being forced to lose weight to safely deliver children

I think starving them would have the opposite effect mate. You'd want your females to be thicc and healthy so they'd deliver more easily.

I always figured that was because it was DC. Since, that's a really really important place you absolutely want to make sure is decimated with your MAD nuclear hellfire?

brain size matters within the same species, pea brain
>unironically comparing a whale and a human

That in and of itself is a serious inherent flaw. The legion has no contingency plan, the entire thing revolves around Caesars intelligence, charisma and vision. The NCR for all its numerous problems will never fall apart because one person dies. Even if Caesar can bring about his Hegelian synthesis that doesn't change the fact that half of his new nation is a bunch of raiding savages. He and he alone is capable of keeping the empire together and should he die the belief that only the strong deserve to rule leads me to believe that only a savage could possibly succeed him.

I really don't see a way for someone of equal intelligence to maintain order long enough to prove themselves to the savages they need to keep in line. Their natural predilections towards violence will ultimately be taken advantage of by someone that seeks only to enslave and destroy rather than build. Caesar was able to channel their violence and build a new and better society at the same time. Without new enemies a worthy successor would not be able to redirect their hostility towards peaceful goals.

Dala's voice is sex

>sexism is EVIL!
Then 99% of all of humanity throughout history were evil.

I'm pretty sure at some point Bethesda admitted that DC should be a glowing crater but they wanted to do urban ruins, so the damage is limited to a point where the city still exists

It's been 200 years since the war, it makes no sense for it to still be that way.

I’ve accepted it user. I’m going to be an accountant pretty soon. I will live comfortably. But I can’t stand to see people say we’re better off now when we obviously aren’t. People talk about liberty and freedom, but don’t know they are slaves. People have no ideology or morals and they believe in nothing. They say everything is fine, but don’t have the foresight to realize the path that is being laid out for them. Things will only get worse. I’m no revolutionary, but I won’t keep my mouth shut either.

>200 years later
>supermarkets still have edible food in them
Absolutely amazing.

Ah, well, I guess that sorta inconsistency doesn't really bother me, since it's a different world, maybe they reinforced the buildings specifically in DC? America is fucking crazy in the Fallout universe, I wouldn't be shocked. Fuck em for not realizing Jet was a pre-war drug though. You literally just had to enter god-mode in Fallout 2 and get to New Reno to figure that shit out.

>I won’t keep my mouth shut either.
Yeah, you'll just talk about it anonymously on Yea Forums where nothing you say matters

Also, society will fail one day. Or atleast change drastically. It’s the natural way of things. You can’t fight nature/god. You will always lose

It's nuclear war, bethesda ain't gotta explain shit

The war took place in 2077. Preservatives got really really good.

Grasping at straws here, but maybe by 2077 people had developed shit that was specifically even more radioactive? Chernobyl type stuff that would stick around and fuck shit up for a long time?

And things like ghouls and FEV exist. I'm not defending the state of buildings after a nuclear holocaust and the fact that the capital has anything left in it but I do think ragging on the food is a bit much.

Did you even read my previous post? Imagine actually reading

Yeah, and why was there unshattered bottles of Nuka Cola in Fallout 1? Surely the fire would have significantly or completely evaporated all of them?

>that one ghoul in the refrigerator in Fallout 4
Okay that's it Todd, give me the sexy sleepwear.

>Caesar is smart meme
If he was smart he wouldn't emulate the Roman Empire in the first place

He's not, he's cherry picking bits and pieces from a Roman history book and Frakensteining a post-nuclear American wasteland culture from it

You seem like a semi-respectable human being and I wish you the best of luck in your godawful horrible chosen profession.

You’re probably right. Because I’m sure future generations will be far worse off than us.

Seething anti-nationalist globalist cuckold

>If he was smart he wouldn't emulate the Roman Empire in the first place
Imagine being this much of a brainlet

I talk about it on campus. To my friends. My family. To everyone that brings up the topic really. Sorry you think it doesn’t matter. I do

What the fuck happened to his face?

This. Why didn't he emulate Mongols? They had no slaves and upheld religious freedom, promoted people via merit rather than birthright and had a great forward momentum going.

Does anyone else not really like modding in modern weapons or textures? I dunno, I just feel like that doesn't fit Fallout. The games have always been a bit jank, and making them look better than how they are, or giving them like, 40 weapons that explicitly are based off this or that? Doesn't sit right with me. Not unless they're executed with the same sort of jank.

>when we obviously aren't
What's your ideal way of living? Dying at age 12 from a preventable disease after spending those years malnourished, abused and constantly afraid that someone bigger than you will hurt you because nobody will give a flying fuck if they do that?
That's what your idea of "freedom" is like.

We're not talking about a fissioning reactor exposed to open air, its a series of relatively low yield explosions. Even if there were a fuck ton of bombs it doesn't make sense. Bethesda realized this however and their excuse for it was the super mutants kept people from recovering and restoring the area.

Ultimately 3 is a featureless desert because that's what was easy and they were focused on other stuff they cared about more. Basically shit that wasn't involved with a narrative. Obsidian focused time and effort on making the environment feel like the real mojave because it was important to their narrative.

Globalist? Anti-nationalist? Buzzwords from a brainwashed low iq drone who doesn’t have the reading comprehension to understand a thing I’m saying. I’m neither of those things by the way

>Why didn't he emulate Mongols?
I am shocked you would even ask this question when Mongolia was essentially composed of a bunch of steppe tribes that hated eachothers' guts and only ever really rallied together under an especially powerful despot and disbanded almost immediately upon that despot's death.

The greatest empires the Mongols ever ruled were of the Han Chinese variety through conquest.

Would I be stupid to say that out of all the Fallout games that have been released since 4, that I like Shelter the most? Seriously, it feels like it had more effort and polish put into it, and it's just meant to be a fucking management game.

It doesn't, you fucking weirdo. Definitely not here.

P*wder gangers aren't people

>This. Why didn't he emulate Mongols?

When Genghis Khan died his Mongol empire splintered into 3 warring nations each lead by his sons. They proceeded to fuck everything up and the Mongol empire grew smaller and more fractioned from there.

The only thing the Mongolians were good at doing was conquering people. The moment they ran out of peoples to conquer and tribes to assimilate into their empire was the moment they lost all momentum and everything more or less fell apart.
It had no longevity. Everybody cites these great leaders, khans, kings, but it isn't individuals who make lasting empires but a strong chain of command that persists beyond the death of any single cult of personality.

I guess. I just end up feeling fine with it, ultimately.

You're not fooling anyone profligate.

neither the legion guy or the guy your replying to said women are useless, in fact the legionnaire says the opposite.

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Well Caesar's Legion sure as hell never managed that.

I'm not saying you can't have an opinion I don't agree with. I'm saying I think it's obvious that bethesda made the capital wasteland boring because they didn't care about that aspect being interesting.

Goddamn this thread makes me want to play new vegas again. What's a good list of patch mods to prevent my game crashing all the time? does the 4 gb patch for oblivion work in new vegas? is there a stutter remover? shit like that.

>you need society so you won’t die or get bullied by someone bigger than you
>you need hospitals that put you in crippling debt so you won’t die from a cold

What is medicine? What is soap? What is clean water? Clean food? We need a big centralized government for all that? What’s a gun? A fence? A family? Imagine being such a dependent brainwashed little piggy that you actually think life wouldn’t exist without a government.

>you need hospitals that put you in crippling debt so you won’t die from a cold
Oh you live in America? My mistake, I thought I was talking to an actual person and not a mutt.

Okay? That’s what you think. Not me

>What is medicine? What is soap? What is clean water? Clean food?
Those things exist because of society you utter fucking mongoloid. Holy shit, think before you post you goddamn pseud.

The Legion started as 2 guys and a tribe of idiots and conquered Arizona in 25 years. Caesar is the closet thing to Temujin in the wasteland

Imagine playing so much Minecraft you think you can make all this shit on your own without any help from other people.

Not an argument

Isn't it way past your bedtime?

I was referring to the inheritance part.

With Lanius, it will be him trying to keep things going until his own brutality causes the Legion to disband. Without him, it will be every Centurion claiming themselves the true heir to Caesar and the Legion splintering.

>he actually thinks someone should "argue" with a mutt libertarian
Kekkimus Maximus over here.

nv anti crash mod
stutter remover
unofficial patch

easy to search in the nexus

Okay, explain to mean how large societies and large societies alone played a role in the advancement of medical science.

Eh, fair enough. I just think the other way around, really. It makes perfect sense the mojave looks the way it does, it's just I don't find it as interesting.

How about the fact shitty tribals never made any breakthroughs while actual scientists did? Like do you seriously think the abbos fromever invented antibiotics or figured out how to do heart transplants?
You fucking idiot.

Are you even listening to yourself? Seriously, go to bed. You can dab on all us less intelligent people tomorrow.

Holy fuck FCO is absolute dogshit. I can't even believe people think it looks like an improvement.
Doesn't help that the mod author and his endless genius fucked up the filepaths and then vanished without enabling permissions like the fucking mouthbreather he is. Holy fuck I hate modding communities

>Okay, explain to mean how large societies and large societies alone played a role in the advancement of medical science.

Not him, but because society allows people to specialize in certain fields and not concern themselves with their immediate needs everyday: they can then have the time, resources, and energy to devote themselves to more esoteric or specific practices.

Do you think the medicine man and his apprentices were expected to hunt? They picked herbs, ate roots, tested what made them high, what root cured this, what caused diarrhea, etc..

So you admit society had nothing to do with the development of medicine?

Is this what it's like to argue with someone with a brain disability? Do you not have any reading comprehension or are you just that myopic?

Abbos are generally unintelligent. Is technological/medical advancement not correlated with time and the passing of knowledge? What does the group of people having to be large or small have to do with it? Could breakthroughs be a product of a genius also? What leads to medical advancement? I don’t think large societies have that much of a role.

Yes, I’m being serious. If the creation of large societies is the key contributor to medical advancement then I want to know why. If you can’t tell me then you’re literally just talking out of your ass.

I know, was just wondering if there was any others that are necessary. Because oblivion's got menuque, moreheap, pluggy, fastexit, better saves, ect.

So we don’t need massive societies to advance medically? Just a smaller society with job specializations?


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I think he means large/massive societies like what we have in modern times.

This. Isolated island communities like the Sentinel Islands have medical science as advanced if not more so than the western world.

Are you implying that this sentiment isn't 100% relevant in a struggle for survival?

Attached: tribe.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

he runs head first into some scorpions. that guy's a retard

That will accomplish jack-shit. Women, like men are enslaved out of necessity in order for the Legion's society to function. Not saying I personally agree with their methods, but they aren't doing it out of malice

>I don’t think large societies have that much of a role.

Larger societies allow access to more resources and more complexity in terms of jobs, roles, and so forth.
More humans create more efficiency as people are able to do a wide variety of jobs and devote themselves to fulfilling various services: more farmers producing food, excess food allows for individuals who don't have to focus on making food, so they can in turn do other things such as pottery, tool making, brewing, make paper, twine rope, blow glass, or forge metal tools.
If it weren't for these people doing these things it would be unlikely a single individual would have the time to progress in something like medicine or even for that matter consider doing such a thing as their immediate needs for food, shelter, etc.. Would distract them.

>Just a smaller society with job specializations?

It feeds into one another.
You can't have complex job specializations without large populations because it's a tech pyramid of progressively more and more specializing positions, jobs, etc..
Resources need to be gathered, processed, people need to be educated and trained, etc.. Think of all the people it takes to build something like a car or a computer vs writing something on a clay tablet or riding a horse.

>Isolated island communities like the Sentinel Islands have medical science as advanced if not more so than the western world.

They're cavemen, what the fuck are you even talking about? They live in huts and eat fish.
Elaborate. Immediately.

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>physically inferior
We all know this.
>intellectually inferior
Looking at statistics there are more smart men than there are smart women, that doesn't mean all women are dumb, but based on percent he's not wrong.
>bear children, ensure survival
That is literally what women have always been for since the dawn of man.
The world isn't black and white. Stop being a fag, homo.

He put all his points in luck so his perception and intelligence might've been a little low...

>Elaborate. Immediately.
They don't have big governments to hold them back so genius gets to flower freely and thus allowing their science to advance at a higher rate than in big societies.

As they expand into the NCR, they are going to have to be more nurturing and protective of (non-slave) women. And no, you can't just enslave all women, that would be impractical.

He just watched a couple dozen people get brutally murdered over an hour or two, only to be spared by pure luck, give him a break

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Absolutely, their understanding of micro organisms, hereditary disorders, and mental illness is already well beyond the rest of the world.

I thought getting a Break was the runner up price?

But the brain itself is larger too even when compared for the same height and has more gray matter.
All the evidence points to men being smarter than women, so why do you want to believe that men and women who have different roles and have physically different brains and different outcomes in what is accomplished, means nothing, are the same regardless and physiology means nothing?

First place got to live and run free right into the Courier, second place got to live after having his legs broken with hammers

that's something you get only when playing a female character? i never do that so have never seen it.

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>give Boxcars just one med-X so he can't OD or even fully dull the pain for a long time
>leave him alive because he deserves it
>have Benny crucified
>unattach House from his system but leave him alive anyway

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Yes, that was the joke, get it? getting a Break as in getting a Breaking of legs.

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Large populations do have greater productive capabilities I do agree, but as far as medicine goes, medical advancement could be achieved with a smaller community. All that would need to be provided for the doctors to be able to do research is an abundance of food and time to do research (per your argument). You don’t need a city of 10 million people to make that happen. If anything these large populations are a direct product of medical and technological advancement. Large populations =/= medical advancement. Medical advancement = larger populations.

>3 is Post-Apocalyptic while NV is more Post-Post-Apocalyptic.
But its not. People still live in ruins and garbage, while they have no reason to, cuz house shot down most of warheads.

>the rifle
It got me.

>no redeemable qualities

>muh ad eminem
>doesnt post an argument himself

I heard 3 was also supposed to take place only a few decades after the bombs fell, but it was changed because they wanted to continue the timeline

user, science is a cumulative process. There's no one person (despite what the movies might say) who on their own changes everything because they're an ubermench genius. You need lots and lots of people working from different mindsets, and the cumulative results of that are what leads to progress. If you have a small community, you have less to accumulate. You have less heterogenity in thought and less data to work with (larger populations lead to more occurrences of rare anomalies) and you small tribe living on a pacific island is never going to match what actual civilizations have accomplished.

Lol dude, getting laid isn't happiness! Having a long-term relationship with a loyal partner is happiness!
... Have you ever had a loyal long-term relationship?
I got laid. But it was overrated and boring because there was no love in it. I understand my mistake now and I want to prevent women from making a similar mistake before it's too late for them!

Learning that women are not equal is I think is one of the dark secrets of modern life. As well as one of the hidden truths of adulthood that you must learn on your own. Like a spirit quest or right of passage people just don't speak of it, but I think past a certain level people in the know understand it in their heart.

I really think this. I'm 30 and have only just started to realize this.

>continue the timeline
But how? They set 3 on the other side of the country with basically nothing relevant to the previous events. BoS was changed into a completely different group from what they originally were, Enclave was nonsensical, what the hell were they doing with 3 that "continued" the timeline?

>Having a long-term relationship with a loyal partner is happiness!
You poor naive fool.

You have to specify that House only shot down the warheads that would hit Vegas hard.
He didn't really give a shit of things outside his interests.

I think it had more to do with the weird policy Bethesda had until 76, where every game in a series had to be set after the ones before it. New Vegas was set a few years earlier, to the point the Collector's Edition Platinum Chip has the wrong date on it.

It's why Skyrim comes after Oblivion comes after Morrowind despite having no real reason to be that way

It's not psychopathy. It's karmic justice.

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Okay, larger populations may lead to faster advancement, but that does not mean we would not have advancement without the large population. It may be slower, but still advancement none the less. And I’m not talking about tiny little tribes on the woods. I just mean smaller societies. Sustainable societies. Also I think most great breakthroughs in any field can be strongly attributed to a single genius who had an idea. What you’re talking about is research.

>racism is ba-

> Also I think most great breakthroughs in any field can be strongly attributed to a single genius who had an idea.
You're ignoring the fact that those "geniuses" could never have accomplished anything if they didn't have centuries of previous work to rely upon. Albert Einstein didn't live in a cave and invent relativity out of nowhere, physics and mathematics had to be created by a scientific tradition much older than him before he could play around with it.
Describe a small sustainable society to me. How big is it?

House intended to shoot down all 77 missiles aimed at the Mojave. 7 got through because he didn't have his Mk2 OS from the Platinum Chip

You need to separate "PR" talk House with "ambitious" House since the two are not always in unison.
He's all talk.

Just like everybody else in the game you cunt. House is objectively the best choice for the Mojave.

>shoots down 70 more missiles than anyone else in the world
>admits his own shortcomings in being caught off guard and failing to get them all
The point stands, he was trying to leave the Mojave completely unscathed

This is everyone from our generation and younger. If you don't have a victim complex and complain constantly, you're already the top 10%.

Albert Einstein came up with relativity when he was 16 by wondering what it’d be like to travel on a light beam. Knowledge is not determined by the amount of people alive at the moment, but something passed down by individuals. The passing of knowledge o someone has nothing to do with population count.

I’m not sure what the ideal population would be user. I know the rate we’re going isn’t healthy though lmao. But now that I think about it this whole argument is pointless. Either way we would’ve ended up forming large societies. Large societies will be the downfall of humanity none the less. This was my original point until some idiot said “we’ll all die from disease without giant population. We’re way better off now”.

Still, its 200 years after a war
And new vegas looks just slightly less shitty than F3 and F4.
Yeah, house was active for not so long, but the rest of people was just sitting in the dirt and eating own shit for 2 centuries?

No one is equal you dumb faggot.

Based and caesar pilled

It isn't that unrealistic. Look at Africa, those guys sat around and did nothing for millennia.

My choice is for the Independent Vegas.

they did do something
murdering your own civilians count

Oh yeah, the dumb choice for the retards who locked themselves out of all the real endings. I forgot about that.

Well, its slightly different, most of Africa has never had modern civilization.
America is used to it, and they sure had people and books to teach them how to rebuild.

I mean, its not only fallout trop, 99% postapoc stories are about surviving, not rebirth.

It is the only ending in my book and makes sense going forward.

Actually, in Fallout Universe the only guys who want to rebuild civilization are either evil - Anclave, F4 Institute or not likable - NCR. Somehow people think that BoS are good guys, while they are either useless (F2) or straight evil like NV and F4.

It has been theorized that rebuilding of society would be hampered by a globalized malaise and depression similar to PTSD. After a generation or two attempts to rebuild would largely stop do to inertia leading people down the path of subsistence. Society has to grow naturally.

Attached: WHO WON THE LOTTERY.webm (720x420, 2.83M)

There are things called term limits in the USA, and it seems that the NCR is as corrupt as Russia, if you consider the NCR fine then I guess Putin with his 16 years of rule is perfectly fine as well.

>The physically inferior thing doesn't seem as much of a factor when guns are involved
Have you ever tried shooting a large caliber weapon with your twig arms?

But they didn't stop, its just about how ridiculously inefficient they are. They have plenty of resources, living quarters and tools - go and expand, nothing stops you.

Anyway, its mostly flaws of Bethesda engine and poor gamedesign. I'm still hoping for a proper Fallout sequel someday.

Inshallah brother

Killing people is fun and easy in videogames and without any of the baggage. They don't make the true horrible, ghastly wails of a person really dying. You don't see the look in their eyes of being in horror and disbelief that their entire life led up to being cut short in a way they didn't deserve, just to turn glassy and empty. You don't have to see or live with the knowledge of the tremendous pain their loved ones will feel for the rest of their lives. You don't have to think about how all of their childhood memories building into dreams and aspirations being snuffed out of existence, a beautiful thing being crushed in such a horrid and ugly way.
You don't understand what murder is really like if you equate it to watching an NPC that had no past and has no future turned into comical giblets.

>this thread

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The United States were the "bad guys" in the Fallout universe all things considered.

very cool, something that's seriously bothered me is how little difference man/woman playthrough makes in 3D fallouts. should be night and day differences when talking with most NPCs. many should not even give the woman a quest because they dont think she could do it

Attached: Fallout 2 Childkiller.png (432x382, 41K)

It's a gameplay balance thing rather than immersion which I do not mind.

Only because we only get an American perspective. I'm sure the Chinese and Europeans were equally dicky. We just don't get to see what they did to their people.

>“we’ll all die from disease without giant population. We’re way better off now”.
This is 100% true though. Small, isolated communities will not developed communities to the diseases that are common in larger ones and will die on contact, like happened to the native Americans.
We are better off now than at any previous point in human history of pre-history. There is no way of life you would take over this and you know it.

i hope you'll enjoy your soliders getting paralyzed by panic attacks due to lack of testosterone and your army getting conquered.
women aren't biologically fit for leadership or combat. any prolonged stress situation really. they don't have the testosterone required to cancel out stress hormones and increase focus under fire, so instead they use adrenaline, panic and freeze up.

Because the ones that made New Vegas are basedlets if the gay companions didn't tip you off. Masculine civilization bad, women oppressed. If anything I'm surprised they let you join the faction they set out to make evil even at the cost of logic.

Oh no, Arcade is gay! That's AWFUL! Getting fucked in the ass by a Super Mutant in Fallout 2 was based and redpilled but having a HOMOSEXUAL IN MY GAME IS NOT OKAY

just a technicality though. what is a slave, but an adult child? the master owns, protects and provides, and expects things like labor in return. the slave has no authority, but absolutely no responsibility either. it just exists to be taken care of by its master and be useful to him. women have been living like that for millennia, they're biologically predisposed for lifestyle like that.

even in liberal democracies they overwhelmingly vote for huge socialist/slave master governments that will put them on welfare and keep them as pets, only good for providing children to fuel the state. owned by the state from childhood, protected and provided by it through welfare and police force, expecting labor and children in return.

your perception of what a slave is is skewed by popular fiction and its images of a dude with a whip whipping niggers.

Why is there different sports leagues for men and women? Because women are weaker.
What percentage of nobel laureates are men? Over 80%

Fucking patriarchy.

Have Sex ? you do realize most of Yea Forums cannot socialize IRL properly to achieve it right ?

Why are there different leagues for sports/games for men and women even when they don't require any real physical exertion?

Why do videogames get dominated by men and have unique female leagues? Why does chess? Or billiard? Or snooker?

>women in the military
rip morale

Democracy is terrible.

>If you trained men and women the same, you'd see the trend but get a much smaller deviation
Yeah, can't wait for wamen doing Special Forces shit during their period in the middle of a war.