Mafia 3

why was mafia 3 so shit while mafia 2 was based and peak 2000s game aesthetic (i know it came out in 2010 but was mostly developed in the late 2000s)

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Different developer.

I can't believe they opted to just go right past height of vegas mob scene as a setting.

That would have been incredible.

Diversity hire devs making a game about diversity hire mafia.

Different dev, and different focus. The story just feels far more pulpy and action focused, compared to Mafia 2 which felt like a great look at Vito's rise and fall. They really missed the opportunity to do the same with M3 since half of Lincoln's friends and family die out quick.
Also the "Take over the districts" approach hurt the game's pacing more than helped.

Mafia 4 was supposed to be this, but it got cancelled in lieue of a superhero games-as-a-service loot shooter.

This game is so bad. Looks bad, plays lousy, and there's no story.

They picked this setting seemingly just for a cheap pop and so that Nolan North could say the N word. What little story that is there, hidden amongst a lot of cutscenes, amounts to the simplest of revenge stories and then they throw a twist in the end that has nothing to do with anything else so that you might forget how pathetic the story actually was.

It's a great example of how low the standards are for games. This comes out to decent-ish reviews and the world moves on. No one learns from this mistake.

It's not because of diversity, it's because it's a shit fucking game.

its because the main character is a N

It's a shit game because it's made by shit people, and shit coloured people.

It was an average Black Punisher game. bad Mafia game.

I think most of the people who made it were white. Doesn't change much besides that its a really poor follow up to Mafia 2.

As a Czechoslovak i feel offended by this game, fucking america and its niggers and faggots

but op, mafia 2 was unfinished rushed trash as well with the only interesting part of the whole game being the tie in to the first game

literally orange man bad the videogame, and nothing more

at least mafia 2 works and had great graphics and features its really strange seeing a game form 2010 look better and be more functional than a game from 2016

The intro was pretty kino but it had nothing to do with tradicional Mafia, also the mission structure was all over the place

It's always weird to me seeing people have such nostalgia for 2, when 1 where it was at.

Mafia 1&2
>made by people from czechoslovakia who barely had access to computers in their youth
Mafia 3
>made by people in San Francisco

>while mafia 2 was based
You already made this thread. And Mafia 2 was shit.

the official tier list is
Mafia >>>>> Mafia 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mafia 3

>made by people in San Francisco
It was initially made in Prague before they moved all their shit to Novato, California.

>first two games made by based Czechs
>third game made by literal Californians

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>And Mafia 2 was shit.

Why was it shit? Mafia 2 faggot haters can't seem to explain this

>but op, mafia 2 was unfinished rushed trash as well

Except the only complaints are about cut content (which every game like Half Life 2 has), the game mechanics are fine.

>Mafia 1&2
>Just a bunch of angry pastaniggers chimping out at each other with the occasional monologue about MI FAMIGLIA as they stab and shoot said famiglia to death
>This is apparently "Good"
>Mafia 3
>A detailed story about a literal glow-in-the-dark CIAnigger explaining how he helped use high-level spook tactics to destabilize several organized crime groups via manipulating a mutt with PTSD and how said CIAnigger managed to get away scott free by getting the mutt killed, thus being a redpilling truth about the deceitful nature of alphabet soup agencies
>This is somehow "Bad"
All pastaniggers must fucking hang.

Not that guy, but 2 has always seemed pretty anemic compared to its contemporaries. Aside from missions, there really wasn't that much to do, other than rob stores, sell cars and get your shoes shined.

>Mafia 1&2
>two games literally about the mafia
>Mafia 3
>a game about a nigger chimping out
Mafia 3 has just as much claim to the "Mafia" name as the GTA series. Just because the mafia happens to be in the game doesn't mean it's a Mafia game.
Hence why Mafia 3 is not a mafia game and sucks dick.

Mafia 3 is automatically better because it's about redpilling players about the dangers of the CIAniggers by showing how they destabilized organized groups, and also because it's about killing pastaniggers by the dozen without having to listen to their hypocritical spaghettibabble.

this game was tight as hell
story was kino and wiping out the KKK rally was the tits

>but 2 has always seemed pretty anemic compared to its contemporaries. Aside from missions, there really wasn't that much to do, other than rob stores, sell cars and get your shoes shined.

I agree with all of that, but having an open world doesn't necessarily make it a sandbox - the game is more like the story driven Getaway where you can make detours, but there's not much to do but explore the scenery

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>being this much of a nigger
kek get fucked faggot Mafia 3 was trash, people want to play MAFIA games for the pastanigger experience not to be some brain damaged subhuman ape nigger killing for some lame vendetta that has not real meaning to anyone accept African Americans who think its cool to kill whitey

>doesn't like italians and italian culture
>plays a game called "mafia"

Yea Forums is full of people who A) weren't alive when Mafia 1 came out, and B) probably had Mafia 2 as one of their first games.

kek the whole "woke" plot was fucking retarded the mafia had nothing to do with the assassination of JFK it was all planned by Jews with the help of our corrupt government officials and rouge intelligence agencies

And here comes the IIDF to lash out and scream that someone doesn't tolerate their fucking wop gibberish.
>people want to play MAFIA games for the pastanigger experience not to be some brain damaged subhuman ape nigger killing for some lame vendetta
They're one and the fucking same you hypocritical fucking dago. You'll never be white, Luigi.

I played Mafia 1 first, loved it, but still enjoy Mafia 2. That opening Christmas snow level alone hasn't given me comfy levels since Bully on the PS2

I also didn't really care for how little time you actually spent as a mafioso. It seems like there's so many mission where you trying to get into the mafia proper, three or four missions where you are in the mafia, and then the rest of the game is Vito trying to dig his way up out of a hole.

I don't know if it was trying to compensate for Mafia 1's quick jump from everything being okay to the world being on fire, but it was just weird.
I don't dislike 2, I just don't care for it anywhere as much as I adore 1.

kek you're defending a game where you play as a literal nigger who are you trying to fool you nigger mutt, also like the previous user said if you dont like Italians in your game narrative then dont fucking play a game called Mafia you dumb nigger XD (btw im Polish)

The WW2 Christmas was pretty comfy.

t. nigger

> im Polish
Oh great, so you're even lower than a fucking pastanigger, you're a fucking slavic potatonigger. The only thing lower than you are Irish potatoniggers and actual niggers.

>I also didn't really care for how little time you actually spent as a mafioso. It seems like there's so many mission where you trying to get into the mafia proper, three or four missions where you are in the mafia, and then the rest of the game is Vito trying to dig his way up out of a hole.

You know you're right about that; but I wrote it off as a Scorseseism where it's like "WE'RE ON TOP OF THE WORLD, NOTHING CAN GO WRONG WOOO" and then everything goes wrong

If you haven't played it, you might enjoy Godfather 2 (the pirate copy I got worked on Win 7 64 bit) - it handles the in between "being a mobster" bit better than Mafia 2 if that's what you're after and it has an open world with lots of stuff to do

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kek do you really think that your /pol/ approved buzzwords make you edgy? stop trying to fit in I can tell you're just a pissed off nigger who doesn't like the fact that a negro main character literally killed a good video game franchise

Honestly the protag was a nig, I can't relate to him so I don't bother playing.

This, it's why I didn't go see Detective Pikachu

>It flopped

Hmmmm, I wonder why

Just because all you can see in your vodka-glazed eyes are similar niggers to yourself doesn't mean everyone's a nigger. Mafia 3 is the closest the franchise has to a good game because it finally put the niche of pastanigger games to fucking rest, in an almost comical fashion.

I legitimately watched nearly an entire playthrough of the game and even though I have never played the previous Mafia games, I can safely say that the reason why Mafia 3 failed was because it was SO. FUCKING. BORING.

Seriously, a black protagonist in a mafia setting was literally the least of the problems in my honest opinion. It didn't give off the feeling of a mafia game at all. Basically all you did was do the SAME repetitive missions over and over again, with just a few different missions on the side. Okay, the gist was this: You gotta get to this guy to get to that guy to get to the dudes who betrayed you. In order to get to THAT 1st guy, you gotta cause a mess of that guy's place, which is usually some boring samey mission until you finally get to that guy, and rinse and repeat till the very end. That was gonna be boring as fuck no matter the protagonist. They could've had the protagonist be essentially Tony Montana or Tony fucking Soprano and it still would've been fucked. Literally the entire highlight of the game was just the beginning mission and it's downhill from there unless you're a black panther type of motherfucker that liked that KKK genocide mission, but even then you have to wade through so much repetitive bullshit just to get to that mission.

Also, GTA San Andreas knew what it was doing with the betrayal shit. They had CJ stroll in and get betrayed MUCH later after you bond with Ryder and Big Smoke. In Mafia 3, you don't get to bond that long enough with the other characters to have the betrayal hurt you, because you get betrayed right out the goddamn gate. At least have it be 5 missions until the betrayal.

I guess you're right about how it's rather Scorsese-y. The main point of both games is that crime may pay, but at what cost.

yeah by literally killing the franchise, MAFIA 3 was such dog shit that nobody is going to touch that property even with a mile long pole

Honestly I loved the setting and didn't really mind playing as a ghetto spic, just wish the game was better

True. pol retards just want to spew the black protagonist bullshit but the reason this game sucked is because it was boring. All the missions were the same and the story didn't get you to bond or connect with anyone because they died or betrayed you a moment after you met them.
It's amazing how unskilled the writers of this game must have been

a more important question would be why do blacks see themselves like Italian gangsters? nigs always look up to classic gangsters, just look at your typical hood rat nigger all he wants are Italian cars Italian jewelry/ clothing and they even give each other gay Italian names for their gay rapper personas, why do blacks feel the need to LARP as Italians when they obviously lack the class or intellect to do it properly?

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Now that I think about it, 2 is the better game in regards to actually portraying the mafia. One of the big reasons I love 1 is how it romanticizes being in the mafia. It has a very naive and pulp outlook on crime, women, action, betrayal and honor that I find quite charming, while only briefly touching on things such paranoia and mistrust that 2 better elaborates and explores.

I liked the CIA dude.

>hurr hurr it redpills the normies so its flaws are fine
>wtf tranny flag in hat in time THATS JUST PUSHING PROPOGADA REEEEE
i know most bait anons say this but fuck off pol mafia 3 is shit it should have been about vito and his son in the 1970s and the nearing death of the mafioso culture

Mafia 3 was great cuz it let me feed white meat to the alligators like I always wanted to.

hes the only somewhat good charter

Why not look up to people with power and respect? Most people do.

>look up to dishonorable criminals who have no regard to the law, society, human life and their only end goal is getting money

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I think I would've liked it more if it wasn't so fucking buggy, and if there was more variety in missions, as well as more options in terms of personalizing your character.
I liked the setting, the gunplay didn't feel that bad, cars were cool, good music selection.

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>Mafia 1 and 2
Made by Czechs
>Mafia 3
Made by Californians

You can't make this shit up.

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I guess it might be because of similarities between WW1 Italian immigrants to USA and blacks in poverty neighborhoods? Things like crime being an easy way to make money, poor opportunities to make money outside of crime? Just throwing out ideas.

>be Mafia III
>don't get to play as a mobster in the mafia
Literally one fucking job and they completely blew it for social justice brownie points. Why the fuck can't we get any decent games dealing with the mafia anymore?

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this is starting to make a LOT of sense no wonder the game was dog shit it was made by literal fags

When you make a game with shit agenda the game turns into shit

Its is absolutely because of diversity, you can either make a game with passion or push an agenda with passion, hard to do both, wrong people made those games, hence it was a bad game.

So, I shouldn't grab this?

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Why is WWE so cheap?

because it is shit.

Mafia 2 and 3 both had good ideas and both were underwhelming in different ways. I honestly couldn't tell you which one I prefer.

Mafia 3 is simply so bad it makes Mafia 2 look like a masterpiece

how about this for Mafia IV
>Las Vegas setting
>play as the jewish Mob
>set in the early 40's to late 50's
>still heavily story focused but will have a empire building mechanic like GTA VC

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The Family in RE 7 was never indicated to be Christian, the cult of Columbia in Bioshock Infinite wasn't Christian and instead worshipped Comstock as a Moses figure and Elizabeth as a Christ figure, Watch_Dogs 2 didn't have a Muslim protagonist, the main villains of Mafia 3 were Italian American mobster (though I guess that's still technically true), the cult in Far Cry 5 was Midwestern rather than southern, there was no reference to feminism in Mirrors Edge Catalyst.

I could probably point out more that's wrong with this post if I had played more of these games. But then, it was written by and for people who haven't played them either.

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Not gonna happen the franchise is dead, also kikes wouldn’t let the game be made because it would out the Jews as the real vicious organized criminals instead of the culturally accepted Italian gangster stereotype

how are the playboys in 3?


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Mafia in general games always appealed to me no matter how shitty they are. Shame that Mafia III wasn't about the mafia at all

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even the shitty sopranos game?

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>Shame that Mafia III wasn't about the mafia at all
But it was

I mean, it wasn't about being part of the mafia, MIII was just a boring as fuck revenge story with the CIA nigger being the most interesting character.


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Mafia III has as much to do with the Mafia as Deathwish

its literally all about taking down the mafia in new orleans

Mafia 2 was already a disappointment after 1 you're just underage and obsessed with your narrative

Mafia 3 wasn't shit, the only thing 2 did better was atmosphere and setting. Mafia 3 is a great open world crime game but you fags can't see it because you think every black character in existence is "muh sjws" and drone on and on about how blacks are criminals yet insist on playing as italians in your fucking crime games

>mafia 2
>joe gets on your side because power of friendship
>that ending
> joe in czech is dubbed by same person as homer simpson in czech

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>Mafia 3 wasn't shit, the only thing 2 did better was atmosphere and setting. Mafia 3 is a great open world crime game but you fags can't see it because you think every black character in existence is "muh sjws" and drone on and on about how blacks are criminals yet insist on playing as italians in your fucking crime games

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That game would've been fine if they'd finished it. And by that I mean add the very obviously missing final few missions and just fucking remove shooting; the fistfighting was actually fun.

>yeah w-well i b-bet ur black
thanks for coming chris-chan, glad you're still alive somehow.

Mafia 3 is still worse than Mafia 2 in every way I mean it was literal dogshit

confirmed for never played either

it's the only explanation for thinking an unfinished, repetitive game about the struggles of darkie in the south that is somehow supposed to be a sequel to Mafia 1 and 2 is great
the only good thing about the game is the soundtrack

I notice you didn't mention the gunplay, driving, fistfighting OR turf conquest, did you happen to play Mafia 3 on youtube?

that's because most of the game content was cut because of 2K being cunts


>turf conquest
i did mention the game was repetitive

What the fuck happened to reflections? I thought they make good games

tommy vercetti Is objectively the best GTA protagonist

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It's optional. It also rewards you with more cash than the story missions so you can get the dope cars and guns earlier. It's well structured and there's more to do than in Mafia 2. If you prefer Vito and the 40's as a protagonist and setting that's cool but it doesnt make 3 a bad game.

Attached: cj.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

>you didn't mention this
>it's shit
>well it's optional
cope on, mafia 3 is an abortion of a game
devs should have spent more time working on the game and less time checking their tumblr and twitter account

>Him raising his foot on the body


>it's shit
>no it's not
>bitch about sjws
you literally just confessed to never playing it.

and DeathWish is about killing the Mafia in NYC
nobody calls it a Mafia movie

San Andreas has the coolest setting but vice city has the best aesthetic

Is the Mafia series basically dead now? 3 shit the bed so hard I'd imagine its just going to stagnate until someone picks it up and reboots it. Like holy shit this series is basically in a Dino Crisis state right now.

>>bitch about sjws
that's the cherry on the cake, the salt on the injury
you know full well it's an inferior sequel

Fuck I haven’t played Mafia 2 since 2012 I forgot how great it was, most new games look like fucking shit compared to Mafia 2 and what’s truly insane is that it came out a decade ago

Vice City has more character in general but San Andreas is just a better game. A Vice City remake with GTAV combat (plus dodge rolling) would be ludo

Fuck me, I just looked up the sales and this fucking piece of shit sold 5 Million copies. Fuck...

the most standard TPS style, its the only thing that actually works
fucking lol, even aside from the Hotwheels game tier driving, you cant drive 1 mile without the car bugging trough the street
>turf conquest
you mean the lackluster gameplay padding just so people cant finish the game in 2 hours?

i got this shit for free and i still felt ripped off

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and it was very well optimised too, ran fine on my toaster laptop back in the day

Yeah and Max Pain is about a man wrong by the Mafia and nobody would categorize max pain as a mafia game

How? Shooting enemies is more satisfying, there's more variety in the weapons, the AI is improved, they added throws and a counter button to work melee into the gunfights, you can drive the best generation of cars, the soundtrack is better, taking over the city is better, the available costumes are better. In what specific capacity does 2 exceed 3?

>gameplay is just padding to prevent me from beating a game
go home journo

>In what specific capacity does 2 exceed 3?
almost everything you mentionned

ubishit bloat isn't gameplay

>repetitive gameplay that you have to do for 10 hours is good

Nobody wants to play a black shoe horned into the mafia retard
the main consumer is white, and will just write it off as pandering

jesus christ is that crowbcat
havent we realized hes full of shit and plays games on microwave displays for hours and hours waiting on lol so randumb glitches?

Mafia 2 was wasted potential: The Game.
Not enough crime games set in that era, and the late 40s shit was great.
15 fucking missions though

The story sucked and taking over the city was a gay fucking game mechanic, the game is basically a “oh shit Nina I gotta take over da city cuz i is the baddest nibba in town” sim, in mafia 1 and 2 you always played as a small fry and it always had the classic message that crime doesn’t pay now what message did mafia 3 have? was it just that autistic CIA subplot?

we realized mafia 3 was a shit game

>it was mostly open world garbage
>the worst UI i have ever seen
>animations and how mechanic worked in this game made me puke
>story was somewhat interesting
>repetitive missions was the biggest issue

you literally explain the game like a child
>its simply better k
learn how to argue

it was broken on release but i got it free on ps+ a year ago
it's ok
story and graphics are neat enough and setting's nice and cozy
kinda fucky gameplay though, repetitive at times and if you don't do side missions you can't upgrade
was worth my time to beat/10

>d-doesn't count!!

>the mafia 3 protagonist was BLACK
can't you fucking people form your own opinions? this Burmese woodworking website is a case study of sub sapient pack behavior

Anything's better than a basic nigger, nigger. Stop chimping

I literally just named all the ways that 3 is better, I'm not out to write an essay and this isn't your debate class, Professor Fag. Learn how people communicate.

do you not see the problem here?
do you see anyone complaining about CJ or Franklin in gta?

Don't get upset, he described the game perfectly. Look at this fucking cunt instead, how retarded he is

most of the things you named are subjective
>best generation of cars
>the soundtrack is better
>taking over the city is better (doesnt even explain why this is a good feature)
and besides that you name the most basic TPS mechanics as a plus
you either have terrible taste in vidya or have never played a Sandbox until Mafia 3

Mafia 1 is $3 on Humble Bundle right now. Never played it. Is it worth it?

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Yes, I have. Mafia 3 gets it worse because it came out AFTER this site went to shit and the hi/v/emind decided they hated it before it came out. Also have you never heard anyone use terms like "Russian mafia" or "jamaican mafia"? The Godfather isn't a documentary.

Answer my question what was the message of mafia 3? Mafia 1 and 2 was about normal people making bad decisions and paying for them what was the equivalent in mafia 3? All I got was a mad negro chipping out with no consequences


>"Russian mafia"
>"jamaican mafia"
never, heard about jamaican gangs though
you know it's a shit sequel, but your love for diversity blinds you

Mafia: CoLH > shit > Mafia 2 > not playing video games at all > Mafia 3

Mafia 3 being awful doesn't give 2 a pass for being crap.

It's a rough play because it is from 2002, a bit slow and clunky but the story is pure 10/10 and the graphics are legitimately better than 2013 GTA V.
I say give it a shot but make up some time

I alway thought criminal organizations were referred to as mob since Mafia is generally associated with Italians

Alright shitter you win. The sound design on the guns is better, the bullet hitting its target produces a more dramatic effect and is more satisfying to watch; the cover system, enemy AI and the balance of gunplay is a step above 2, you can tell one came out a generation prior. If you're saying Mafia 3 had average TPS mechanics then you're saying Mafia 2 had shit TPS mechanics. Mafia 3 also has greater enemy and weapon variety, AND the ability to level up each weapon class' specific skills which was absent from 2. The boxing is better, it's more challenging and is just more fun; and the relatively shallow melee combat during gunfights is also an improvement over 2. There's more opportunities to try out your new guns etc. because most of the side content involves combat, unlike 2. Of course most of this is subjective, we're comparing works of art. But there's the essay you wanted, homo.

yeah in general "the mafia" by itself refers to Italians, but you can call any ethnic or nationalism based crime organization a mafia. I don't recall which language it's from but Mafia certainly isn't an italian word.

>Mafia certainly isn’t an Italian word
What are you on about? Dude I’m starting to think youre an underage retard

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The message of Mafia 3 was that compromising your own beliefs for the sake of revenge is unwise. Lincoln literally dies at the end because the CIA preyed on his thirst for revenge against the Italian mafia.

Sorry, the word "mafia" is in fact Italian but it's the Italian derivation of an Arabic word.


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What word would that be? from what Ive read it’s uncertain where the root word comes from, it being an Arabic root word is just speculation but I’m having a hard time even understanding what was the point of this discussion? that Mafia isn’t an Italian word? Well I think we both know you were wrong on that detail

>decent-ish reviews

60 isn't considered decent in the gaming industry, user

I have a soft spot for this pile of shit to be honest. The soundtrack is fantastic and the shooting can be fun if you don't abuse the completely broken stealth system.

Because they think that looking like a higher tier of trash means they have transcended the trash that they came from. And in most cases they aren't even part of the higher trash, just trying to be perceived as such.

>Senior Black Writer
is this real?

Attached: blw.png (923x689, 650K)

hire dark skin colored person who is not the best but will fit a quota demanded by HR higher ups
yes diversity ruins many things indirectly
they do not hire the best anymore

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I highly recommend it if you like to have a podcast on while you play videogames or if you're addicted to alcohol.

nigger game for niggers

Well not just diversity hires but SanFran trash as well.

>you know what'll make our 60s niggerspeak authentic?
>a gay dude

kek, based. Poles are backstabbing scumbags.

They took a fun single player game with an "open" world and made it ubisoft do the same 50 missions at 50 different locations schlock but it was actually even worse

>this is a 6/10 game today
this would have been a 3 out of 10 in 2009

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