This game is almost 15 years old. What is your opinion of this game?
This game is almost 15 years old. What is your opinion of this game?
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cutytyer and dfuugtyynyny t nytynynynnyhybnnh
it's cool
dan sisnt thse kidns sa gudsy you think he sis she s ttole he stiolew a lot from he who knwos who knows dand hesd stole from whats what he is
I only played though it recently, and I liked it a lot.
I never was able to get the spaceship crash event to work though, and I tried a lot of times.
A-Are you alright user? Maybe you should call the hospital
hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg hRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGH he bobobobuggtt hre bioguh
suicide it's okay don't click my innards that's inside me thats what inside me dont look you're out of touch, i'm out of time
Well there goes the thread.
not really a "game" but its ok
the fanbase is almost as bad as lisa and lain
kill yourself retard
based schizo poster
I enjoyed it, though haven't really replayed it since Yea Forums "discovered" it. I am also grateful for the many games that took inspiration from it and followed in its footsteps.
Based and cutepills
NASU is fun but kind of buggy. Did any fangame besides .flow have a minigame? .flow's minigame was kind of bad, though.
It’s really fun. Play blind but please know that going directly left in graffiti world will get you a bike and that will save you so much fucking time.
>LISA fanbase
Undertale practically removed all tards from LISA, so it’s pretty much just Earthbound fanboys and people who just actually liked the game for what it was.
It was a great experience, I found it very relatable as a lonely shut in.
2kki has quite a few
One of my top 5 GOATs. I love everything about this game.
Listening to the Mall/Witch flight music to sleep is wonderful I do it all the time. I'll miss when that game was new.
I played it a few times and it gave me a really bad headache.
.flow is Better