Can E3 save it?

Can E3 save it?

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mario maker saved it bitch nigga
>but muh co op!!!!
fuck you

not all the ports in the world can save this android tablet

Save it? It’s selling like hot cakes.

Why did you post a Switch and not the PS4 ? are you mentally challenged?

Considering what Animal Crossing did for the 3DS, maybe

All hype for it has been killed

PC is for men, I can emulate this toy.

Isn’t the PS4 at 100 million units? I have never owned a console.

>implying the DLC for smash won’t render Yea Forums unuseable for 24 hours
Outside of that I’m excited to see Luigi’s Mansion 3

Because of the online coop no one was even expecting originally

I'm actually curious if they've saved any big releases for it. I can't imagine what they could announce right now

How out of touch with reality are you?

Then why the fuck are you posting about consoles? I just want you to know that you are everything that’s wrong with this board and I unironically hope you kys.

because sony has nothing to add to the PS4 at E3, dummy. they're not going.

Sure. And the Switch is dominating it

What snoynegroes really don,t like is when you remind them that a console sales INCREASES as it get more games and price cuts, ie the switch dominating the ps4 right now is massive.

seeTry not to seethe all over the carpet, little negro

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It's beyond saving.
Nintendo will have to go third party. They need to anyways, the switch is way too weak.

I have made more money in the last 2 weeks than you will see in your life.

If you’re going to reply to my thread use coherent English.

I’ve given up on my switch desu. Hopefully Nintendo doesn’t fuck up next gen.

>the same third party argument since Wii
Additionally, they would probably just retreat specifically into Japan-only before that. Which would suck none the less.

If you can't read it, it's not my fault, you low IQ brown person.

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The last fucking Nintendo """console""" I'll ever both with. Only got it for Xenoblade 2 and it wasn't worth it.

>since Wii
its been since n64 flopped

30M+ Switch to 0 PS5
"weak" my ass

>"nintendo will go third party"
>"this year I swear will be the one"
>"okay now this year nintendo will go third party"
>"any day now, nintendo will go third party"
>"nintendo will go third party soon, I can really feel it this time"

Why do you have faggot shit saved on your system?

A couple mediocre games will drop in the last 4 months of the year and Ninten D. Rones will call it the best thing ever.
I mean look at the bew Pokemon. What a fucking shitshow.

>I have made more money in the last 2 weeks than you will see in your life.
Nobody believes you or cares and that has nothing to do with your shit thread you sperg.

At least it's easy making fun of them getting hyped over utter crap lmao

this. cant believe the 'dead on arrival' narrative is still being given legs. fuckin imbeciles

>Nintendo will have to go third party
They barely release anything frist party, considering how much stuff the handheld/consoles were getting at the same time.

Call me later when Etrian Odyssey is on the Switch.

Sure, but a decade ago I was a huge Nintendo fan and now I pity anyone that hails a mediocre game like BotW.
I mean what the fuck I'm supposed to buy this year for my Switch.

all the nintendofags on Yea Forums have been expressing disappointment with sword and shield ever since it was announced.
what kind of bizarro planet are you living on?

Need to reminds the dumb fuckign negroids like you to stop beign such fucking faggots.

And i don,t actually need to save it on computer, i can just check your snoyim gay ass SJW report and pick the picture there.

Remember lads, the PS4 is the gaystation. I suspect the PS5 will add exstra trans representation to their gay ass portfolio


No you cant.

I have not seen a single person on Yea Forums get hyped over pokemon in a decade.

the old gray cow she ain't what she used to be, she ain't what she used to be, she ain't what she used to be, the old gray cow ain't what they used to be.

All I see is people eating that shi up like the zealots they are.
Watch fucking Animal Crossing be the same inane bland turd and people claim it's GOTY in like 5 days.

Yeah but most people get a switch only for exclusives and have a ps4 or a beefy pc on the side.
I own a ps4,switch and a "you cant get better parts" pc. My ps4 is in some drawer and my switch gets played every other day. I'm happy with my purchase

>All I see is people eating that shi up
You have very selective attention.
This is what's on the catalogue at the moment.

None of those threads are made by Nintendo fans.
And you know it.

It's possible to be disappointed by a service, user.
Not everyone is here for petty consolewars like you are.

Jesus Christ, with E3 drawing closer, you Switcher Snakes sure do get mad-cow crazy levels of retardedness.

Sure user, and Nintendo is perfect.
Might as well let them have a full monopoly on gaming, am I right?
GTFO, you under-aged faggot.

>Nintendo will have to go third party.
You retards have been saying for 30 fucking years.
Just get over it already.

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except that doesnt explain why people were so hyped about doom and skyrim coming to switch

switch people are thirsty as fuck for third parties, they just pretend like they just care about first parties

I rarely enter consolewar threads, but apparently you haven't been around here for more than a year if you don't know how things work post E3.

>nooooo shut up you're hurting my narrative!

Switch was outsold last year and 2017 by the PS4.


No, and that shit is only selling good in Japan. It's boring and literally collects dust

I have several friends who reckon that pokemon has been stagnant for too long and needs to evolve. It's a real thing.
I don't know why you're so scared to admit that not every nintendo fan is a mindless corporate fanboy like you want to believe so that you can justify obsessively hating the fanbase.

I'm not saying that every Nintendo fan is a mindless fanboy, I'm saying that a large percentage of nintendo fans in this site will praise everything Nintendo makes, this is specially noticeable in post E3 or post Direct threads.


But a large percentage, scratch that, the grand majority of Sword and Shield threads have been negative.
Also Direct ever rarely live up to the hype, the subsequent threads usually express disappointment and there will maybe be a few threads on the one announcement that was kind of interesting. Not even Smash is safe, the smash direct that unveiled the 'story mode' that everyone was speculating was a huge shitshow and everyone got mad as fuck.
Not to mention E3 2015 which practically showed nothing and put the fanbase on suicide watch.
Again, you just seem to have selective attention.

Fuck you.
Every Nintedo E3 since 2015 has been shit and there have been constant thread about the fucking Treehouse and how amazing an pretty everything they do and everything they show is.
Fuck off.

nintendo fans are legit brainwashed so the thing is going to keep selling
I already lose hope that things are going to get better so i sold mine

>2000% btfo'd

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The pokemon fans are such a cancerous part of the nintendo community that they have their own board. There would be a lot more typical nintendo fanboy threads here otherwise. Frankly smash needs its own board now too.

Pic related is the kind of expectations nintendo fans have with every E3.
You can imagine every time a direct comes out and all that gets announced is a a couple of third party games with maybe one or two mario spin-offs, people will get pissy, and they always do.

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Unless they announce Mario Kart 9, Mario Odyseey sequel or BOTW sequel


after every E3 and direct there's always
The fanbase is needy as fuck and is never satisfied.

>sales means good!!

What a goddamn retard, remember the WIi? I'm a Ninetendofag and I even I admit that The Switch has been really disappointing after 2017. I wasn't expecting them to keep the same rhythm but holy fucking shit, this is ridiculous. The only thing keeping me form selling my Switch is Dark Souls remastered on the go.

>selling well means that it needs saving
In what fucking universe?