What's Yea Forums's opinion on pre-order bonuses?
What's Yea Forums's opinion on pre-order bonuses?
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I want Copen to wear those outfits instead.
One of the few times times I actually bought a game and only time I preordered a game, it was Pokemon X. I got a poster for preordering it. It was nice. So I guess my opinion is that they're pretty nice and cool
Nori pls
Literally how is this game different from the 3DS games apart from the wifu dressupp shit?
faggot begone.
If you mean digital shit, then fuck that.
Physical goods were pretty nice. I got an artbook, soundtrack cd, a poster, a timeline chart, and a stylus from pre-ordering Castlevania Portrait of Ruin at no extra cost. I still have my Persona 3 Stupei hat from PSP version pre-order.
is copen's waifu going to died?
This is an inti creates game.
If you're a girl in these games, you're going to die.
It's the law.
Yes. Also all the kids, his sister's dog and Joule again because why not.
>Joule again
I mean last time her fucking ghost "died", what's even left to kill at this point?
You mean main love interest.
>GV1: Joule gets shot
>GV2: joule gets broken into pieces, ripped off GV and then reunited with her main body, losing all identity.
but then GV gets together with quinn right?
>Joule dies again
Holy shit, beating on a dead horse much?
they WILL find a way
Cophen sister is tecnically Julie so yeah...
>they target her because people know she's the muse but she doesn't actually have the power because it was all extracted out of her.
Are the Gunvolt games worth playing?
Physical bonuses that are more than a poster are cool. Digital bonuses are fucking pointless.
You know I had this exact thought after beating 2, what the fuck was GV even thinking by not keeping a close watch on her anyways? She was never targetted because of him, it was always about the freaking muse and he doesn't know about Xiao's plan.
I wonder what is that chink planning.
It's MMZ but with ranged combat instead of melee.
That doesn't mean that it plays like X, tho.
You don't just shoot shit, it's ranged + a gimmick that makes it interesting (tag the enemy and electrify, dash into the enemy, lock and shoot, etc).
Damn, looking at that I got a pre-order BONER.
>petite girl + big fucking ribbon + lingerie + bedroom eyes + thigh highs
Holy shit that girl on the right is doing things for me
Anyway pre-order bonuses suck 99% of the time don't bother
If the bonuses are purely cosmetic (either in-game or some IRL goodie) then it's fine.
But besides that anyone got any pro tips for Gunvolt2?
Shoot the shit
don't get hit
Well He knows she is Coppen sister and that could be enough in about 80 percent of videogames.
But this is Inti Zero Himself, one of the most badass and vicious videogame characters to exist could not protect his girl from being killed off screen. What chance does little GV and Copen have?
We don't know his septima, but we know he likes time so much he goes around wearing 3 watches at the same time.
Everyone is beyond fucked, it's an Inti game sequel hook/cliffhanger.
Just drop the pretense and give GV a sword his gameplay is really boring compared to Copen anyways why dont they just make him Zero
Everyone's memories of her
GV knows Copen got his own sister snatched under his nose twice by the same group of misfits, that doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
Imagine the smell
The putrid smell of corpses?
That girl is a transsexual deviant...
With a spike dick.
I think that says more about how dangerous the world is to a cute girl then about Copen capabilities, I mean think of Legolas from lord of the ring a badass in his own right, now send him to Warhammer he would be death in 2 days tops!
But yeah they should just drop all animosity and watch over her 24/7 like Goodman falcons. Tanking turns to sleep, not being more than 4 meters from her at all times gunning down every single adept that get less than 1 meter close to her (Coppen is gonna love that one) changing house each month wire and minefield trap perimeter.
Kohaku is a slutty waifu
Relevant to preorder bonuses
That's one of the sluttiest tummies I've ever seen. Even from a low-res screencap you can see a ton of detail in her navel and I just want to eat it out
Roro survived, though.
what a healthy girl
She can't die since she's not a living being.
For now.
They'll find a way.
Lola is pretty great
Unless you are Eve but God damn that was close, twice... they may kill Kanna though they have standards to withhold.
although you might last a few games if you have a jason with you
It's 100% Copen for one, secondly because this is the first Gunvolt not on a 3DS they cleaned up a lot of the assets. Also going off the trailer it seems like Lola has multiple Awakening forms
>Elfie and Garuda's droid died
You know, being the partner of an ultra chad seems to be determining factor for survival in Inti games.
Those fucking double niggers better not do this to me. Let us keep Lola at least holy shit please
If he Manages to pull a 3rd happy ending in a row he will be the biggest paragon of Manliness that have ever existed in a videogame step aside Sol and Kratos this is how a real Man who fight against all odds looks like! Would not bet money on it tho.
I mean in defense of Sol It took a while but he did save his waifu in the end
already amazing he succeeded in two games
hope he makes it beyond 3
Ciel made it out of the Zero series. Zero didn’t even make it.
Her sense of self worth?
Zero was X's waifu.
Leviathan though
Cute, but her moneymaker's in the front
GV3 will have a happy ending
GV4 will end like MMZ4
Oh baby.
If it comes "free", sure, why not?
As far as extra editions and blah blah blah, only if I'm a big fan of the series or something.
Place your bets.
Is this a boy or a girl?
Games not even out and Kohaku is Best doomed waifu
>edgy swordie
>long blonde ponytail
I don't like them unless there's a way to get them later or if it's stuff outside of the game like posters or what have you
GV with a recast because he really needs a sword and it'd be lame for a girl to steal his style.
It's neither
its a robot sumeragi made to be the perfect vessel for azure strikers bullshit since the human element was too unstable or unpredictable
>4 sheaths
Fucking one upping Zoro eh?
>/ourguy/ is already drawing her
Gonna be a good few months
Wasn’t Copen recast here too?
Wonder why
I see at least 5 in that screen. He probably has 6
Roro's seiyuu quit so she had to be recast. It was as good a time as any to change things up, maybe. Or agency shenanigans. Nobody really knows.
I bet her tits jiggle around like Jello wearing those outfits when she walks.
What tits?
Eh they aren’t great but she’s like... whatever the line between a and b cup ends
That's what's great about them
Does the Switch version of Gunvolt 2 not have an online scoreboard for it's score attack, or do I need to buy Nintendo online for it?
How does the switch version play anyway? Same as 3ds?
It's 60fps instead of 30.
You use skills with the right analog instead of the touchscreen and it runs at 60fps, other than that it's the same.
I dislike the skill selection. The PC had a similar setup, but you could instantly use a skill by moving the stick. On Switch you have to select the skill you want by moving the stick first first and then click the stick, which feels much clunkier.
Isn't this just Gunvolt?
>they cleaned up a lot of the assets.
no now it's just blown up pixel art on a big ass screen full of mixels & painted backgrounds.
What game are these sexy little girls from?
You know it's probably just different lightning in the artworks and stuff but I've just realized the hue of blonde Blade has is more in line with Lumen than GV.
Yes I know Blade is very likely to be just a red herring, just pointing out stupid shit.
Gunvolt 2
Or, like lumen Blade is a living Glaive using GV as a template ala Full Frontal, and gunvolts tied up in a basement somewhere.
>Blade is Joule in that timeline and gets powerups from a singing GV
is that legit official art?
The fuck game is that
read the thread
I gusess this thread wasnt actually about preorder bonuses....
I feel dumb for replying seriously now
So... is her normal tube top for binding?
>What am I fighting fooooooooor?!
What else could it possibly about, user?
I’m gonna feel super bad about hate criming pinky
Blade will be GV because it's so obvious no one expects it
I don't like most physical bonuses since they just usually end up forgotten in a drawer or closet. The only ones I like are soundtracks usually. Digital stuff isn't bad as long as it is just some visual fluff.
Looks like a hentai game.
No, which is super weird since the first game was pretty subdued. Game two didnt really up the fanservice to the amount the pics would suggest either..
Most of the stuff posted on the thread are pre-order bonuses, the games themselves are pretty tame. Most of the time.
It's the weirdest shit, all these extra arts and fanservice shit is so jarring when like 80% or more of the cast of the series so far is fucking dead, including all but 3 girls (and an AI) so far. They know who they're pandering to, it should've been seen from a mile away given that they relied on idol stuff as a plot device to begin with, but jesus christ.
It's like if you had a bunch of Macross games with a large and potentially interesting cast and then everyone besides the main protagonist(s) and a couple side characters fucking died, including multiple waifus, and then continued to advertise and even sexualize them in marketing and fan materials afterwards.
They're waiting until they have enough material for the Gal*Gun crossover.
The next title is Inti's possible breaktrough.
They want to push Gunvolt past the niche it had up to this point.
This means reeling in the weebs in japan that are completely braindead and don't give a fuck about anything, will buy shit only because of the fanservice in it, and in the west this doesn't make much of a difference because if you buy something like Gunvolt, a bit of fanservice won't really bother you at all, you're in because you've been in this since MMZ.
Essentially, it's a strategic decision to completely estabilish themselves in the japanese mainstream and keep expanding in the west at the same time.
I can't stress this enough: as opposed to the talented japanese developers, the current mainstream japanese consumer has the IQ of a roasted squid.
Literally 0 fucks left for the gameplay of any game.
All they want is tits, ass, and I'M GONNA SAY THE C WORD.
This move was absolutely necessary to make sure jap consumers increase in numbers.
They NEED to nail this because Dragon: Marked for Death didn't sell well at all (long story why, essentially the deam is retarded).
I got Gunvolt in my Citra folder and played it for like 5 minutes. I thought it was hated like Mighty Number 9 cuz I never see people talk about it.
Regardless I will play the game more at some point to see if I like it.
I thought it was because Inti Creates are a bunch of depraved fucks.
The thing is that Gunvolt's playstyle is like it or abhor it. Many people in these threads generally agree that if you can't wrap your head around the stop-and-pop that GV is designed around, then he's just not gonna stick to you. Copen on the other hand is much faster paced and much more aggressive, encouraging utterly destroying and dash-tagging everything in your path with impunity and great skill and precision, but until iX comes out he's exclusive to the 3DS-and-Switch-only second game.
they served a purpose in the past
now they are just advanced sales estimates for coporations
may you elaborate in why did DMFD didn't do well?
That's just Japanese game devs in general, and that's a good thing.
MN9 truly is a stain in Inti's reputation but it's the result of a long and complicated development history that was essentially a predictable disaster.
No, Gunvolt was always fine, Gunvolt 1 had some rough spots but Gunvolt 2 is the real deal, for sure.
It sucks because MN9 tainted even good side games that happen to contain Beck as a character, such as the excellent Mighty Gunvolt
Burst (that everyone should really fucking play, by the way).
>they served a purpose in the past
What purpose was that?
Well for one, basically no one knew it released unless they learned second-hand. Two, it had a cumbersome and confusing "pack" method of selling the game by two of four characters. Want the more basic combat-centric characters, you buy this pack; you want the more technical characters, buy this pack. Or you just buy the whole game. It's needlessly complicating for average consumers. Three, solo play was fucking awful, the game was designed with co-op and character roles in mind, so anyone without randoms or friends to play with is screwed and the game does not support local co-op without two Switches and both players having the game in some capacity.
The real nail in the coffin was that every notable patch after release just made the game grindier, more obnoxious, and less fun to play. Even the jap fans are complaining. Inti seems to have content updates on the way, but the damage is already done.
The tl;dr:
-Premise wasn't super solid
-Difficult development
-Once out, doesn't have local multiplayer on 1 system, must own multiple systems
-Bugs out the ass
-Very barebone in content
-Extremely fucked up balance
-Terrible sponge bosses with 1hit ko moves everywhere
-Abysmal, horrendous drop rates
-Anemic, not always functioning online
And then, after release
-Making the game worse and worse each new patch
-The team refuses completely to listen to it's playerbase, stubbornly defending their decisions as the game loses numbers and doesn't sell
I wonder if it will ever get a sequel now that Level 5 owns Comcept. I guess they could use only the ASG and Gal*Gun characters, maybe BMZ too.
It's okay as long as the bonuses make my penis go BOOM boom whipow! know what I'm saying?
gerbil butt
copen you faggot
You should also say how the first Gunvolt has a really retarded localization which randomly cut 90% of the story, changes the characters and was overall stupid for absolutely no reason. Inti Creates got roped into believing westerners were retarded or something and couldn't get the original Gunvolt. It's still suffering from that hackjob to this day
It's only after Gunvolt 1 released and people shat on the localization that IC realized westerner want the same fucking thing jp players want. Shocking I know
>not wanting a socket for your plug and a plug for your socket
What are you, bigender?
There's no translations for this?
Just because GV has Naofumi's seiyuu doesn't mean you need to trip here.
They already have plenty of material for a Gal*Gun/Gunvolt crossover involving time travel shenanigans. Nori is Kurona, she battles Copen's ancestors Shinobu and Maya Kamizono, one of the random girls in Double Peace is legit a time-traveling employee of Sumeragi, Quinn's last name is Sakurazaki like the family that owns the school GG...
Sorry, didn't mean to. Damn extension is fucking me over.
This is hilarious, sad and cute at the same time.
The same way I feel about micro transactions, they should be strictly cosmetic.
This should not even be possible but the power of the diva is one hell of a thing.
I want to use her as an onahole and someone will now that those pillows are floating around