why dont i enjoy video games anymore
Why dont i enjoy video games anymore
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leave here and you will again
you get too much dopamine from the internet
this tbqh
You aren't playing the right games for you at this moment.
What have you been playing what do you want to see from a game? I could try to recommend you something.
just think of a type of game genre you really like from when you were younger and then go back and start playing the good stuff you missed. for me it's boomershit. currently playing through Blood for the first time and having a blast. will probably hit shadow warrior or powerslave next.
I find that I enjoy going out and socializing with people more than playing vidya these days. I think it's because I've changed my brain chemistry with my herbal supplement stack.
Depends. Are you a teenager still forcing yourself to play teenager shit like Overwatch and TF2? Are you an adult that's still trying to "rekt n00bs" in FPS games?
Maybe change your genre up and try something you've never thought about before.
People get bored because they're narrow minded and refuse to dive into something different (like going from FPS to platformers).
You're old. Back in the days we were getting at least 5 classics a year (deus ex half life etc) now we're lucky to even get a one decent game in a year
OP here, I tried all that shit and it doesn't work.
Socializing is the only thing that's enjoyable anymore, but it's so difficult to coordinate anything because I work so many hours.
Everything else feels like a chore.
Try acquiring sexual relations
new games are garbage now
i only get pleasure from palying old ass shit
i hope new mario maker gives me life
Then, not to be mean, why are you here? What possibly could a bunch anonymous shitposters on a Cambodian piss fetish board say to convince you to keep gaming?
for me reading light novels and manga is far more easier to get myself in the mood for enjoying than video games. Despite knowing that once I start playing I'll enjoy it I just reach out to the easier option.
Over the weekends when I have more time I do enjoy vidya games though
Same wtf. I bought a ps4 with 10 games and didn't finish any of them. Play switch sometimes and 3ds and psp, mostly handhelds while i'm on bed or something
>fighting games are now mobile titles with F2P currency
>Most RPGs that come out nowadays are MMOs. Bad ones.
>single player RPGs literally do not exist anymore, and if they do, it's some super niche isometric top down garbage that's only playable with a piano
>stealth games--extinct
>ninja games in general--extinct
>exploration/puzzle games--extinct
>racing games are now online only, no single player content for you!
>middle market games are now extinct, hope you enjoy fleecing AAA games and 2D indie side scrollers, because that's all you're getting
>all three consoles require online subscription services for the privilege of using your own internet
>games with even a modicum of creativity behind them are extinct.
>most games that come out push the feminist agenda now, no more fanservice for you
>feminists have co opted a hobby that was started collectively by a bunch of male nerds who disregarded women and acquired currency
Why indeed
based but blackpilled
>single player RPGs literally do not exist anymore, and if they do, it's some super niche isometric top down garbage that's only playable with a piano
The fuck does this even mean you miserable nigger
Need to play a good one again.
do you like older games or is it all games?
if you like older games, then you don't like the new shit they try to push, if you dont like older games ands new ones, possibly depression, possibly you played so many fucking games in the same genre that you burnt out entirely. god knows that happened with jrpgs for me, but recently I got that itch to play them again, but it took me over 10 years for that itch to come back.
You're not smoking enough weed
Weed is for fags.
oh cool, time for the tenth "im such le tired and cynical gaymer" thread of the day
competitivity and/or perfectionism depending on the type of games you play, you're welcome OP
>tfw high right now
>been smoking daily for the last 3-4 years
>Trying to quit now
Weed is great but don't be stupid like me.
Depressed, over sensitive, paranoid (the subtle kind too) and shit, I feel like I'm breaking apart.
Try getting a girlfriend. It'll probably make you spend more time away from vidya, and then you'll appreciate it more when you actually have free time.
because you dont actually start playing any
you come on here bitching about how you life sucks when you should have realized by now it's just you making it shitty
go actually play video games
Depression, most likely.
I don't enjoy life and I honestly want to trade situations.
Marxist cancer has throughly infected gaming. Just like comics, movies and cartoons.
No fulfillment from other areas of your life. Also Mordern gaming is terrible. H
Yes good game still come out now and then but is it really worth all the horseshit? Start going backwards and try older games that you missed the past. There more than enough old games to last you forever.
I quit weed for a year and a half, and I was fucking miserable the entire time. I started smoking again, and now I'm a lot happier. If your life is shit, there's no reason to not do drugs, and at least weed won't kill you
He okay?
i don't understand why people are like this. Why do you have to smoke to enjoy things or be happy? I like smoking too, but if i ever go without it i feel fine
It's not about needing it, it's about the fact it just makes it better.
Then before you know it, you've been high for basically 3 years straight and you don't know how to exist sober
youre right. im not op, but i stopped playing games for a few months and it makes a difference. modern gaming is shit. i havent played anything in a while and dont even feel the need to because nothing good is out.
This. If you NEED mind altering substances just to enjoy life, just put the barrel against your temple and pull the trigger.
It's called being an addict.
His fate is sealed
I don't enjoy anything anymore.
you're growing up, video games are fun when you have no real responsibilites. personally I find more enjoyment from reading nowadays. only a matter of time before I stop altogether, maybe you've reached that point already OP
how about this
That's definitely depression, you should seek help user. If you don't want to get professional help you should at least try eating healthier, exercising and finding a hobby that gets you out of your house. Those might sound like dumb suggestions, but take it from someone who struggled with anxiety last year, they can really help.
have sex
probably because weed is actually terrible for people (the mentally ill most of all) and we should have listened
This is most likely it. Lemme guess user, rather than playing a game, you just browse Yea Forums all day?
yes i think i could enjoy that
>I don't need it, I just need it
Fuck... Same, yet some things still manage to amuse me from time to time.
Welcome to the club OP, happened to me during the last year of HS, I've decided to just take other hobbies, gamedev specifically, give it a shot, you might like it
Sounds a lot like me. Pretty sure those are signs of a depression.
I need it
but not everyone smokes does
AAA games have no interest trying something new mechanically and, as their sequels continue this lack of interest, malaise build quicker
For real though anons, games are something we all love and if you can't immerse yourself and enjoy them anymore it might be a sign something else is wrong. Maybe it's external stress that you know about, but often it can be something internal you don't know about. If you have the option, talk to a doctor, you might not have depression but you might have something that keeps you from experiencing normal joy. You all have a right to feel great, even the bad guys here, and especially the people who think they don't deserve to be happy.
because you're older than 16
How are these brainless sacks of fat not hunted to extinction?
Humans like biodiversity and many strive to protect it
For starters they just don't make games worth playing anymore. Secondly, as one gets older you come to realize that you can have fun and build yourself as a person at the same time. Video games are fun but ultimately a waste of time. There is no growth, no development to be had from vidya. That's not to say I've never learned something, gained perspective or changed as a result of vidya but pound for pound out of the tens of thousands of hours I've spent playing vidya the growth I've experienced from it could be gained much more quickly doing other things.
Being amphibious conveys a lot of survival
getting hunted in the water -> go to land
and flipped
>Be a NEET sack of shit with endless free time
>Don't enjoy my vidya
>Be a wageslave with barely any free time
>Love my vidya but too tired to play
every true user at some point has an epiphany where they realize they've reached a point where they're barely enjoying or exploring the very topic of the board they waste hours on. strange feeling.
Don't be so harsh with yourself
Because you'll get sick of an activity if you do it for a long time. Here's something else you can do while not playing video games for a while.
Not even this?
>Socializing is the only thing that's enjoyable
>Everything else feels like a chore
This is a breed of autism outside of both my experience andmost others here, unironically. I don't understand how you could have both of these symptoms simultaneously.
you are old user, it's the same why you don't play with toy soldiers anymore