What's the most egregious instance of cut content being used as DLC in videogames?
What's the most egregious instance of cut content being used as DLC in videogames?
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These suck. They get suck inside my girl all the time and she's starting to look a little bloated.
this thread wont get banned but mine does.. im glad i left v years ago
>tfw no foreskin
Excuse me?
Why? No smegma to worry about
Asura's Wrath "True Ending" DLC
i feel so bad for foreskinlets sometimes, I love my lil anteater
Within 5 years I think the technology will come out to regenerate foreskin
We're gonna make it cutbros, we're gonna fucking make it
foregen (dot) org
I'll never understand why people are so invested in the state of other people's penises.
No sexual pleasure, either.
don't worry, in america they gaslit all the women to think it's weird to have foreskin and don't have sex with uncut dudes
uhhh you're here right now dawg...you're here forever. I started coming here when I was 17. I am 32 this year. And to stay on topic I am still sad we never got the 5th Archstone in DeS.
You only have to worry about smegma if you're an unhygenic fuck who doesn't shower at all
Why even support the loss of your foreskin? You didn't even have a say in it and everyone else on the planet does
Literally just wash your dick. Only subhumans have smegma.
Just the fact that I had part of my dick cut off kind of hurts, and supposedly there's a lot more pleasure with it.
It kind of hurts to know you're parents are such kike slaves that they would hurt their own offspring just to fit in.
>more nerve endings = better orgasm control = last longer because you can better feel when you're just about to cum
>more nerve endings = more pleasure
>can cleanly jerk off the entire shaft of the penis and head without lube
>using a condom is completely comfortable because the foreskin's nature looseness makes the condom feel like it's not there
>cutfags hate condoms because all they feel is the reduced friction
>girls can tongue your foreskin
>keeps your glans moist
imagine defending and being proud of the fact that someone removed a part of your sex organ
I've never had any girl complain
then again I've got a thick 7.5
To think there are scientests trying to regrow limbs, that could end up being used to undo the knife of the jew
>there are people that will pay $48 plus tax plus shipping to make their dick look like a slug again
>what is lubricant
>TFW was cut but the foreskin grew back mostly so it's half cut
>Find ideal dick size thread on lolcow farm
>Don't really have to worry about that but click anyway
>Thread is almost nothing but calling cut dicks disgusting for at least 20 posts
W-what do you femcels know anyhow
You've probably got cobwebs in your uterus at this point,
Why are uncutfags always the one making these threads and trying to cope this hard?
>>using a condom is completely comfortable because the foreskin's nature looseness makes the condom feel like it's not there
this is when I knew you were bullshitting. I got circumcised when I was 13 because of phimosis. It sucked. And don't say"but you coulda done stretching exercises!!!" It was an extreme case. I would if I could.
Can I fuck it?
>hey guys my parents cut my legs off at birth
>because of that i never worry about stubbing my toes! thank you based christjews!
this is your mind on America
That feel. We had absolutely no choice, so we have to use our imaginations to their fullest to achieve our maximum sensitivity. Crazy, but depending on your babby surgeon it can be enough. This thread got deleted while I typed this comment.
>thick 7.5
dildos are bigger than that, try for a short girl next time champ
theres that foregen attempting to do it
I doubt they'll get it anytime soon though
maybe one day I won't be a freak with a mutilated cock
Google foregen
I'm cut but whats with cutfags obsession with foreskin anyway?
I've been on Yea Forums for over ten years and I just wanted to say that I appreciate the effort it took to design this shitpost thread.
This is true, they think it’s fucking nasty here.
i'm not, condoms feel amazing when you have a foreskin
>Cut content
>Sell it back as DLC
Hitler was right, 6 million wasn't enough.
How fucked can your love life be to blame circumcision for a poor sex life? It's like looking or excuses rather than coming to terms for your low libido or mental illness.
All the girls on chan related sites are awful anyways.
Yes I'm mad about constantly being called a drug dealer on /soc/ just because I'm ugly.
No one actually thinks like this
it doesn't help
not to mention if it gets too hard the cut scar bleeds a little and scabs up
I wish cutfags could be healed and know how good it feels to have foreskin. The entire sheath of skin feels sensitive, but in this kind of 'general' and glowing way. There is a spot at the inside bottom where it connects to the penis that feels insanely sensitive, I can cum rapidly just by rubbing that tiny 5mm spot with my thumb. I am convinced it's like the male version of the clitoris.
Getting a woman to run her tongue under your foreskin is unreal, it's like receiving a blowjob from inside your penis. You feel a very complex multi-directional pleasure. The foreskin actually starts to tingle and become unbearably sensitive right before you cum.
Because women are repulsed by their worm dick and they know it.
Dumbass there are dildos that outclass all of us on every concievable metric
There does not exist a dick bigger than the biggest dildo
my bf has phimosis but its been stretching, his case wasn't that extreme but he sure takes his time to cum. i wonder if he will ever be comfortable when he fucks me
I've noticed that Yea Forums's shit posters are a cut above the other boards. At least they make it entertaining rather than throwing the whole bait bucket and expecting (you)'s like /pol/ does.
well you can't say that without posting something to back it up
Jews stole part of my dick
500 replies
thats not what i meant, lubricant makes it even more dry after a while
>haha I'll just cut off my lips. No plaque to worry about!
just pull back the skin and wash retard
>you'll never get those 20k nerve endings back
it hurts
Oh fuck I get OP's joke now. Why did I need the joke repeated to get it.
You bastard I want my foreskin back
I laughed, but I'm not happy about it
>Dumbass there are dildos that outclass all of us on every concievable metric
and you still try to date women knowing this? alright
>7.5" dicklets think they're big
literally internet average
It's called WATER AND SOAP, you disgusting third worlder.
>There is a spot at the inside bottom where it connects to the penis that feels insanely sensitive
We still have that, or at least I do, I don't know how bad other's cut's were.
how long can you last during sex if you are uncut? legit question
>no one actually thinks like this
Well, Yea Forums (Yea Forums) some of us have no comparison and wonder daily what it's like for girls and uncut dudes to get off.
>literally internet average
Underrated post. If you weren't a dicklet you wouldn't be on the internet.
I dunno, I really like seeing things from the perspective of a likeminded female. I know I can never interact with them, but hey. That's how it usually goes.
I have to jerk off before sex if I want to do anything substantial for the girl. If you really just don't give a shit, it takes like 2-3 minutes
It's weird how cut fags usually keep to themselves, meanwhile uncut fags go way out of their way to try and justify why having foreskin is good creating copious images and pastas about it
Really makes you think....
Look up frenulum handjob on any porn site and begin to seethe and rage
I can't remember where I read this, but supposedly there was going to be a sequel to Asura's Wrath, but for some reason or another they axed it and turned it into the Part IV DLC instead
The parallels between these two things are perfect. Selling cut content back to you. Well done OP. Respect.
People deserve to be held accountable for chopping off a part of my dick and thinking that I won't mind. Bastards.
>clipped my nose off now so i dont get pesky boogers!
>It's weird how cut fags usually keep to themselves,
Yes, most victims of mutilation and torture try to suppress and stay quiet about the incident
Because women don't like their loser dicks
An uncutfag like me could just get a circumcision if I wanted to “cope”. As for you cutties, well...let’s hope foregen works in your lifetime.
I'm not a fucking dicklet bro
I'm just saying comparing your size to dildos is fucking stupid when shit like this exists
is always depends how horny you are. because your dickhead gets more sensitive and you might cum soon. last time i fucked someone i only lasted like 5 minutes? but his ass was too tight and i was really into it
You could always buy a gun (knife for the non-American bros who somehow got cut) and got at it.
30-minutes or longer sessions are common with my girl. But I also have days where it's just insanely sensitive, I even have trouble with not cumming while masturbating. I can go 15 minutes those times, but they're not common.
You mean your parents who are currently your meal ticket and paying for your internet?
how expensive will this shit be
its funny to think theres people who take images like this seriously
thats nothing to brag about honestly, how can you enjoy sex if you last 2 min, do you really have to tell the girl you gona go jerk off real quick and then have sex so you could last longer? odd
>literally washing behind the foreskin
this is how you start the endless perpetual cycle of smegma.
Literally stop this shit and use some gentle oils and you'll never get smegma again
Because most cutfags realize deep down that their penis got mutilated by their parents for no fucking reason.
>one life
>born a cutfag
how do you handle this
That's because they're intended for the anuses of degenerate furfags.