Game features your fetish

>Game features your fetish

Attached: kat.jpg (1087x735, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Name -1 games.

I really don't know why you're still bothering to post given that since I've started namedropping your KiwiFarms screenname more often, it's more likely that they'll notice that and start to realize that it is the same user on KiwiFarms, and also noticing there's an abnormal amount of MLP and loli posts with an Argentina flag and similar posting style, after they see “ban-evading Argentinian.”
Connections are gonna be made, and you'll be pretty much outed as the scummy pedophile that I always saw you as, but it'll be confirmed in everyone else's eyes as well. And last I checked, KiwiFarms doesn't have a positive stance on lolicons and pedophiles. Not to mention the obvious fact that you've gone against the rules of KiwiFarms too with this line: "If a person starts sending you...emails, calling your intimidate you or cause you distress, that is harassment."
Even if you didn't have a problem with me calling you out on posting garbage that doesn't belong outside their respective containment boards and didn't try to dox me, I'd still have more online that would give an unknowing person an idea that I live an at least somewhat interesting life. But all everyone's going to know you for is for being a ban-evading pedophile that can't stand the idea of people not liking things.
Not to mention that that thread on KiwiFarms is the ONLY thread you've ever posted in, which shows you're pretty much orbiting me 24/7, trying ever so desperately to take me down (and failed, given how I got employed in spite of your dox).
Chances are, if you actually lived a desirable life, then saying that “I missed posts” or whatnot wouldn’t be the most accomplishment that you will ever get in your life.
I advise you to stop posting on this site (if not now, then soon), because this hole is only going to get deeper, and it's not going to take long before I make an infodump to out you as a pedophile on KiwiFarms the same way you tried to out me, JustPassingThrough.

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Nothing has cute stinky feet

Name 1 game that features my fetish lolidom.

based bondage user

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not sure what games feature impregnation

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>He didn't stuff her socks in her mouth before shoving the ball gag in

what are some games that have snake coiling? besides xcom 2, that was a disappointment.

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God i wish that were me


Who? The kidnapper or the kidnapped?

check the thread again :^)


Instant diamonds. Would lobe a bondage/non-con game where you capture sloots.

Go look up Sabudenego's Sex-Arcade bondagefags; it's this, but with actual fucking.

Attached: feen1.jpg (960x540, 51K)

Sock-gagged hifumi you say??

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There are games that feature weight gain, hypnosis, and gender transformation (magical)?

I'm a vanilla bondagefag user, sorry.

>You can see where the fact that they grabbed her sock in the drawing itself
That's always the fucking best in sock gag pics.

Cringe and bluepilled.

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Any good games with a heavy priest aesthetic? Not nuns mind you, but priests.

So close, if only pic related was the other way around

Attached: Gravity_Tickle_2.jpg (3840x2160, 475K)

great taste

>Game features your fetish
No game lets me fatten women up to insane levels thanks to the degeneracy the internet has given me since I discovered /d/.

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Fat Princess.

>not Kat tickling Raven
Life's cruel sometimes.

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>he doesn't know

>tfw non-porn games featuring your fetish almost don't exist, since there's no reason for someone to put it in a game unless they were specifically injecting their fetish into the game

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hell yeah


I mean I guess that fricking everything is someone's fetish, but that's one I've never heard before.Definitely not the weirdest though.

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This pic implies that the faggot pulled up her hair to tie that gag, but that requires two hands to tie a gag so how the fuck did he do it?

cat eat cookie and die

only one game

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what the fuck are you talking about

Just knocked out.

it's not about the invisibility

What just happened?

>Game's primary gameplay loop includes your fetish as a major mechanic
>Game is actually fun, and intuitive despite being a public prototype
>Game is good enough to play without even intending to fap
Eat The Dungeon was such a pleasant surprise. v0.3.0 out this month.
The maximum sizes will go up in the later builds apparently once the guy draws them (even if for my tastes their final sizes are perfect).

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Are these relevant to your interests?

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How did he tie the cloth around her mouth without pulling it across her hair?

Somehow I get the feeling that Kojima was oddly adamant about making her pits hairy, like it was an important thing to do.

>tie it over her hair
>pull hair out from under the gag

Attached: chun_li_did_by_lostonezero_dd76t8v-fullview.jpg (1280x2032, 317K)

Will Kojima do it again?

Attached: Fragile.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

There are literally zero non-porn games that’s feature foot worship

>Game looks like it would do it but it doesn't

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First one plays out more like weird groping. Not tickling. So not really my cup of tea.

Second one's a classic.

Attached: fuuka dance.webm (960x544, 2.56M)

Look again.

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Floating clothes...?

Not even the best version of this pic

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Am I to understand that Dusty ate a cookie and was somehow incapacitated by that? Why the fuck would a cookie do that to a cat? Cats don't even eat cookies.

Ahhh, that makes sense.
Thanks user for showing me a logical conclusion.

She takes the dress off and walks around naked.

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Absolutely BASED, is that from his Patreon?

I'm looking for the one where Juri's tied up with her but he hasn't made it free yet.

What’s he doing? I don’t get it. Is he going to execute her?

Not to defend the logic of an obvious smut pick, but I think it's a reference to the first game where Dusty got ill and temporarily lost his powers because he ate some anti-nevi bait that looked like a cookie.

It's always just done for a gag. Life sucks.

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Ban Evader purposefully mocks Lee, he posted on KiwiFarms in February

Ck2. That shit is a fetish buffet. Raiding shit, taking women and turning them into your personal sperm-bank-concubines. Good shit.

Monster Hunter.

Yeah, the stocking stuffing gag one plus others are locked behind his Patreon for some reason. I forgot where I got it, but if you'd ask in the bondage thread currently up right now on /aco/, maybe you can get that user to post it again.
For now, enjoy another patreon exclusive.

Attached: patreon.jpg (1300x1258, 310K)

Any games with sleep molestation?

Dragon's Crown was good for me.

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Parasite City, if you want to give birth to bugs after being raped by bugs, and get raped by your own baby bug.

Does anyone know any good H-Games with good chart, graph, or mathematics based stuff?