Would I be a bad dad to let my 10 year old son play anime games with lewd undertones?
Would I be a bad dad to let my 10 year old son play anime games with lewd undertones?
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>Would I be a bad dad
Yes, you're on Yea Forums.
It automatically makes you a dangerous sociopath that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near childen, let alone have one.
It's a moot point anyway since you'll never breed.
stop posting on Yea Forums tom
I'm sure your son know how to search hentai site before he learn to use google
>letting him know that there's a better alternative than the disgusting ugly 3dpd vapid whores in real life
Why would this be a bad thing?
If he hasn't undergone any telltale signs of puberty yet. I doubt he'll feel any attraction to them other than "Nice pretty girls"
But if he has, then yeah. You're pretty much giving him an anime waifu.
Please stop posting her and give my dick a break
Oi you got a loicense for that lewd game? Every good parent should police their son's dick oi!
It makes you based
Yes. Even Japan with their more lax stance on sex gives those games the C, and for good reason. It's not good for a kid to be overly exposed to that shit before puberty
Based dad exposing son to pure alchemist girls
>Would I be a bad dad to let my 10 year old son play anime games
Give him tiddy games or give him murder games, but never, ever give a developing child anime games.
No, only adults think about it your kid will not care at all.
And the game might be difficult for him.
I don't know goy is it?
No that makes you based as fuck.
>anime games
It`s a summertime, you incompetent faggot.
Send him to some scout camp.
You shouldn't let him play lewd games period unless you want him to grow up and lust after nuLara Croft or the cyberpunk chick instead of real women like the freaks here
But if he plays anime games, he'll lust after Ryza's thighs and get a 2hu waifu.
How about you realise that video games are poison and take him fishing or camping or something
This is now a Reisalin thread
There are so many things right about this image
Why remove the socks?
Do you want him to browse degenerate real life porn instead?
>Stop making threads about me!
how old is she
Old enough
Not unt she snaps my dick in half with her thighs.
Finally a good fucking thread
Honestly, no. Just explain him certain things about girls and girls in fiction when hits puberty and starts getting boners. If you don't overdo it and give him too much games with some eroticism in them, everything's alright. He might even turn out a regular normie
No, you'd be a based dad. Now post more Ryza.
My baby is 5 and i am really overwhelmed by how much she likes vampire or evil stuff already
>play smash
>play splatoon
>play SF puzzle
>morrigan again
fucking cartoons memeing the vampire meme.
I see 10-year olds dressing more "lewd" than that outside.
How did they get away with this?
i need to see her in spats
Looks like some girls having fun, what's wrong with it?
If you're ok with your son being an incel.
>it's another tsundere who loves the MC
It's normal
is ryza on track to becoming the atelier with the most fanart?
Gamedevs and journos live in California so they only see obese creaturas outside, beautiful girls are unrealistic to them.
>10 years old
yes because you'll make another discord tranny
Look at her fucking thighs
Good god
Are you suggesting you're know for certain what your kid gets up to without your approval? How did you spend your childhood?
Did they reveal the MC yet?
Do girls with thick thighs like this and a lack of obesity exist in real life
Nude edit when?
>beautiful girls
>in real life
>not unrealistic
I don’t think this applies to only California user
I am very sexually frustrated. Vidya for this feel?
Go outside you murrifat loser
Your kid is already beating his meat, what bad could it do to him?
Why would I want to puke at all the disgustingly ugly facial aesthetics user? I prefer my 2d anime girls.
children these days are decades ahead of us
we grew with the tech
they woke up to its final weaponized form
I think it's better to have a kid be exposed to minor lewd stuff than actively restricted from it. Builds tastes and maturity, much like how we played old GTA titles when we were younger. Also in the real world girls at the elementary level already begin experimenting with 'cute' clothing that I personally think is too much.
Just to be clear I don't mean giving your son an onahole for Christmas.
How important is this for you?
only if they're gay undertones
nothing wrong with big tiddies and females(female) wearing pantsus
normal people see that character without any desire to fuck it
They simply see nice legs and care about gameplay
Why do you obsess so much with thinking about anime legs and stuff?
I assume picture unrelated considering what girls these days wear outside?
You would be a bad dad to let your children touch any animeshit ever. You must let him discover it for himself with you actively trying to stop it in anyway possible. But you can't be too controlling and must let him have some time to do the things he want. Still you must constantly look at his internet history.
If your son isn't exposed to healthy things amidst their sexual awakening they risk stumbling across weird furry shit and ending up as a deviant.
it's cold where I live yet girls dress like pic at night
Whore behavior do more damage to a kid than japanese games
That’s disgusting user spoiler that shit
Boob squish is the best thing
Are you a woman or a huge faggot by any chance?
>Your 10 year old daughter has a massive electra complex and folders with LITERAL gigs of daddy porn
>Favorite hentai i oni-chichi
wat do?
The dick wants what the dick wants.
if I'm truly desperate for sex I hire a whore for 120 bucks. Why would anyone care for anime legs in a game?
Imagine being those low IQ chads that spend 3 hours talking about Stacey
I didn't play those kinds of games when I was 10 and now I'm posting in a Ryza thread on Yea Forums
My dad bought me Bloodrayne 1 when I was 8. Thanks dad
Go play with a whore then.
do japanese people spend all day talking about shit like anime legs and deviantart fan art?
I mean I think western people obsess over sex much more than japanese
Videos related
You explain to her why she musn't do any of that daddy shit with any stranger but never explicitly say that she shouldn't do it with you. Then you become more open with her, with changing your clothes infront of her. That's how you manipulate people without you yourself being in explicitly in the wrong.
What was life like before seeing Ryza?
I honestly don't remember
Not that guy but i post here and i've raised 3 children to adulthood and they all turned out alright. Sometimes you can inspire your children to greatness by being such an autist that they don't want to grow up to be like you.
Get away with what? Really the artwork is indicative of the differences in aproach to storytelling of east and west. Western stories tend to portray their characters only at emotional high and plot critical points in their particular tales as that's what western audiences want and enjoy. Eastern audiences enjoy seeing what their fictional characters do in their downtime/in between plot critical moments in their stories hence the larger focus on slice of life type stories/interludes. Hence artwork like you see here with characters waking up, relaxing, hanging out washing etc. It's a fundamentally different approach to storytelling and consumption of fiction that should be praised as a cultural difference rather than villified for being different to western storytelling. bitch.
Why would you ever expose your children to nerd culture? Slap a football in his hand, feed him meat and let him be Chad, dunce.
What is this? Where can I get one? Can I fuck it?
Fuck someone start a /c/ thread for her.
Is it possible to get infected if I wipe my dick with the same tissue after jizzing
You're a bad father, just let kids enjoy whatever the fuck they want.
why are anime girls so sexy but western art girls so ugly?
I feel like people are trying to hard to make this gain traction when the design is to normal overall, the thighs are subtley nice but that's about it, I want to retroactivley try to revive the Star Ocean girls design, that wasn't a thing for long enough
Imagine finally sealing the deal and actually expecting a child only for it to turn out a son instead of a cute daughter you can dote. Oh nononono!
As long as the game isnt flat out porn, its Good! He might find the lewd humor pretty funny.
By the time i was 10 years old. i had watched every episode of south park and family guy. Those shows had sex scenes and lots of lewd humor. And i turned out straight and not scarred of sex. Hell, i was watching a lot of M rated Newground videos, and i just found all the stuff that was intended to be fap material, as funny.
Also, im not sure if anyone noticed, but a lot of pokemon girls wore rather lewd clothing in the anime, and i never noticed as a kid.
If theres one thing i wish happened to me by the time i was 10, was getting into anime. I wish i was exposed to Clannad, higurashi, code geass, elfen lied, etc at a young age, but, i didnt start watching anime till i was 14
So, by you not letting your son play this anime game, he could be missing out on having a high power level, and have a huge backlog to go through when hes older.
prevent your son from being an incel:
1st, a lot of it has to do with looks. And looks are from development. Make sure your feeding your son those multi vitamin kid tablets everyday. DRINK MILK.. Make sure your son is sleeping 8 hours every night, no matter what. this is one of the most important things you can do. Milk and multivitamins are like, really fucking important to have young.
2nd, make sure your son goes out on dates young and ask out girls who are interested in him. When i was young, i had multiple girls interested in me, and i never pursued them because my standards were too high. I wish i had just experienced love young.
3rd, make sure hes friends with the jocks and cool kids honestly. If he doesnt have a friend group, you need to scold him. Make sure hes going out with friends often.
4th. Make him get good grades in highschool so he gets into a good college. Sit down with him after work everyday in highschool for 2 hours, and make him do homework and study with him. Your son wont be an incel if he goes to harvard.
Follow your heart and your cock.
Because the west tries to make girls look as “realistic” as possible
>even the tawawa creator drew her
Solana and other pokegirls really did it for me
This is too much, I feel my mind breaking
Teach your sons /ss/ and daughters /u/
>Now this beauty
Im so happy Atelier moved a way a bit from the boring stic s devoid of any personality. Luckily you don't need a personality with the tits and thighs like Ryza has
This. Don't let your daughters get dicked.
I want to kiss her forehead
>tfw no Ryza to cuddle with
Mother of God, we aren't deserving of this.
That's great and all, but is interest in the character by a bunch of artists going to lead to higher sales numbers?
yes, this is the first time where i'm unironically buying a game due to cute girls
god i wanna fuck her bellybutton
Possibly. If there's a lot of buzz surrounding the character, and there seems to be some real sway with artists for now, then it basically amounts to free marketing.
look at how well xenoblade 2 sold in japan, fap material draws dimes
This girl has a lewd face
2B alone was probably responsible for most of Automata sales.
Having a demo absolutely didn't hurt it either.
t. bought the game because he liked the demo
This will be my first and probably only Atelier game I'll pick up.
I hope Ryza doesn't have a time limit, I don't wanna not have enough time to fap at her thighs
Your five year old plays Mahvel? That’s one cool toddler.
Of course not. It would be better however if you let your 10 year old son read /ss/ manga and porn.
Yeah I know, shame most of the game nowadays don't have a demo.
>game not even release yet
>tons of fanarts already
wew lad sex sells
certainly no worse than a dad who tells their 10 year old son its perfectly normal to have sexual reassignment
Do it.
The whole game takes place over the course of a single summer
>Hosoi is next asked about the designs of the characters, and he says that Ryza’s gave them a lot of trouble. They needed a “normal” girl, but everyone had different ideas of what this meant. She is the daughter of a farmer, but giving her farmer-like attributes felt wrong, and they spent a lot of time discussing what “normal” meant. They actually once decided on a design which had a miniskirt, but designer Toridamono said it felt wrong and wanted to make changes, and came back with an entirely new design. Hosoi says that ultimately he feels that the final design with shorts was the right choice.
I wish these thighs were fucking normal
I haven't played any ecchi game in a while...
This will be the only atelier game I have been interested in and the only one I am going to get, and it is all literally because of Ryza.
Very. Make him watch game of thrones and let him play Grand Theft Auto. Now that's a normal game.
If its atelier, yeah.
Where are my pantyhose chads at?
This Well I did play Atelier and Ar Tonelico games on the PS2, but I don't view that as the same thing
>Its another "they're lesbos but not really" game
Surely Gust can do better than that at this point.
No as long as you tell them that they're mostly bad games with no redeeming qualities other than fanservice when they're having fun anyway
Can we just stop with this now. The constant shilling of this game saying it is going to save the franchise and that it is lewd and going to be some adult Atelier game.
It;s not going to be. It's going to be yet another generic Atelier game using the same copy and paste formula and sold to us for more than any other good AAA game and all the lewd and adult fan art being used to shill it will have been bait.
It's always bait, every goddamn time an Atelier game is announced the same couple people constantly make threads using fan art to bait people into buying it. There has not been a single Atelier game where this has not happened
So can we just stop. If you want to shill Atelier by doing nothing but posting fan art instead of actual information which might make the game appeal to literally anyone then fuck off to /vg/ and make a General for it
Japanese sale figures do not reflect Western sale figures and never have and since Sophie no Atelier game has sold above Steams 0 - 20K range which means any single Atelier game after Sophie could have only sold 1000 copies for all we know
But my thighs
No one gives a fuck about western sales anyway.
Based and true
Good thing that weebs dont breed
retard amerifat
>The constant shilling of this game saying it is going to save the franchise and that it is lewd and going to be some adult Atelier game
But the only thing people said was it was lewd, no one said anything about it saving the franchise or being adult. That's your imagination at work.
>It's going to be yet another generic Atelier game using the same copy and paste formula
Doubtful considering they've literally said they changed the approach this time and the openness of the areas is clearly showing more focus on exploring and adventure
>sold to us for more than any other good AAA game
Except it isn't and even then the AAA game has what 30 hours of content vs a 60-80 hour JRPG how is that not more value for your money. Even more so when AAA is full of rehash shit that literally follows a formula even for different IPs by entirely different devs at times.
>So can we just stop
You can but why should anyone listen to your faggot ass?
>Make a General
Why should we when you can fuck off to your general that already exists?
fuck you gust
i have no motivation left to play lulua now after seeing this miss thiccccc
Just stop with the shilling. I have honestly never seen an Atelier game being shilled this much.
I'm starting to believe that theory now that the OP's of these threads are Koei Tecmo employees
have sex
your 10 year old? yeah you would but a 14 year old curious about himself who you just had that talk with? i think it would be fine to let him do whatever the fuck he wants
except be gay, thats a no
I have destroyed my dick 6 times with this thread today, thank you to all the anons who posted
how do you even fap with sfw pics
>Doesn't fap to sfw pics
Yeah. Trying going outside your basement? Attend some college or university and you'll see GirlDoPorn tier girls everywhere.
Living the dream.
As long as the game has no yurishit to fill his brain with estrogen, it's all right.
>tfw Monika became irrelevant
Bring her back Gust!
Femanon here, I plan to let my 14 year old daughter watch, read and enjoy yaoi like I myself did at that age.
If your son goes to a public school you could possibly make him a weirdo in the eyes of others. Young kids are socially just a part of the horde and trends
>14 year old
>Yea Forums
>past tense
This, jap escapism will absolutely fuck a preteen up
I think the only thing that could really fuck a kid up is letting them watch isekai.
Jesus christ I LITERALLY cannot come to this board and not get an urge to masturbate furiously within a minute of browsing. Fuck you Yea Forums!!!!!!!!
>control him but also don't but also do
what the fuck are you even trying to say
Normies love anime and weebshit. Its only the spergs who try and speak japanese are the ones that get beat up
Needs more sumata
Thigh rash
Next update when? I want to see gameplay.
She's by far the most popular Atelier character ever and her game isn't even out yet. How did she do it?
Not going to happen. Rarely do these shill threads actually be informative and instead are just the same fan art being posted again and again with the OP posting art to bump them if they are about to be archived
Sex appeal
Last update was yesterday
I'm sad my daughter Lulua got overshadowed, she's a good girl.
>tfw you'll never have Lulua on your card
It's a toss-up. He may become based/redpilled, but there's also a risk of him becoming a tranny.
Best of luck to you.
>actual dogshit games like atelier and pokemon get amazing porn
>anything even remotely playable has no good porn whatsoever
What games are even remotely playable
*hits pipe*
May I hijack?
Daughter is two weeks old. Need to turn her into cute vidya NEET ASAP. Tips? She is ハーフbtw.
kirby air ride
risk of rain 2
the first 4 ratchet and clank games
>I want to see gameplay.
Why? The Atelier games have been pretty much the same since Arland. All thats changed is the graphics.
Every game still feels slightly different that it becomes its own title. That’s what I want to see from Ryza.
These are 10 years old though, junior high and high school are where weebs start, elementary kids like whatever is trendy or is on saturday morning TV
Anime is fine, just don't give him weebshit.
This will prevent your son from being gay, but it will also spoil him on glorious 2D so he will never date. Seeing the current state of 3DPD this is actually a bonus.
Move over Hinako, Ryza took away from you the title of sexiest GUST girl.
Even in college non-obese girls are increasingly rare, and even worse most of those girls are skinny from eating disorders so they're scrawny and kinda gross anyway.
No, but you'd be a bad dad to let your son play Gust garbage
They do it on purpose I do it too The more the merrier!
Is this the most fertile Atelier girl?
Let me guess, your favorite games of all time.
She will grow up to be a goff.
Nah Just don't be surprised when your son turns into your daughter
What will the PS4 version censor?
>sexy 2d girls turn your son gay
tranny manhands typed this
>needing to shill when you can just pander to the horny fuckers online and they'll do it for free
But it's okay when Nintendo does it.
>Satou Kuuki and Asanagi are tweeting about Ryza
Comiket's looking good boys.
yeah user its jap shills
no way anons would be this horny
>10 year old
who the fuck do you think anime games are made for?
Blizzard and Google marketing are here daily making free advertising posts.
i was bothered by the thigh gap being flesh colored so i changed it, even if its supposed to be her coat or whatever
sasuga newnigger
you are a bad father if you let your son watch anime or play anime games, lewd or not
that is trash
Going to need source for this one
yes he will grow up a tranny
Its not fair. 2D is just too hot.
You should blame your shitty genes if that happens
imagine the smell
theres nothing genetic about being a tranny, it's usually bipolar/abusive parents, lack of strong father figure when growing up, being diddled as a kid, as well as being neurotic, wanting affirmation, and paraphilia/porn addiction
God I wish that were me
i started jacking off when i was 7 while playing kingdom hearts
it was yuffie
>Would I be a bad dad to let my 10 year old son play anime games with lewd undertones?
Do you want your son to fuck your wife? That seems to be a regular outcome in most asian cultures
Genetics can actually play a part in being a tranny
I played neptunia with my 10yo sister and had a blast every time
Why is she so perfect lads?
>those vampire fangs
wtf why
So she can suck you
She has little fangs in official artwork.
no she doesn't
because barefoot anime girls are the best ;)
what the fuck
when did they do this
why did they do this
is she supposed to be a 1000 years old vampire or something
Because it looks nice
people have fangs irl user
It's a design element that is often found on valley girl-type characters, to simulate imperfect teeth with it still looking cute. They said Ryza is a farmer's daughter.
Based hews
go all the way or go home
>farmer's daughter.
now it all makes sense
I want to own a farm with Ryza!
Who the fuck is a moot?
Have them play a real game.
if you want your son to turn into a chad you should keep him away from anime and videogames that aren't fotm/dudebro until he loses his virginity
and funny
Would Ryza be a good mother?
I took the weeb pill at around age 14 and it took me 5 years to escape it. In that time my phsyical and mental health sharply declined, and I left school without any career ambitions or knowledge of the dynamics of human relationships. You have been warned.
>h*ws trash
I took it around 12 or so with the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl manga. I distinctly recall Mutsumi making my pp feel funny, and it only got worse from there with stuff like Tsubasa from CLAMP. Nowadays I spend my time on this shithole of a board. I've become the very thing I hated. At least memes can be funny once in a blue moon.
You'd be a bad dad not to let him play and learn to love cute girls. You don't want him to grow up to be some sort of homo, do you?
It's just a woman's body, and it's fucking clothed.
I bet you let your kid play games where he shoots people in the head and no one questions that.
Shit absolutely rots your brain. I haven't played a weeb game in ages and was thinking of getting Persona 5R but then I remember how it just poisons your mind and makes you act like a spastic in the real world.
Yes, oversexualized fanservice smut is at an all time high and it baits incels to buy really subpar games, most of these games are also full of loli shit. Keep him away.
Man, I really love cute bras.
Introducing underdeveloped minds to the idea that casually whoring yourself out is fine, is an extremely bad idea. Just look at the people on this website. Nobody wants a child/friend like that.
I highly doubt that the average Yea Forums user's social problem is due to them whoring themselves out too much, if anything it's the opposite
>tfw when i was 12 i read bondage fairies on the web
>bdsm fairies having sex with critters and insects
Based and insectpilled
There are two options.
Option A: Your kid has no unsupervised Internet access at all, and no friends whatsoever.
Option B: Your kid has seen hardcore pornography.
You would be a good friend, not necessarily a good dad. Being a dad is about teaching your children how to be a decent person.
It's more a mistake in my wording. The idea that anyone whoring themselves out is acceptable, is what's wrong. It's the very concept, not just the execution, that's wrong.
Well the OP story is not real of course but I got "pantyhose" fetish because of this. When I was very young I watched some film on VHS with hot girls in pantyhose . Can't remember title. Not for "family" for sure. I rewatched scenes several times. I had Disney and Barbie color books where I start "drawing" pantyhose on girls.
>print picture
>cut out thigh section
>put it on your own thighs
>realize yours are fat and hairy
>hang yourself
Ryza has mindbroken me. I can't fap to any other girl anymore.
says who, whores are popular and live a fun life, being a shut in depressed virgin is much worse
This but unironically
Bless Mushi
> DLC which costs equal to or more than the base game
> Existing characters being added into the game through expensive DLC when the characters themselves are proof the game was designed around them being there to begin with
> Examining data files finding that the DLC they sell was in the game to begin with but was removed to make more money
> Releasing low quality ports of console games for full price
> Not even bothering to make the English store pages in full English making it clear the Japanese branch are controlling everything
> A marketing campaign which relies on having their obnoxious fans spam as many social media platforms and forums as they can until a mod steps in to stop them
> Giving free copies of games to people then telling them to shill their games as hard as they can
> Making new games which are virtually just expansion packs so they can then release more DLC which only works with that game
> Releasing a Dynasty Warriors game then slapping an "open world" label on it to try and hide the lack of content in it
> Refusing to add more content to the game via patches and instead releasing paid DLC's to do it instead
Why is Koei Tecmo allowed to get away with this?
I wish Ryza would crush my wood
Only if you periodically walk in at the most awkward scenes and ask if he's winnin'.
>with my 10yo sister and had a blast
is that what kids call it nowadays?
>moot point
uuuuugh I want to squeeze her thighs so bad
i dont even know what game this is but im gonna fap too many times to her
>Having a daughter
*hits pipe*
>having a pipe
*hits daughter
I want a daughter from Ryza
How did they announce a day one PC version of Ryza? Is PC gaming growing in Japan?
All the sumata porn is going to be great
>I am underaged
I fucking hate 4channel
The PC version is not coming out day one. They said it's coming at a later date, ie: when the localization is done in a couple months.
Ryza really is gonna be best protag, isn't she?
Ryza's design is already quite lewd so the best you'll get is a few porn pics. Don't even dream of full h-doujins
What's her personality?
Imagine a married life with Ryza
a Hiro point*
>ywn stick your face in there
why even live
cute and funny
>Would I be a bad dad to let my 10 year old son play anime games with lewd undertones?
Yes. The lewd should be overt. Something really abusive and misogynistic.
>tfw shit at art so can't draw ryza
better a weeb than an homo.
let him but supervise him.